Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-10 Thread John Hurst

 Ray Zimmerman wrote:
 So how is everybody else handling URL mapping?

In the filesystem. Directly requested .tt files are all sent to a
default template handler:

Location /tt_engine
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler UAL::TTEngine

AddType text/tt .tt
Action text/tt /tt_engine

The default template handler provides a list of controllers via the
Stash, allowing the layout people to place a link to a controller
anywhere. Controllers may be re-used with modified behavior:

% cat admin/
[% = 'Project') %]

% cat admin/
[% = 'Task') %]

% cat admin/
[% %]

% cat admin/
[% %]

% cat user/
[% = 0, AllowIMAP = 0, AllowMIME = 0) %]


Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-10 Thread John Hurst

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, I wrote:
In the filesystem. Directly requested .tt files are all sent to a
default template handler:
 Those are both interesting and may be the most appropriate solution for
 the problems you're working on, but I wouldn't call either of them MVC.
   You are going straight to a view (template) and letting it drive all
 the decisions.  In an MVC application, you would go to a controller that
 would do some work and then decide which view to show.

I have three kinds of templates:

  controller entry stubs - called directly to invoke a controller
  view pages - called by controllers to display results
  stand-alone dynamic pages - called directly, may not invoke controller

I would agree with you if my entry stubs did more than call up the controller,
but those templates are simple one-liners that do nothing else. Once the
controller has been called it takes over, processing request data, calling
models, selecting views, etc. The only influence a stub template has on the
view is that of defining the URL that the controller inherits (plus optional
parameters as shown in my earlier message).

Yes, a developer could make a mess of things by trying to put more stuff into
a controller entry stub. We all seem to agree that any scheme can be polluted
by poor discipline, and the arrangement I have described is as prone to abuse
as any other. Still, I don't think that replacing this:

Location /search
   SetHandler  perl-script
   PerlHandler Controller::Search

with this:

[% Ctrl.Search() %]

makes Controller::Search any less a controller.

I could enforce the separation of controller entry stubs from stand-alone
templates and view templates by using additional file extensions and handlers,
but no one has abused the system as it is so I'm erring on the side of my own
laziness. Using the entry stub templates is handy because I don't need to mangle
the server configuration to make controllers available from other locations
(which means I can stay at the pub while others toil away).

Obviously, the stand-alone dynamic pages are not MVC at all. They exist
because there are often 'glue' pages that don't warrant the comlexity of MVC
(those that don't need M and have very simple VC needs). It is much more
convenient to code such pages in the same environment as the MVC stuff (that
is, using the same globally defined variables, macros, etc.).


Re: Handling the 'User pressed Stop button' case - not working

2001-05-25 Thread John Hurst

Matthew Darwin wrote:

 On Sat, 26 May 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:
 You right. It seems that mod_proxy won't abort on SIGPIPE.
 So how can I get it to without breaking everything else?  Any ideas?
 I have a process that takes 2-3 minutes to run before the user gets any
 any output.  I tell them to wait, but they get impatient.  If they hit
 STOP I really want to know about it so I can free up CPU resources for
 when they hit RELOAD to try agin.
 Any helpful hints would be most appreciated.

Run the process in the background. Have the browser loop on a reporting
URL w/request ID. That will allow you to show progress:

  * The initial request generates a processing job. Please see previous 
threads regarding the wisdom of forking mod_perl processes. You may want 
to consider writing a lightweight daemon to take processing requests 
from mod_perl via a unix domain socket.

  * Return a starting page to the client which will refresh to a 
progress reporting URL, which may be the same URL as the original 
request (be sure to include a UUID or some other identifier for the job).

  * Each time the progress URL is called, check on the status of the 
processing job. Return the data if available, or return another refresh.


  * The progress URL can use the UUID to generate updated status info. 
If you are clever, you can even offer a status bar.

  * If you keep the results of your processing jobs indexed by, say, the 
MD5 of the request parameters that created them, you can skip redundant 
processing runs.


Re: Apache::ASP

2001-01-25 Thread John Hurst

You may also want to try

   unless(UNIVERSAL::can($r, 'filename')){

which also nicely avoids having to test $r first.


At 05:05 PM 1/25/01, Joshua Chamas wrote:
Anyone see why a $r = Apache=SCALAR(0x8461790) might not
respond true to $r-can('filename') on Ilya's below FreeBSD
setup?  The relevant ASP code is below.

