silly CGI::Cookie bug/frustrations

2002-01-07 Thread Neil Conway

Hi all,

I've spent the last couple hours trying to debug a seemingly simple
piece of code. I've come up with something that seems puzzling (but it's
probably just too early in the morning for me) -- any clarification
would be appreciated.

The code I'm writing is a cookie-based authentication scheme, inspired
by Apache::TicketAccess from the Eagle book (thanks Doug  Lincoln!).

I'm sending the client the ticket cookie like so:

use constant TICKET_NAME = 'AdminTicket';
# ... lots of code
my $ticket = CGI::Cookie-new(-name = TICKET_NAME,
  -path = '/'
  # more stuff
$r-header_out('Set-Cookie' = $ticket);

Now, this seems to work fine. The browser is sent a cookie, and sends it
back to the server when it requests a page that requires authentication.
However, I can't seem to verify the cookie properly. Here's my
verification code:

sub verify_ticket {
my $self = shift;
my $r = $self-{_req};
print STDERR Cookie:  . $r-header_in('Cookie') . \n; #DEBUG
my %cookies = CGI::Cookie-parse($r-header_in('Cookie'));

return (0, 'user has no cookies') unless %cookies;
my $cookie_name;
foreach (keys %cookies) {
print STDERR Cookie: [$_] - [$cookies{$_}]\n;
print STDERR Cookie name: [$_] ; Expected: [ . TICKET_NAME .
print STDERR The cookies match.\n if $_ eq TICKET_NAME;
$cookie_name = $_; # HACK: remember a valid hash key

# this does NOT work
#return (0, 'user has no ticket') unless $cookies{TICKET_NAME};
# this works, strangely
return (0, 'user has no ticket') unless $cookies{$cookie_name};

# lots more code

(As you can tell, I've been banging my head against the wall for a
while, inserting print statements ;-) ).

I get the following log output:

Cookie: [AdminTicket] -
Cookie name: [AdminTicket] ; Expected: [AdminTicket]
The cookies match.

Now, this is as I expected it. However, the commented out code such as:

return (0, 'user has no ticket') unless $cookies{TICKET_NAME};

Doesn't work -- it seems to think that there is no such hash element as

Since there is only 1 cookie, I used the ugly hack above and iterated
through the keys of the hash and used the only actual hash element. The
weird that is that the value I get from this is 'eq' to TICKET_NAME --
yet, it works, but TICKET_NAME does not. IIRC, if I replace the
instances of TICKET_NAME with its literal value ('AdminTicket'), it also
does not work.

Would someone be kind enough to point out what I've missed? Because I'm

Thanks in advance,



Lightweight for PerlHandlers

2001-05-18 Thread Neil Conway

Hi all,

I'd like to be able to use something similar to's HTML
generation methods in a PerlHandler I'm writing. Since I'm
not ever going to be using CGI directly (and also, the HTML
I'm doing is pretty simple), seems like overkill --
and from looking at some basic memory usage data, it seems
like you pay for this complexity/flexibility.

Is there a simple (fast, light) module that generates HTML
in a similar style to, for use with mod_perl?

At the moment, I'd rather not move to a system like
HTML::Mason or Template Toolkit -- the HTML I'm producing
is very simple (in fact, I've just been using $r-print
up to now, and it's not _too_ bad).

Thanks for any suggestions,


dynamic vs. mostly static data

2000-11-02 Thread Neil Conway

I'm writing a web app in mod_perl, using a PostgreSQL database
backend and HTML::Template. In looking for ways to optimize
performance, I noticed that although my code is doing several
(say, 4-5) database queries per handler/webpage, a large part
of the data (~2 queries) is mostly static (it will change
perhaps once per week, or once per month). It's obviously
inefficient to run these queries on the database for every
single request.

How can I 'cache' this data so that all Apache children can
access it quickly? Is there a way to automatically update
this cache periodically (say every 10 minutes)? Also, this
solution should work on any reasonably modern UNIX system
(Win32 is not important for now).

I couldn't find this anywhere, but if someone tells me where,
I'd be happy to RTFM. Ask me if you need more info.



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Re: can I close the client connection but keep a script running?

2000-10-13 Thread Neil Conway

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 07:15:30PM -0400, Shimon Rura wrote:
 I'd like to be able to tell apache to close off its connection with the
 client but leave the script running.  An example use would be for the client
 to start a time-consuming job on the web server, and let it run without
 subjecting them to a spinning wait icon for 10 minutes.

This has been discussed in detail by the list recently. The solution
you describe ('closing the connection to the client') is not ideal
because it wastes 1 Apache child, which sits idle while it waits for
the Perl script to complete. I think the consensus was that the best
solution is to pass the request to an external program (possibly a
daemon) through some method (RPC, 'queue' directory or DB table, etc),
and then let the external program perform the time consuming task,
while the mod_perl script returns the data to the client like normal.

