Re: Subrequests

2002-02-07 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Miroslav Madzarevic wrote:

 Is it possible that my perl script (Apache::Registry,
 Apache::PerlRun, HTML::Mason or whatever) could run multiple
 times with same parameters when the user just invokes the URL
 once (for example clicks on A tag)  and if so how can I prevent
 this from happening.

if(!$r-is_main()) {

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: CGI Upload/download question

2002-02-03 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Medi Montaseri wrote:

 Can I somehow influence this behavior such that the user
 will indeed see something like MyFile.txt.returned or
 MyFile.txt.processed in the dialog box.

Add a Content-Disposition header like this:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=MyFile.txt.returned

I don't remember for sure, but I think a Content-Length header might
help browsers evaluate the time remaining for the download.

 By the way, the reason for the crazy MIME type, is to
 prevent the browser to render it. I'm trying to achive
 a complete upload-process-download. Perhaps there
 is an standard MIME type that I should use.

There is a standard type for that function, application/octet-stream. Of
course, whatever you set the Content-Type header to, Internet Explorer
could cheerfully ignore it if the extension is associated on the client
machine, but that's not your problem anymore I guess... ;-)

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: modperl growth

2002-02-03 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Paul DuBois wrote:

  I think all the recent RedHats come with mod_perl as a
  DSO by default.
 I just looked on a RH 7.2 machine.  It has the AddModule
 line in the default httpd.conf, but no in the
 modules directory.

I think the DSO in a separate mod_perl RPM package.

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: mod_perl BOF

2001-03-29 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Stas Bekman wrote:

 Last week I was presenting mod_perl at the Linux World Show in Singapore
 and we had a really nice social event with a babe belly dancer... hey,
 Gunther was dancing with her... just look at his happy face :)

Man, when I see stuff like that, I know I'm in the right business.


Pierre Phaneuf

Re: PerlRestartHandler

2001-03-29 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Robin Berjon wrote:

 Yes, I stole the content from the as yet unpublished Tk and mod_perl books
 that I got to review and I'm writing "Applications mod_perl-Tk: le probleme
 du monadisme heuristique chez Leibniz, Quine, et Bekman" for the Sorbonne
 University Press.

Ouch! Just reading the titles makes my head hurt! LOL! (I'm french

Hmm, Tk from mod_perl, that would be weird. :-)

Pierre Phaneuf
Systems Exorcist

Re: Getting a Cache::SharedMemoryCache started

2001-03-27 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

DeWitt Clinton wrote:

 The other question is whether or not to share the cache instance
 itself globally.  Technically, this is up to you.  Personally I
 wouldn't bother, considering the overhead of instantiating the cache
 is so low that I would rather keep it local to the handler (as I did
 above).  I tend to only share data globally in mod_perl handlers very
 judiciously, and even then I wrap the data in an object that provides
 accessor methods.  For an example of an object that wraps shared data,
 check out Cache::MemoryCache, which simply caches data inside the

Wouldn't this cause the cache to be torn down and rebuilt for every

"The camel has not evolved to smell good. Neither has Perl."
 -- Larry Wall


2001-03-23 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Did anyone try the Chromium Apache-based web server? More specifically
(and topically), does it work with mod_perl?

"I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few
months. I just love debugging ;-)" -- Linus Torvalds

Re: [OT] ApacheCon BOF

2001-03-21 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Steve Reppucci wrote:

 Some folks spend way too much time looking for something to be offended
 by, again IMHO.

I'm pretty sure that for any thing you might find, I would be able to
find someone offended by it.

Let's no do anything too obvious (a camel ramming up stuff up Bill Gates
ass would probably be a bad choice :-) ) and we'll do fine.

"Perl appeals to the other side of your brain, whether that's
associate, artistic, passionate, or merely spongy." -- Larry Wall

Re: understanding memory via ps -ely | grep http

2001-03-21 Thread Pierre Phaneuf


 What's about FreeBSD?
 If shared memory is not compiled in kernel of FreeBSD I cant use GTop
 module because of absant of shared memory.
 So I dont know is there performance affect or not.

You do not have shared memory enabled in your kernel? Any reason? I'd
say that most Unix machines in the world have use for shared memory at
some point in time, it's a pretty safe thing to enable.

Anyway, the "share" thing in GTop is not about "SysV shared memory IPC",
but rather about memory shared between related processes (if they load
the same libraries for example, the kernel could share the read-only
parts of the library between the two processes instead of loading two
copies, thus saving memory).

"There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and Unix.
We don't believe this to be a coincidence."  -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [NQ] Newbie Question about mod_perl

2001-03-20 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

 "Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.," wrote:

 I have written two mod_perl programs whose output is same (through
 I want to know what are the difference between them!  If there is any
 difference then what are the pros and cons in using both of them?

The second program is taking advantage of the PerlSendHeader feature.
This is mostly a compatibility feature, I would tend to think that it
might be slightly slower (because mod_perl has to watch for the empty

The first program should be a very small amount faster, as far as I
know, but the second has a partial advantage of portability to
non-mod_perl regular CGI environment. I say "partial", because you test
for $ENV{MOD_PERL}, which you don't need to do.

