[mp2]make test problems

2002-12-03 Thread Beau E. Cox
NOTE: My name servers have been giving me fits today, so I am
resending this problem report; If you have already received it,
please forgive me = Beau.
-8-- Start Bug Report 8--
1. Problem Description:

  A. Apache 2.0.43:

  ./configure --enable-layout=SuSE --with-mpm=worker
  make install
  -- hokie-dokie --

  B. mod_perl 1.99_07

  perl Makefile.pl MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/include/apache MP_INST_APACHE2=1

  (that funny include directory is _real_: it's specified in
  the apache config.layout under SuSE. I cleared it before the apache
  configure/build, and it reappeared - looks OK to me).

  Here is the layout I used:

  Layout SuSE
exec_prefix:   ${prefix}
sbindir:   ${prefix}/sbin
datadir:   /srv/www
installbuilddir: ${datadir}/build
errordir:  ${datadir}/error
iconsdir:  ${datadir}/icons
htdocsdir: ${datadir}/htdocs
manualdir: ${datadir}/manual
localstatedir: /var/lib/httpd
proxycachedir: /var/cache/httpd

  C. Apache/Const not found:

  Can't locate Apache/Const.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
Apache-Test/lib /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/Apache-Test/lib
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
   .) at
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm line
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 12.

  Here is where Const.pm (actually several vertsions of them) is
  in the mod_perl tree (looks like the @INC should have
a --/Apache2/Apache--
  in it) (all below are from /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/):

-r--r--r--1 root root  160 Apr 11  2001 Const.pm
-r--r--r--1 root root  324 Aug 28 16:28 Const.pm
-r--r--r--1 root root  743 Sep  5 07:07 Const.pm
-rw-r--r--1 beau mysql 160 Apr 11  2001 Const.pm
-rw-r--r--1 beau mysql 324 Aug 28 16:28 Const.pm
-rw-r--r--1 beau mysql 743 Sep  5 07:07 Const.pm

  D. apache/subprocess test

  apache/subprocessFAILED tests 1-4
Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay

  E. apr/perlio

  apr/perlio...FAILED tests 1-11
Failed 11/11 tests, 0.00% okay

  F. t/logs/error_log:

  END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=7419
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:24 2002] [notice] Apache/2.0.43 (Unix)
mod_perl/1.99_07-dev Perl/v5.8.0 configured -- resuming normal operations
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:24 2002] [info] Server built: Dec  2 2002 04:57:53
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:24 2002] [debug] worker.c(1736): AcceptMutex: sysvsem
(default: sysvsem)
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:25 2002] [error] server reached MaxClients setting,
consider raising the MaxClients setting
  # Failed test 1 in
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm at
line 55
  # Failed test 2 in
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm at
line 68
  # Failed test 3 in
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm at
line 82
  # Failed test 4 in
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm at
line 96
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [info] [client] TestAPI::aplog test
in progress
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [debug]
log_serror test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [debug]
(20007)No time was provided and one was required.: log_serror test 2 ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [debug]
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestAPI/aplog.pm(49): [client] (20007)No time was provided and one was required.: log_rerror
test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [error] $r-log_error test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [error] $s-log_error test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [debug]

Re: [mp2.0]make test problems

2002-12-03 Thread Stas Bekman
There are two problems:

  C. Apache/Const not found:

  Can't locate Apache/Const.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
Apache-Test/lib /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/Apache-Test/lib
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
   .) at
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm line
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 12.

  Here is where Const.pm (actually several vertsions of them) is
  in the mod_perl tree (looks like the @INC should have
a --/Apache2/Apache--
  in it) (all below are from /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/):

-r--r--r--1 root root  160 Apr 11  2001 Const.pm
-r--r--r--1 root root  324 Aug 28 16:28 Const.pm
-r--r--r--1 root root  743 Sep  5 07:07 Const.pm
-rw-r--r--1 beau mysql 160 Apr 11  2001 Const.pm
-rw-r--r--1 beau mysql 324 Aug 28 16:28 Const.pm
-rw-r--r--1 beau mysql 743 Sep  5 07:07 Const.pm

It wants /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/blib/lib/Apache2/Apache/Const.pm
but for some reason blib/lib/Apache2 is not in the path. 
modperl_extra.pl loads Apache2, so @INC should be adjusted.

