Re: Sending a different protocol header

2003-09-09 Thread hans
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 08:51:13AM -0400, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> try setting $r->assbackwards(1) before returning your response.  this 
> should supress the apache headers and allow only your own to get through, 
> provided you print them instead of putting them in the headers_out table.
> btw, can you please explain what ICY is for me?  the $r->assbackwards(1) 
> thing was specifically implemented in mod_perl 1.0 to support ICY, and I 
> used it in examples I give of this, but I always have to say that I have no 
> idea what ICY is.
> thanks
> --Geoff

"assbackwards" works. Thanks!

When I first read your response about a method called "assbackwards" I thought it was 
sarcasm :)

ICY is for IceCast, a protocol for sending meta information about music streams.

Thanks again.


Sending a different protocol header

2003-09-07 Thread Hans
I've done a fair amount of searching and still can not find an answer to

I'm writing a mod_perl2 handler and would like to output my own headers. 
Specifically I'd like to output headers like this:
ICY 200 OK

When trying to output these headers it doesn't work and just becomes part
of the content.  If I remove the "ICY 200 OK" line, the rest of the
headers work just fine.  I'd like to override the "HTTP/1.1" headers.  How
can this be done?

I also tried changing the ICY line above to "Status: ICY 200 OK", and the
server ended up outputing, "HTTP/1.1 ICY 200 OK"

I've read the documentation and posts about PerlOptions +ParsedHeaders,
etc.  but nothing has pointed me to a way to completely control the
headers that are being sent out.

Please help!


Re: Be carefull with apache 1.3.24

2002-03-25 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

John Siracusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mar 25, 2002:

> Does anyone know how I can put my ProxyIOBufferSize config line in a
> conditional that'll keep it from blowing up if I'm using a version
> of apache earlier than 1.3.24?

You could use  but that would mean that the command that
starts apache needs to be aware of which version you are using and
modifying startup params accordingly.


[OT] Replacing reverse squid with mod_proxy

2002-03-25 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

We are currently using squid set up as a reverse proxy to accelerate
several heavy backends (mod_perl, etc) and to protect them from slow
client connections.

I am looking into replacing the squid with apache+mod_proxy. Why?
Because ultimately I'd like to be able to cluster the frontend using
mod_backhand + wackamole. The primary reason for clustering isn't for
load-balancing (yet) but for failover handling. So, ideally, one machine
should be enough to serve the whole server load.

Speaking of load, the squid (2.3.STABLE1) is currently doing up to 80
requests per second at a cache hit ratio of around 72%. This is on one
box, a Dual 500MHz Pentium III with 1GB RAM. Average object size is 6KB.
200/304 ratio is around 5/3.

Now, I've tried to replace the squid with apache+mod_proxy (1.3.11) and
the frontend very quickly came to a standstill. I set MaxClients to 256
but all slots filled up fast. I upped MaxClients to 512 (recompiled with
patched httpd.h) but the result was the same. All slots were occupied in
no time and the server ground to a halt.

Now I'm left with two choices: give up or try harder :-)

Before I decide for one of them I thought I'd ask on the lists (sorry
for the x-post) to see if the above numbers (80 Hits/Second) are in fact
feasible with apache/mod_proxy on one box. Are there any benchmarks
around? Does someone have a similar setup and how many requests can they
serve?  Should I up MaxClients any further? Will I get better results
using a newer version of apache? Or should I give up and stick with

TIA for your input.

Problem Removing Handlers

2002-03-14 Thread Hans Poo

Please Help

One of my handlers do an:

$r->set_handlers( PerlInitHandler => undef);

Later in the same virtual host configuration there is another Directory 
covering the URL / with this handler. 

PerlInitHandler "sub { my $r = shift; warn 'callback', $r->current_callback; 
warn 'this should not be called'; } "

It happens that the callback printed in the above warn is: PerlInitHandler
Exacty what i though was removed with: $r->set_handlers( PerlInitHandler => 


Re: POST and multipart/data-form question

2002-03-14 Thread Hans Poo

El Jue 14 Mar 2002 12:12, Vuillemot, Ward W escribió:
> I have searched off and on for the past 3 weeks for a solution to my
> problem.  I am at wits end. . .and thought I would finally ask the
> mailinglist.
> I had a set of CGI scripts that worked without problem.  I began the
> process about 4 weeks ago of moving them to mod_perl.  The suite of scripts
> are handled as their own perlHandler collection.  One of the scripts has a
> form where a user can either enter data directly, or indicate a file of
> equivalent data.
> When I use the form to POST without any enctype and if you enter directly
> into the form things work correctly.  That is, the data is "massaged" and
> sent back to you as downloadable file.  Of course, this form does not
> handle file uploads.
> Now, I change nothing more than the form enctype to "multipart/data-form".
> Now, regardless of how the data is presented in the form (e.g. directly or
> via file upload) the browser tries to refresh the screen with the web-page
> (which it should not since its only response is to send to the client a
> file to download).  However, the web page does not get completely sent, and
> consistently stops in the middle of the send.
> I have been using the POST2GET snippet to help make the post more
> persistent.  In short, my httpd.conf file looks like:
> #
> # **
> # **
> # limit POSTS so that they get processed properly
>   PerlInitHandler POST2GET
> # force reloading of modules on restart
> PerlFreshRestart on
> # Perl module primitive mother load on start/restart
> #PerlRequire lib/perl/
> # FLOE application (mod_perl)
> PerlModule Apache::DBI
> PerlModule floeApp
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler floeApp
>   PerlSendHeader On
> And the relevant two snippets of code from the script are:
>   ## process incoming
>   # if submitted
>   my %hash = undef;
>   my $initialList = $q->param('initialList') || '';
>   my $upload = $q->upload || undef;
>   my $fh = $upload->fh if defined($upload);
>   if (defined($upload) && $upload) {
>   $initialList = '';
>   while (<$fh>) {
>   $initialList .= $_;
>   }
>   }
>   ## some processing is done to the POST'ed data
>   ## and eventually. . .
>   ## send file to client
>   print   "Content-type: text/plain\n";
>   print   "Content-Disposition: attachment;
> filename=list.txt\n\n";
>   foreach my $value (sort keys %$hash) {
>   chomp($value);
>   next unless ($value);
>   print "$hash->{$value}$CRLF$value$CRLF";
>   }
>   exit;
> Any ideas?  I would love to get this solved so I can get back to developing
> useful scripts.  :)
> Thanks!
> Ward
> Ward W. Vuillemot
> Boeing Flight Operations Engineering
> Performance Software
> tel +01 206-662-8667 * fax +01 206-662-7612