"The number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
 -- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972

Re: book recommendations?

2001-03-20 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Paul Evad wrote:

 I know a lot of the good O'Rielly books are showing some age (1999
 publishing date). Anyone out there have a copy of "Writing Apache
 Modules with Perl and C", is it still relevant enough with the
 current apache mod_perl distro's to be worthwhile getting?

Yeah, it still mostly is. Apache 2.0 and the accompanying mod_perl 2.0
will be a whole new ball of wax though, but they're not here yet anyway
(hey Doug, going to make a second edition for 2.0 I hope?). It's a great

I found the O'Reilly mod_perl quick reference booklet quite useful at
time. Easy to carry around, packed with all the information (no fluff or
explanation, like the man pages), useful.

"Whip me. Beat me. Make me maintain AIX." -- Stephan Zielinski

segfault on subrequest?

2001-03-15 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

I have a PerlTransHandler that is very simple:

sub handler {
  my($r) = @_;

  $info = $r-lookup_file('/home/pp/pierre.jpg')-content_type();

  warn("content type is $info\n");

  return DECLINED;

But it causes a segfault when invoked... I removed the
"-content_type()", so that I should normally see something like
"Apache::SubRequest=SCALAR(0x815eb54)", but it also crashes.

I tried using the exact same handler as a PerlHandler and as a
PerlHeaderParserHandler instead, and it works perfectly. I was thinking
that calling lookup_uri from within a PerlTransHandler might be a bad
idea (infinite loops!), but I would have thought that lookup_file would
be ok...

Okay, maybe everyone will jump in my face about this: this is on an
updated Red Hat 7.0 system, using Red Hat's Apache and mod_perl RPM

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: Read on closed file handle?

2001-03-09 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

David Jourard wrote:

 Found my error after I had my sandwich.

Lesson to keep from this: eat your sandwich! :-)

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: Newbie Questions

2001-03-09 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

julie wang wrote:

 I'm new to Modperl.  I been programming as a perl programmer (not the best,
 but I'm trying to improve) and been told to try and code using mod_perl.  I
 got ORA's book on Apache Modules and was reading about how to code using
 mod_perl.  Am I right to assume mod_perl is more Apache conf. than anything
 else?  (if using Apache::Registry) I been coding perl using the -w flag as
 well as "use strict".  I shouldn't need to alter how I code Perl, right?

Well, yes, you at least have to take care of some additionnal things.

The most important thing to know is that your code could be called a
number of time before being "reset", where a regular CGI script is
called only once and dies right after, which let you have some
sloppiness that you can no longer afford with mod_perl.

Imagine that this code:

my($var) = 0;

sub handler {
  my($r) = @_;


  $var = $var + 1;
  print "\$var is $var\n";

  return OK;

What you'll have with this is that you'll basically get a random number
for every requests. If you want to start this script assuming that $var
is 0, then set $var to 0 at the beginning.

 Is there anyway to test if the server is running in mod_perl or not?  I know
 this is one of the FAQ questions, but I didn't really understand.  I am
 using exit(0); and exit; to terminate my perl scripts.  What should I
 replace that with if it is advise not to do so when using mod_perl??  The
 FAQ suggests using "goto" kind of statement.  I rather not use that.  What
 other alternatives do I have?  Thanks!

In Apache::Registry scripts, the environment variable GATEWAY_INTERFACE
is set to 'CGI-Perl/1.1'.

In recent enough mod_perl, 'exit' (with or without parameter) is
overridden and will not hurt the server, but the cleaner way to exit an
Apache::Registry handler is with 'return'. I *think* you can return
something like "return REDIRECT" or "return SERVER_ERROR" if you want,
but I'm not sure (I only use PerlHandler scripts, not Apache::Registry).

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: uri to filename

2001-03-05 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Nikolaus Rath wrote:

 As described in the other mail, i have a TransHandler wich modifies
 the URI. But this doesn't work correctly.

After modifying the URI, do you return DECLINED or something else?

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: Modifying $r-uri

2001-03-04 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Nikolaus Rath wrote:

 I want to modify $r-uri in a Handler. Is the PerlTransHandler hook
 early enough? I think the handler must be called before the Location
 Sections in the apache config are used to build the dir_config struct.

Yes, I think PerlTransHandler is early enough (that's why you can't put
them in Location).

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: Authentication handlers

2001-03-04 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Cees Hek wrote:

 So instead of storing a y/n in the database, store a unique string that is
 used as the realm, and clear it when they log out.  Now everytime you send
 the Authenitication required header, send the unique realm for this user
 that you stored in the database, and if it doesn't exist, generate a new

Good one! The only bad thing I see is that the realm is visible in the
dialog box the user see, isn't it? Seeing a random string might be a bit
unsettling for the user, but there is no technical reason for it not to

Pierre Phaneuf
Systems Exorcist

Re: Authentication handlers

2001-03-03 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

"Paul J. Lucas" wrote:

  Is there any means of removing the username and password from the browsers

No, I think he's talking about the "basic" authentication information,
that browsers keep in memory until they are stopped.