What happens if you run this test standalone, like so:

t/TEST apache/subprocess

even better in a verbose mode:

t/TEST -v apache/subprocess

(watch the error_log)

The second problem manifestates in the error_log file:

  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:38 2002] [error] [client] mkdir
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/htdocs/perlio: Permission denied at
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestUtil.pm line

it tries to create a new dir 'perlio' in the dir 'htdocs' and fails.

Apparently your umask is set to some value that when untarring the 
package the writable bits weren't set. What does the following show?
cd /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/
ls -dl t/htdocs

You are not the first to report this problem. I suppose we should add 
some code to check that t/htdocs is writable.

BTW, when you have tests failing, run them separately and then you will 
immediately what errors are relevant for this test. You can even tell it 
to run/skip specific subtests...

  MaxClients (in t/conf/httpd.conf):
  IfModule worker.c
StartServers 1
MaxClients   1
MinSpareThreads  1
  Tried setting it to 150 before make test, but he sets it back to 1!

if you read the head of that file, it's autogenerated and all your 
changes will be overwritten. If you really want to change it (and most 
likely you don't, since some test rely on the fact that there is only 
one process/thread that responds, read the Apache::Test guide here:

  G. I hope you folks don't think I'm just dumping this on you;
 I have tried everthing I could think of before reporting;
	 I'm really trying to RTFM and learn while I'm doing...

You are doing the right thing. Your last report was very comprehensive, 
now we need to figure out why your system behaves differently than mine :)

And you are doing a great service of shaking all those problems out for 
the many users to come. (hint, hint... :)

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --- http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

Re: [mp2.0]make test problems

2002-12-03 Thread Stas Bekman
Also, can you please try to do the testing with the cvs version of 
mod_perl 2.0? Since chances are that some things were fixed since last 
release (and possibly new bugs added :)

(though use only the mod_perl cvs, not the httpd)

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --- http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

RE: [mp2.0]make test problems

2002-12-03 Thread Beau E. Cox
Ok Stas -

I will pick up the cvs mod_perl now and try again.

My ignorance is showing (20 yrs+ with M$ systems, only
1 1/2 yrs with Linux) but I did notice that mod_perl
untared to beau:mysql? Where did that come from? umask?
man umask only gives me (2) - programmers reference. Is
there some setup parameter I should set? I've read my SuSE
admin guide and can't find anything revelent. Please
point me somewhere... :)

Of course, I'm doing everthing logged in as root (it's my
network after all, and if you can't be King of your own
network...) I've never seen tar carry owner:group + perms
thru an untar...they usually come out the other end root:root.
It's some of your magic, isn't it Stas?

Aloha = Beau.

PS: I can't give you the ls you wanted right now, I am in the middle
of reinstalling apache w/o my SuSE layout...

-Original Message-
From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 1:00 AM
To: Beau E. Cox
Cc: Modperl
Subject: Re: [mp2.0]make test problems

Also, can you please try to do the testing with the cvs version of
mod_perl 2.0? Since chances are that some things were fixed since last
release (and possibly new bugs added :)

(though use only the mod_perl cvs, not the httpd)

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --- http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

Re: [mp2.0]make test problems

2002-12-03 Thread Stas Bekman
My ignorance is showing (20 yrs+ with M$ systems, only
1 1/2 yrs with Linux) but I did notice that mod_perl
untared to beau:mysql? Where did that come from? umask?
man umask only gives me (2) - programmers reference. Is
there some setup parameter I should set? I've read my SuSE
admin guide and can't find anything revelent. Please
point me somewhere... :)

No need for excuses :) as you saw in my followup it wasn't a umask 
issue. (Though 'perldoc -f umask' has a good explanation of umask.)

Of course, I'm doing everthing logged in as root (it's my
network after all, and if you can't be King of your own
network...) I've never seen tar carry owner:group + perms
thru an untar...they usually come out the other end root:root.

Been there, done that. But now I work under my own user and rarely need 
to run 'su'. But that discussion belongs to a different list...

We are probably going to change Apache::Test to not let you run the test 
suite as root (the real problem is that Apache 2.0 will refuse to start 
if httpd.conf file says: User root), instead of trying to guess your 
'other' username. As you can see this help causes more troubles than it 

It's some of your magic, isn't it Stas?

If it has anything to do with magic always remember to s/Stas/Doug/gi

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --- http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

RE: [mp2.0]make test problems

2002-12-03 Thread Narins, Josh


If it has anything to do with magic always remember to s/Stas/Doug/gi

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Name service error for dougon.org: Host not found



-Original Message-
From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 9:32 AM
To: Beau E. Cox
Cc: Modperl
Subject: Re: [mp2.0]make test problems

 My ignorance is showing (20 yrs+ with M$ systems, only
 1 1/2 yrs with Linux) but I did notice that mod_perl
 untared to beau:mysql? Where did that come from? umask?
 man umask only gives me (2) - programmers reference. Is
 there some setup parameter I should set? I've read my SuSE
 admin guide and can't find anything revelent. Please
 point me somewhere... :)

No need for excuses :) as you saw in my followup it wasn't a umask 
issue. (Though 'perldoc -f umask' has a good explanation of umask.)

 Of course, I'm doing everthing logged in as root (it's my
 network after all, and if you can't be King of your own
 network...) I've never seen tar carry owner:group + perms
 thru an untar...they usually come out the other end root:root.

Been there, done that. But now I work under my own user and rarely need 
to run 'su'. But that discussion belongs to a different list...

We are probably going to change Apache::Test to not let you run the test 
suite as root (the real problem is that Apache 2.0 will refuse to start 
if httpd.conf file says: User root), instead of trying to guess your 
'other' username. As you can see this help causes more troubles than it 

 It's some of your magic, isn't it Stas?

If it has anything to do with magic always remember to s/Stas/Doug/gi

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --- http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

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[mp2.0]make test problems

2002-12-02 Thread Beau E. Cox

-8-- Start Bug Report 8--
1. Problem Description:

  MP make test fails (no error log generated)

  A. Apache/Const.pm not found - snip of console output:

  *** setting ulimit to allow core files
  ulimit -c unlimited; t/TEST -clean
  *** setting ulimit to allow core files
  ulimit -c unlimited; t/TEST
  Can't locate Apache/Const.pm in @INC (@INC contains: Apache-Test/lib

  I looked on CPAN but Apache::Constants seems to be part of

  B. 'test mode' apache doesn't start (it starts OK using apachectl start):

  Syntax error on line 27 of
  Invalid command 'TransferLog', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
not included inthe server configuration
  server has died with status 255 (t/logs/error_log wasn't created, start
the server in the debug mode)
  make: *** [run_tests] Error 143

  line 27 ot the test httpd.conf file:

  26:  LogLeveldebug
  27:  TransferLog /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/logs/access_log
  29:  ServerAdmin nobody@localhost

  C. NOTE!

  I have gone backwards! My previous incarnations of mod_perl install
  have gotten further than this. My change - configured Apache with 'all'

 ./configure --enable-layout=SuSE --enable-mods-shared=all --with-mpm=worker

2. Used Components and their Configuration:

*** using lib/Apache/BuildConfig.pm
*** Makefile.PL options:
  MP_AP_PREFIX= /usr/include/apache
  MP_LIBNAME  = mod_perl
  MP_USE_DSO  = 1

*** /usr/sbin/httpd -V
Server version: Apache/2.0.43
Server built:   Dec  2 2002 03:29:08
Server's Module Magic Number: 20020903:0
Architecture:   32-bit
Server compiled with
 -D APACHE_MPM_DIR=server/mpm/worker
 -D SUEXEC_BIN=/usr/bin/suexec
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD=logs/apache_runtime_status
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG=logs/error_log
 -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/httpd/mime.types
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/httpd/httpd.conf

*** /usr/bin/perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.4.19, archname=i586-linux-thread-multi
uname='linux amdsim5 2.4.19 #1 wed mar 27 13:57:05 utc 2002 i686 unknown

config_args='-ds -e -Dprefix=/usr -Dusethreads -Di_db -Di_dbm -Di_ndbm -Di_g
dbm -Duseshrplib=true'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define
useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='cc', ccflags
optimize='-O3 --pipe',
cppflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -fno-strict-aliasing'
ccversion='', gccversion='3.2', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
alignbytes=4, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =''
libpth=/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib
libs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt -lutil
perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt -lutil
libc=, so=so, useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl.so
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef,
ccdlflags='-rdynamic -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i586-linux-thread-multi
cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Oct  8 2002 16:55:42

3. This is the core dump trace: (if you get a core dump):


This report was generated by t/REPORT on Mon Dec  2 14:14:55 2002 GMT.