just to test, if you trie:

perl -MCGI -e 'print CGI::start_multipart_form()'

you get

and not:


as you write

May be you spelled it wrong on he message, but this may be your problem.


Re: Cookies and redirects

2002-03-12 Thread Hans Poo

El Mar 12 Mar 2002 11:23, Axel Andersson escribió:
> Hello,
> I'm having trouble with both setting a cookie and redirecting the user to
> another page at the same time. It would appear the cookie is only sent
> when a normal header is sent by server.
> If I do the following (having baked the cookie first), where $r is the
> Apache->request() object:
>   $r->content_type("text/html; charset=iso-8859-1");
>   $r->send_http_header();
> I get this header:
>   Connection: close
>   Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 10:39:05 GMT
>   Server: Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26
>   Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
>   Client-Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 10:39:05 GMT
>   Client-Response-Num: 1
>   Client-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>   Set-Cookie: user=12::7c786c222596437b;; path=/;
> expires=Wed,
>   12-Mar-2003 10:39:05 GMT
> Very nice and all, with cookie set. However, doing:
>   $r->method_number(M_GET);
>   $r->method("GET");
>   $r->headers_in->unset("Content-length");
>   $r->headers_out->add("Location" => "/");
>   $r->status(REDIRECT);
>   $r->send_http_header();
> Which I gather is the normal way to redirect a user, I get this header:
>   Connection: close
>   Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 10:38:36 GMT
>   Server: Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26
>   Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
>   Client-Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 10:38:36 GMT
>   Client-Response-Num: 1
>   Client-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> Right, no Set-cookie there. So what's up? How do I redirect a browser,
> and set a cookie at the same time?
> Thanks in advance,
> Axel Andersson

Have you tried printing the headers_out hashref after sending the http header 
to see if the cookie is there ?.

my $headers_out = $r->headers_out;
foreach (keys %$headers_out) {
warn "$_=$headers_out->{$_}";


Deleting a cookie manually

2002-03-09 Thread Hans Poo


I need to delete directly a session cookie before begining some processing.

I need to clean directly the cookie from the cookie table for after 


Re: problems with $r->status('OK')

2002-03-04 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

clayton cottingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mar 4, 2002:

> every time i use
> the $r->status('OK');

"OK" in this context is not a string, but a constant that is defined in
Apache::Constants. Modify your code like this:

  use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
  $r->status(OK);   # No quotes, it's a constant

HTH, Hans

Re: [OT] Perl compillation

2002-02-22 Thread Hans Poo

El Vie 22 Feb 2002 13:47, Mithun Bhattacharya escribió:
> Could someone tell me the right place to ask questions regarding
> problems faced during compillation of perl 5.6.1 on i686 using gcc 3.0
> on a RedHat 7.2 installation.
> For the curious folks these are the steps I followed
> --
> tar xzf stable.tar.gz
> cd perl-5.6.1/
> rm -f
> sh Configure -de
> make
> --
> everything works fine till now - it even says go ahead and run make
> test. but thats where the fun stuff happens. Make test fails 52 of the
> 205 tests and a sample of the error message is as follows.
> --
> lib/syslfs...Can't load '../lib/auto/Fcntl/Fcntl.o' for module
> Fcntl: ../lib/auto/Fcntl/Fcntl.o: ELF file's phentsize not the expected
> size at ../lib/ line 75.
>   at ../lib/ line 220
> Compilation failed in require at lib/syslfs.t line 14.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/syslfs.t line 15.
> FAILED at test 0
> lib/syslog...Can't load '../lib/auto/Socket/Socket.o' for module
> Socket: ../lib/auto/Socket/Socket.o: ELF file's phentsize not the
> expected size at ../lib/ line 75.
> --
> A google search tells me something very fundamental has gone wrong in
> the installation as in the system is trying to load a file as a shared
> library when it isnt - although that doesnt really help me isolate or
> debug the problem.
> Ofcourse a search of the perl-beginner list archive didnt help.
> Regards
> Mithun

I am running RedHat 7.2 and i'am without problems installing perl 5.6.1. 

I checked ther version and is 2.96. 

[root@hans images]# gcc --version
[root@hans images]#

¿Du you upgrade manually gcc ?

May be can downgrade to 2.96 to test.

Hans Poo

Apologyze, Please delete my last message

2002-02-21 Thread Hans Poo

Please delete my last message

I apologyze because i make a mistake in my last message. I was sending an 
internal mail and the "To" field was with mod_perl and i put the real 
destinations in the CC section.

Sorry Again.

Hans Poo

Como estamos trabajando

2002-02-21 Thread Hans Poo

Estimados colegas

El equipo de computines ha tenido varias conversaciones, con respecto a la 
forma en que estamos produciendo las páginas con contenido dinàmico. Les 
resumo dos ideas.