I think that if you give them an AUTH_REQUIRED, it might clear the
password, but that would also make the authentication dialog box appear
on their machine, which would be rather confusing.

Personally, I use cookies for authentication instead, you can remove
those at will.

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: Authentication handlers

2001-03-03 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Bill Moseley wrote:

  i'm using mod_perl authentication handler, where the user's
  credentials are checked against a database and in the database i
  have a flag which tells the login status (y|n), but aftr the user
  logs out the status is changed to n , my problem is that after
  logging out if the user goes one page back and submits the browser
  sends the username and password again , and the status is changed
  to y . Is there any means of removing the username and password
  from the browsers cache.
 I guess I don't understand you setup. If you have a database entry
 that says they are logged out why don't you see this when they send
 their request and return a "Sorry, logged out" page?

The problem here is that the first basic authentication is not any
different from the next ones, so if he marks the user as logged out,
going to an page requiring authentication will simply mark the user as
logged in.

You could try various tricks still, with accordingly varying degrees of

While you might have a number of pages protected by basic
authentication, make only *one* of them actually mark the user as logged
in. For example, that might be /login. An example user session might
look like this:

 - go to /
 - click on the "login" link, sending him to /login
 - /login is protected, so browser queries the user for authentication
 - /login sees the basic authentication header, marks the user as logged
 - user do whatever he wants
 - user is logged out

After this point, if the user goes to any protected web page, even
though the basic authentication header is actually correct, he should
get a AUTH_REQUIRED response, because he isn't marked as logged in by
the database. The only page with the power to make the user logged in is

There is a security problem with this. The user/password combo is *not*
cleared from the browser! If someone logs out, then a passer-by uses the
same browser to log into the site, he will not get any question asked
and will be identified as the previous user!

Basic authentication is annoying. They forgot to put a way to revoke the
thing when they designed it. Eh, that's life...

Pierre Phaneuf

PerlModule vs use in a Perl section

2001-03-01 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

I was using Apache::Status to learn a bit about what is loaded by my
server, and I am wondering about a detail...

If I put this:

use Apache::Foo;

Or this:

PerlModule Apache::Foo

I would expect the two to behave the same, but they don't! The "use" in
the Perl section does as I was expecting (the module and everything it
loaded was right there), but while the PerlModule seemed to change
something (Apache::Util was loaded, which I use in my Apache::Foo
module), Apache::Foo itself wasn't on the list of loaded modules!

Using a "+" when installing the PerlHandler (like this: "PerlHandler
+Apache::Foo") did load the module as expected.

Now, why aren't modules loaded with PerlModule not showing up in the
loaded modules list of Apache::Status?


Pierre Phaneuf

path_info *again*! help!!!

2001-02-23 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

So I have this very clean Red Hat 7.0 system:

[root@tetine httpd]# rpm -V apache mod_perl
[root@tetine httpd]#  

I download the Apache::TreeBrowser module from and
put the file in /etc/httpd/Apache (which I just created).

At the very end of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, I add the following four

Location /
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::TreeBrowser

I restart my web server (with "/etc/init.d/httpd restart"), wait a
little, then go fiddle with it.

*** It doesn't work. ***

The first part of path_info is "eaten" somewhere. Let me explain:

If I start at the root (, everything looks fine,
path_info is "/". I click on "bark". Now it's not fine, path_info still
says "/", URL says "/bark/" (just like my location bar in my browser)
and the web page says that I am at the "Tree Root" node.

Now, if I click *again* on "bark", I am now at /bark/bark/, the
path_info is "/bark/", the URL is "/bark/bark/" and the web page says
that I am at the "bark" node. The translated path says
/var/www/html/bark, even though there is no such directory, of course.

Now for the most interesting:

If I change the Location / into a Location /tree, EVERYTHING IS
FINE. So this seems to be an exceptional case that happens only at /!?!

So what's going on here?!?

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-15 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

 So: What is the task at hand (more than "run something at certain
 intervals" (which is what cron(8) is for)).

I am building a web something-something (I don't know what's the current
buzzword for that, you know, the big integrated things) similar to the
ArsDigita Community System (ah, I bet this helped a lot more! :-) ).

My first occurence of this need was about expiring session keys from the
database. At first, I was about to do a little query that run from a
cleanup handler every so many seconds, but after that, I was stealing
some more ideas from ACS (it's a very good idea, but AOLserver and Tcl,
ick!), and I was getting jealous of the AOLserver scheduler, which they
use abundantly.

For example, you can check a list of URLs at regular interval to see if
your machines are up (and get a warning if some are not), or you can
send warnings to users when their car is about to get towed away because
of parking regulations. :-)

Anyway, from fussing around in ACS, it came to me that a general
scheduler is a pretty good idea, so I set to it.

More about the rationale in another reply to Matt Sergeant...


Very good one, I almost died of a chocolate-covered banana indigestion.