-8-- End Bug Report --8--

Note: Complete the rest of the details and post this bug report to
dev at perl.apache.org. To subscribe to the list send an empty

Re: [mp2.0]make test problems

2002-12-02 Thread Stas Bekman
That's much better!

-8-- Start Bug Report 8--
1. Problem Description:

  MP make test fails (no error log generated)

  A. Apache/Const.pm not found - snip of console output:

  *** setting ulimit to allow core files
  ulimit -c unlimited; t/TEST -clean
  *** setting ulimit to allow core files
  ulimit -c unlimited; t/TEST
  Can't locate Apache/Const.pm in @INC (@INC contains: Apache-Test/lib

You've snipped it in the bad place. What's the reported @INC? But first 
try with the last suggestion in this reply.

  I looked on CPAN but Apache::Constants seems to be part of

  B. 'test mode' apache doesn't start (it starts OK using apachectl start):

  Syntax error on line 27 of
  Invalid command 'TransferLog', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
not included inthe server configuration
  server has died with status 255 (t/logs/error_log wasn't created, start
the server in the debug mode)
  make: *** [run_tests] Error 143

  line 27 ot the test httpd.conf file:

  26:  LogLeveldebug
  27:  TransferLog /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/logs/access_log
  29:  ServerAdmin nobody@localhost

You miss mod_log_config.c, see the next answer

  C. NOTE!

  I have gone backwards! My previous incarnations of mod_perl install
  have gotten further than this. My change - configured Apache with 'all'

 ./configure --enable-layout=SuSE --enable-mods-shared=all --with-mpm=worker

please try first with just:

./configure --with-mpm=worker

as suggested by the docs.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --- http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

[mp2.0]make test problems

2002-12-02 Thread Beau E. Cox

-8-- Start Bug Report 8--
1. Problem Description:

  A. Apache 2.0.43:

  ./configure --enable-layout=SuSE --with-mpm=worker
  make install
  -- hokie-dokie --

  B. mod_perl 1.99_07

  perl Makefile.pl MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/include/apache MP_INST_APACHE2=1

  (that funny include directory is _real_: it's specified in
  the apache config.layout under SuSE. I cleared it before the apache
  configure/build, and it reappeared - looks OK to me).

  C. Apache/Const not found:

  Can't locate Apache/Const.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
Apache-Test/lib /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/Apache-Test/lib
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
   .) at
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm line
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 12.

  Here is where Const.pm (actually several vertsions of them) is
  in the mod_perl tree (looks like the @INC should have
a --/Apache2/Apache--
  in it) (all below are from /usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/):

-r--r--r--1 root root  160 Apr 11  2001 Const.pm
-r--r--r--1 root root  324 Aug 28 16:28 Const.pm
-r--r--r--1 root root  743 Sep  5 07:07 Const.pm
-rw-r--r--1 beau mysql 160 Apr 11  2001 Const.pm
-rw-r--r--1 beau mysql 324 Aug 28 16:28 Const.pm
-rw-r--r--1 beau mysql 743 Sep  5 07:07 Const.pm

  D. apache/subprocess test

  apache/subprocessFAILED tests 1-4
Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay

  E. apr/perlio

  apr/perlio...FAILED tests 1-11
Failed 11/11 tests, 0.00% okay

  F. t/logs/error_log:

  END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=7419
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:24 2002] [notice] Apache/2.0.43 (Unix)
mod_perl/1.99_07-dev Perl/v5.8.0 configured -- resuming normal operations
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:24 2002] [info] Server built: Dec  2 2002 04:57:53
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:24 2002] [debug] worker.c(1736): AcceptMutex: sysvsem
(default: sysvsem)
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:25 2002] [error] server reached MaxClients setting,
consider raising the MaxClients setting
  # Failed test 1 in
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm at
line 55
  # Failed test 2 in
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm at
line 68
  # Failed test 3 in
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm at
line 82
  # Failed test 4 in
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestApache/subprocess.pm at
line 96
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [info] [client] TestAPI::aplog test
in progress
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [debug]
log_serror test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [debug]
(20007)No time was provided and one was required.: log_serror test 2 ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [debug]
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/response/TestAPI/aplog.pm(49): [client] (20007)No time was provided and one was required.: log_rerror
test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [error] $r-log_error test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [error] $s-log_error test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [debug]
TestAPI::aplog test done
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [warn] ApacheApache-warn test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:31 2002] [warn] $s-warn test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:38 2002] [error] [client] mkdir
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/htdocs/perlio: Permission denied at
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestUtil.pm line

  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:41 2002] [error] Apache::log_error test ok
  [Mon Dec 02 05:08:52 2002] [error] [client] File does not exist:
  [Mon Dec 02 05:09:00 2002] [info] removed PID file
/usr/local/addons/mod_perl-1.99_07/t/logs/httpd.pid (pid=7420)
  [Mon Dec 02 05:09:00 2002] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
  END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=7420

  MaxClients (in t/conf/httpd.conf):
  IfModule worker.c

RE: Make Test problems...

2001-06-17 Thread Ian \(the webguy\)


After a week to reinstall redhat, delete the perl, apache, and mod_perl
RPM's, and downloading the source files on my dinky little 28.8 connection,
I come again to building this package.

I used the makepl_args.mod_perl file that was given to me earlier, and I am
still getting the following error messages...
snippet number=1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Util'
cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
/usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.
make: *** [run_tests] Error 9

From the t/logs/error_log file...
snippet number=2
Server is not starting !?
Subroutine main::pid redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl
line 103.
Subroutine main::access redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 104.
Subroutine Outside::code redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 108.
Subroutine PerlTransHandler::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 114.
Subroutine MyClass::method redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 121.
Subroutine BaseClass::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 127.
Subroutine My::child_init redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 145.
Subroutine My::child_exit redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 155.
Subroutine My::restart redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 159.
Subroutine Apache::AuthenTest::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 167.
Subroutine My::DirIndex::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 189.
Subroutine My::ProxyTest::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 207.
Subroutine handler redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl
line 241.
Subroutine new redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line
Subroutine DESTROY redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl1.25/t//docs/startup.pl
line 265.
[notice] Destruction-DESTROY called for $global_object
Subroutine handler redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl
Subroutine one redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl line
Subroutine two redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl line
Subroutine three redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl
line 31.
Subroutine four redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl line
[Sun Jun 17 02:12:39 2001] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock:
could not bind to port 8529
Server is not starting !?
Subroutine main::pid redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl
line 103.
Subroutine main::access redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 104.
Subroutine Outside::code redefined at

I've tried make test port=12345 and it still errors out when I try to run
make test.

Any ideas where to look?  Anyone else using RH6.1 having/had the same
problems?  Any General Ideas (as I try to RTFM?)


-Original Message-
From: Steven Lembark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 11:08 AM
To: Ged Haywood; Ian (the webguy)
Subject: Re: Make Test problems...


file called makpl_args.mod_perl in the mod_perl directory.  The best
arrangement for the directories seems to be something like:


Even easier, put .makepl_args.mod_perl into your home directory and
you won't have to re-create it every time you go to re-build Apache.

RE: Make Test problems...

2001-06-17 Thread Stas Bekman

[parts of the message were snipped]

On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Ian (the webguy) wrote:

 I used the makepl_args.mod_perl file that was given to me earlier, and I am
 still getting the following error messages...
 snippet number=1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Util'
 cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
 ../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
 httpd listening on port 8529
 will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
 letting apache warm up...\c
 /usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
 still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
 server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.
 make: *** [run_tests] Error 9

 [Sun Jun 17 02:12:39 2001] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock:
 could not bind to port 8529
 Server is not starting !?

you already have a server running, kill it first.

$ killall httpd

test that you've it killed

$ ps auxc | grep httpd

now try again.

$ make test

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/   mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://eXtropia.com/
http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

RE: Make Test problems...

2001-06-17 Thread Ian \(the webguy\)


I did a killall httpd as root then tried it again, but to no evail.
[root@ian mod_perl-1.25]# killall httpd
httpd: no process killed
[root@ian mod_perl-1.25]# ps auxc | grep httpd
[root@ian mod_perl-1.25]# make test
(cd ../apache_1.3.9  PERL5LIB=/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/lib make)
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9'
=== src
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9'
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9/src'
=== src/regex
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/regex
=== src/os/unix
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/os/unix
=== src/ap
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/ap
=== src/main
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/main
=== src/lib
=== src/lib
=== src/modules
=== src/modules/standard
make[5]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/modules/standard
=== src/modules/proxy
make[5]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/modules/proxy
=== src/modules/perl
make[5]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/modules/perl
=== src/modules
cc -c -I. -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -I./os/unix -I./include  
INUX=2 -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include
SE_HSREGEX `./apaci` modules.c
cc -c -I. -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -I./os/unix -I./include  
INUX=2 -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include
SE_HSREGEX `./apaci` buildmark.c
cc  -DLINUX=2 -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/
ude -DUSE_HSREGEX `./apaci`\
  -o httpd buildmark.o modules.o modules/standard/libstandard.a
y/libproxy.a modules/perl/libperl.a main/libmain.a ./os/unix/libos.a
regex/libregex.a   -lm -lcrypt -lndbm -rdynamic  -L/usr/local/lib
/5.00503/i386-linux/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.a -L/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i3
inux/CORE -lperl -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9/src'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9'
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9'
=== src/support
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9/src/support'
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9/src/support'
=== src/support
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9'
=== src
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/apache_1.3.9'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Apache'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Apache'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Connection'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Connection'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Constants'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Constants'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/File'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/File'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Leak'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Leak'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Log'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Log'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/ModuleConfig'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/ModuleConfig'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/PerlRunXS'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/PerlRunXS'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Server'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Server'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Symbol'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Symbol'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Table'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Table'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/URI'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/URI'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Util'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Util'
cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
/usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.
make: *** [run_tests] Error 9

-Original Message-
From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 2:47 AM
To: Ian (the webguy)
Cc: mod_perl list
Subject: RE: Make Test problems...

[parts of the message were snipped]

On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Ian (the webguy) wrote:

 I used the makepl_args.mod_perl file that was given to me earlier, and I
 still getting the following error messages...
 snippet number=1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Util'
 cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
 ../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
 httpd listening on port 8529

RE: Make Test problems...

2001-06-17 Thread Stas Bekman

 I did a killall httpd as root then tried it again, but to no evail.
 [root@ian mod_perl-1.25]# killall httpd
 httpd: no process killed
 [root@ian mod_perl-1.25]# ps auxc | grep httpd
 [root@ian mod_perl-1.25]# make test


 ../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
 httpd listening on port 8529
 will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
 letting apache warm up...\c
 /usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
 still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
 server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.
 make: *** [run_tests] Error 9

what the error_log says

 -Original Message-
 From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 2:47 AM
 To: Ian (the webguy)
 Cc: mod_perl list
 Subject: RE: Make Test problems...

 [parts of the message were snipped]

 On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Ian (the webguy) wrote:

  I used the makepl_args.mod_perl file that was given to me earlier, and I
  still getting the following error messages...
  snippet number=1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Util'
  cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
  ../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
  httpd listening on port 8529
  will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
  letting apache warm up...\c
  /usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
  still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
  server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line
  make: *** [run_tests] Error 9
  [Sun Jun 17 02:12:39 2001] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock:
  could not bind to port 8529
  Server is not starting !?

 you already have a server running, kill it first.

 $ killall httpd

 test that you've it killed

 $ ps auxc | grep httpd

 now try again.

 $ make test

 Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
 http://stason.org/   mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://eXtropia.com/
 http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/   mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://eXtropia.com/
http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

RE: Make Test problems...

2001-06-17 Thread Ian \(the webguy\)

Server is not starting !?
Subroutine main::pid redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl
line 103.
Subroutine main::access redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 104.
Subroutine Outside::code redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 108.
Subroutine PerlTransHandler::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 114.
Subroutine MyClass::method redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 121.
Subroutine BaseClass::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 127.
Subroutine My::child_init redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 145.
Subroutine My::child_exit redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 155.
Subroutine My::restart redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 159.
Subroutine Apache::AuthenTest::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 167.
Subroutine My::DirIndex::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 189.
Subroutine My::ProxyTest::handler redefined at
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line 207.
Subroutine handler redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl
line 241.
Subroutine new redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl line
Subroutine DESTROY redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/startup.pl
line 265.
[notice] Destruction-DESTROY called for $global_object
Subroutine handler redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl
line 6.
Subroutine one redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl line
Subroutine two redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl line
Subroutine three redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl
line 31.
Subroutine four redefined at /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t//docs/stacked.pl line
[Sun Jun 17 02:57:52 2001] [warn] pid file
/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t/logs/httpd.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of
previous Apache run?
[notice] Destruction-DESTROY called for $global_object
[Sun Jun 17 02:57:55 2001] [warn] [notice] child_init for process 2497,
report any problems to [no address given]


-Original Message-
From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 3:07 AM
To: Ian (the webguy)
Cc: mod_perl list
Subject: RE: Make Test problems...

