Re: Server side programming PHP Vs CGI Vs modPerl

2003-02-14 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Devi .M wrote:

   Now I tried authenticating the user, where I have to maintain
 separate session for each user. When I saw how to do session management in
 mod_perl a module called Apache::Session was told. But when I tried it,
 that module was missing in my mod_perl. So I want to know, whether I have
 to download this module separately, or what version of mod_perl will it be

Apache::Session is not shipped with mod_perl, but it is available from

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 Linux, the Cheap Chic for Computer Fashionistas

Re: OSCON ideas

2003-01-09 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 (  I'm
 thinking about possible talks to submit and I want a little feedback on
 what people are most interested in.  Here are two options I'mconsidering:

 1) Database Objects in Perl

I would like to see this one, and thank you very much for the question :)

Ciao, Valerio

Re: [OT] document management

2002-09-18 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Erich Markert wrote:

 What I need to find is a system that would allow users to upload word
 and/or pdf and/or html files into a library system that would
 automatically extract keywords and then file the documents into a
 database.  The goal of all this is to avoid having users doing double
 work, e.g. creating word docs only to convert, etc., while having a
 system that is as user friendly as possible because most of these users
 aren't technically savy.

Try with GNU EPrints 2 (

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 Linux, the Cheap Chic for Computer Fashionistas

Re: Static vs. DSO on Linux specifically

2002-07-22 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

Hi David,

On 22 Jul 2002, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

 But Redhat ships it as a DSO.

Debian also, but I think that is only for simplicity. It would be
'expensive' to produce static versions of apache with mod_perl,
or with mod_php or both.

 On the other hand, I've asked a couple local mod_perl junkies I know
 how static was better, and they didn't have any good answers for the
 Intel / Linux environment (though they definitely knew reasons for the
 Windows environment).

The reason for me was 'too many open file handles'. Every http
daemon has a file handle for every DSO module, moreover a file handle
for every log file. After sometime I started to have that error and
found static building the best solution for my problem.
IIRC, DSO is still marked as experimental in apache source.

Last, but not least, conf files look better :)

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: path_info() query.

2002-07-04 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Thu, 4 Jul 2002, Wes Cravens wrote:

 url: '' returns '/'
 url: '' returns '' when I was expecting '/debug'

does a file or directory named 'debug' exist in your document root?
If so, it's normal. It is also possible that you are doing an error
I made many times :) You are just facing a 'silent' 404 error, because
the correct way to add path info to your first example is

url: '' returns '/'

assuming that index.html is in your DirectoryIndex directive.
So when you invoke url you are being redirected to

Hope it helps.

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: [OT] Better Linux server platform: Redhat or SuSe?

2002-07-03 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

 Software-based RAID 1: Is it usable (only for a data partition, not
 required for the root partition)? Is it easy to recover from a broken

If possible, consider using hardware RAID, like Mylex ones; they are
quite expensive, because of SCSI disks, but you gain cpu cycles;
I've used Mylex cards on four Red Hat boxes for four years without a
problem, and monitored hw status using /proc file system.

There are also IDE motherboards with RAID, I own one of them, but I use
the eight devices feature instead of raid.

Consider also the use of kickstart utility shipped with RH, it makes
possible to build your own installation disks; of course, Debian also
is very powerful at this.

I never used RH RPMs for Apache and mod_perl, mostly because of DSO

You can also build a card to operate reset buttons remotely.
Double power line is a plus ;)

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: [OT] Better Linux server platform: Redhat or SuSe?

2002-07-03 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Rob Nagler wrote:

 David Dyer-Bennet writes:
  Obviously hardware RAID will save CPU cycles somewhat, and SCSI disks
  of the right type will increase IO bandwidth somewhat, but if you're
  not short of those things and still want the added security of
  mirroring, I think the software RAID is a viable option.

 Harware RAID is usually hotswappable, which is quite nice.

More, you can make redundant RAID and even have disks shared by two boxes

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: tutorials (was: Re: rfc Apache::Dynagzip)

2002-06-14 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Sat, 15 Jun 2002, Igor Sysoev wrote:

 I mean that handler can do following:

 if ($r-headers_in(Accept-Encoding) =~ /gzip/
 and not $r-note(disable_gzip))
 do gzipping

I understand your point of view, even I prefer Slava's approach.
I'm asking myself why you will need to log that particular header.
It is not a provocation, I don't understand the usefulness of
logging the status of an header that can be deduced undoubtedly from
the signature of browser issuing the request.

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-11 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, John Siracusa wrote:

  You're right.  It just looks kind of odd to me, invoking a template for
  something that is not a display-related task.  It looks like the way
  people typically do MVC in Mason or Embperl, with a first template that
  doesn't do anything but invoke a module to take over the processing.