"The 3 great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris."
 -- Larry Wall

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-15 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

   I guess two persons "simpler" aren't always the same: I find it easier
   laying out a table and querying it than hacking something to fiddle with
   my crontab safely.
  As far as I know, crontab -e is perfectly safe.
 "crontab -l | foo" and "foo | crontab -" are your friends.

Ah yes. The problem with this is between the "crontab -l" and the
"crontab -". You have to parse the crontab, find your own entry without
disturbing other entries, mix in your new/modified entry, etc... Not
that it's impossible, but I don't like this very much and I find

Also, I'm not totally sure a piped open would be okay in Apache, since
this has a fork() underneath. Probably that it cannot be done in the
obvious straightforward way, 'open("crontab -l |")'. I would have to go
through the Apache subprocess API and do things I'd rather not be doing
(hey, I was the one annoyed by path_info not being translated for me :-)

Call me lazy. :-)

"MSDOS didn't get as bad as it is overnight -- it took over ten
years of careful development." -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-15 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Matt Sergeant wrote:

  as for putting cron into Apache: I don't understand why that's wanted
  in the first place. When connecting to the database outside the httpd
  it doesn't matter if it goes a little slow. And having separate
  programs to do the maintenance would easily be much simpler than
  trying to drop everything into the httpd.
 Its just a convenience thing. I've wanted to be able to do this too, for
 example to have emails go off at a particular interval. So yes, it can be
 done as cron + URI, but I'm just jealous of AOLServer's ability to do it
 all in one. This is especially important for a shrink-wrapped type
 application, where asking people to install a crontab entry is just
 another pain in the installation process (note that cron might be
 different on different OS's, and so might the shell be, so this is a real
 problem for some people - whereas if it were in Apache we'd know the

Same reasons here for wishing for this. By the way, it could even be
done as "cron + perl script that does the job directly (outside of
Apache)", but I'm trying to integrate things, so that you start one DBMS
daemon and N Apache servers (on different machines, of course), and you
have the application running.

As you mention, there is also the problem of being cross-platform.
Apache and mod_perl runs on Windows, but I would have to make people get
themselve a cron for Windows?

I think that I *will* make an Apache::Schedule module, but much less
ambitious and more closely related to the way Apache and mod_perl do
things. What about this summary:

Apache::Schedule let you register callbacks (per Apache child process)
that will be called after a given amount of time has passed, either once
or repeatedly. Callbacks will be called at the next request after the
required time, or at child exit time.

Would anyone find that useful? Of course, you can always run it from
cron. Or make yourself a daemon. Or use POE. Or use Zope. Or (even) use

Is there a mod_perl for AOLserver? ;-)

"Unix was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because
that would also stop you from doing clever things." -- Doug Gwyn

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-15 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Stas Bekman wrote:

 I might be barking at the wrong tree, but why cron? Why don't you use
 at(1). you don't need to parse crontab for that, and you can spawn
 processes with whatever intervals on demand. basically you can call
 at(1) itself at the end of at() so you can do the same as crontab.

Yes, at is much better suited, but you still have the problem of forking
under Apache (possible, but hairy) and systems where there is no at.

"The camel has not evolved to smell good. Neither has Perl."
 -- Larry Wall

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-15 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Tim Bunce wrote:

  Apache::Schedule let you register callbacks (per Apache child process)
  that will be called after a given amount of time has passed, either once
  or repeatedly. Callbacks will be called at the next request after the
  required time, or at child exit time.
 Would it work even if the server is not getting any requests?
 And if so, how?

No, that's the problem. :-)

That's where my idea of a cron job that does a HEAD request on an URL
that has the cleanup handler installed every 30 minutes (say) comes
from, so that there is a minimum level of service.

But while I would mention that in the README, that is outside the scope
of the perl module to do and left to the individual user. The
restriction would be clearly documented, and here's a way to help out
with it, but if it doesn't do what you want, don't use it (or tell us
how to improve it).

AOLserver has it easy, being in a single process and having this
scheduler tied in at the select() level, it never misses a beat and is
always on time (to a few tens or hundreds of milliseconds, if the server
is not overloaded). Apache is more complicated, with multiple child
processes that die after a while and don't know about each other (and
cannot depend on one particular child process to be there) and so on.

You could put something in the Apache parent process, but that would
require a new hook in Apache itself. That would be cool, but still not
free of problems:

 - the parent process often runs with root privileges, do we run the
scheduled callback as root inside the parent process?
 - if we do, if it is long running, you could have problems with Apache

Maybe it could register an URL to invoke on itself? Anyway, I'm not
enough into Apache to do something like *that*, even though I'd love

"I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few
months. I just love debugging ;-)" -- Linus Torvalds

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-15 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Vivek Khera wrote:

 PP Ah yes. The problem with this is between the "crontab -l" and the
 PP "crontab -". You have to parse the crontab, find your own entry without
 Very limited thinking going on here.  The crontab program honors the
 EDITOR environment variable.  Now... setenv EDITOR=myscript then run
 crontab -e.  Poof.  Atomic update.

That's what I intended to do (that's why I didn't mention concurrency
problems), but you still have to fork, which is hairy under mod_perl.

 With appropriate Perl modules for the cron files, this should be
 trivial.  But then, you probably aren't doing this from mod_perl...

Well, yes, why? :-)

"I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few
months. I just love debugging ;-)" -- Linus Torvalds

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-15 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Perrin Harkins wrote:

 The original post didn't say that the goal was to modify the scheduled
 jobs dynamically from mod_perl, and that does add a new wrinkle.  I still
 think a good Perl interface to cron would be more obvious and more

Sorry, maybe I didn't make that quite clear. Yes, it is a goal. For
example, to take an example from the ACS, a user can add or remove
parking warnings from the web site. I could write a file somewhere and
have another process in cron process that file every once in a while,
but I would like direct and immediate feedback/effect.

This could be simply an Apache::Cron module or something like that, to
ease the task of add/modifying/removing cron jobs from mod_perl, I

"As usual, this being a 1.3.x release, I haven't even compiled this
kernel yet.  So if it works, you should be doubly impressed."
 -- Linus Torvalds

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-15 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Vivek Khera wrote:

  With appropriate Perl modules for the cron files, this should be
  trivial.  But then, you probably aren't doing this from mod_perl...
 PP Well, yes, why? :-)
 You really want to have your web server writing files that execute
 arbitrary programs at arbitrary times?  Sounds risky.

Well, I'd like to keep this as little arbitrary that I can. For examples
of what I'd like to be able to do:

The last one fetches URLs from the web.

As for risky: this is just as risky as using mod_perl at all. What is
run is controlled by the script, so it's not 100% arbitrary, if you can
help it. If it was inside Apache, then it wouldn't be arbitrary
programs, it would restricted to the server.

"You can have my Unix system when you pry it from my cold, dead
 -- Cal Keegan

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-14 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Perrin Harkins wrote:

  Well, if I call the "check for things to do" URI every minute, then I'll
  be just fine. Many times, I'll just check and find nothing to do
 Huh?  Why would you call it if there's nothing to do?  Are you thinking
 you'll write a cron-ish task/timing spec for your Perl app and just use
 the cron triggers as a constant clock?

Yes, exactly. My plan is to have a table with the tasks in my database,
and check expired tasks in a cleanup handler. I'll have to lock the
table, so that only one process does that. I'll also query the database
only every so often, not at every request cleanup.

The more hits I get, the more accurate the "cron" will be, but I think I
will use a cron trigger a request to have a minimum level of accuracy
(could be every half-hour, just to make sure we're never late by more
than that, or whatever is appropriate).

Anything better?

"Unix gives you just enough rope to hang yourself -- and then a couple
of more feet, just to be sure." -- Eric Allman

Re: idea modules info

2001-02-14 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Svante Srmark wrote:

   ConfigDBI   i   Config via DBI and Perl   MARKIM
 Oracle's new Apache-based application-server stores its config in
 the database. It might be good for some ideas.

Any pointer to information?

"A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss
fires you." -- Larry Wall

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-14 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Perrin Harkins wrote:

  Yes, exactly. My plan is to have a table with the tasks in my database,
  and check expired tasks in a cleanup handler. I'll have to lock the
  table, so that only one process does that. I'll also query the database
  only every so often, not at every request cleanup.
 Well, by frequently hitting your web server and having it look in the
 database to decide to do nothing, you're putting a lot of unnecessary stress
 on your server.  What's wrong with making individual cron jobs that call
 individual URLs (think of it as RPC) to cause actions on your web server
 exactly when you want them done?  Doesn't that sound a whole lot simpler?

I think you are over-evalutating the stress on my server. With the
speediest time base I was talking about (once per minute cron job), that
would be 1440 HEAD requests per day, each requiring 1 simple database
query that will most probably return no row at all (a query that returns
many rows is slower, because it has to transmit these rows).

Many sites with database-driven pages have multiple complex queries on
some pages and run in the millions of page-views per day.

As for the simplicity, having multiple individual custom cron jobs is
simpler than one single generic cron job?

But still, I don't like my solution very much either. My problem lies in
the case where I get a lot of hits, I want to be careful of what I run
in my cleanup handler (if I hit the database at every cleanup, I'll
start piling up daemons if I get plenty of hits). I was thinking of
having a variable with a timestamp of when we last checked the database,
and getting into a cleanup handler, we'd hit the database only if it was
more than a minute ago that we checked.

Implementation: n., the fruitless struggle by the talented and underpaid
to fulfill promises made by the rich and ignorant.

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-14 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Perrin Harkins wrote:

 Sure, but why waste resources?

Because it's easy? :-)

  As for the simplicity, having multiple individual custom cron jobs is
  simpler than one single generic cron job?
 Yes, much simpler, at least for the scheduling and dispatching part.
 Instead of designing database tables to hold timing info on jobs and
 code to check it that is smart enough to remember when it last ran
 and prevent race conditions, you can write a simple crontab with one
 call to wget per job.  The actual implementation of the jobs is
 pretty much identical either way.

