Redundancy with 2 web servers

2002-11-04 Thread Heiss, Christian
Title: Redundancy with 2 web servers


Does anybody can help me how to create redundancy with 2 intranet web servers?

Maybe anybody has experience with a technician to build this, 
like what kind of box (RedHat, SuSE, Debian, ..?)

I'm absolutely free in my decisions how to create it.
Only the result matches.

If server "A" fails, server "B" have to do the work, and maybe there is a technique to mirror also the websites?

Thanks for ur help


Mount something with my perl script

2002-07-24 Thread Heiss, Christian
Title: Mount something with my perl script


I don't know if this is the right mailing list, but well...

How can I mount something with my perl script?
I've got always the error: mount: only root can do this

So I changed my script something like this:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
`su - root password -c 'mount -t smbfs -o credentials=some.file //windows/share /mount/point'`;

If I start the script in the shell as root, it works fine.

If I start the script in the shell as some other user, it asked me for the password.

If I start the script in via the Internet-Browser, in the log files it first asked for the password and after one second it completes to incorrect password

How can I change my script to execute the mount command as root automatically, or to mount something within my perl script???



Christian Heiss


LANconcept Moll GmbH 
Benzstrasse 1
88074 Meckenbeuren 

Voice: +49 (0) 7542 940 3 - 18 
Fax: +49 (0) 7542 218 24 
Mobil: +49 (0) 171 80 64 254
visit our website 

List files from a share of a windows client

2002-07-17 Thread Heiss, Christian
Title: List files from a share of a windows client

Hello all,

How can I list the directives and files from a share which is on a windows client? I can only list the directories from the local machine, not from a remote one! If I catch a image with my code below, it works fine.

I start the browser with: http://servername/cgi-file?ordner=../logo=//sharename/pic.jpg
(To display the local directive/files and an image from a remote windows

If I start the browser with: http://servername/cgi-file?ordner=//sharename/logo=//sharename/pic.
(I thought this one works with the directory/files from the remote machine, but I get the error msg with: Can't open directory. Also if I change the slashes to backslashes or with the ip-address)

My actually code is:


 #!/usr/bin/perl -w

 use CGI;
 $query = new CGI;

 print $query-header();
 print $query-start_html();
 print table border=0 cellspacing=0;
 print trtd;

 #reading the directory
 opendir(DIR, $query-param(ordner)) || die Can't open directory!; 
 while($datei = readdir(DIR) ) { print $dateibr;
 #This is only optional, to test if images can displayed (it works 
 fine) print '/td/trtrtd width=100img
src="file:'.$query-param(logo).' align=center/td';
 print /tr/table;

 print $query-end_html();


I need this configuration, cause to move our intraweb to a Linux Box with Apache. Later I'll have to generate hyperlinks to different files on the remote machines, therefore I have list first the content of the directory. Actually it runs on a Windows machine with perl and sambar and the files and data are on different machines. 

There it works fine. 
And I can't move the files to the Linux Box. Not yet, and not at all!!! 

Thanks for the help.


Christian Heiss


LANconcept Moll GmbH 
Benzstrasse 1
88074 Meckenbeuren 

Voice: +49 (0) 7542 940 3 - 18 
Fax: +49 (0) 7542 218 24 
Mobil: +49 (0) 175 86 91 805
visit our website 