Re[2]: Newbie advice required [some further info]

2003-02-05 Thread Seldo
On 06 February 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:
SB> Have you configured your server to run .php files by php?

>From httpd.conf: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
(which is a yes as far as I'm concerned, but taking no chances...)

SB> Does a request to /bob.php works fine if requested directly (when
SB> you don't have your PerlTransHandler installed?

Yep, it works fine.

SB> Does it work for other handlers? e.g.:
SB> assuming that you have /perl configured to run ModPerl::Registry?

Hmm, that was illuminating -- that works fine too! And PHP is indeed a
filter in 2.0, as you say (unlike perl). So the problem is either
PHP-specific, or a problem with filters... gah. I'm going to bed now,
but at least I have a new line of attack to try in the morning.


  Seldo Voss:
  ICQ #1172379 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bart's Blackboard: "I will not strut around like I own the place."

Re[2]: Newbie advice required

2003-02-05 Thread Seldo
Whoa, quick turnaround! Oof course, it's 11pm here, but only 6pm where
you are I suppose...

On 05 February 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:
SB> You forgot to add to unfortunate facts that both mod_perl 2.0 and
SB> Apache 2.0 are new and may have bugs ;)

>From what I could tell, doing this with Apache 1.3 is even more
daunting, since it didn't really have the concept of filters ironed

>> I want app1.exe (or whatever) to retrieve a file / run a database
>> query / do some processing and return some output.

SB> Do you say that the actual code resides in the database? So you
SB> want to fool Apache as if the code existed on the filesystem? Or
SB> does your database returns paths to the real files?

Well... to be honest, whichever is easier. I'm not that far along :-)

Ideally, it would be the former. Literally, I want all the files the
users to come from one or another of a set of applications. The
applications will return data in response to a URL: that data might
be flat HTML, it might be PHP, or for some URLs it might be binary
data. I don't want it to matter: I want the server to handle the
content *as if it had just come from the filesystem*.

SB> You mean PerlTransHandler, right? You are on the right track then.

Yes, I mean PerlTransHandler. Yay! Not completely bonkers then...

>> 2. Why would setting $r->uri() to a .php file be any different to
>> the rest of the server than setting it to a .html file?

SB> If you don't have a real file with the content you probably need
SB> to rely on output filters.

>> 3. How to ensure that the server treats the output of an
>> application the same as it does a file, i.e. applying all the
>> necessary handlers etc?

SB> Assuming that you have a set of filters which do the work, it's
SB> easy. e.g. I think php in 2.0 is an output filter, so you should
SB> just dynamically insert the php filter when you figure out that
SB> the content is php. HTML/text is easy. SSI is a filter, so covered
SB> too. What other processors do you need?

That's the thing. This application has to be flexible: I don't want to
have to explicitly support file types; I simply want to supply the
server with data that looks like a file and have it treat that data
exactly as it would any other file.

However, I have a feeling this might be impractical, so alternate
suggestions are welcome :-) At this point I feel I should be doing
some kind of I-am-a-clueless-newbie dance. I am totally out of my
depth, and this project is due in 3 weeks! *bursts into semi-panicked
laughter*. Um. Yeah :-)

Thanks again!


  Seldo Voss:
  ICQ #1172379 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If idiots could fly, IRC servers would be airports.