Location Directives Problem

2002-01-31 Thread David Wheeler

Hi All,

Below I have the output of Apache::PerlSections-dump from Bricolage.
I'm doing a lot of configuration in a Perl module where I simply switch
to the Apache::ReadConfig package and do my thing. This keeps httpd.conf
clean but allows me to do all the data munging I need to to get all the
proper locations set up according to the settings of Bricolage's own
configuration directives.

The problem is that the Location directives below are acting more like
LocationMatch directives. For example, if I hit the URL
'/admin/workflow/media', I would expect the '/' Location's handlers to
handle the request. But they're not. Instead, it's the '/media' Location
handlers. It's as if I had set it up with LocationMatch */media* instead
of Location.

Anyone have any idea why it might be doing this? I've tried all kinds of
things and I'm stumped!




%VirtualHost = (
  '*:80' = {
'Location' = {
  '/' = {
'PerlHandler' = 'Bric::App::Handler',
'PerlCleanupHandler' = 'Bric::App::CleanupHandler',
'PerlAccessHandler' = 'Bric::App::AccessHandler',
'SetHandler' = 'perl-script'
  '/login' = {
'PerlHandler' = 'Bric::App::Handler',
'PerlCleanupHandler' = 'Bric::App::CleanupHandler',
'PerlAccessHandler' = 'Bric::App::AccessHandler::okay',
'SetHandler' = 'perl-script'
  '/logout' = {
'PerlCleanupHandler' = 'Bric::App::CleanupHandler',
'PerlAccessHandler' = 'Bric::App::AccessHandler::logout_handler'
  '/data' = {
'SetHandler' = 'default-handler'
  '/data/preview' = {
'PerlFixupHandler' = 'sub { $_[0]-no_cache(1); return Apache::OK; }'
  '/dist' = {
'PerlHandler' = 'Bric::Dist::Handler',
'SetHandler' = 'perl-script'
  '/media' = {
'PerlCleanupHandler' = 'Apache::OK',
'PerlAccessHandler' = 'Apache::OK',
'SetHandler' = 'default-handler'
'DocumentRoot' = '/usr/local/bricolage/comp',
'DefaultType' = 'text/html',
'ServerName' = '_default_',
'PerlTransHandler' = 'Bric::App::PreviewHandler::uri_handler'


@NameVirtualHost = (


David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
   Yahoo!: dew7e

Re: Location Directives Problem

2002-01-31 Thread Geoffrey Young

 The problem is that the Location directives below are acting more like
 LocationMatch directives. For example, if I hit the URL
 '/admin/workflow/media', I would expect the '/' Location's handlers to
 handle the request. But they're not. Instead, it's the '/media' Location
 handlers. It's as if I had set it up with LocationMatch */media* instead
 of Location.

every time I hear of someone setting a dynamic action for

Location /

they run into problems.  I don't know why.  all I can say is that I 
_think_ I've heard new-httpd talking about / being special in some 
regard, thus making it a bad idea.  I've never been able to find the 
thread I'm thinking about in the archives, so it may not exist.  I could 
be dreaming entirely, but it's there, like a splinter in my mind :)

anyway, so I guess I'm saying fiddle with something other than / and see 
if that helps.