Ilya, worst case, you can tweak that code to make it
work for you, for example does a line like

 unless($r  ($r =~ /^Apache/)) {

work instead ?  This might be a suitable test.


sub handler {
 my($package, $r) = @_;
 my $status = 200;

 # allows it to be called as an object method
 ref $package and $r = $package;

 # rarely happens, but just in case
 unless($r  $r-can('filename')) {
 # this could happen with a bad filtering sequence
No valid request object ($r) passed to ASP handler; if you are getting
this error message, you likely have a broken DSO version of mod_perl
which often occurs when using RedHat RPMs.  One fix reported is to
configure "PerlSendHeader On".  Another fix is to compile
statically the apache + mod_perl build as RedHat RPMs have been trouble.
Please check FAQ or mod_perl archives for more information.

Ilya Krel wrote:
  I am running Freebsd 4.2, Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion
  3), Apache/1.3.14, mod_perl/1.24  (from ports collection).
  Apache:ASP installed from cpan says:
  Bundle id = Bundle::Apache::ASP
  MANPAGE  Bundle::Apache::ASP - Install Apache::ASP and related
  CONTAINS MLDBM Data::Dumper MD5 CGI HTML::Clean Net::SMTP 
  Devel::Symdump Apache::DBI Compress::Zlib Tie::Cache Time::HiRes 
  when i try to access the examples in site/eg I get thsi in error_log :
  No valid request object (Apache=SCALAR(0x8461790)) passed to ASP 
 handler; if
  you are getting
  this error message, you likely have a broken DSO version of mod_perl
  which often occurs when using RedHat RPMs.  One fix reported is to
  configure "PerlSendHeader On".  Another fix is to compile
  statically the apache + mod_perl build as RedHat RPMs have been trouble.
  Please check FAQ or mod_perl archives for more information.
  any suggestions how to fix it?

Re: cookies cookies cookies

2000-12-12 Thread John Hurst

At 01:47 PM 12/12/00, Joshua Chamas wrote:
Greg Stark wrote:
  How do I reliably remove a cookie from a browser's memory?

Then Josh said:
  What about setting the cookie with an expires date in the past?
  $Response-{Cookies}{YourCookie} = {
Value   = '',
Expires = -86400,

In most cases, this will only work for a cookie that is an _exact_
match with the one you wish to expire. This is really hard to do
if your code didn't write the cookie, since most browsers will use
the  'path' and 'domain' values to evaluate exactness, but do not
send those values to you in a request, obscuring them.

While writing a cookie handling library, I found it necessary to
trash my cookies file when things got weird, since writing code
to remove cookies that were the result of bad code seemed a waste
of time. Once it was stable it worked rather well, assuming that
calls to the library were consistent about 'path' and 'domain'.

Unless you're required to use 'path', I recommend that you explicitly
set 'path' to '/' on all set cookie operations, and similarly make
use of a canonical 'domain' value. Then it will be easy to construct
'kill cookies'. Otherwise, you'll have to construct logic to determine
the right 'path' and 'domain' for a particular cookie (yech).


Re: Text::Template, PACKAGES, ModPerl

2000-08-14 Thread John Hurst

" Mail Lists" wrote:
 Ok, here's the scenarious.
 Is there a quick easy way to reset all of those variables for
 each time the script is run?  I'm assuming no.  I did make a
 function that ran through the package, like so:

From my own bag-o-tricks, this simply obliterates the contents of
the desired package. YMMV.

# Nuke the template's package namespace.
# Based on the inner workings of Safe
sub _kill_package {
my $package = shift;

no strict 'refs';
my $pkg = "main::$package\::"; # expand to full symbol table name
my ($stem, $leaf) = $pkg =~ m/(.*::)(\w+::)$/;

my $stem_symtab = *{$stem}{HASH};

if(my $leaf_glob = $stem_symtab-{$leaf}){
my $leaf_symtab = *{$leaf_glob}{HASH};
%$leaf_symtab = ();



Full Time Position Available

1999-11-07 Thread John Hurst

Santa Monica, CA company has immediate full time opening for advanced
Perl programmer to assume maintenance and expansion of running site.
Current environment is Linux/Apache/mod_perl/MySQL. Relaxed work
environment. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Reply to
me directly, please.
