
2002-05-19 Thread Gregory Matthews

Hello again.

Is Apache::Leak the easiest/best module to use for both detecting AND 
allowing us to find the source of a memory leak in mod_perl?

If so, I am not finding any good documentation on its use.  I am not a 
mod_perl guru and what I've read so far sounds rather involved.

Can someone point me to a location where good, laymen documentation exists 
for this module. I would love to use it to ensure my code is solid (I am 
writing a mod_perl app from scratch and do not want to stray off the wrong 
coding path).

Thanks in advance.



2000-07-10 Thread David Hodgkinson

I'm investigating smallish memory leakages in a former CGI script that
is now running live as an Apache::Registry script. I've done the bits
in the famous guide and the SUPPORT document to get a debugging
version of mod_perl going.

According to the error log output, I'm leaking anything between 15 and
25 SVs per run of the Apache::Registry script. So, to interpreting the
copious emissions:

new fb1d58 : SV = PVAV(0xffee88)
  REFCNT = 1
  IV = 0
  NV = 0
  ARRAY = 0x0
  ALLOC = 0x0
  FILL = -1
  MAX = -1
  ARYLEN = 0x0

And so on.

My question is, what does all this mean? Where can I find
documentation? How do I know which variable have been leaked?



Dave Hodgkinson, http://www.hodgkinson.org
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star   http://www.deep-purple.com
  Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire

Re: Apache::Leak

2002-05-19 Thread Stas Bekman

Gregory Matthews wrote:
> Hello again.
> Is Apache::Leak the easiest/best module to use for both detecting AND 
> allowing us to find the source of a memory leak in mod_perl?
> If so, I am not finding any good documentation on its use.  I am not a 
> mod_perl guru and what I've read so far sounds rather involved.
> Can someone point me to a location where good, laymen documentation 
> exists for this module. I would love to use it to ensure my code is 
> solid (I am writing a mod_perl app from scratch and do not want to stray 
> off the wrong coding path).

There is not much documentation online regarding this. But as Perrin has 
replied in the other thread, you should worry much about leaks, when you 
don't mess with circular references, autovivified variables and reset 
your globals.

Here is the relevant section from our book, which should be published 
really soon now. It looks like the book is going to be called "Practical 
mod_perl". If you notice some wrong/unclear details or missing things, 
please let me know while we still can correct things.

=head2 Memory Leakage

It's normal for a process to grow when it processes its first few
requests.  They may be different requests, or the same requests
processing different data.  You may try to reload the same request a
few times and in many cases the process will stop growing after only
the second reload.  In any case, once a representative selection of
requests and inputs have been executed by a process, it won't usually
grow any more unless the code leaks memory.  If it grows after each
reload of an identical request, then there is probably a memory leak.

The experience might be different if the code works with some external
resource which can change between requests.  For example if the code
retrieves database records matching some query, it's possible that
from time to time the database will be updated and that a different
number of records will match the same query the next time it is
issued.  Depending on the techniques which you use to retrieve the
data, format it and send it to the user, the process may grow more or
less in size reflecting the changes in the data.

The easiest way to see whether the code is leaking is to run the
server in single process mode (C), issuing the same request
a few times and see whether the process grows after each request.  If
it does, you probably have a memory leak.  If the code leaks 5kB per
request, after 1000 requests to run the leaking code there will be 5MB
of memory leaked.  If in production you have 20 processes then this
could possibly lead to 100MB of leakage after a few tens of thousands
of requests.

This technique to detect leakage can be misleading if you are not
careful.  Suppose your process first runs some clean (non-leaking)
code which acquires 100kB of memory.  In an attempt to make itself
more efficient, Perl doesn't give the 100kB memory back to the
operating system.  The next time the process runs I script, some
of the 100kB will be reused.  But if this time the process runs a
script that needs to acquire only 5kB, you won't see the process grow
even if the code has actually leaked these 5kB.  Now it might take 20
or more requests for the leaking script I
before you would see that process start growing again.

A process may leak memory for several reasons: badly written system
C/C++ libraries used in the httpd binary and badly written Perl code
are the most common.  Perl modules may also use C libraries, and these
might leak memory as well.  Some operating systems have been known to
have problems with their memory management functions.

If you know that you have no leaks in your code, for detecting leaks
in C/C++ libraries you should either use the technique of sampling the
memory usage described above, or use C/C++ developer tools designed
for this purpose.  This topic is beyond the scope of this book.

The C module (derived from C) might help
you to detect leaks in your code.  For example:

   use Apache::Leak;

   my $global = "FooA";

   leak_test {
   $$global = 1;

The argument to C is an anonymous sub or a block, so you
can just throw in any code you suspect might be leaking.  Beware, it
will run the code twice!  The first time in, new Cs are created,
but this does not mean the code is leaking.  The second pass will give
better evidence.  You do not need to be inside mod_perl to use it.
 From the command line, the above script outputs:

   ENTER: 1482 SVs
   new c28b8 : new c2918 :
   LEAVE: 1484 SVs
   ENTER: 1484 SVs
   new db690 : new db6a8 :
   LEAVE: 1486 SVs
   !!! 2 SVs leaked !!!

This module uses the simple approach of walking the Perl internal
table of allocated I (SVs).  It records them before
entering the scope of the code under test and after leaving the scope.
At the end a comparison of the two se

Re: Apache::Leak

2002-05-19 Thread Matt Sergeant

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 20 May 2002 2:47 am, Gregory Matthews wrote:
> Hello again.
> Is Apache::Leak the easiest/best module to use for both detecting AND
> allowing us to find the source of a memory leak in mod_perl?

No - it's a nightmare.

