Re: Antwort: Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-27 Thread Stefan Weiss


 any Proxy operator can do this with any non-SSL connection. One can spy session
 ids in the URL, in the GET-parameters and the POST-parameters, also cookies and
 basic auth passwords, also passwords in html forms - and every bit of data
 that's send back.
 Oh, and firewall operators and router operators and all people on the same
 physical network can do the same...

You're right, you can never be secure without encryption. But will browsers
reliably strip the HTTP_REFERER if you leave a secure page? If they don't,
you would still have to pass all external links through one of your own
scripts. I see this becoming a problem in a larger, heterogenous 
environment, because someone is certainly going to forget this protective
curtain and just write a plain HTML link. And any attacker would of course
try to provoke this.


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-25 Thread Chip Turner

Stuart Frew [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The user is using the system to process client A. The cookie contains
 stateful information including the client ID.
 They then open an new browser window, and lookup client B, recieving a
 new session ID with new state information, including the client ID.
 The user then submits the form to the server.
 The server then recives the one and only cookie with a session ID in it.
 But is it for Client A or Client B? 50-50 chance of updating the right
 row. Not good.

Session information should be used for the most minimal set of data
possible.  Often times sessions get used where pnotes would be better,
or where hidden form variables would be better.  The situation you
describe is unlikely and avoidable if you set out with the idea in
mind to not put anything in a session that absolutely doesn't need to
be there; use your database to store information if you need to and if
at all feasible.

The problem you mention is real, but in real world scenarios it can
typically be avoided.  About the only thing you can't avoid is if the
user wants to log in simultaneously as two different users.  Most
normal users don't want to do that, though :)


  RHN Web Engineer

Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-25 Thread brian moseley

On 25 May 2001, Chip Turner wrote:

 The problem you mention is real, but in real world
 scenarios it can typically be avoided.  About the only
 thing you can't avoid is if the user wants to log in
 simultaneously as two different users.  Most normal
 users don't want to do that, though :)

only if you have a one to one relationship between client
(browser) session and authenticated user. this is not
mandatory if, as you point out, urls or form fields are used
to transmit the user's id.

other than this scenario, which i've never chosen to
support, i've never met a piece of session-scoped data that
needed to be propagated back to the client besides the
client's session id.

Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread Julian Gilbey

On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 08:20:01AM +1200, Stuart Frew wrote:
 One problem with using cookies for session management is that the user
 can have two browsers open doing the same process.
 Which means the first cookie Session ID will be over writen by the
 second one. Which can lead to horrid results if the user continues the
 first process but has the session ID from the second process.
 May not be an issue out in the Internet but is a true pain in an
 intranet environment.

Can't you write your code to cope with this situation?



 Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, Queen Mary, Univ. of London
   Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see
  Donate free food to the world's hungry: see

Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread darren chamberlain

Stuart Frew ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect on 05/23/2001:
 One problem with using cookies for session management is that the user
 can have two browsers open doing the same process.
 Which means the first cookie Session ID will be over writen by the
 second one. Which can lead to horrid results if the user continues the
 first process but has the session ID from the second process.
 May not be an issue out in the Internet but is a true pain in an
 intranet environment.

This is an even more pronounced problem with sessions IDs in
URLs, though. With cookie based session tracking, the second
browser window will send the same cookie that the first browser
window received.

At least that's how sane browsers operate.


It is impossible to experience one's death objectively and still
carry a tune.
-- Woody Allen

Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread stefan weiss


 A better way for session ids is to put them in front of the URI:
 These session ids are sticky as long as you only use relative paths in your
 html. Note: You may want to put your images in a directory that's not covered by
 this handler and use absolute paths...

But wouldn't the session ID get sent to other (possible malicious) servers
as well - in the HTTP_REFERER, if the user clicks on an external link?
That might enable a script on that other server to grab your user's session.
I guess you could add an additional check including the original user's IP
address, but that's not really safe either. People working in the same
company could spy on each other if they use the same HTTP proxy.

Any known workarounds for this?


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread Jay Jacobs

Yeah, create a safe link jumping point.  Something that you'd link to
instead of the external link, and pass in the external link, without a
session_id so that the HTTP_REFERER won't have the session ID.

Don't rely on IP address for more reasons then you mentioned...

It might not hurt to implement some kind of time out feature too.  It's
you and a dagger against an army.


On Thu, 24 May 2001, stefan weiss wrote:


  A better way for session ids is to put them in front of the URI:
  These session ids are sticky as long as you only use relative paths in your
  html. Note: You may want to put your images in a directory that's not covered by
  this handler and use absolute paths...

 But wouldn't the session ID get sent to other (possible malicious) servers
 as well - in the HTTP_REFERER, if the user clicks on an external link?
 That might enable a script on that other server to grab your user's session.
 I guess you could add an additional check including the original user's IP
 address, but that's not really safe either. People working in the same
 company could spy on each other if they use the same HTTP proxy.

 Any known workarounds for this?


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread Stuart Frew

 This is an even more pronounced problem with sessions IDs in
 URLs, though. With cookie based session tracking, the second
 browser window will send the same cookie that the first browser
 window received.

And there lies the rub.

The user is using the system to process client A. The cookie contains
stateful information including the client ID.

They then open an new browser window, and lookup client B, recieving a
new session ID with new state information, including the client ID.

The user then submits the form to the server.

The server then recives the one and only cookie with a session ID in it.
But is it for Client A or Client B? 50-50 chance of updating the right
row. Not good.

With the session ID in the URL, once the new session ID is issued you
know which  browser window, and hence data, the session is for and hence
update the correct row.

Of course if anyone knows how to make it work with cookied I'd love to

Cheers Stuart
(Oh and telling the users 'Don't Do That' does not work either :^)

Cheers Stuart
New Zealand Revolution
+64 9 918 7663

Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread Joachim Zobel

At 08:39 25.05.2001 +1200, you wrote:

And there lies the rub.

The user is using the system to process client A. The cookie contains
stateful information including the client ID.

They then open an new browser window, and lookup client B, recieving a
new session ID with new state information, including the client ID.

Why are you doing this. client B probably sends a valid session ID, so why 
does he get a new one?

(Oh and telling the users 'Don't Do That' does not work either :^)

Never does.


... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden
koennen.- Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei

Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i'd still use a cookie to indentify the user.  why not include
the client id as part of the submission from the browser.  it
is easy to keep detailed data in the cookie separate for each client

Stuart Frew wrote:

  This is an even more pronounced problem with sessions IDs in
  URLs, though. With cookie based session tracking, the second
  browser window will send the same cookie that the first browser
  window received.

 And there lies the rub.

 The user is using the system to process client A. The cookie contains
 stateful information including the client ID.

 They then open an new browser window, and lookup client B, recieving a
 new session ID with new state information, including the client ID.

 The user then submits the form to the server.


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread Stuart Frew

Opps forgot to CC the list


Cheers Stuart
New Zealand Revolution
+64 9 918 7663

On 24 May 2001 14:57:09 -0700, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
 Stuart Frew wrote:
  On 24 May 2001 14:21:32 -0700, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
   i'd still use a cookie to indentify the user.  why not include
   the client id as part of the submission from the browser.  it
   is easy to keep detailed data in the cookie separate for each client
  Yup you could encode the client ID in to each form but,
  * If I was to do that I would encode the session ID, and kill to birds
  with one piece of code.
 encoding the session id is much more difficult as u have now found out.
 which two birds do you kill?
Ah ah I think I see a difference. I am not using the session ID to track
the user, but the track which client/customer the user is processing and
what they are doing.
We Identify the user by $r-connection-user.

I would use encode the session ID into the form to differentate the two
clients the single user is processing.

For us two windows means two sessions.
Yup, could encode it all into one session but see below...

  * the joys of sessions is that that the state, via the session ID, is
  avaiable automagicly  without having to code it into each page.
 hmmm.  i think u r misunderstanding my suggestion - or - u r not fully explaining
 what u r trying to do.  look up the input type=hidden html tag.  stick that with 
 client id somewhere between your form tags. everytime the user submits the form,
 the client id will be submitted also.  assuming that %in comtains all the forms 
 fields then:
 or more generically (untested - could have typos):
 $session{$in{CLIENTID}}{$_}=$in{$_} for (grep {!/CLIENTID/, keys %in};
But what happens when we go to a page that contains only look up

Say we are on a page that has the main data entry form, but there are
links to lookup pages, such as the client/customers previous purchases.
I don't want to encode the client ID on every link when I can use the
state information with in the lookup page to find out what the
client/customer is.

Also Apache::Session only sees changes at the top level. 
So for ever state change we would have to programaticly make the session
aware of the change. 

Ok not particulary hard or arduous but why take the risk? 

Cheers Stuart
New Zealand Revolution
+64 9 918 7663

Antwort: Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-23 Thread Michael . Jacob

Hi kheeteck,

as said before - a session id at the end of the URL (as path info, GET parameter
or POST parameter) will not stay there if you don't modify all displayed html
pages. As I understand, you can't modify these pages because thay are on another
server. That means you also can't use a leading session id. Bad. There is only
one way left to store information on the browser's side: Cookies.


Datum: 22.05.2001 19:10
An:Michael Jacob/EXT/GAD@GAD

Betreff:   Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

Hi Michael :

I am really glad that you reply to my mail.. as i have been trying to solve
this problem for quite some time
Hmm , however i think u slightly misunderstand what i mean..

What i mean is...
For eg,

I have a html page which contains a form page let say allowing the user to
enter certain values... like colorNo etc.
This values would be posted to my server and the data would be stored in a
database(mysql) together with a unqiue
session id which would be generated. ( for this part i have finished and is

Now comes the problematic part, after the values are submitted. I  want this
value to be avaiable to me each time
as user enter a new url from the browser( take note this url is not the
content residing in my server.. it is any remote site url).
The only way is to append a session id at the url.

So for instance.. after the user finished entering the form page. He can now
access any urls(remote site). How do i tell the server that this is the user
who has entered the form earlier based on the session id generated. And for
all the subsquent links... how can i append the session id.

I would greatly appreciated if you could help me out..
Really thanks to you


- Original Message -
Cc: mod_perl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 12:27 AM
Subject: Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

 Hi ktgoh,

 you don't tell the browser about the session id. Why?

 To use a session id that's appended to the URL is hard work - it has to be
 maintaned in every module and html file. So you must append the session id
 every URL in every page and every piece of code that produces html. Ther
is no
 way to automatically keep the id sticky.

 A better way for session ids is to put them in front of the URI:

 This is (part of) my uri-translation-handler:

 sub handler ($r: Apache) {
   # only do initial request - not an internal sub req
   return DECLINED unless $r-is_initial_req;
   return DECLINED unless $r-uri =~ m/$DIR_MATCH/o;

   try my $check_uri = check_uri($r);
   return DECLINED if $check_uri; # URI contains session id and session
 could be read from the DB

   # else redirect to mangled URI
   try my $session_id = make_session_id($r);
   redirect($r, $session_id);
   return REDIRECT;
   # end of main handler

 sub check_uri ($r: Apache) {
   my $uri = $r-uri || undef;
   my (undef, $sessionid, $rest) = split '/', $uri, 3;
   if ($sessionid  $sessionid =~ m/^[0-9a-h]{32,32}$/o) {
 try void lock_session_id($r, $sessionid);
 return 1;
   return undef;

 sub redirect ($r: Apache, $session_id: string min 32 max 32) {
   my $args = $r-args ? '?' . $r-args : '';
   my $uri = $r-parsed_uri;
   $redirect = $uri-scheme . '://' . $uri-$hostinfo . '/'. $session_id .
'/' .
 $uri-path . $args;
   $r-header_out(Location = $redirect);

 These session ids are sticky as long as you only use relative paths in
 html. Note: You may want to put your images in a directory that's not
covered by
 this handler and use absolute paths...

 Datum: 22.05.2001 12:03
 An:mod_perl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Betreff:   Appending Sessionid to all the urls

 Hi all :

 I wanted to write a mod URL rewrite program.

 I wanted to append session ID to the tail of all the urls of a website.

 For instance when i access url
 i want all the urls to be appended in all the urls of that website..

 My qns is everytime i found that the session id is lost... through the
 requests and responses.
 And the new url does not reflect on the client browser..

 Any one got any idea.. what wrong with my program??

 Thanks for your help...

 sub handler {

  my $r = shift;
  my $url = $r-uri;
  my $sessID;

  if($url =~ m/sessionid/){
   $sessID= getSessionID($url);

  my $append =?sessionid=$sessID
  my $newURL = $r-uri($url$append);

  return DECLINED;


 sub getSessionID{
  my  $url = $_[0];
  my  $position = rindex($url,=)+1;
  my  $sessID = substr($url,$position,8);
  return $sessID;


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-23 Thread kheeteck

Hi Michael :

I am really glad that you reply to my mail.. as i have been trying to solve
this problem for quite some time
Hmm , however i think u slightly misunderstand what i mean..

What i mean is...
For eg,

I have a html page which contains a form page let say allowing the user to
enter certain values... like colorNo etc.
This values would be posted to my server and the data would be stored in a
database(mysql) together with a unqiue
session id which would be generated. ( for this part i have finished and is

Now comes the problematic part, after the values are submitted. I  want this
value to be avaiable to me each time
as user enter a new url from the browser( take note this url is not the
content residing in my server.. it is any remote site url).
The only way is to append a session id at the url.

So for instance.. after the user finished entering the form page. He can now
access any urls(remote site). How do i tell the server that this is the user
who has entered the form earlier based on the session id generated. And for
all the subsquent links... how can i append the session id.

I would greatly appreciated if you could help me out..
Really thanks to you


- Original Message -
Cc: mod_perl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 12:27 AM
Subject: Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

 Hi ktgoh,

 you don't tell the browser about the session id. Why?

 To use a session id that's appended to the URL is hard work - it has to be
 maintaned in every module and html file. So you must append the session id
 every URL in every page and every piece of code that produces html. Ther
is no
 way to automatically keep the id sticky.

 A better way for session ids is to put them in front of the URI:

 This is (part of) my uri-translation-handler:

 sub handler ($r: Apache) {
   # only do initial request - not an internal sub req
   return DECLINED unless $r-is_initial_req;
   return DECLINED unless $r-uri =~ m/$DIR_MATCH/o;

   try my $check_uri = check_uri($r);
   return DECLINED if $check_uri; # URI contains session id and session
 could be read from the DB

   # else redirect to mangled URI
   try my $session_id = make_session_id($r);
   redirect($r, $session_id);
   return REDIRECT;
   # end of main handler

 sub check_uri ($r: Apache) {
   my $uri = $r-uri || undef;
   my (undef, $sessionid, $rest) = split '/', $uri, 3;
   if ($sessionid  $sessionid =~ m/^[0-9a-h]{32,32}$/o) {
 try void lock_session_id($r, $sessionid);
 return 1;
   return undef;

 sub redirect ($r: Apache, $session_id: string min 32 max 32) {
   my $args = $r-args ? '?' . $r-args : '';
   my $uri = $r-parsed_uri;
   $redirect = $uri-scheme . '://' . $uri-$hostinfo . '/'. $session_id .
'/' .
 $uri-path . $args;
   $r-header_out(Location = $redirect);

 These session ids are sticky as long as you only use relative paths in
 html. Note: You may want to put your images in a directory that's not
covered by
 this handler and use absolute paths...

 Datum: 22.05.2001 12:03
 An:mod_perl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Betreff:   Appending Sessionid to all the urls

 Hi all :

 I wanted to write a mod URL rewrite program.

 I wanted to append session ID to the tail of all the urls of a website.

 For instance when i access url
 i want all the urls to be appended in all the urls of that website..

 My qns is everytime i found that the session id is lost... through the
 requests and responses.
 And the new url does not reflect on the client browser..

 Any one got any idea.. what wrong with my program??

 Thanks for your help...

 sub handler {

  my $r = shift;
  my $url = $r-uri;
  my $sessID;

  if($url =~ m/sessionid/){
   $sessID= getSessionID($url);

  my $append =?sessionid=$sessID
  my $newURL = $r-uri($url$append);

  return DECLINED;


 sub getSessionID{
  my  $url = $_[0];
  my  $position = rindex($url,=)+1;
  my  $sessID = substr($url,$position,8);
  return $sessID;


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-23 Thread Julian Gilbey

On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 12:59:39AM +0800, kheeteck wrote:
 Hi Michael :
 I am really glad that you reply to my mail.. as i have been trying to solve
 this problem for quite some time
 Hmm , however i think u slightly misunderstand what i mean..
 What i mean is...
 For eg,
 I have a html page which contains a form page let say allowing the user to
 enter certain values... like colorNo etc.
 This values would be posted to my server and the data would be stored in a
 database(mysql) together with a unqiue
 session id which would be generated. ( for this part i have finished and is
 Now comes the problematic part, after the values are submitted. I  want this
 value to be avaiable to me each time
 as user enter a new url from the browser( take note this url is not the
 content residing in my server.. it is any remote site url).
 The only way is to append a session id at the url.
 So for instance.. after the user finished entering the form page. He can now
 access any urls(remote site). How do i tell the server that this is the user
 who has entered the form earlier based on the session id generated. And for
 all the subsquent links... how can i append the session id.
 I would greatly appreciated if you could help me out..
 Really thanks to you

Have you considered using cookies?  They're designed for just this
purpose, and are much simpler to use in general.



 Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, Queen Mary, Univ. of London
   Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see
  Donate free food to the world's hungry: see

Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-23 Thread Stuart Frew


One problem with using cookies for session management is that the user
can have two browsers open doing the same process.

Which means the first cookie Session ID will be over writen by the
second one. Which can lead to horrid results if the user continues the
first process but has the session ID from the second process.

May not be an issue out in the Internet but is a true pain in an
intranet environment.

Cheers Stuart.

On 23 May 2001 11:53:32 +0100, Julian Gilbey wrote:
 On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 12:59:39AM +0800, kheeteck wrote:
  Hi Michael :
  I am really glad that you reply to my mail.. as i have been trying to solve
  this problem for quite some time
  Hmm , however i think u slightly misunderstand what i mean..
  What i mean is...
  For eg,
  I have a html page which contains a form page let say allowing the user to
  enter certain values... like colorNo etc.
  This values would be posted to my server and the data would be stored in a
  database(mysql) together with a unqiue
  session id which would be generated. ( for this part i have finished and is
  Now comes the problematic part, after the values are submitted. I  want this
  value to be avaiable to me each time
  as user enter a new url from the browser( take note this url is not the
  content residing in my server.. it is any remote site url).
  The only way is to append a session id at the url.
  So for instance.. after the user finished entering the form page. He can now
  access any urls(remote site). How do i tell the server that this is the user
  who has entered the form earlier based on the session id generated. And for
  all the subsquent links... how can i append the session id.
  I would greatly appreciated if you could help me out..
  Really thanks to you
 Have you considered using cookies?  They're designed for just this
 purpose, and are much simpler to use in general.
  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, Queen Mary, Univ. of London
Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see
   Donate free food to the world's hungry: see


Cheers Stuart
New Zealand Revolution
+64 9 918 7663

Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-22 Thread ktgoh

Hi all :

I wanted to write a mod URL rewrite 

I wanted to append session ID to the tail of all 
the urls of a website.

For instance when i access url
i want all the urls to be appended in all the urls 
of that website..

My qns is everytime i found that the session id is 
lost... throughthe many requests and responses.
And the new url does not reflect on theclient 

Any one got any idea.. what wrong with my 

Thanks for your help... 

sub handler {
 my $r = 
 my $url = 
 my $sessID;
 if($url =~ 

 my $append 
 my $newURL = 



sub getSessionID{ 
my $url = $_[0]; my $position = 
rindex($url,"=")+1; my $sessID = 
substr($url,$position,8); return 


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-22 Thread Michael . Jacob

Hi ktgoh,

you don't tell the browser about the session id. Why?

To use a session id that's appended to the URL is hard work - it has to be
maintaned in every module and html file. So you must append the session id to
every URL in every page and every piece of code that produces html. Ther is no
way to automatically keep the id sticky.

A better way for session ids is to put them in front of the URI:

This is (part of) my uri-translation-handler:

sub handler ($r: Apache) {
  # only do initial request - not an internal sub req
  return DECLINED unless $r-is_initial_req;
  return DECLINED unless $r-uri =~ m/$DIR_MATCH/o;

  try my $check_uri = check_uri($r);
  return DECLINED if $check_uri; # URI contains session id and session object
could be read from the DB

  # else redirect to mangled URI
  try my $session_id = make_session_id($r);
  redirect($r, $session_id);
  return REDIRECT;
  # end of main handler

sub check_uri ($r: Apache) {
  my $uri = $r-uri || undef;
  my (undef, $sessionid, $rest) = split '/', $uri, 3;
  if ($sessionid  $sessionid =~ m/^[0-9a-h]{32,32}$/o) {
try void lock_session_id($r, $sessionid);
return 1;
  return undef;

sub redirect ($r: Apache, $session_id: string min 32 max 32) {
  my $args = $r-args ? '?' . $r-args : '';
  my $uri = $r-parsed_uri;
  $redirect = $uri-scheme . '://' . $uri-$hostinfo . '/'. $session_id . '/' .
$uri-path . $args;
  $r-header_out(Location = $redirect);

These session ids are sticky as long as you only use relative paths in your
html. Note: You may want to put your images in a directory that's not covered by
this handler and use absolute paths...

Datum: 22.05.2001 12:03

Betreff:   Appending Sessionid to all the urls

Hi all :

I wanted to write a mod URL rewrite program.

I wanted to append session ID to the tail of all the urls of a website.

For instance when i access url
i want all the urls to be appended in all the urls of that website..

My qns is everytime i found that the session id is lost... through the many
requests and responses.
And the new url does not reflect on the client browser..

Any one got any idea.. what wrong with my program??

Thanks for your help...

sub handler {

 my $r = shift;
 my $url = $r-uri;
 my $sessID;

 if($url =~ m/sessionid/){
  $sessID= getSessionID($url);

 my $append =?sessionid=$sessID
 my $newURL = $r-uri($url$append);

 return DECLINED;


sub getSessionID{
 my  $url = $_[0];
 my  $position = rindex($url,=)+1;
 my  $sessID = substr($url,$position,8);
 return $sessID;


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-22 Thread Joachim Zobel

At 18:06 22.05.2001 +0800, you wrote:

For instance when i access url
i want all the urls to be appended in all the urls of that website..

My qns is everytime i found that the session id is lost... through the 
many requests and responses.
And the new url does not reflect on the client browser..

Any one got any idea.. what wrong with my program??

Wrong concept.
Use a sid in the URL path like
Use mod_rewrite to remove /sessionid-\w+
Use only relative links.

Thats it. You can get the sessionid by parsing $ENV{REQUEST_URI}


... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden
koennen.- Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei

Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-22 Thread Jay Jacobs

there's always more then one way...

DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache_mp/htdocs
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond /usr/local/apache_mp/htdocs/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule /?S=([^/]+)/(.*) /$2 [E=SESSION_ID:$1]

This sets $ENV{SESSION_ID} to the session ID, but also catches it, if by
some bizarre and unlikely circumstance your have a directory that matches
someone's Session ID.  In this case the session is:

Using mod rewrite also munges the $r-filename which helped things like
mason that looked for it (don't know if it still does).


On Tue, 22 May 2001, Joachim Zobel wrote:

 At 18:06 22.05.2001 +0800, you wrote:
 For instance when i access url
 i want all the urls to be appended in all the urls of that website..
 My qns is everytime i found that the session id is lost... through the
 many requests and responses.
 And the new url does not reflect on the client browser..
 Any one got any idea.. what wrong with my program??

 Wrong concept.
 Use a sid in the URL path like
 Use mod_rewrite to remove /sessionid-\w+
 Use only relative links.

 Thats it. You can get the sessionid by parsing $ENV{REQUEST_URI}


 ... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden
 koennen.- Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei