RE: Apache::ASP and Postgres

2000-04-27 Thread FEITO Nazareno

Hi buddy... I have a recommendation for you...
Here where I work, we have a unix and a linux running Oracle databases
accessed by perl and ASP, perl is embeded, I mean, .phtml, and it really
sucks, I mean, is really crazy to do that, but the ppl didn´t know that...
in that way we connect with oracle with DBI trought modperl but we make
another things with ASP and Javascript.
The code is like perl embeded into ASP, the results are good, but when a
programmer want to analize that we call to the mental hospital, do you
understand me?
I know, you didn´t ask that but is just a recommendation, don´t mix perl and
ASP... if you going to do it only with ASP is fine, but I don´t think you
can do that... 

Perl Programmer

Re: Apache::ASP and Postgres

2000-04-27 Thread shane

Hi buddy, I have a recommendation for you.  Keep recommendations like
this off the modperl list.  Some people use Apache::Asp and they're
happy with it, others you Embperl, others use Mason.  Some crazy
people like me occasionaly write web apps in c.  If you have a
recommendation... I recommend you back it up with a real reason.  Like
it's too slow, or it sucks up too much memory.  Or developement time
is significantly impacted.

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood..., but this isn't the kind of thing that
should be on the list.


recommendation cut because I'm in a Nazi-ish censorship mood

Re: Apache::ASP and Postgres

2000-04-27 Thread Joshua Chamas

FEITO Nazareno wrote:
 Hi buddy... I have a recommendation for you...
 Here where I work, we have a unix and a linux running Oracle databases
 accessed by perl and ASP, perl is embeded, I mean, .phtml, and it really
 sucks, I mean, is really crazy to do that, but the ppl didn´t know that...
 in that way we connect with oracle with DBI trought modperl but we make
 another things with ASP and Javascript.
 The code is like perl embeded into ASP, the results are good, but when a
 programmer want to analize that we call to the mental hospital, do you
 understand me?

I think this poor guy was mixing up IIS/ASP with Apache::ASP, which 
is a perl native port of ASP.  PHTML sounds like Apache::SSI.  Anyhow,
he doesn't know much about what he's doing, but if wanted to learn
from the list, he could.  For starters, all of the embeded perl solutions
allow things to be done quickly and easily w/o much design.  Such
is also perl's strength  weakness, that to program well, you must have
a good programmer, but you have some very powerful tools all the same.

For more information on Apache::ASP, check out


Re: Apache::ASP and Postgres

2000-04-26 Thread Joshua Chamas

Chad Stephens wrote:
 I am trying to mod_perl ASP and Postgres SQL database to create dynamic
 database access through the web on a Linux platform similar to what can be
 done with VB ASP and MS SQL on an NT platform.  I am running into a number
 of roadblocks however because I can't find any examples or documentation for
 doing this.  Does anyone have any experience using ASP on Linux to do
 database accesses.  I'm looking for any input including informing me if this
 is not possible.  It seems like all the tools are available, but I can't
 seem to make this work.
 Thanks in advance,
 Chad Stephens

Check out DBI / DBD::Pg, and Apache::DBI for caching.

Note that the DBI link was at:

-- Joshua