 ...but it has several advantages.  I particularly appreciate being able to
 add to or change parameters or behaviors before passing things off to the
 controller, for example.  I can have several variants of the same
 controller living at different URLs, all pointing back to a single
 controller object.

I think that it is also more manageable by people who doesn't want to
understand configurations; designers who worked with me found this
approach handy.

 Don't think of it as invoking a template.  Just think off it as an
 inverted dispatch mechanism: the actions camp out at their locations, as
 opposed to having their locations (in the httpd.conf) pointing at the
 controller modules.  Or something... :)

And it is a sort of grid layout, mentioned by someone in a previous
message; but it still remains an impure approach :(

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-10 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

 Ray Zimmerman wrote:
 So how is everybody else handling URL mapping?

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, John Hurst wrote:

 In the filesystem. Directly requested .tt files are all sent to a
 default template handler:
 % cat admin/
 [% = 'Project') %]

I used html pages with augmented tags parsed by a standard handler:

img src=some.gif function=Class::method arg=foo kbit

this way i can instantiate classes, named components, and call
their methods. Programmers write classes wich in turn call templates.
Designer can control 1) graphic layout by moving 'images' (and other
tags of course) 2) view details modifying templates.

There are other high level tools:

img get=variable kbit
img set=variable value=... kbit
img placeholder=name kbit
img include=URI filter=... kbit

functions can use variables and fill placeholders. Every component
can interact with the handler, receiving context infos (possibly
including session data) and answering with some content plus HTTP
codes, which seem to me quite explanatory.

If someone wants to know more, please ask. This framework works in
few dinamic sites here in Italy and is very handy to use, especially
during periodic reorganization of the site (structure, design).

Thank you for the excellent OT!

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-10 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 Those are both interesting and may be the most appropriate solution for
 the problems you're working on, but I wouldn't call either of them MVC.
   You are going straight to a view (template) and letting it drive all
 the decisions.  In an MVC application, you would go to a controller that
 would do some work and then decide which view to show.

You are right, I know this problem, but think at components as second level
controllers, where i can work with Model and View. The ugly thing is having
html, which belongs to View, in two places with Controller in the middle.
The main focus here is to be friendly with ui people, shifting reusability
towards them.

Thank you for your comment!

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-10 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, James G Smith wrote:

 I'm working on a framework that will use the Mason component as the
 controller, Perl modules as the model, and either Mason components or
 TT templates called from the controller as the view.  The view would
 output XML that would then be put through AxKit or similar by the
 autohandler to add style information and produce HTML or whatever
 format we needed.

It seems perfect for mod_perl2. Really interesting, xml appears to be
the final destination for most of us, even if now i prefer objects.

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-10 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Matt Sergeant wrote:

  It seems perfect for mod_perl2. Really interesting, xml appears to be
  the final destination for most of us, even if now i prefer objects.

 There's no conflict between using XML and using Objects if you're using AxKit.
 Especially thanks to Simon Cozen's nice new taglib.

I know also this; i subscribed Axkit ml on 31 May 2000, but still does not
have the courage to look at xml and co. :) I'll post a question on the
other ml, ok?

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: rfc Apache::Dynagzip

2002-06-06 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Slava Bizyayev wrote:

 I'd prefer to address it the point where the web server administrator has to
 fix the Accept-Encoding HTTP header, if one is incorrectly issued by buggy
 web client.

I really like your idea, in a perfect world shouldn't be that fixup :)

Ciao, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: rfc Apache::Dynagzip

2002-06-05 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Slava Bizyayev wrote:

 I don't know should it be a kitchen of every system administrator, or
 somebody could volunteer to serve the public web site about the current
 conditions of different web clients and recommended masks?.. I can't host it
 on my devl4, because it is a development machine. That would be better to
 find some stable place, like mod_perl, or apache project ;-).

Can you provide a compatibility list? I think that the new mod_perl site
is looking for new articles, may be the first part of Apache::Dynagzip
man page is a good candidate... You could add also known bugs and
features. But I cannot decide what goes on mod_perl site :)

Bye, Valerio

 Valerio Paolini,
 what is open-source about? Learn, and then give back

Re: here is a good modperl question on perlmonk

2002-03-05 Thread Valerio_Valdez Paolini

On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 Philippe Chiasson had a really nice talk on setting up developer teams on 
 mod_perl at ApacheCon 2001. Covers everything from CVS to deployment. You 
 may want to see if you can get the slides from him ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if you 
 are interested in the details.

Bye, Valerio