Re: [summary] Re: front end proxy and virtual hosts

2000-04-17 Thread Vivek Khera

Looks good; I'd recommend keeping *.html files on the front-end as
well, since they tend to be static, and also any traditional *.cgi
since they don't need mod_perl's bloat on the fork/exec.

Also, specifying "Port 80" inside each virtual on the back-end is not
necessary, though perhaps setting a new DocumentRoot might make sense.

Perhaps this paragraph:

If your server is configured to run traditional CGI's as well as
mod_perl CGI programs, then it would be beneficial to configure the
front-end server to run the traditional CGI's directly.  This can be
done by altering the Cgif|jpg|png|txt rewrite rule to add C|cgi at
the end, or adding a new rule to handle all C/cgi-bin/* locations
locally.  Similarly, static HTML pages can be served by the front-end
server by adding C|html to the rule.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD   +1-301-545-6996
PGP  MIME spoken here

[summary] Re: front end proxy and virtual hosts

2000-04-15 Thread Stas Bekman

=head1 Front-end Back-end Proxying with Virtual Hosts

This section explains a configuration setup for proxying your back-end
mod_perl servers when you need to use Virtual Hosts.

The approach is to use unique port number for each virtual host at the
back-end server, so you can redirect from the front-end server to
localhost::1234, and name-based virtual servers on the front end, though
any technique on the front-end will do. 

If you run the front-end and the back-end servers on the same machine
you can prevent any direct outside connections to the back-end server
if you bind tightly to address C127.0.0.1 (Ilocalhost) as you will
see in the following configuration example.

The front-end (light) server configuration:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteOptions 'inherit'
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png|txt)$ - [last]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:4077/$1 [proxy]

RewriteEngine On
RewriteOptions 'inherit'
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png|txt)$ - [last]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:4078/$1 [proxy]

The above front-end configuration handles two virtual hosts: and The two setups are almost

The front-end server will handle files with the extensions I.gif,
I.jpg, I.png and I.txt internally, the rest will be proxified to
be handled by the back-end server.

The only difference between the two virtual hosts settings is that the
former rewrites requests to the port C4077 at the back-end machine
and the latter to the port C4078.

The back-end (heavy) server configuration:

  Port 80
  PerlPostReadRequestHandler My::ProxyRemoteAddr
  Listen 4077
  VirtualHost localhost:4077
Port 80
DirectoryIndex index.shtml index.html
  Listen 4078
  VirtualHost localhost:4078
Port 80
DirectoryIndex index.shtml index.html

The back-end server knows to tell which virtual host the request is
made to, by checking the port number the request was proxified to and
using the appropriate virtual host section to handle it.

We set S"Port 80" so that any redirects don't get sent directly to
the back-end port.

To get the Ireal remote IP addresses from proxy, the
handler is used based on the Cmod_proxy_add_forward Apache module.
Prior to mod_perl 1.22+ this setting must have been set per-virtual
host, since it wasn't inherited by the virtual hosts.

The following configuration is yet another useful example showing the
other way around. It specifies what to be proxified and than the rest
is served by the front end:

  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteLogLevel   0
  RewriteRule   ^/(perl.*)$$1   [P,L]
  RewriteRule   ^proxy:.*   - [F]
  ProxyRequests on
  NoCache   *
  ProxyPassReverse  /

So we don't have to specify the rule for the static object to be
served by the front-end as we did in the previous example to handle
files with the extensions I.gif, I.jpg, I.png and I.txt

Stas Bekman | JAm_pH--Just Another mod_perl Hacker  | mod_perl Guide 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://perl.org|