How tp Prevent This

2000-10-09 Thread Sambit Nanda

Hi Friends
I Applied AuthenCache to My Apache 1.3.11 + SSL +
PERL + Etc, web Server My server is also having
AuthenSmb with it. What i found When any user sign in
the user name and password goes to log file. So in my
log file  some line gets appended whenever any user
sign in. like this 

[Sun Oct  8 11:46:29 2000] [warn]
AuthenCache::manage_cache: username=snanda
[Sun Oct  8 11:46:29 2000] [warn]
AuthenCache::manage_cache: added snanda:examplesam
31 to the cache

So this things happen for every user, what i do not

  So Each there any way to stop this thing. Or The
user name or the Password should not come/write  to
Log Files 

Any Help Any Idea. ???


Sambit Nanda
Unix Admin


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How i will set The Environment ??

2000-10-09 Thread Sambit Nanda

Hi Group 
Sorry to bother u again. But due to my poor
knowledge i am looking for the help . 

  I am having Web Server on solaris 2.7 SPARC ,
running Apache 1.3.11 + PERL + SSL + Etc. ..

 i am trying to install Apache::AuthCookie . when i do
perl  Makefile.PL  it give some information on console

$ perl Makefile.PL
For testing purposes, please give the full path to an
with mod_perl and at least the following hooks
enabled: PERL_AUTHEN,
The path defaults to $ENV{APACHE}, if present.

I know the the path to my httpd but what other things
mean ?? 

after  perl Makefile.PL if i run test i receive Error
messges like All test is failed...

I  do not have any idea on that I need yours


Sambit Nanda

Unix Admin


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where i can get this

2000-10-07 Thread Sambit Nanda

Hi All
my Webserver that is running Apache 1.3.11 +
openssl | mod_ssl | mod_perl . I have also installed
Authen::SMB and my web server is working fine. AND Now

   I am trying to install Apache::AuthCookie on that 
I read the README file which says like 
Apache::AuthCookie - Perl Authentication and
Authorization via cookies

Make sure your mod_perl is at least 1.24, with
MethodHandlers, Authen, and Authz compiled in.

  Any one can give me any idea where i can find all
this module or any web site name. or What Exactly The
file name should be. I am really confused after
getting a lot of file with same name for various


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2000-10-07 Thread Sambit Nanda

Hi Friends
I am trying to install AuthenCache on My Apache
1.3.11 + mod _ssl + mod _perl on my Soalris 7 Sparc

   I installed as the normal procedure and did also
make test all goes fine. Then Finally 

   i modified my httpd.conf like 

AllowOverride None

  AuthName "Unix Department"
  AuthType Basic

   perlModule Apache::AuthenCache

   PerlSetVar NT-Domain PDC
   PerlSetVar pdc pdc

   PerlAuthenHandler Apche::AuthenCache 
Apache::AuthenSmb  Apache::AuthenCache::

 Limit GET
   require valid-user

 PerlSetVar AuthenCache_cache_size 100
 PerlSetVar AuthenCache_cache_time 900
 PerlSetVar AuthenCache_nopasswd   off
 PerlSetVar AuthenCache_encrypted  off


After Starting the Webserver  
   when i am trying  to access the

i am getting Internal Server Error  and if i check the
error log file 

   The messages are [Sat Oct  7 17:00:15 2000] [error]
Can't locate Apche/ in @INC (@I
NC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris
503 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris
perl/5.005 . /usr/local/apache/
/usr/local/apache/lib/perl) at (eval 16) line 3.

[Sat Oct  7 17:00:15 2000] [error] Undefined
subroutine Apche::AuthenCache::han
dler called.

So where i lost really ??

Pls Advice.


Sambit Nanda

Unix Admin

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Why it prompt Multiple time for Authentication ???

2000-09-25 Thread Sambit Nanda

Hi perl  Experts 

  Here is  the problem :
  1. I am using Apache 1.3.11 + openssl + mod _ssl +
mod _perl + mod_php  on my web server

  2. I have the Module Installed call "Authen::Smb"
for Authentication with Win NT PDC  from Apache .

  Problem : I do not understand Some time My web
server ask for Password repeated time for each session
and some time it won't. I mean once u login   and go
to next  page or location of the seem application it
ask again the password. and some time it works very

  What can be the Error. Why it happening so Funny..

 3. Is Multiple PDC Authentication Module with Apache
released or Not ??   I need a kind attention of  Joshu
Gerth  on this issue.. 

Any help would be appreciated 


Sambit Nanda

Unix Admin

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Is there any Solution ???? No Answer

2000-08-31 Thread Sambit Nanda

Hi Group 
   I did not receive any answer from the perl world
about my question. 
  Looks Like no body put any attention to it . 

  I like to remind the question again ..  Here it goes

   I am using Apache 1.3.11 + Mod ssl + open SSL +
Mode Perl + mod _php like that on my web server
soalris 2.7 for Sparc.

I am also using Mod AuthenSmb for Authentication of my
web server with NT Account. and all working fine .
Till now i am using  Single NT PDC for Authentication
of User Id / password with Apache Web Server. Now i am
having a requirement to go for Multiple Domain With
multiple PDC  for that reason i set like

  PerlSetVar SEcond-Domain PDC2
  PerlSetVar PDC2 PDC2 

like the setup for PDC1 but still it is not working

Can any body give me idea how to figure out this.

I will appreciate for all the help.


Sambit Nanda
Unix Admin 

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Mulriple PDC Authentication

2000-08-29 Thread Sambit Nanda

Hi Group 
   I am using Apache 1.3.11 + Mod ssl + open SSL +
Mode Perl + mod _php like that on my web server
soalris 2.7 for Sparc.

I am also using Mod AuthenSmb for Authentication of my
web server with NT Account. and all working fine .
Till now i am using  Single NT PDC for Authentication
of User Id / password with Apache Web Server. Now i am
having a requirement to go for Multiple Domain With
multiple PDC  for that reason i set like

  PerlSetVar SEcond-Domain PDC2
  PerlSetVar PDC2 PDC2 

like the setup for PDC1 but still it is not working

Can any body give me idea how to figure out this.

I will appreciate for all the help.


Sambit Nanda
Unix Admin 

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RE: Mulriple PDC Authentication

2000-08-29 Thread Sambit Nanda

No i am not agree to this i do not know what u r
thinking about or what is your plan to proceed about
this probelm solution but it is sure it did not work
for me i have tested it already 

  This can not be a perfect solution i think ..

what u think ?

Any way thanks a lot for answer ..


--- Clayton Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hmm.  I am interested in doing that too.
 I wonder if they have to enter:
 in the login box, account name field to specify
 which domain to use?
 -Original Message-
 From: Sambit Nanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 4:02 PM
 Subject: Mulriple PDC Authentication
 Hi Group 
I am using Apache 1.3.11 + Mod ssl + open SSL +
 Mode Perl + mod _php like that on my web server
 soalris 2.7 for Sparc.
 I am also using Mod AuthenSmb for Authentication of
 web server with NT Account. and all working fine .
 Till now i am using  Single NT PDC for
 of User Id / password with Apache Web Server. Now i
 having a requirement to go for Multiple Domain With
 multiple PDC  for that reason i set like
   PerlSetVar SEcond-Domain PDC2
   PerlSetVar PDC2 PDC2 
 like the setup for PDC1 but still it is not working
 Can any body give me idea how to figure out this.
 I will appreciate for all the help.
 Sambit Nanda
 Unix Admin 
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from

Do You Yahoo!?
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mod_perl with authen::Smb

2000-02-10 Thread Sambit Nanda

  i have installed apache_1.3.11 with openssl-0.9.4 and mod_per and mod_ssl 
  and every thing is working fine i need to user Authen::Smb for Nt user authentication
  I installed Authen:Smb using cpan install Apache::AuthenSmb and 
  Install Authen::Smb and both the product got installed with the message Authen::Smb
  is update I also change the Httpd.conf file 

  AuthName  "NT secure area"
AuthType  Basic
PerlAuthenHandle  Apache::AuthenSmb
require   valid-user

and the file file Where i mentioned the PDC and WorkGroup name 
 Directory /foo/bar
# This is the standard authentication stuff
AuthName "Foo Bar Authentication"
AuthType Basic

# Variables you need to set, you must set at least
# the myPDC variable, the DOMAIN defaults to WORKGROUP
PerlSetVar nhct-01 NHHQ
   # PerlSetVar myBDC workgroup-bdc

PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenSmb

# Standard require stuff, only user and
# valid-user work currently
require valid-user

but, if i mentioned my nt username and password the browser is not able to authenticate

i checked the log file and the message is as follows

[Thu Feb 10 10:57:19 2000] [error] access to / failed for, reason:
 Apache::AuthenSmb - Configuration error, no PDC

The ip Address is mentioned of my Nt Workstation  not the NT PDC 

Please help me how toresolve the problem

Thanking You

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mod_perl with authen::Smb

2000-02-10 Thread Sambit Nanda

  i have installed apache_1.3.11 with openssl-0.9.4 and mod_per and mod_ssl 
  and every thing is working fine i need to user Authen::Smb for Nt user authentication
  I installed Authen:Smb using cpan install Apache::AuthenSmb and 
  Install Authen::Smb and both the product got installed with the message Authen::Smb
  is update I also change the Httpd.conf file 

  AuthName  "NT secure area"
AuthType  Basic
PerlAuthenHandle  Apache::AuthenSmb
require   valid-user

and the file file Where i mentioned the PDC and WorkGroup name 
 Directory /foo/bar
# This is the standard authentication stuff
AuthName "Foo Bar Authentication"
AuthType Basic

# Variables you need to set, you must set at least
# the myPDC variable, the DOMAIN defaults to WORKGROUP
PerlSetVar nhct-01 NHHQ
   # PerlSetVar myBDC workgroup-bdc

PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenSmb

# Standard require stuff, only user and
# valid-user work currently
require valid-user

but, if i mentioned my nt username and password the browser is not able to authenticate

i checked the log file and the message is as follows

[Thu Feb 10 10:57:19 2000] [error] access to / failed for, reason:
 Apache::AuthenSmb - Configuration error, no PDC

The ip Address is mentioned of my Nt Workstation  not the NT PDC 

Please help me how toresolve the problem

Thanking You

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