Perl Config for VirtualHosts

2001-04-22 Thread Steven Vetzal

I've been 
grappling with this for a while, and was wondering if anyone could help me 
I'm trying 
to set up a series of VirtualHost sections in httpd.conf using Perl. I want to 
set the PerlHandler for the VirtualHost to "perl-script", but I want to define 
several Location sections with the PerlHandler set to 
I'm using a 
structure like this to define the VirtualHost sections (the $xp is an XPath 
object using Matt Sergeant's XML::XPath module):
    $region = 
$instance);    $address = 
$instance);    $sitename = 
$instance);    $admin = 
$instance);    $ext = 
$xp->findvalue("./ext", $instance);
$VirtualHost{"$sitename:8080"} = 
ServerAdmin => 
DocumentRoot    => 
ServerName  => 
ErrorLog    => 
TransferLog => 
PerlSetVar  => "Region 
SetHandler  => 
PerlHandler => 
Now this 
works great - everything is cool. However if I add the following to the 
$VirtualHost{} assignment:
Location    => [ "/ext" => { 
SetHandler => "default-handler" } ],
Or if I try 
to set up an assignment outside that structure with:
$VirtualHost{"$sitename:8080"}->{Location} = ( [ "/ext" => { 
SetHandler=> "default-handler" 
"/images" => { SetHandler => "default-handler" 
] );
I get an error 
[Sat Apr 21 
23:06:30 2001] [error] (22)Invalid argument: : Invalid command 
'Location', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the 
server configuration
I'm really not 
sure about my structure syntax - I've got an Alias directive I managed to get 
working, and modelled the Location stuff after it, but I just can't get this 
sucker to go. I'm finding the mod_perl guide a little vague, talking only 
about Location as a discreet variable (which I assume is server global?), 
and I'm just not getting how to do this within the scope of a 

RE: Perl Config for VirtualHosts oops!

2001-04-22 Thread Steven Vetzal

Argh - don't you hate reading over your posts _after_ you send them?

> I'm trying to set up a series of VirtualHost sections in httpd.conf
> using Perl. I want to set the PerlHandler for the VirtualHost to
> "perl-script", but I want to define several Location sections with
> the PerlHandler set to "default-handler". 




RE: Dynamic loading of development libraries

2001-03-03 Thread Steven Vetzal

Hi Brian,

I've been over this a few times in our environment - and the best solution
I've been able to come up with has been to run multiple Apache servers.

Our environment involves simultaneous HEAD and branch development on our
Framework, as well as HEAD and branch development of applications based on
the Framework. We've got a multi-server development environment (dev only,
preview, and production) with CVS commits auto-published to the dev and
preview servers, according to CVS branch.

Our dev server has to support a stable CVS branch of the Framework in order
to facilitate stable application development. As a result, we're about to
begin maintaining multiple Apache processes, one per branch of the Framework
(HEAD, stable release branch, tagged release) in order to maintain a clean
environment and predictable application quality. Applications can be
simultaneously tested on the current Framework or a past tagged release, as
well as the stable branch and even the trunk.

My reasoning against solutions such as Apache::PerlVINC and StatINC is that
I want the environment in which an application is tested and developed to be
as close as possible to the final deployment environment. I even encourage
our developers to work with the proxy front-end so that they can see what
their cache-control and other headers are doing (of course, the back-end
Apache processes are always available to them on a different port). IMHO
these modules, while in many circumstances are quite useful, are not
applicable to our strict development environment. And while they may well
work okay in this environment, I don't want to take the chance because - I'm
a paranoid S.O.B. 8^)

Luckily, RAM is cheap these days...


-Original Message-
From: Brian Ferris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 12:30 PM
Subject: Dynamic loading of development libraries

I'm currently a developer for an on-line publication using Apache /
mod_perl / Mason.  We currently have about six developers working on the
project and I have been running into problems with concurrent work on the
Perl libraries that power our site.

We use CVS to manage revisions, but the only way for a developer to see if
their code is working is to run it on our webserver.  However, mod_perl's
very purpose is to keep one copy of your modules loaded from the
start.  StatINC addresses this problem to a certain extent, but it fails
when you have multiple versions of a Perl module that you want to load
depending on which user is requesting.