If I've got something wrong, sorry - check one of the archives for
extensive discussion.



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Re: Forking in mod_perl?

2000-10-04 Thread Neil Conway

On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 02:42:50PM -0700, David E. Wheeler wrote:
 Yeah, I was thinking something along these lines. Don't know if I need
 something as complex as IPC. I was thinking of perhaps a second Apache
 server set up just to handle long-term processing. Then the first server
 could send a request to the second with the commands it needs to execute
 in a header. The second server processes those commands independantly of
 the first server, which then returns data to the browser.

In a pinch, I'd just use something like a 'queue' directory. In other
words, when your mod_perl code gets some info to process, it writes
this into a file in a certain directory (name it with a timestamp /
cksum to ensure the filename is unique). Every X seconds, have a
daemon poll the directory; if it finds a file, it processes it.
If not, it goes back to sleep for X seconds. I guess it's poor
man's IPC. But it runs over NFS nicely, it's *very* simple, it's
portable, and I've never needed anything more complex. You also
don't need to fork the daemon or startup a new script every
processing request. But if you need to do the processing in realtime,
waiting up to X seconds for the results might be unacceptable.

How does this sound?



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Re: Where's the filehandle in a PerlHandler module?

2000-09-27 Thread Neil Conway

On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 04:12:23PM -0700, Clayton Mitchell wrote:
 In a handler I want to process all requests and parse the document
 requested and spit it out after marking it up.
 I have put in place this code, but I don't see how to access the actual
 requested document.
 I'm hoping there's already an open filehandle to it somewhere?

There's no open filehandle because the file the HTTP client thinks it's
requesting may not actually exist. For example:

Location /foo
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Foo::Bar::Baz

There isn't necessarily a file/directory ${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/foo - the request
is intercepted by mod_perl before it reaches that state.

There are several different methods for looking at and parsing the request
URI. The one that seems right for you is $r-filename()

BTW, this is documented in `perldoc Apache`. Another useful reference is
the mod_perl reference card.



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persistent info (storing config?)

2000-09-11 Thread Neil Conway

(I'm not subscribed, please CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Hello everyone. I'm using mod_perl and Apache for a typical web project.
Each piece of mod_perl code will need to be able to access a lot of
configuration info. I guess we'll store the configuration info in a
plaintext file. This configuration info will need to be changed by the
admin (whether by editing the config file or using a web interface).
However, I'd rather not parse the entire config file for every single
request (the config file may be very long, and/or consist of multiple
files). Is there any way to parse the config file once, store the
results, and make the data available to any of my code?

I was thinking of putting the parsing code into a Perl module, and `use`ing
the module in . But will this ensure that the file is only
parsed once? When subsequent scripts 'use' the module, won't this require
parsing the file again? Or if the parsing of the file is separated into
a subroutine, how will the results be stored so that they can be
accessed quickly by any code which uses the module?

Sorry if I'm explaining myself poorly - feel free to ask for clarification.

One more thing - it would be nice to be able to re-parse the config file
when someone sends Apache a certain signal. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache::Session 1.51

2000-06-01 Thread Neil Conway

On Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 01:53:10AM -0400, Robin Berjon wrote:
 Suggestions about making portable database test scripts are welcome.
 I think that DBD::CSV comes standard with DBI, would testing using that work ?

It didn't come standard with my DBI (and it needs SQL::Statement and

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Re: High-volume mod_perl based ecommerce sites?

2000-05-25 Thread Neil Conway

On Fri, May 26, 2000 at 09:20:35AM +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
 Well, yeah, C and Java can suffer the same problems as Perl, but because 
 Java is so constrained as a language, the design of the language has a 
 built in constraint. With Perl you can literally do ANYTHING, and to 
 program Perl in a clean, OO way takes a lot of experience or a good mentor.

(I'll apologise in advance as this thread spins rapidly off-topic).

I'm probably a novice programmer, at least by the standards of
most of the people on this list. I'm 16, and since I haven't taken
Computer Science at university yet, I'm a bit lacking in 'formal
programming education'. I'd rather not form bad habits - is there
any advice anyone can give me on how to write, clean Perl (OO or
otherwise)? Are there any good books I can pick up?


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Re: Apache::Session question

2000-05-05 Thread Neil Conway

On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 05:58:33PM +0200, Francesc Guasch wrote:
 [Solaris + Apache::Session]
 After the use Apache::Session you maybe have
 to type something like this.

In my preliminary testing, it appears this is also necessary to get SysVSem
working on FreeBSD 3.x (I'm not running 4, but it may also apply there). Can
someone confirm this? I had some problems with Apache::Session, tried the
above fix, and it seemed to work, but I haven't used Apache::Session since, so
I can't be sure.

If it IS necessary, it should probably be added to the guide and / or comments
in the Apache::Session .pm that controls this (can't remember the filename
offhand, but it had a comment referring to Solaris + nsems=16 or 8).


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It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
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