 I did a killall httpd as root then tried it again, but to no evail.
 [root@ian mod_perl-1.25]# killall httpd
 httpd: no process killed
 [root@ian mod_perl-1.25]# ps auxc | grep httpd
 [root@ian mod_perl-1.25]# make test


 ../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
 httpd listening on port 8529
 will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
 letting apache warm up...\c
 /usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
 still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
 server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line
 make: *** [run_tests] Error 9

what the error_log says

 -Original Message-
 From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 2:47 AM
 To: Ian (the webguy)
 Cc: mod_perl list
 Subject: RE: Make Test problems...

 [parts of the message were snipped]

 On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Ian (the webguy) wrote:

  I used the makepl_args.mod_perl file that was given to me earlier, and I
  still getting the following error messages...
  snippet number=1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Util'
  cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
  ../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
  httpd listening on port 8529
  will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
  letting apache warm up...\c
  /usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
  still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
  server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line
  make: *** [run_tests] Error 9
  [Sun Jun 17 02:12:39 2001] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock:
  could not bind to port 8529
  Server is not starting !?

 you already have a server running, kill it first.

 $ killall httpd

 test that you've it killed

 $ ps auxc | grep httpd

 now try again.

 $ make test

 Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
 http://stason.org/   mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://eXtropia.com/
 http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/   mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://eXtropia.com/
http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

RE: Make Test problems...

2001-06-17 Thread Philip Mak

On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Ian (the webguy) wrote:

 I did a killall httpd as root then tried it again, but to no evail.

I don't think that httpd already being running was the problem. The test
script is supposed to pick a port that's NOT in use for the purposes of
the test, isn't it?

 still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
 server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.
 make: *** [run_tests] Error 9

Do what it says. Examine the file called t/logs/error_log. It should be
somewhere in the directory where you're compiling this stuff.

If you don't understand the contents of the error log, try posting them


RE: Make Test problems...

2001-06-17 Thread Stas Bekman

in this case delete the old error_log file  before you start the test, you
have all the mess from the previous run posted.

 /home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/t/logs/httpd.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of
 previous Apache run?

It looks like it starts here:

 [notice] Destruction-DESTROY called for $global_object
 [Sun Jun 17 02:57:55 2001] [warn] [notice] child_init for process 2497,
 report any problems to [no address given]

what happens when you run:

../apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 

Do you get a core file dumped?

I have missed the original problem post. Is this a static build or DSO?
What 'perl -V' says?

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/   mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://eXtropia.com/
http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

Re: Make Test problems...

2001-06-14 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, Ian (the webguy) wrote:
 I'm not sure what's causing this.  When I telnet to port 8529 and try to get
 /test.html, I get
 TITLE403 Forbidden/TITLE

this is a bug in the test suite, permissions problem if you 'make' as
root.  if you can 'perl Makefile.PL ...  make' as another user and 
'make install' as root the test should work fine.

Re: Make Test problems...

2001-06-11 Thread Ged Haywood

On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, Ian (the webguy) wrote:

 I'm running RedHat 6.2 on an P5/300 with 128MB of RAM and 10GB of HDD.  I've
 grabbed the latest stable versions of Apache (1.3.9), and mod_perl.
 I keep on running into problems with the make test portion of my
 installation.  Snippets are below...
 snip of 'make test  outfile
 (cd /root/apache_1.3.9  PERL5LIB=/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/lib make)

Start again.  It's not a big deal to delete everything in the source
directories, untar the archives and rebuild.  I always like to put a
file called makpl_args.mod_perl in the mod_perl directory.  The best
arrangement for the directories seems to be something like:


so makepl_args.mod_perl is in fact


Then all you have to do is:

% cd /home/ian/src/mod_perl
% make
% make test
% su root
# make install

Make sure you haven't got a copy of Apache already running when you
start all this, RedHat has one already in there for you but I've never
liked the way it starts things up - tries to do too much for you which
is very confusing when you're new to it all.

My makepl_args.mod_perl is below, don't include the ruled lines!
You might want to tweak it a little.  Come back if you have any trouble.

When you put the machine on the net, make sure you upgrade ftpd, the
version of ftpd which comes with RH6.2 has a nasty hole in it.  You
need the lreply-buffer-overflow-patch.



