Re: Text::Template and passing in variables; going bug nuts!

2001-01-26 Thread Perrin Harkins

> Where I'm getting hosed is that %config and %session have data
> I need visible to the Text::Template objects themselves.  I've
> RTFM'ed until my eyes are pink, and I see no options short of
> copying variables wholesale into another Package, but then I
> still can't get at them and "use strict" can I?

Text::Template has a flexible interface.  Put everything into a specific
package, or use the HASH option to fill_in().  Use references, not copies.

Your sample code has some stuff in it that looks a little scary to me.  Do
you really want to make %config, %dispatcher, $page, $frame, $command,
%session, and  %templates into class variables?  Maybe instance variables
would make more sense.  (These are closures variables as well, so they'll
keep their values from one request to the next.)  And building methods that
change class variables instead of actually returning something is kind of
obfuscated.  But maybe I just don't understand what you're doing from these
small snippets.

- Perrin

Re: Text::Template and passing in variables; going bug nuts!

2001-01-26 Thread T.J. Mather

Maybe I'm missing something here, but can't you just use

use strict;
use vars qw(%config %session);

or better yet, fully qualify your variables


The mod_perl guide has excellent sections on this:

Also, there are a couple of useful modules on CPAN for inheriting class
data, not sure if they will apply in your case:

> Where I'm getting hosed is that %config and %session have data 
> I need visible to the Text::Template objects themselves.  I've
> RTFM'ed until my eyes are pink, and I see no options short of
> copying variables wholesale into another Package, but then I 
> still can't get at them and "use strict" can I?

T.J. Mather   New CPAN Search Engine  Digital Asset Management and Breakfast Directory

Text::Template and passing in variables; going bug nuts!

2001-01-25 Thread Christopher L. Everett


I have a class that I wrote to provide support for 
multi-form database applications.  To use it, I 
subclass it into something like Exchange::Admin.
Now all the session cookie and state data code I 
need happens in the background.  Now, I want to 
extend MyApp::Framework with Text::Template like this:

package MyApp::Framework;

use Text::Template;

my (%config, %dispatcher, $page, $frame, $command, %session,

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = {};
  $bless ($self, $class);


  Apache->push_handlers(PerlChildInitHandler => \&child_init);

sub get_configured {
  my ($self ) = @_;

  # load %config, %dispatcher, and %templates hashes in here.

sub child_init {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $db{dbh} = DBI->connect($config{DBI_DSN}, $config{DBI_User},

  # prepare sql here

sub handler ($$) {
  my ($self, $q) = @_;

  my $r = Apache::Request->new($q);
  # session magic here

  my $preprocessor = $dispatch_table{$page}{$frame}{$command};
  $self->$preprocessor($r);  #modifies class variables

  # more session cleanup magic here

  return OK;

Where I'm getting hosed is that %config and %session have data 
I need visible to the Text::Template objects themselves.  I've
RTFM'ed until my eyes are pink, and I see no options short of
copying variables wholesale into another Package, but then I 
still can't get at them and "use strict" can I?

I'm totally out of ideas.  Can anyone suggest some useful 

  --Christopher Everett