Possible bug with ModPerl 1.25 and Escape_uri

2001-07-06 Thread Stef Telford

I hope this is the right place to put this. I have some code that takes data
from a database and encrypts it via Blowfish and CBC. Not a problem so far, 
the problems comes with sending it to the client.

If i do this 

my $f=CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Ticket',
-value => $ciphertext
warn " --- $f --- ";
return $f;

(And i had assigned it into a tmp variable and then 'warned' to the
apache-error.log) I get this

 --- Ticket=RandomIV%1F%BC%B8%0B%2C%408%8E%3Fg%B8%AD%1D%60j%D0O
%CD%12%1A%7ES; path=/ ---

apologies for the largeness of that string, but i wanted to show that it does
indeed work as i had planned. Now, i had wanted to get rid off CGI from the
mod_perl processes (makes it use jst that bit less memory) and I have 
converted most of it away, except when i do this (with the same string you 
will notice)

 my $t=escape_uri($ciphertext);
 warn " -= Ticket=$t; path=/ =- ";
 return "Ticket=$t; path=/";

i get this very nice string instead

 -= Ticket=RandomIV%1f%bc%b8%0b,@8%8e%3fg%b8%ad%1d%60j%d0O
%bdW%dd)%94%a5%01%5b%99G; path=/; =-

Now, if i look at the string (and ignoring all the strange characters that 
slip through escape_uri) i cant help but notice that escape_uri 'breaks' on 
the character after %99G which, lo and behold, is %00 which says to me that
for some reason CGI::Cookie does the 'right thing' in the case of Blowfish 
encrypted text, but escape_uri in mod_perl doesnt.

Any pointers or 'your stupid' are, as always, welcome.

Regards and thanks

(Apache version is 1.3.17, modperl 1.25)

Silly Question about CGI and mod_perl - The Revenge

2001-02-09 Thread Stef Telford

Me again (sorry), i did as was suggested to get rid of the
CGI.pm debug messages in the Apache Server. I changed NO_DEBUG
to 1 and the 

(offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

all went away. Thats the good news. The strange news is that
now, however, it doesnt seem to recieve the post data. I am using
CGI::param to get the input from the previously posted form, which
is the typical . All .pl files are set
to be executed by mod_perl (not the safest thing i know but its a
development server more than production). 

There is nothing going on. I downgraded to CGI.pm 2.46 and with NO_DEBUG
on, it works, it gets the data posted to the other cgi. 
With 2.752 in any state, no show.

I would like to think I know how to program in perl and
Apache, if not mod_perl, but i dont see why this should be happening.

As usual, Apache 1.3.17, mod_perl 1.25, FreeBSD 4.2-Stable,
CGI.pm 2.752 and PostgreSQL 7.0.3 with Perl 5.005

Anything you think i could be doing 'obviously' wrong ?

Many thanks,

Silly Question Not in the FAQ

2001-02-07 Thread Stef Telford

Me again (sorry about this) and this is probably a silly question
but, each of my Apache children load in CGI.pm at startup time (via the
startup.pl method). The only problem is that the apache-error log grows 
due to the CGI.pm startup message

 (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input).

Now, how do i get these messages removed or not going to my 
logfile ? I have the latest CGI.pm from CPAN,along with perl 5.005 patch
mod_perl 1.24 and Apache 1.3.17 on a FreeBSD box. 

Its not 'mission critical' (obviously) but its jst one of those little
'niggling' things that i would like to know how to 'scratch'. Thank you


Re: HTTP_REFERRER and Mod_perl

2001-01-15 Thread Stef Telford

John wrote:
> Are you hitting the page directly? If so then you will not get a
> You have to link to it from another page in order for that variable to
> set. If the page is the first to load in the browser there is no
> page.
> Just a thought!

no, thank you. it was a good question and it got me thinking.
I use the meta tags to push the person through the custom
authentication process. The thing that i notice is that all
the pages that are 'during' and the first one thereafter
(the main menu as it is) dont have this set.