I guess two persons "simpler" aren't always the same: I find it easier
laying out a table and querying it than hacking something to fiddle with
my crontab safely.

 Do it whatever way suits you.  I'm just suggesting that you try the lazy
 way if possible.

I could mash the two together: have a single URL trigger that looks up
the tasks to do in a database, but have it schedule it's next run itself
using "at". Whew, there *is* a whole lot more than one way to do it! :-)

  I was thinking of having a variable with a timestamp of when we last
  checked the database
 That will have to be some sort of shared memory or file-based thing, since
 you won't be using the same process each time.

I was intending on being lazy and let a bunch of processes find out
there is nothing to do because one of them already did the work. ;-)

Ahh, the joy of wasting resources...

Would anyone be interested in seeing an Apache::Schedule, with an API
similar to the Tcl API in AOLserver?

"We make rope." -- Rob Gingell on Sun Microsystem's new virtual memory.

Re: idea modules info

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Mark Imbriaco wrote:

  What is the usual process for one that would like to help with a "i"
  module? Is there any code done, or some message/thread that I could be
  pointed to, discussing the idea, things like that?
 I developed some code to do this a VERY long time ago, but the code was
 quite specific to my needs (virtual hosting) and I never got around to
 generalizing it.  If you're interested in taking over the module list
 entry for this one, I have absolutely no problems with that.

Send it to me, I'll take a look! I don't garantee I can take it over,
but if I use it, I probably will be able to maintain it (as part of my
day job).

"How should I know if it works? That's what beta testers are for.
I only coded it." -- Linus Torvalds

Re: idea modules info

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Mark Imbriaco wrote:

What is the usual process for one that would like to help with a "i"
module? Is there any code done, or some message/thread that I could be
pointed to, discussing the idea, things like that?
   I developed some code to do this a VERY long time ago, but the code was
   quite specific to my needs (virtual hosting) and I never got around to
   generalizing it.  If you're interested in taking over the module list
   entry for this one, I have absolutely no problems with that.
  Send it to me, I'll take a look! I don't garantee I can take it over,
  but if I use it, I probably will be able to maintain it (as part of my
  day job).
 I don't even have the code any more -- it was written three jobs ago and
 the company it was written for doesn't even exist anymore. :)  Sorry.

Okay, no problem. Could you write up a quick summary of how it worked
(or how a rewrite should work)? If that was discussed on this mailing
list already, you could give me a pointer to a thread instead...

"The only 'intuitive' interface is the nipple. After that, it's
all learned." -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] (on user interfaces)

Re: trouble with path_info

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Pierre Phaneuf wrote:

Does anyone has an idea about this? I think I have proper behavior from
my perl handler by installing it at the root of the server, but this is
no real solution!

What I am doing wrong here???

 I'm really stumped with that one. How come Apache::Registry gets the
 right information and I don't??? I tried doing the exact same thing, to
 no avail.
 I built the smallest possible testcase I could (attached to this
 message, just fix the /home/pp/tmp in httpd.conf and into
 wherever you unpack this, if you want to try it out).
 Ideally, http://localhost/perl/test/foo and http://localhost/test/foo
 would both say the same thing ("path_info: /foo"). On my machine, they
 http://localhost/virtual/ should also say "Path information =/" at the
 bottom. On my machine, it says "Path information =/virtual/".

"World domination. Fast." -- Linus Torvalds

cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Is there a way to have a Perl function called at some point in time,
like I think AOLserver can do in Tcl (but I don't want to do either
AOLserver or Tcl!)?

I thought about checking the time in a PerlCleanupHandler, but this
would be in each Apache subprocess and I want this to get called only
once. The precision is not so important (unless we're talking hours
later or something like that!).

I thought of having a table of jobs in my PostgreSQL database and
(carefully avoiding race conditions with transactions/locking) checking
if the next job was due to be run, but that doesn't "smell" very good. I
could run the query only on the condition that a minute has passed since
the last time we did it, but still, I'm not sure.

I would like to know if anyone already did that or have any idea on how
to do that more properly?

"The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
regarded as a criminal offence." -- Edsger W. Dijkstra

Re: trouble with path_info

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Matt Sergeant wrote:

  Does anyone has an idea about this? I think I have proper behavior from
  my perl handler by installing it at the root of the server, but this is
  no real solution!
  What I am doing wrong here???
   I'm really stumped with that one. How come Apache::Registry gets the
   right information and I don't??? I tried doing the exact same thing, to
   no avail.
 Because Apache::Registry has a real file, so the fixup handler puts the
 right thing in path_info. Without a real file and a fixup handler you
 don't get the right information in path_info, you have to figure it out by

That would make the Apache::TreeBrowser example in the eagle book wrong,
isn't it?

Doug, is there something I'm missing about installing

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: trouble with path_info

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Matt Sergeant wrote:

  That would make the Apache::TreeBrowser example in the eagle book wrong,
  isn't it?
 Yes, that example seems incorrect to me.

Hmm... Strange... It actually *works* at and I
downloaded its source code from!

Doug, is there something you forgot? Errata? Or, again, something we are

I made a PerlFixUpHandler that simply shave $r-location from the front
of $r-path_info, if you install it in the same directory as
Apache::TreeBrowser (or other similarly written handler), it make them
work fine.

 PS: Please don't post large attachments to the list in future - send us a
 link to a place we can see the code you are using on the web.

Sorry! I took extra care to make the package as small as possible, but I
understand the rule, thanks!

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: trouble with path_info

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Matt Sergeant wrote:

   I'm really stumped with that one. How come Apache::Registry gets the
   right information and I don't??? I tried doing the exact same thing, to
   no avail.
 Because Apache::Registry has a real file, so the fixup handler puts the
 right thing in path_info. Without a real file and a fixup handler you
 don't get the right information in path_info, you have to figure it out by

As a side-note, I guess it's most probably the translation handler that
puts the right thing in path_info. My workaround is a fixup handler,
since there is no actual filename to translate, and you can't put a
translation handler just in a Location anyway.

Thanks for your help!

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

  Is there a way to have a Perl function called at some point in time,
  like I think AOLserver can do in Tcl (but I don't want to do either
  AOLserver or Tcl!)?
  I thought about checking the time in a PerlCleanupHandler, but this
  would be in each Apache subprocess and I want this to get called only
  once. The precision is not so important (unless we're talking hours
  later or something like that!).

Matt Sergeant wrote:

 Pretty much what you've already found out - Apache has no "cron" like
 daemon. One way you can do it is fork off a sub-process and run some sort
 of Cron perl module (I think there's a Cron module on CPAN, or you can run
 cron-like features with POE).

Hmm, too bad, that would have been easy to implement in the Apache core
request processing loop (it's build into the core of AOLserver). I'll
look to make sure, but I think this will be possible in Apache 2.0.
Anyway, that doesn't fix my problem for now.

Isn't forking off from Apache rather nasty? I saw something to that
effect somewhere in the eagle book and on some web pages, but I think
there are ways to do that without causing problems.

Perrin Harkins wrote:

 The common way to do it is to just use the real cron facility (assuming you
 are on unix) and have it call a URL on your server using LWP.

I am on a Unix-like system, but I wanted the events to be updated by the
web server itself, so that I could use the Apache::DBI cached connection
to the DBMS (I want to store the events in there).

This seems good, exposing a URL that a cron job would fetch every minute
(or something like that). I don't like much the idea of exposing an URL
like that (could be used to cause a DoS, accessing the DBMS like crazy,
but I guess this is a problem for any database-driven web site), but I
can always restrict the URL to

Vivek Khera wrote:

 Set up a handler and have a cron job "GET" the URL for it.

Yeah, I think that's what I'll do!

 You already have the "GET" program from the lwp package while
 installing mod_perl.

I have the mod_perl RPM that comes with Red Hat, and I can't find the
LWP anywhere. Not that I can't install it or use wget instead...

Thanks everyone!

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: trouble with path_info

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Matt Sergeant wrote:

  Hmm... Strange... It actually *works* at and I
  downloaded its source code from!
 Right, but the directory /tree might exist on their server - you never

I found the visible trigger.

I didn't have a DocumentRoot *at all* in my configuration, but it didn't
matter, as everything I have is served from handlers in Location
sections (or even in the root of the configuration file!). If I would
hit / directly (without the root PerlHandler), I would get a notice
about /usr/htdocs not existing in my error log (that's the default

I intented to verify the idea that having an actual /tree directory
would help matters, so I proceeded to set a DocumentRoot in my
configuration, figuring I'd then create the appropriate directory.

Behold! Everything worked as in the book, without the directory! It just
needed to have something *valid* as the DocumentRoot (I tried setting
the DocumentRoot to something invalid, it doesn't work).

Now, I do not completely understand this. Am I right when I say that
nothing on the filesystem is needed to locate a Location handler?
IMHO, a Location handler should be able to get its path_info resolved
without any filesystem access (thus, without any dependency on having a
valid DocumentRoot), and the current behavior would be a bug.

I think the trouble might be more into Apache itself than in mod_perl.

Right now, I consider my problem fixed, but I feel that this might be a
real bug. I'll go submit something to the Apache bug tracking system

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: cron for mod_perl?

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Matt Sergeant wrote:

  Isn't forking off from Apache rather nasty? I saw something to that
  effect somewhere in the eagle book and on some web pages, but I think
  there are ways to do that without causing problems.
 Yes, its a pain. I suggest using the ways detailed below. My only problem
 with those ways is that its not controlled from your application
 generally, unless you write your own cron-a-like in Perl, and access your
 datastore to get the configuration.

Well, if I call the "check for things to do" URI every minute, then I'll
be just fine. Many times, I'll just check and find nothing to do, but
it'll be under "enough" application control. You might contrieve adding
a cron entry as being "outside the application" though...