I sort of got around this by modifying my Mason handler to examine the
requested URI ( ex. /dev/user_name/blah.html ) and loading the appropriate
module for that user.  Basically, this involved modifying the @INC
paths in the handler, requiring the modules, and then calling
the StatINC handler sub to reload any modified modules.  This sort
of screams hack and it never worked that well.  Processes would
load the proper module for one user, and then use that same module
to serve another user who was looking for his own modules.  Chaos

I have a few ideas as to what I should try next.  Perhaps limiting
RequestsPerChild to 1, such that libraries don't get reused?  I don't know
what the ramifications of this are.

Short of running a webserver for each user (a bad solution in my
opinion) does anyone have ideas?

Brian Ferris

RE: HTML Mason 1.0 setup

2001-03-01 Thread Steven Vetzal

Hi Rob,

> I've been using HTML::Mason under mod_perl on my site for 
> awhile, using
> 0.89, and I like it lots. :-)  So when the new 1.0 came out, 

Me too 8^) I'm a Mason junkie for going on 4 years now I think - since 0.4

> I went to go
> upgrade, and broke EVERYTHING.

There are some very specific differences. Make sure that you are setting up
the ApacheHandler correctly - you may need to compare the handler included
in the distribution. Most importantly make sure you have

use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler;

I did not see this in your sample attachment.

> Not only that, but, I haven't been able to make sense out of 
> what Mason
> wants for its dir heirarchy, anyway:
> First, comp_root (apparently) needs to be the same as 
> DocumentRoot, which
> seems horribly insecure...  if I could find another way to do 
> it, I would,

This is not correct - I use a drastically different component root than my
document root on all of my installations, specifically for security reasons.
Make sure you un-comment the lines in the for:

chown ( scalar(getpwnam "nobody"), scalar(getgrnam "nobody"),
$interp->files_written );

Substitute the "nobody" for the user & group your web server runs under. The
transient files created by Mason will need to be writable by that user, and
the Mason handler will take care of the permissions issues for you.

> Why can't I have
> /home/httpd/html
> /home/httpd/components(instead of /home/httpd/html/components)
> /home/httpd/mason (instead of /home/httpd/html/mason)

I would generally use a directory structure like:

AppName/web/pub/ (document root, public HTML documents and top-level Mason
AppName/web/elements/ (non top-level Mason components)

And then set the component root to AppName/web, allowing you to use absolute
references in your <& &> and $m->comp calls such as
$m->comp("/elements/banner.html"), or <& /elements/footer.html &>

This ensures that banner.html and footer.html are NOT accessible directly
via the web server.

My Mason Interpreter object is usually set up like:

my $interp = new HTML::Mason::Interp (parser=>$parser,

Then my VirtualHost directive sets:

DocumentRoot /home/www/AppName/pub

Check out that use directive I noted at the top - it might be your sticking

Good Luck!


RE: is morning bug still relevant?

2000-12-15 Thread Steven Vetzal


> to say "ping doesn't work in all cases" without qualifiying why and/or
> which drivers that applies to.

We've had to write our own ->ping method for the MySQL DBD driver. Our
developer tried to track down a maintainer for the DBD::msql/mysql module to
submit a diff, but to no avail.

It was easier to patch the MySQL driver than to start putting driver
conditionals in our own code (our stuff runs on Oracle & MySQL).


RE: [certification]

2000-12-08 Thread Steven Vetzal

> You miss the point.
> It's not about credentials in a boolean sense. It's about 
> probability and 
> statistics.

That's exactly true - in fact I'd go so far to say that the probably and
statistics vary for each type of certification.

I trust an M.D.'s certification far greater than I trust an MCSE
certification, because I can be pretty sure the doctor completed his
education and had to actually think a little to accomplish that. The MCSE,
not so much. A few months of memorization (quickly forgotten) does not mean
the same as 7 years in med school.

It all comes down to what certifications the employer trusts. We (in effect
the M.D.'s employer) trust their medical degree. Not because some company
ran a marketing campaign to tell us that we should, but from our own
experience, and the experience of others.

However, Microsoft simply runs an ad campaign telling employers that they
can trust MCSE's - and why should they believe otherwise? 8^(


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