Se produjo una sobrecarga excesiva en el area de diseño, html y los costos de 
coordinaciòn para mantener el esquema de trabajo se hicieron muy altos.

Nos dimos cuenta que era necesario instalar dreamweaver en los computadores 
con Linux. Como resultado se ha agilizado el proceso de desarrollo.

Esperamos los comentarios y aportes de todos en este proyecto conjunto.


Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

David Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Feb 19, 2002:

> The encoded information is [...] split into reasonable length hidden
> fields.

Why not put everything in one field? Are there restrictions? Does it
make a difference when using POST?


Re: PerlPassEnv and Proxies

2002-02-18 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

Andrew Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Feb 18, 2002:

> As part of this, I'm trying to allow a prefix to the URL path to set an
> environment variable I can then use in my mod_perl programs to determine
> databases, templates etc.
> The vanilla httpd.conf features a line thus:
>RewriteRule ^/(test|access|ewok)/(.*)$
>$2 [P,E=A7_FRAMEWORK:$1,L]
> (ignoring the wrapping).  I also set PerlPassEnv A7_FRAMEWORK in my
> mod_perl httpd.conf -- but that environment variable always remains
> undef. The order of the P,E,L flags doesn't seem to make a difference.

As others pointed out, you cannot set envivonment variables in the
vanilla and expect them to appear out of nothing in the mod_perl server.

I have had a similar Problem and got by it like this. You can have two
RewriteRules, one in the vanilla and a corresponding in the mod_perl:

   RewriteRule ^/(test|access|ewok)/(.*)$$1/page/$2

or, if you don't need A7_FRAMEWORK in the vanilla you can omit it here:
   RewriteRule ^/(test|access|ewok)/(.*)$$1/page/$2

   RewriteRule ^/ENV_([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.*)$ $3 [E=$1:$2,PT,L]

I agree, its a big hack, but it works :-)

HTH, Hans

Re: mod_perl compile problem

2002-02-14 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

OCNS Consulting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Feb 14, 2002:

> [mod_perl-1.26]# perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=/dist/apache_1.3.23/src
Make that USE_APACI=1

Now, I may be missing something and somebody already asked you earlier
about this: You are using ActiveState Perl on Linux? I always thought
ActiveState Perl is for Windows boxen. No?


Re: Configuration loading twice - how to cope?

2002-01-10 Thread Hans Poo

El Mié 09 Ene 2002 18:16, William R Ward escribió:
> The Apache server processes its config file twice when starting up,
> and our code doesn't react well to that.  On the first pass,
> everything initializes hunky-dorily (if that's a word), but on the
> second pass lots of stuff that is assumed to be loaded in memory
> doesn't work.
> This has been working just fine under our old setup, using Apache
> httpd version 1.3.14, mod_perl 1.24_01, and Perl 5.00503.  But we're
> trying to upgrade to 1.3.22, 1.26, and 5.6.2 respectively, and now
> we have lots of problems.
> What I think I need to do is add some logic to test which pass we are
> currently running, and act according to that.  Or are there any known
> bugs in Apache, mod_perl, or Perl that might be causing the trouble?
> --Bill.

I am not sure if i saw it in the eagle book, but as i remember apache make a 
"fake checking start" first after the real start of the server. This may be 
what you are seeing.

Hans Poo

Re: Apache and Perl togheter

2002-01-10 Thread Hans Poo

El Mié 09 Ene 2002 10:00, Alan Civita escribió:
> Hello can some help me pelase?
> i've recently installed Apace 1.3.22...i've configured the
> CGI directive to work as well
> but when i try to execute a CGI script written in perl
> that message appears:
> Internal Server Error
> The server encountered an internal error or
> misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
> Please contact the server administrator,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and inform them of the time the error
> occurred, and anything you might have done that may have
> caused the error.
> More information about this error may be available in the
> server error log
> The CGI script is a stupid test " hello world" CGI script
> ...
> Script written in sh script work.
> Can someone solve my problem please...
> Thx to all
> Alan

As i understand  what you are doing is nothing perl related, what you are 
using is apache module mod_cgi compiled in by default in apache. 

You must check if your script compiles and run from the shell:

#cd youtscritpsdir
#perl -wc
#chmod 755
#./myscript .pl

If all this works you defionitely must check your error_log

Hans Poo

Re: Apache and Perl togheter

2002-01-09 Thread Hans Poo

El Mié 09 Ene 2002 10:00, Alan Civita escribió:
> Hello can some help me pelase?
> i've recently installed Apace 1.3.22...i've configured the
> CGI directive to work as well
> but when i try to execute a CGI script written in perl
> that message appears:
> Internal Server Error
> The server encountered an internal error or
> misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
> Please contact the server administrator,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and inform them of the time the error
> occurred, and anything you might have done that may have
> caused the error.
> More information about this error may be available in the
> server error log
> The CGI script is a stupid test " hello world" CGI script
> ...
> Script written in sh script work.
> Can someone solve my problem please...
> Thx to all
> Alan


As i understand  what you are doing is nothing perl related, what you are 
using is apache module mod_cgi compiled in by default in apache. 

You must check if your script compiles and run from the shell:

#cd youtscritpsdir
#perl -wc
#chmod 755
#./myscript .pl

If all this works you defionitely must check your error_log

Hans Poo

Lost form values with direct calls to param in

2002-01-04 Thread Hans Poo

I'am migrating some scripts to run under Apache::Registry. The scripts are 
programmed with the typical: use CGI qw/:standard/ ... and then recover the 
parameter values wityh direct call to the function param("somefield"). 

This is happening with the last versions: apache:1.3.22 and mod_perl 1.26


if i do:
use CGI qw/:standard/;

and call the form values with: 

print param("somefield");

The form fields don't appear to exist. 