I would really like putting this in a cleanup handler, but the problem I
see is if I don't get any hit for too long (which might happen for an
internal web site, say over the weekend), I might miss events. I'll
probably have a combination of both approaches...

  I am on a Unix-like system, but I wanted the events to be updated by the
  web server itself, so that I could use the Apache::DBI cached connection
  to the DBMS (I want to store the events in there).
 The cached connection will be used, just as it would for the rest of your
 application. Also note that HTTP::GHTTP loads a *lot* faster than LWP, and
 executes faster too. And yes, you can restrict that URL to localhost, or
 password protected.

I was thinking of using wget with "-O /dev/null". :-)

As for the cached database connection, I knew about that, but I was
thinking of the forking approach (where there was no cached connection
available (not that it couldn't be cached!)).

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: trouble with path_info

2001-02-13 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Matt Sergeant wrote:

 Well you should read how Apache works. See
 It should clear things up for you.

Thank you, very interesting!

Pierre Phaneuf

trouble with path_info

2001-02-12 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

I spent two days trying to make my "virtual document" PerlHandler work
from various locations, which I had thought to be really easy, by simply
looking at the path_info to determine what virtual document to bring up.

No go.

In just about every cases that I could do, I have $r-path_info
identical to $r-uri!

I freaked out after a while, thinking I must have been doing something
wrong here, so I downloaded the Apache::TreeBrowser module from the site, installed it as the sole handler in my server (no
translation handler or *anything* else). I installed it just like in the
Eagle book.

Where on I see this:

URI = /tree/
Path information =/

On my server (http://foobar/virtual) I see this:

URL = /virtual
Path information =/virtual

What the heck??? I was expecting path_info to be blank there, then
getting a redirect to /virtual/ (and having just a slash in there).

I think that I know what I might be doing wrong though: I'm running
Apache 1.3.14 and mod_perl 1.24_01 from the Red Hat "RawHide", on a Red
Hat Linux 7.0. 1.24_01 is a development version, right? :-)

In any case, this might be a problem developers might want to hear

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: trouble with path_info

2001-02-12 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Geoffrey Young wrote:

  I spent two days trying to make my "virtual document" PerlHandler work
  from various locations, which I had thought to be really
  easy, by simply
  looking at the path_info to determine what virtual document
  to bring up.
  No go.
  In just about every cases that I could do, I have $r-path_info
  identical to $r-uri!
 you may want to check out this thread:
 and $r-location()

Actually, I want to do the exact *inverse* than this guy! :-)

But I agree that stripping off $r-location() from $r-uri() would give
something workable, and that's what I have been doing, but the thing is
that $r-path_info() should *already* work, and none of this should be

Apache::TreeBrowser *doesn't work* here, because of this problem, for
example. I could put that $r-location() workaround in it, but it would
be just that, a workaround, because on Doug's web server, it works.

Pierre Phaneuf

Re: trouble with path_info

2001-02-12 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

darren chamberlain wrote:

  In just about every cases that I could do, I have $r-path_info
  identical to $r-uri!
 If you are installing your handler as such:
 Location /
 SetHandler  perl-script
 PerlHandler My::Package
 Then what you are seeing is correct. What does the relevent
 httpd.conf snippet look like?

Just like in the eagle book (page 143):

Location /virtual
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::TreeBrowser

And I'm totally unable to get what you see on page 137. :-(

I will try with a non-development mod_perl now. :-)

"Unix gives you just enough rope to hang yourself -- and then a couple
of more feet, just to be sure." -- Eric Allman

Re: trouble with path_info

2001-02-12 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Pierre Phaneuf wrote:

  Then what you are seeing is correct. What does the relevent
  httpd.conf snippet look like?
 Just like in the eagle book (page 143):
 Location /virtual
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::TreeBrowser
 And I'm totally unable to get what you see on page 137. :-(
 I will try with a non-development mod_perl now. :-)

I just tried going back to the RPMs that came with Red Hat 7.0, no go
either (Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.24).

"MSDOS didn't get as bad as it is overnight -- it took over ten
years of careful development." -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

path_info in my perl handler

2001-02-12 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

Did some more testing: $ENV{PATH_INFO} from a CGI script is okay, and so
is $r-path_info() from an Apache::Registry script. Why does the
PerlHandler one doesn't work right then?

"The 3 great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris."
 -- Larry Wall

trouble with path_info

2001-02-12 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

I'm really stumped with that one. How come Apache::Registry gets the
right information and I don't??? I tried doing the exact same thing, to
no avail.

I built the smallest possible testcase I could (attached to this
message, just fix the /home/pp/tmp in httpd.conf and into
wherever you unpack this, if you want to try it out).

Ideally, http://localhost/perl/test/foo and http://localhost/test/foo
would both say the same thing ("path_info: /foo"). On my machine, they

http://localhost/virtual/ should also say "Path information =/" at the
bottom. On my machine, it says "Path information =/virtual/".


"Back in 1997, I grepped over a huge number of messages and collected
some damned lies, I mean, statistics, on what kind of In-Reply-To
headers they contained." -- Jamie W. Zawinski