When i link, they do. So i guess the moral of the story here
is that meta tag redirects DONT set the REFERER variable
at all. 

which is good to know, but requires a bit of a hefty rewrite
on my end, and lots of checking the request_uri. Whelp. 
thank you everyone. i cant believe it was that obvious, 
but at least i will(should) have it working shortly.

satori and peace.

Re: HTTP_REFERRER and Mod_perl

2001-01-15 Thread Stef Telford

John wrote:
> I think your mispelling :
> When in doubt run a check on your %ENV hash
> foreach( keys %ENV ) {
>   print "$_ = $ENV{ $_ }\n" ;
> }

you know.. thats the funny thing. I DO that. i have
changed the spelling of HTTP_REFERRER to HTTP_REFERER
but still i dont get this showing up in mod_perl. is this set via
another Apache module perhaps ? Is it okay to have the 
mod_perl handle all the .pl files instead of mod_cgi ?

here is the $ENV sorted alphabetical, as you can see.
no HTTP_REFERER of any sort. frankly i am a bit stumped
by this. 

HTTP_ACCEPT="image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
image/png, */*"
HTTP_USER_AGENT="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; FreeBSD 4.2-RELEASE i386;

thanks for you time
(and sorry my correct spelling ;)


HTTP_REFERRER and Mod_perl

2001-01-15 Thread Stef Telford

okay, this may be a silly configuration problem, but I would
really like to know if its jst me with this problem. if it is, then i
dont mind
being hit around the hit and pointed to the appropiate place for further

I have setup Apache (1.3.14) to use mod_perl for all the 
perl scripts (.pl) on the webroot. Everything is working great, I have
written my own authentication procedures against postgreSQL 7 and
have also used the Apache::DBI. Thats not the problem.

The problems arise when i try to use HTTP_REFERRER from
the $ENV enviroment. All the other variables are set jst fine
wrong to not 'obtain' this variable. it never shows up in the $ENV list.
Is this an oversight of mod_perl (v1.24).

I need this to stop people from typing in URLS or jumping to
a location from a bookmark. If i cant do it this way, then I guess I
have to use the MD5 encrypted url checksum and do it that way.

Thanks for your thoughts and input.

Re: Apache::DBI strategy/philosophy

2000-06-16 Thread Stef telford

Tim wrote:
> Now I want to do things "right" and am trying to understand 
> Apache::DBI.  Before looking at the module  I imagined that it would 
> work by providing a library of persistent connections.  You would 
> check a connnection out of the library, use it, and then put it back 
> when you are done, like checking a book out of the library.  If you 
> disconnected the connection, you just wouldn't return it, and the 
> pool would have to create a new connection for the next user.

Hrrmm. In this case though how would you discern between a 
slow connection and a 'disconnect' on the clients side ?! 
As far as we are aware, you couldnt, unless you sent back
some sort of message to the server in which case it may as
well deal with the disconnection itself at that point.
(jst our opinion ;)
> But this is not the way Apache::DBI works.  Instead, if I understand 
> correctly after glancing at the module this morning, two consecutive 
> identical connect calls will return the same connection!  Why isn't 
> this a problem?  Is the assumption that two different transactions 
> will use different user/pwd combinations?

Afaik (or afaict) apache::dbi seems to cache any connection by
l&p (login and passwd) and server host/dbname. This is fine for
us here because everyone has a unique l&p to the database
anywayz. If you only use one for l&p for all connections, then
it doesnt really matter 'who has the handle' as long as its open
for business surely ?!

The dbi handle (in other words) doesnt block whilst in a cgi,
which you seem to think it is doing. It _will_ (if i read this right)
if you have a large select or fetchrow call, but otherwise the
concurrency shouldnt really be a problem (its all a matter how
of how quick/slow your queries are).

personally, in our application here, the individuals do a lot
of large transactions, and even though DBI might queue them
up, it would cause unacceptable delays in processing time.

of course, there are other things to worry about if everyone has
a unique l&p and more than once we have seen people advocating
against this. 

your mileage may vary.

> Thanks
np (if i am right ;)