Instead if i use the object oriented syntax:

my $q = new CGI;

and then

print $q->param("somefield");

everything works fine...

I have been the whole day chasing this ...

The same thing happen with Apache::PerlRun

To finish, the httpd.conf file is:

DocumentRoot /home/www/html
Alias /cgi-bin /home/www/cgi-bin

PerlModule Apache::Registry

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI

Note: I've just changing my email, may be this email is going to be 
duplicated. Sorry if this happen.

Hans Poo

Re: Feeling stupid

2002-01-04 Thread Hans Poo

El Vie 04 Ene 2002 18:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> Hello!
> I'm trying to set up (again; I've done it a couple of times) mod_perl'ed
> Apache.
> With THAT simple addition to base config
> SetHandler PerlScript
> PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
> Options +ExecCGI
> I'm getting script source instead of result.
> I've even attepmted to add
> SetHandler PerlScript
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> Options ExecCgi
> below the , but result is the same.
> That script worked and works under non-modperl'ed Apache.
> I've read all documentation as carefully as possible, and I'm feeling
> immesurably stupid :-(((
> Mod_perl IS active, at least, other virtual site with HTML::Mason runs
> neatly!
> What could I do wrong?
> Alex.

the line must be:

SetHandler perl-script 

with a dash between perl an script.

Hans Poo

Lost form values with direct calls to param in

2002-01-04 Thread Hans Poo

I'am migrating some scripts to run under Apache::Registry. The scripts are 
programmed with the typical: use CGI qw/:standard/ ... and then recover the 
parameter values wityh direct call to the function param("somefield"). 

This is happening with the last versions: apache:1.3.22 and mod_perl 1.26


if i do:
use CGI qw/:standard/;

and call the form values with: 

print param("somefield");

The form fields don't appear to exist. 

Instead if i use the object oriented syntax:

my $q = new CGI;

and then

print $q->param("somefield");

everything works fine...

I have been the whole day chasing this ...

The same thing happen with Apache::PerlRun

To finish, the httpd.conf file is:

DocumentRoot /home/www/html
Alias /cgi-bin /home/www/cgi-bin

PerlModule Apache::Registry

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI

Hans Poo

Re: mixing cgi-bin & mod_perl

2001-12-20 Thread Hans Poo

El Jue 20 Dic 2001 20:46, Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha escribió:
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 03:16:48PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > Luciano> find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 perl -spi -e
> > 's/cgi-bin\/\/;'
> >
> > Ewww.  Why two processes?
> Because I would rather type only a single line to do what a 8 line program
> will do. What's the point of using perl if you aren't lazy? And then,
> what's the point of using perl if you can be even lazier?
> Perl extends the normal Unix Tools, but I won't drop them for perl just
> because it's the cool language of the moment... (Not that I don't like
> perl, mind you...)
> Regards,
> Luciano Rocha

I think Randall is just trying to show a cool application of File::Find, and 
int the menatime save some CPU and memory cycles.

I like it.

Hans Poo

Convert bitmap

2001-12-19 Thread Hans-Olof Hermansson

I am looking for a perl module that can convert a
bitmap picture to jpeg or gif. I am sending a bitmap
from a Pocket PC device to a Solaris webserver running
Apache. If anyone has any tips it will be greatly


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Re: ASP.NET Linux equivalent?

2001-12-05 Thread Hans Poo

El Mié 05 Dic 2001 11:28, Brett W. McCoy escribió:
> On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Vsevolod Ilyushchenko wrote:
> > Is anyone aware of a Linux product equivalent to ASP.NET from MS? Its
> > most attractive feature is the GUI construction of Web forms and the
> > automatic connection of their fields to a database. Since I am getting
> > sick and tired of writing over and over the code to process user input
> > and store it in the database, a similar product would be a huge help.
> > (PHPLens does something similar, but it only presents data in the table
> > format.)
> If you are writing the same code over and over again, that's a good sign
> you need to start creating modules and using those.
> One thing you may want to look at is Mason, which is a component based
> architecture for building web sites.  See  But it's
> not point and click GUI stuff -- you still need to do some coding.
> -- Brett
> Poverty must have its satisfactions, else there would not be so many poor
> people.
>   -- Don Herold

I believe that sometimes people want to stop thinking and let the GUI do that 
Job, obviously, it's not possible.

Over Expectations over GUI often leads to troubles in planification

It's a fact that with the GUI's you stop understanding what you are really 

Hans Poo

Re: [modperl site design challenge] please vote

2001-12-04 Thread Hans Poo

El Mar 04 Dic 2001 11:27, Einar Roheim escribió:
> You just click on the names ... Didn't you see the links?
> Einar
> At 09:52 04/12/2001 -0300, you wrote:
> >El Mar 04 Dic 2001 05:39, Stas Bekman escribió:
> > > Thomas Klausner, Allan Juul and Carlos Ramirez have answered the
> > > challenge and submitted their modperl site designs. Thank you folks!
> > >
> > > Now it's a time for you to chose the design that you like the most by
> > > voting at
> > >
> > > In order to let everybody enough time to vote, the votes will be
> > > collected in 12 days from this announce, i.e. Monday December 17.
> > >
> > > Notice that in order to avoid cheating please submit your email address
> > > along with your vote. At the end of the voting process, only votes with
> > > email addresses matching the modperl list's subscribers list will be
> > > considered as valid. That's why you cannot see the current votes'
> > > spread.
> > >
> > > If you want to add some notes (how to improve things, etc), please add
> > > these when you vote in the 'comments' field.
> > >
> > > If you have any problems with voting email me directly, and not the
> > > list.
> > >
> > > Thanks to Eric Cholet for providing this voting script and hosting it.
> > >
> > > Thanks to Nathan Torkington for pushing for the site's change :)
> > >
> > > _
> > > Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
> > >  mod_perl Guide
> > > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> >
> >Please, can you send the address of the three designs?

Ok, please don't kill me, sorry, it's OK now,


Re: [modperl site design challenge] please vote

2001-12-04 Thread Hans Poo

El Mar 04 Dic 2001 05:39, Stas Bekman escribió:
> Thomas Klausner, Allan Juul and Carlos Ramirez have answered the
> challenge and submitted their modperl site designs. Thank you folks!
> Now it's a time for you to chose the design that you like the most by
> voting at
> In order to let everybody enough time to vote, the votes will be
> collected in 12 days from this announce, i.e. Monday December 17.
> Notice that in order to avoid cheating please submit your email address
> along with your vote. At the end of the voting process, only votes with
> email addresses matching the modperl list's subscribers list will be
> considered as valid. That's why you cannot see the current votes' spread.
> If you want to add some notes (how to improve things, etc), please add
> these when you vote in the 'comments' field.
> If you have any problems with voting email me directly, and not the list.
> Thanks to Eric Cholet for providing this voting script and hosting it.
> Thanks to Nathan Torkington for pushing for the site's change :)
> _
> Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>  mod_perl Guide

Please, can you send the address of the three designs?

Re: problem, pulling my dam hair out

2001-11-30 Thread Hans Poo

El Jue 29 Nov 2001 19:37, Chuck Carson escribió:
> I have the following config:
> apache 1.3.22 with perl 1.26 built statically
> I want to use perl to dynamically generate html pages, so I have .pl
> files under DOCUMENT_ROOT.
> I have this config:
> Alias /perl /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> Options +ExecCGI
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> Options ExecCGI
> Whenever I try and get a perl script from a web browser, it pops up a
> dialog asking to save the damn file. I have tried Netscape 4.79 on NT
> and Unix as well as IE 5.5. I have configured a server in this manner
> probably 100 times, I cannot find what I a missing this particuliar
> time.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Chuck
> Chuck Carson
> Systems Administrator
> 858.202.4188 Office
> 858.442.0827 Mobile
> 858.623.0460 Fax

The content type is not getting rigth to the browser !

If you are using a funny extension for your files you need the apache  
AddType directive.

AddType text/html .myextension

Maybe you are just forgeting to send the http Content-Type: text/html as your 
first instruction. There are many ways to do it:

print "Content-Type:text/html\n\n";


use CGI qw/:standard/;
print header;

or the mod_perl way....

In any case, you miss to Put a mod_perl directive "PerlSendHeader on" (to fix 
malformer headers) in your directory configuration.

Hans Poo

Re: Perl and Microsoft Excel?

2001-11-30 Thread Hans Poo

El Jue 29 Nov 2001 19:31, Ian escribió:
> Mensaje firmado por ID de clave desconocido 962F87CA
> In the wide and wonderful world of Microsoft and Linux, I'm in the
> need of an interesting soloution.
> I'm presenting this to the list because I've ran out of good ideas.

I recommend making a mod_perl application for the list and store the 
information in mysql (and forget about excel if you can), and then, just take 
that information and publish on the web. 


Re: Deleting a cookie

2001-11-27 Thread Hans Poo

El Mar 27 Nov 2001 10:21, Jon Robison escribió:
> I have created a login system using the wonderful Ticket system from the
> Eagle book.  I have modified TicketAccess so that after authentication,
> it reviews the arguments in the query string and does push_handler, the
> handler being chosen based on the args.
> My only problem is that I want to provide the users with a logout button
> which will delete the cookie from thier browser, yet I cannot find how!.
> I have reviewed every module on my system with 'Cookie' in the name
> (Apache::Cookie, CGI::Cookie, etc.) and nowhere does it tell how to do
> this. There is a small mention of changing the expiration to < 0, but
> apparently I am doing it wrong (possible confusing point is the use of
> an 'expires' value in the cookie itself, seperate, I think, from the
> 'expires' attribute on the cookie?)
> I know it is a lot to ask, but I am relatively new to this part of
> mod_perl (pushing handlers, etc.), so if anyone can look at this and
> replace my BLOCKED comments with a couple of helpfull lines, I would
> greatly appreciate it!
> Thanks in advance -
> Jonathon Robison
> Below is my modified TicketAccess, as well as the Logout module I am
> re-directing to for logout action:
> =
> package FES::Apache::TicketAccess;
> use strict;
> use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
> use FES::Apache::TicketTool ();
> sub handler {
> my $r = shift;
>   my %input = $r->args;  
> # for checking input items
> my $ticketTool = FES::Apache::TicketTool->new($r);
> my($result, $msg) = $ticketTool->verify_ticket($r);
> unless ($result) {
>   $r->log_reason($msg, $r->filename);
>   my $cookie = $ticketTool->make_return_address($r);
>   $r->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => $cookie);
>   return FORBIDDEN;
> }
>   ## Here is where we need to insert a push_handler insert. I won't need
>   ## the requested uri from the $r, since the $r goes along for the ride
> in## push_handler
>   my $action = defined $input{'act'} ? $input{'act'} : 'view';
>   print STDERR "action is defined as $action\n";  ## DEBUGGING
>   if ($action eq 'logout')  {
>   $r->push_handlers('PerlHandler' => 'FES::Control::Logout');
>   return OK;
>   } elsif ($action eq 'view') {
>   $r->push_handlers('PerlHandler' => 'FES::Control::View');
>   return OK;
>   }   else {
>   $r->push_handlers('PerlHandler' => 'FES::Control::View');
>   return OK;
>   }
> }
> 1;
> ==
> And the
> =
> package FES::Control::Logout;
> use strict;
> use Apache;
> use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
> use FES::Common::Common qw( header footer);
> use CGI qw/:standard/;
> use CGI::Cookie;
> sub handler {
>   my $r = shift;
>   my $q = new CGI;
>   my $ticket = _get_ticket('r' => $r);
> ## 2.) REDIRECT THEM TO "/FES" (w/o bringing old
> GONE.)
> }
> sub _get_ticket {
>   my $args = {
>   'r' => undef,
>   @_
>   };
>   my $r = $args->{'r'};
>   my %cookies = CGI::Cookie->parse($r->header_in('Cookie'));
>   my %ticket = $cookies{'Ticket'}->value;  # TESTING
>   return \%ticket;
> }
> 1;
> =

