Newbie Question

2000-02-01 Thread Ian Ollier

Hi all,

I hope you guys will forgive this question, 
but I am a complete beginner with CGI etc.

We run an NT Server using Apache Web Server 
and I want to run Perl scripts on our web site to handle our administration 

I loaded the Activeperl software onto the 
server, but it still doesn't run perl scripts. I have read heaps of stuff (most 
confusing) I have made changes to the httpd.conf file as outlined in some 
documents I read but then the service won't restart. I read a lot about the 
MOD-PERL but very little about what it is and how it works, is this my 

Is anyone willing to tell me in 
SIMPLE terms what i have to do to get this thing working?

I think you all for any help you can 

And again I apologise for bringing such a 
lame question to the list.

Thanks again

* Ian Ollier - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Systems Administrator 
Queensland Centre for Schizophrenia 
Research Wolston Park Hospital, 
Wolston Park Road Wacol QLD 4076 
ph: +61 7 3271 8592 fax: +61 7 3271 8567 
mobile: 0411145593 website: 

Any opinions herein are my own and do not 
necessarily reflect my employer's views. * 

Newbie Question

2000-02-01 Thread Ian Ollier

Thanks for your responses so far,

I know I have a lot of reading to do but I just thought I would add this to
my first post.

After loading Activeperl I changed the httpd.conf file by adding the

Alias /perl/ c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/cgi-bin
Location /perl
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI
PerlModule Apache::Registry
PerlModule CGI
PerlSendHeader On

It was after adding this that the service refused to restart.

I will obviously have to read a whole lot more before this is going to work.
The annoying thing is that I just want to run a script to handle forms
seems like a hell of a lot of effort for such a simple request :)

Thanks all


Systems Administrator 
Queensland Centre for Schizophrenia Research 
Wolston Park Hospital, Wolston Park Road 
ph: +61 7 3271 8592 fax: +61 7 3271 8567 mobile: 0411145593 

Any opinions herein are my own and do not necessarily reflect my employer's