> Ray Zimmerman wrote:
> So how is everybody else handling URL mapping?

In the filesystem. Directly requested .tt files are all sent to a
default template handler:

<Location /tt_engine>
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler UAL::TTEngine

AddType text/tt .tt
Action text/tt /tt_engine>

The default template handler provides a list of controllers via the
Stash, allowing the layout people to place a link to a controller
anywhere. Controllers may be re-used with modified behavior:

% cat admin/proj-edit.tt
[% Ctrl.DBEdit.run(ObjectType => 'Project') %]

% cat admin/task-edit.tt
[% Ctrl.DBEdit.run(ObjectType => 'Task') %]

% cat admin/usermanager.tt
[% Ctrl.UserManager.run() %]

% cat admin/mailclient.tt
[% Ctrl.MailClient.run() %]

% cat user/mailclient.tt
[% Ctrl.MailClient.run(AllowPOP3 => 0, AllowIMAP => 0, AllowMIME => 0) %]


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