Set it again with an expiration time of 'now', i actually use it with

You  can send it with a custom invalid value, like 'invalidated', and take 
apropriate actions.

Hans Poo

Upgrade Perl to 5.6.1and mod_perl still see 5.6.0

2001-11-27 Thread Hans Poo

I've just installed a redhat 7.2 machine.

I the installed Apache::ASP using CPAN, and ended upgrading to perl 5.6.1.

After restarting httpd. i noticed that mod_perl is still int he old libraries.

The test are:

1.-  @INC seems fine in the system:

# perl -e 'print join "\n", @INC'

2.- But mod_perl is still on the old @INC

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
Iniciando httpd: Syntax error on line 1448 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Can't locate Apache/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl . /etc/httpd/ /etc/httpd/lib/perl) at (eval 3) line 

Hans Poo

Persistent HTTP Connections ala Apache::DBI

2001-11-22 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

I'm working on a web application which obtains data via a legacy system
rather than DBI. Using DBI is (unfortunately) not an option. The machine
where the web application runs cannot run the legacy system. Thus, the
setup looks somewhat like this:

   DB  <=>  DB Query (Legacy)  <=>  Apache/mod_perl  <=>  Client

I was thinking to make the connection between DB Query and
Apache/mod_perl using HTTP, so there will be an Apache running on the DB
Query tier for access to the legacy system.

What I'm interested in, is a persistent HTTP connection between the
Apache/mod_perl tier and the DB Query tier. I'm thinking of a ChildInit
handler which opens up a HTTP/1.1 connection to the apache sitting on
the DB query tier. The connection would use keep-alive, which of course
would be enabled and set to high timeout values on the DB Legacy tier.

This is more or less what Apache::DBI does, just in this case it should
be something like Apache::PersistentHTTPConnection. Unfortunately, I
haven't found such a thing.

Has anyone done such a thing before? Can someone point me to docs or
modules which could help doing this? Or is this whole idea maybe just
plain stupid? Are there obvious caveats I haven't thought of?

Any comments are welcome.

Re: Help with converting from plain CGI to mod_perl

2001-10-17 Thread hans

Walt Knowles wrote:
> All,
> I'm sure that this is covered somewhere in the documentation or on this
> list, if I could just find the right way to ask the question. So please feel
> free to send me off to read something.
> I currently have a web system with an architecture like this:
> ++
> | UI CGI scripts   (
> | using
> ++
>  |
>  |
> ++
> | Business objects
> | (like documents)
> ++
>  |
>  |
> +-+
> | Database objects
> | -basically perl
> |  objects on views
> +-+
>  |
>  |
> +--+
> | Database interface   (
> | layer (Oracle now,
> | but soon to have the
> | choice of PostgreSQL
> | or SQLServer)
> +---+
>  |
>  |
> ++
> |  DBI/DBD
> ++
> Converting all the globals to Module variables has been a piece of cake, but
> I've run into one big issue. Depending on how you log into the system, the
> user will connect to different databases. When they do this, I store the
> Database Handle from DBI/DBD as $main::dbh. This variable has the scope of
> "the length of processing the request" and then should become undef. Easy
> under normal CGI, because you start with a whole new memory space. If I make
> this a variable in, it then is persistant "forever"--or until I
> restart apache. If I make it a local in, it has the right lifespan,
> but I can't figure out how to address is down in
> with it's not just "" but 50 different top-level scripts.
> Can someone help? Pointer to documentation? Am I staring at something so
> obvious that it would bite me?
> Thanks in advance,
> Walt Knowles
> #-
> #   Walter Knowles -- Lucidoc (tm)
> #  CEO and Systems Architect  any document   any time
> #[EMAIL PROTECTED]  any where
> # (425) 822-2441  x
> #-

I alway call an init routine in my scripts, and this routine must be in
some library. I begun to do this because:

- Persintent database connections are interesting, but if you are using
more than one database server: oracle, postgre and mysql, and you have
many databases in any one of them, you end with dozens of backends
runing all the time killing machine resources. Speed versus memory.

- I found that sometimes wiht postgreSQL the backends abort abnormally,
i put a init routine with this code:

$dbh || $dbh->connect(...);

ensuring that at the init of the script, the database is ok, if it's
already up you don't do nothing.

To finish, i keep the database handle $dbh in a library or Object that
must be "use"d in the script and all the objects or libraries that use
the database directly. This handle must be exported by default by the

Hans Poo

Re: Redirections after printing content

2001-10-09 Thread Hans Poo

Andrew Ho wrote:

> Hans,
> HP>I'am new to the list, and i've been looking for a solution for
> HP>buffering, in order to decide to make a redirect after the printing of
> HP>HTML content. It seems that $| don't work fot this.
> Whether or not you have $| on, you will want to explicitly control whether
> output is sent if you may want to do a redirect at some point in your
> code. There are two simple ways to rearrange your code to do this from a
> mod_perl handler or Apache::Registry scripts.
> The first is to determine what all the cases are where you would do a
> redirect. Then put this code up front, before you output anything.
> The second method would be to organize your code so that instead of using
> print or calling $r->print(), you accumulate your output into a variable.
> At the end of your handler() or Apache::Registry script, you can either
> redirect, or print the accumulated output.
> Humbly,
> Andrew
> --
> Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Voice 650-930-9062
> Tellme Networks, Inc.   1-800-555-TELLFax 650-930-9101
> --

Thank you Andrew

I was already aware of the solutions you gave me, and it's comfortable to
listen another programmer who seems exactly the same.

I was expecting to find something new inside mod_perl to do the job. Actually
i keep the redirection code in top of the application and it's not a clean
solution. Put a wraper around the print statement seems the cleaner solution
after all.

I don't want to reinvent the wheel and finally decided to use Apache::ASP
with it's buffering capabilities.

Hans Poo

org:New Art Media & Business;System Administration
adr:;;El Bosque Sur 77 Of.1		;Santiago;RM;na;Chile
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Hans Poo

Redirections after printing content

2001-10-08 Thread Hans Poo


I'am new to the list, and i've been looking for a solution for
buffering, in order to decide to make a redirect after the printing of
HTML content. It seems that $| don't work fot this.

I take a look around and this capacity seem to appear in Apache:ASP at
this time i can't use this module, and i just have mod_perl.

Hans Poo

Re: proxy block list module?

2001-10-08 Thread Hans Poo

Mark Tiramani wrote:

> I was looking for an Apache module to handle access control via URL/regex that reads 
>a list of rules from file.
> I find it hard to believe no-one has done this yet so appologies in advance if I 
>just didn't search properly.
> I tried searching all the usual sources but came up blank so I adapted the 
>Apache::BlockAgent handler from the
> Eagle book (excellent). If anyone has more info on an existing module/handler I'd be 
> The original requirement was to control a clients proxy access so that only a list 
>of about 30 URLs were accessible
> from their LAN. I needed an Apache config directive and handler that reads its list 
>of names/IPs/regexes from a text
> file, caches the list at startup/restart and stats the text file so that 
>additions/alterations take immediate effect. The
> list has to be an 'allow' list as well as a 'deny' list so that the overhead is 
>minimised and admin tools have an easier
> job of controlling access by editing/validating only one file.
> Just in case there really are no such modules out there: is 
>still pretty basic but it does the
> following:
> Adds an Apache config directive that specifies a ServerRoot relative text file:
> PerlSetVar  URLControlFile  access_filters/url_control
> PerlPostReadRequestHandler  Apache::URLControl
> currently handles the request as a: PerlPostReadRequestHandler in two 
>test setups.
> Used in this way it is obviously not proxy-specific and blocks/allows requests at 
>the earliest opportunity.
> The control file can contain:
>   DENY
>*.asp DENY
> /apath/asubdir/afile.htm
> .*microsoft.*   DENY
> # a comment etc.
> If DEFAULT DENY is used then only access to locations matching an ALLOW line are 
>allowed. Otherwise the list
> can contain specific DENY rules and if DENY is omitted the rule defaults to DENY.
> If the rule begins with https:// then a CONNECT is denied or 
>allowed. The rule could also be
> written as:
> The '.' in and index.htm are escaped in the module, as are %,/,+  This 
>just simplifies writing the file
> somewhat. Otherwise the Perl regex in a rule is handled as-is.
> A 403 is returned if the request is blocked but the URL from $r->the_request is 
>substituted for $r->uri so that proxy
> requests are denied with the full URL as the reason and not '/'.
> If anyone is interested I will stress-test it and then enter the module to CPAN. If 
>there is nothing similar I will develop
> it to allow for cached IP lookups (to convert the IP->domain name and match on that 
>in the list) and add other
> refinements.
> Mark
> Mark Tiramani
> FREDO Internet Services


What you need is mod_rewrite module from Ralf Engelshall.

Hans Poo

Re: Apache::DBI Segmentation fault

2001-09-10 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke


I actually got this to work now. The segfault happens when I load
Apache::Registry before Apache::DBI. However, I have used the
eg/ from the Apache::DBI distribution and that has
Apache::Registry loaded before Apache::DBI... Maybe this is a bug?

My httpd.conf Perl* relevant parts:
  LoadModule perl_module libexec/
  PerlRequire /home/www/server/conf/
  PerlFreshRestart on
  PerlModule Apache::Registry
  Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  PerlSendHeader On
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
  PerlHandler Apache::Status

and the (fixed)
  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  use Apache::DBI;
  use Apache::Registry;
  use strict;
  $Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 2;

Now if Apache::Registry is loaded before Apache::DBI in I get
the segfault. Also, If I don't use and put a 'PerlModule
Apache::DBI' _after_ the 'PerlModule Apache::Registry' in my httpd.conf
I also get the segfault. I am aware that any modules that use DBI must
be loaded _after_ Apache::DBI but I didn't think Apache::Registry uses
DBI, or does it?


Perrin Harkins:

> > I am getting a segmentation fault on configtest when using Apache::DBI
> > (using the example in Apache::DBI Distribution). When trying
> > to start the server I get no error messages but the server isn't
> > running afterwards
> Do you know that your DBI works without Apache::DBI?  It would be helpful if
> you could post the relevant parts of your httpd.conf and too.
> - Perrin

Re: Apache::DBI Segmentation fault

2001-09-10 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

Uh, sorry forgot to post Database and perl -V...

Database is Informix.

Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.2.13, archname=i586-linux
uname='linux benjy 2.2.13 #4 mon aug 16 11:18:11 mest 1999 i686
unknown '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-O2 -pipe', gccversion=egcs-2.91.66
19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)
cppflags='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include'
ccflags ='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include'
stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=undef, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
libs=-lnsl -lndbm -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt
libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-rdynamic'
cccdlflags='-fpic', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Nov  6 1999 15:47:59

Hans Juergen von Lengerke:

> I am getting a segmentation fault on configtest when using Apache::DBI
> (using the example in Apache::DBI Distribution). When trying
> to start the server I get no error messages but the server isn't
> running afterwards:
>  root@ganja:/home/www/server/conf > ../bin/apachectl start
>  ../bin/apachectl start: httpd started
>  root@ganja:/home/www/server/conf > ps -ef | grep httpd
>  lengerke  5787 27877  0 12:11 pts/500:00:00 vi httpd.conf
>  root  6434  5760  0 12:57 pts/11   00:00:00 grep httpd
>  root@ganja:/home/www/server/conf > ../bin/apachectl configtest
>  Syntax OK
>  ../bin/apachectl: line 184:  6436 Segmentation fault  $HTTPD -t
>  root@ganja:/home/www/server/conf >
> When I comment out the 'use Apache::DBI' in all works fine.
> Setting $Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 2 makes no difference even in verbosity of
> the error_log - the server will die without any warning or error.
> The setup is:
>   SuSE Linux 6.3 (i386)
>   Apache/1.3.20 (Unix)   # (enabled proxy, rewrite, so, ssl)
>   PHP/4.0.6  # apxs-built DSO
>   mod_perl/1.26  # apxs-built DSO
>   mod_jk # apxs-built DSO
>   mod_ssl/2.8.4
>   OpenSSL/0.9.4
>   Perl 5.005_03
>   Apache::DBI 0.88
>   DBI 1.14   # works fine without Apache::DBI
> Any help or pointers are appreciated.
> Hans

Apache::DBI Segmentation fault

2001-09-10 Thread Hans Juergen von Lengerke

I am getting a segmentation fault on configtest when using Apache::DBI
(using the example in Apache::DBI Distribution). When trying
to start the server I get no error messages but the server isn't
running afterwards:

 root@ganja:/home/www/server/conf > ../bin/apachectl start
 ../bin/apachectl start: httpd started
 root@ganja:/home/www/server/conf > ps -ef | grep httpd
 lengerke  5787 27877  0 12:11 pts/500:00:00 vi httpd.conf
 root  6434  5760  0 12:57 pts/11   00:00:00 grep httpd
 root@ganja:/home/www/server/conf > ../bin/apachectl configtest
 Syntax OK
 ../bin/apachectl: line 184:  6436 Segmentation fault  $HTTPD -t
 root@ganja:/home/www/server/conf >

When I comment out the 'use Apache::DBI' in all works fine.
Setting $Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 2 makes no difference even in verbosity of
the error_log - the server will die without any warning or error.

The setup is:
SuSE Linux 6.3 (i386)

Apache/1.3.20 (Unix)   # (enabled proxy, rewrite, so, ssl)
PHP/4.0.6  # apxs-built DSO
mod_perl/1.26  # apxs-built DSO
mod_jk # apxs-built DSO

Perl 5.005_03

Apache::DBI 0.88
DBI 1.14   # works fine without Apache::DBI

Any help or pointers are appreciated.


Apache::ASP Error

2000-07-23 Thread Hans Fuchs


  I installed Apache::ASP. When test with a simple asp page. I got an
  internal server error and the error_log says:

  [Sun Jul 23 15:54:44 2000] [error] [asp] [14779] [error] Can't
  modify constant item in scalar assignment at (eval 11) line 66, at
  EOF <--> , /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 1740

  What can I do?


Gesendet an [EMAIL PROTECTED] am 23.07.2000 mit The Bat 1.42f
Homepage: - EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Key:

"Funkybeats for ever!"


Re: [PHP] redirecting a domain

2000-07-14 Thread Hans H. Anderson

He wants it to look like .net, though, not .org.

In Apache's conf file, usually httpd.conf:

Redirect /

If it's a virtual host, put it inside the virtual host directive.

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Kurth Bemis wrote:

> At 10:26 PM 7/14/2000 -0400, Sam Carleton wrote:
> just set up a virtual host for one and have it point to the documentroot 
> for the main site..
> make sense?
> ~kurth
> >I have an apache question and I have NO idea where to post it.  Is there
> >a newsgroup or mailing list simply for apache?
> >
> >I have multipal domain names: &  I would like to
> >configure apache such that when someone goes to, they are
> >"redirect" to  They are both the exact same web site, I
> >simply want the domain name to show up as  Any thoughs
> >on how to do that?
> >
> >Sam
> >
> >--
> >PHP General Mailing List (
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Kurth Bemis - Senior Linux Network/Systems Administrator,
> ICQ - 6624050
> Call Sign - N1TYW
> PGP key available -
> Fight Weak Encryption!  Donate your wasted CPU cycles to 
> (
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hans Anderson ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 426, Missoula, MT 59806 | PHP, Search Engines, SQL
 (800)397-9116 / (406)549-6524 | Databases, Flash Multimedia, | Killer Audio Production, | Minty Fresh Breath.

how to get OFF this maillist ??????????

1999-10-05 Thread Hans Neukomm


please can anyone tell me how to get OFF this maillist ???



tel;pager:ICQ#17929735 for chat upon prior arrangement
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note;quoted-printable:love is my life, love is my being. =0D=0Adevoted to enhance the first and =0D=0Agreat commandment of love troughout =0D=0Athe universe. spiritual workshops, =0D=0Aholistic medical services, =0D=0Ainternet-publications, spiritual =0D=0Anewsletter, spiritual counseling =0D=0Afor individuals and business. =0D=0AAll services are free - contributions welcome.
fn:Hans Neukomm