To debug memory leaks in AxKit, everything is wrapped in eval{}, and I simply 
run ab (ships with apache) on my site watching the memory size (in top), and 
move a line throwing an exception steadily forward through the code line by 
line until the leak reveals itself.

Sounds painful, and it is, but it's a *lot* easier than Apache::Leak, which 
reports way too many false positives.

- -- 
<:->get a SMart net
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Apache::Leak ouput

2000-06-25 Thread Jason Nugent

Hi, folks,

I had a question regarding the output of Apache::Leak.  I'm testing a
perl module for memory leaks using this module, and I've wrapped my code
inside of a

leak_test {


statement.  My error_log file (where the output of the leak_test
function goes) ends up with a rather large number of the following bits
of information:

ENTER: 2740 SVs

new 0x827b018 : new 0x827b03c : new 0x827b048 : new 0x827b060   (many of

LEAVE: 15609 SVs
ENTER: 15609 SVs
new 0x827b0e4 : new 0x827b378 : new 0x827b3b4 : new 0x81c91f8 : new
0x81c29f8 : old (1):
 0 old (1):
 0 old (1):
 0 old (1):
 0 old (1):
LEAVE: 15609 SVs

So, I guess my question is how this all gets interpreted.  the perldoc
for Apache::Leak is a bit sparse, saying:

   use Apache::Leak;

   leak_test {
   my $obj = Foo->new;
   #now look in error_log for results

so I was wondering if anyone in here had suggestions.

thanks, most appreciated.


Re: Apache::Leak

2000-07-10 Thread David Mitchell

> According to the error log output, I'm leaking anything between 15 and
> 25 SVs per run of the Apache::Registry script. So, to interpreting the
> copious emissions:
> new fb1d58 : SV = PVAV(0xffee88)
>   REFCNT = 1
>   IV = 0
>   NV = 0
>   ARRAY = 0x0
>   ALLOC = 0x0
>   FILL = -1
>   MAX = -1
>   ARYLEN = 0x0
>   FLAGS = (REAL)
> And so on.
> My question is, what does all this mean? Where can I find
> documentation? How do I know which variable have been leaked?


perldoc Devel::Peek and
perldoc perlguts

Re: Apache::Leak

2000-07-10 Thread David Hodgkinson

David Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> perldoc Devel::Peek and
> perldoc perlguts

Ok, done that.

I'm still not clear as to what Apache::Leak is trying to tell
me. Aside from the DESCRIPTION section of the man page saying "Under
Construction" making it seem like you've just asked a high-school
maths teacher a question and they do a "proof by waving hands around a

Hmm...let's look at Devel::Leak. Nope still none the wiser. I still
can't see how to find out what I've actually leaked. 

I've wrapped Apache::RegistryLexInfo round the script too. Yep, lots
of output, lots of differences between the state of memory before and
after a run of the script, but not much of a clue as to what's
actually _leaked_.

I'm not really sure if apparent leakage is really the result of code
coverage and perl being smart about holding slots for variables
open. In the case of using ab to exercise the default path through a
lump of code being run under 'httpd -X':

Iterations  SZ  RSS
1   17424   16088
100 17840   16296
100017840   16336 
1   17840   16704

So, this script doesn't look at all leaky, once it's been executed a
few times.

And yet Apache::Leak consistently tells me I've leaked between 15 and
25 SV's per execution.

Any offers?

Dave Hodgkinson, http://www.hodgkinson.org
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star   http://www.deep-purple.com
  Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire

Re: Apache::Leak

2000-07-10 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 10 Jul 2000, David Hodgkinson wrote:

> David Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > perldoc Devel::Peek and
> > perldoc perlguts
> Ok, done that.
> I'm still not clear as to what Apache::Leak is trying to tell
> me. Aside from the DESCRIPTION section of the man page saying "Under
> Construction" making it seem like you've just asked a high-school
> maths teacher a question and they do a "proof by waving hands around a
> lot".
> Hmm...let's look at Devel::Leak. Nope still none the wiser. I still
> can't see how to find out what I've actually leaked. 
> I've wrapped Apache::RegistryLexInfo round the script too. Yep, lots
> of output, lots of differences between the state of memory before and
> after a run of the script, but not much of a clue as to what's
> actually _leaked_.
> I'm not really sure if apparent leakage is really the result of code
> coverage and perl being smart about holding slots for variables
> open. In the case of using ab to exercise the default path through a
> lump of code being run under 'httpd -X':
> IterationsSZ  RSS
> 1 17424   16088
> 100   17840   16296
> 1000  17840   16336 
> 1 17840   16704
> So, this script doesn't look at all leaky, once it's been executed a
> few times.
> And yet Apache::Leak consistently tells me I've leaked between 15 and
> 25 SV's per execution.
> Any offers?

Sure - looks like you probably don't have any leaks. I tried chasing this
wild goose chase for a while too and ended up just stopping as I wasn't
actually leaking any memory, despite what Devel::Leak tried to tell
me. (this wasn't a mod_perl module though - just ordinary perl).


Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
Email for training and consultancy availability.
http://sergeant.org | AxKit: http://axkit.org

Re: Apache::Leak

2000-07-10 Thread David Hodgkinson

Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 10 Jul 2000, David Hodgkinson wrote:

> Sure - looks like you probably don't have any leaks. I tried chasing this
> wild goose chase for a while too and ended up just stopping as I wasn't
> actually leaking any memory, despite what Devel::Leak tried to tell
> me. (this wasn't a mod_perl module though - just ordinary perl).


When I run the same script from the command line, Devel::Leak tells me
I've leaked nothing.

Still doesn't stop me wanting a nice trace of what _is_ going on :-)

I'm going to explore the code coverage thing, permuting the parameters
passed to the script.

Then give up.

Dave Hodgkinson, http://www.hodgkinson.org
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star   http://www.deep-purple.com
  Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire