Re: Getting MAC address

2001-03-23 Thread Franck PORCHER

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, John Whitnack wrote:

 Is there a way to get a person MAC address using apache, mod_perl or
 javascript. I have yet to find a way to do this? I need a way to
 uniquely identify the computer a person is using (i.e. not ip address).
 John Whitnack

If I'm correct, MAC address is a means of identifying some 
communication devices sharing a commun physical link, like Ethernet.
For instance, SLIP and PPP do not use any. They do not need to since
they are used in peer to peer communication.

So let's suppose your client is hooked on an Ethernet segment.
According to TCP/IP operation (TCP/IP Illustrated by Stevens is a good
reference), getting at the client PC MAC address would require your
Apache server to have one NIC share the client Ethernet segment.
In such a case, it would be possible to perform an ARP request, or scan
the Apache server ARP cache with a command like (Linux)
  # /sbin/arp -a | grep 'clientIP''| cut -d' ' -f4 
to fetch the MAC address.

Otherwise, the best bet would be to have Javascript deliver it
to your Apache server as a mere data. But I do not see in the
Javascript specs any provision for doing that.

Good luck


|   A fashion rules each age, without most people   |
|   being able to see the tyrants that rule them.   |
|  [Albert Einstein]|

Re: Getting MAC address

2001-03-22 Thread darren chamberlain

 Is there a way to get a person MAC address using apache, mod_perl
 or javascript. I have yet to find a way to do this? I need a
 way to uniquely identify the computer a person is using (i.e. not
 ip address).
 John Whitnack

I just stumbled upon this patch
which begins:

 Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 12:47:50 +1000
 From: John Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: mod_access/2079: Enhanced security - Checking IP/hardware address 
aginst ARP entry in kernel
  It'd be great if you could hack up a patch for 1.3
 I have grafted the required changes to allow for ip/mac address checks in
 V1.3. I have allowed an expanded syntax the mac address :-
 only from 123.123.123 0123456789av
 only from 123.123.123 01-23-45-67-89-ab
 only from 123.123.123 01:23:45:67:89:ab
 There may be more work required for different UNix kernels or Windows, for
 the ARP lookup.
 The general .htaccess handling is FAR more efficient that version 1.2.6.
 We mere mortals appreciate the excellent work!
 regards John

This might get you started; Good luck.


#define NAME "darren chamberlain"

Re: Getting MAC address

2001-03-21 Thread Matthew Byng-Maddick

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, John Whitnack wrote:
 Is there a way to get a person MAC address using apache, mod_perl or
 javascript. I have yet to find a way to do this? I need a way to
 uniquely identify the computer a person is using (i.e. not ip address).

Bear in mind that a MAC address is something specific to an *Ethernet*
network. ATM networks have their own addressing scheme and other networks
will have theirs.

This would only work if the person is on the same *link layer network* as
you, ie, non-routed (because then you'll just get the mac of the router).

The answer is to parse the output of arp -a, or equivalent...


Matthew Byng-Maddick   Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +44 20  8980 5714  (Home)   Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] +44 7956 613942  (Mobile)
Genius may have  its limitations,  but stupidity  is not thus handicapped.
 -- Elbert Hubbard

Re: Getting MAC address

2001-03-21 Thread Emad Fanous

John Whitnack wrote:
 Is there a way to get a person MAC address using apache, mod_perl or
 javascript. I have yet to find a way to do this? I need a way to
 uniquely identify the computer a person is using (i.e. not ip address).
 John Whitnack
No.  This information should not be available utilizing any
of these methods...and if it was, I'm sure the privacy
advocates would fight as hard against utilizing MAC
addresses as they did the Intel processor unique
identifiers.  I assume you probably want to do this to
prevent spoofing of ip/server names???


Re: Getting MAC address

2001-03-21 Thread ___cliff rayman___

you can only get a MAC address for those machines which
are on your same subnet.  if you are using linux/unix try:

sorry - but there is no reliable way to identify machines across
the internet.  that is why there are 'cookies'.  intel tried to make
this possible by embedding a number into their chips, but us privacy
freaks had their heads.

John Whitnack wrote:

 Is there a way to get a person MAC address using apache, mod_perl or
 javascript. I have yet to find a way to do this? I need a way to
 uniquely identify the computer a person is using (i.e. not ip address).

 John Whitnack

Re: Getting MAC address

2001-03-21 Thread Andrew Ho


JWIs there a way to get a person MAC address using apache, mod_perl or
JWjavascript. I have yet to find a way to do this? I need a way to
JWuniquely identify the computer a person is using (i.e. not ip address).

If you mean the MAC address of the remote client who is connecting to your
server, no. This information isn't included in the request sent to you.
Using cookies as identification mechanisms is probably the way to go.



Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Voice 650-930-9062
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