Re: Make Test problems...

2001-06-11 Thread Steven Lembark


file called makpl_args.mod_perl in the mod_perl directory.  The best
arrangement for the directories seems to be something like:


Even easier, put .makepl_args.mod_perl into your home directory and
you won't have to re-create it every time you go to re-build Apache.

Make Test problems...

2001-06-10 Thread Ian \(the webguy\)


I'm running RedHat 6.2 on an P5/300 with 128MB of RAM and 10GB of HDD.  I've
grabbed the latest stable versions of Apache (1.3.9), and mod_perl.

I keep on running into problems with the make test portion of my
installation.  Snippets are below...
snip of 'make test  outfile

(cd /root/apache_1.3.9  PERL5LIB=/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/lib make)
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/apache_1.3.9'
=== src
make[2]: Entering directory `/root/apache_1.3.9'
make[3]: Entering directory `/root/apache_1.3.9/src'
=== src/regex
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/regex
=== src/os/unix
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/os/unix
=== src/ap
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/ap
=== src/main
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/main
=== src/lib
=== src/lib
=== src/modules
=== src/modules/standard
make[5]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/modules/standard
=== src/modules/perl
make[5]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
=== src/modules/perl
=== src/modules
cc -c -I. -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -I./os/unix -I./include  
 -DLINUX=2 -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/inc
lude -DUSE_HSREGEX -DPERL_MARK_WHERE=1 `./apaci` modules.c
cc -c -I. -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -I./os/unix -I./include  
 -DLINUX=2 -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/inc
lude -DUSE_HSREGEX -DPERL_MARK_WHERE=1 `./apaci` buildmark.c
cc  -DLINUX=2 -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/
include -DUSE_HSREGEX -DPERL_MARK_WHERE=1 `./apaci`\
  -o httpd buildmark.o modules.o modules/standard/libstandard.a
modules/perl/libperl.a main/libmain.a ./os/unix/libos.a ap/libap.a
regex/libregex.a   -lm -lcrypt -rdynamic  -L/usr/local/lib
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.a -L/usr/lib/pe
rl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -lperl -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt
make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/apache_1.3.9/src'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/apache_1.3.9'
make[2]: Entering directory `/root/apache_1.3.9'
=== src/support
make[3]: Entering directory `/root/apache_1.3.9/src/support'
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/apache_1.3.9/src/support'
=== src/support
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/apache_1.3.9'
=== src
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/apache_1.3.9'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Apache'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Apache'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Connection'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Connection'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Constants'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Constants'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/File'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/File'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Leak'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Leak'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Log'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Log'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/ModuleConfig'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/ModuleConfig'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/PerlRunXS'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/PerlRunXS'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Server'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Server'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Symbol'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Symbol'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Table'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Table'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/URI'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/URI'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Util'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/mod_perl-1.25/Util'
cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
/root/apache_1.3.9/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
/usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
still waiting for server to warm up...not ok

I'm not sure what's causing this.  When I telnet to port 8529 and try to get
/test.html, I get
TITLE403 Forbidden/TITLE
You don't have permission to access /test.html
on this server.P


I'll admit, I'm learning this, so please don't flame me too hard :)


Ian W.,

SO Computer Sciences/Telecommunications/Pre-Law at Ohio Northern University,
Ada, Ohio
Communications Services Support Guru

make test problems

1999-11-06 Thread Trei Brundrett

mod_perl: 1.21
perl: 5.0053
apache: 1.3.9
red hat linux: 6.1

When I run make test I receive the following in VERBOSE:


modules/src.Use of uninitialized value at modules/src.t line 19.
Use of uninitialized value at modules/src.t line 20.
Use of uninitialized value at ../blib/lib/Apache/src.pm line 164.
Use of uninitialized value at modules/src.t line 27.
Use of uninitialized value at ../blib/lib/Apache/src.pm line 215.
Use of uninitialized value at ../blib/lib/Apache/src.pm line 215.
can't stat  No such file or directory
ok 1
ok 2
not ok 3
module_magic_number = 0
not ok 4
httpd_version =
not ok 5
-I../src -I../src/modules/perl -I
Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Undefined subroutine Test::Harness::WCOREDUMP called at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/Test/Harness.pm line 288.
make: *** [run_tests] Error 2


Any help would be appreciated.

Trei Brundrett -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mediatruck Inc -- http://www.mediatruck.com