mod_perl2 start one script twice

2008-10-22 Thread CthuMP

I have follow simple script:

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";

print "Counter: " . (++$counter) . "\n";
print time(), "\n";


print time(), "\n";

Starting that script twice in two different browser windows gives me same
results. In second window I start script after some period (about 10
seconds) after first script started. First and Second scripts ends at the
same time.
So, I misunderrstand, why results are same?
As I see it, apache must give work to second child processes for second
request (because first busy). And scripts must end works in different time
(first script in 10 seconds before second) and give different results (same
counter result, but different times).
Even if script runs sequentially for each request, results will difference
and second script ends after 30 seconds (10 remained for 1st script and 20
for 2nd). But it is not!
If I copy script and run two same scripts with different names it works

Second question about childs. I not fully understand, how childs work. One
child can handle only one script? It's important, because if one child can
handle different scripts, than module global variables saves their values
between different script calls.
For example, if script1 and script2 uses module My::TestPackage, first
script sets $My::TestPackage::variable = 123, then script2, after it
request, will see in $My::TestPackage::variable value 123, but I haven't
seen mention about that situation in official documentations.
View this message in context:
Sent from the mod_perl - General mailing list archive at

Generic print concatenation question

2008-10-22 Thread André Warnier


This is probably a question better asked to the perl monks or similar, 
but if there are any of them lurking around here, it would save me a 

In various programs, I do a lot of printing, for results or for logging.
Really many print statements, in forms such as :

print OUT "$var1  some fixed string [$var2] another string\n";
print OUT $var1,"some fixed string [",$var2,"] another string","\n";
print OUT $var1 . "some fixed string [" . $var2 . "] another string" . "\n";
and other variations.

Some of these forms are easier to handle and type than others, depending 
a bit on circusmtances.  In many cases for instance, $var1 above is 
always the same string (a prefix of some kind common to all print's or 
many of them in a row), but $var2 is different each time (both the 
specific variable and its content).
The individual print statements cannot be grouped together as one print, 
they happen at different places/times.

Now, my question is, considering the way perl handles these things 
internally, how do these different forms compare in terms of eficiency ?

I would not ask, if there were not sometimes really many of these being 
executed over and over again.  I figure it may be worth knowing if one 
of the forms above (or another one I haven't tried) is really better 
than others in the sense that it saves magabytes of memory or cumulated 
seconds of processing time.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Generic print concatenation question

2008-10-22 Thread Clinton Gormley

> This is probably a question better asked to the perl monks or similar, 
> but if there are any of them lurking around here, it would save me a 
> subscription.

it's a subscription worth having :) I've learnt more about Perl since
I've been there than in the preceding decade.

> Now, my question is, considering the way perl handles these things 
> internally, how do these different forms compare in terms of eficiency ?

Perl sorts all of this out at compile time, so:

print "$var1 text"
print $var1.' text'

are represented by exactly the same opcodes:

perl -MO=Concise -e 'my $var = 'abc'; print $var .q{ text}'

c  <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC ->(end)
1 <0> enter ->2
2 <;> nextstate(main 1 -e:1) v:{ ->3
5 <2> sassign vKS/2 ->6
3<$> const[PV "abc"] s/BARE ->4
4<0> padsv[$var:1,2] sRM*/LVINTRO ->5
6 <;> nextstate(main 2 -e:1) v:{ ->7
b <@> print vK ->c
7<0> pushmark s ->8
a<2> concat[t2] sK/2 ->b
8   <0> padsv[$var:1,2] s ->9
9   <$> const[PV " text"] s ->a

perl -MO=Concise -e 'my $var = 'abc'; print "$var text"'

c  <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC ->(end)
1 <0> enter ->2
2 <;> nextstate(main 1 -e:1) v:{ ->3
5 <2> sassign vKS/2 ->6
3<$> const[PV "abc"] s/BARE ->4
4<0> padsv[$var:1,2] sRM*/LVINTRO ->5
6 <;> nextstate(main 2 -e:1) v:{ ->7
b <@> print vK ->c
7<0> pushmark s ->8
-<1> ex-stringify sK/1 ->b
-   <0> ex-pushmark s ->8
a   <2> concat[t2] sK/2 ->b
8  <0> padsv[$var:1,2] s ->9
9  <$> const[PV " text"] s ->a


Re: mod_perl2 start one script twice

2008-10-22 Thread CthuMP

CthuMP wrote:
> Starting that script twice in two different browser windows gives me same
> results. In second window I start script after some period (about 10
> seconds) after first script started. First and Second scripts ends at the
> same time.

I have solved that problem.
If someone interesting, it was an opera cache. Starting in different
browsers gives me correct results.
View this message in context:
Sent from the mod_perl - General mailing list archive at

Re: mod_perl2 start one script twice

2008-10-22 Thread Adam Prime

CthuMP wrote:

I have follow simple script:

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";

print "Counter: " . (++$counter) . "\n";
print time(), "\n";


print time(), "\n";

Starting that script twice in two different browser windows gives me same
results. In second window I start script after some period (about 10
seconds) after first script started. First and Second scripts ends at the
same time.
So, I misunderrstand, why results are same?
If you're actually seeing the same results from the 'print time()' 
calls, something weird is going on. A proxy server between you and the 
server might cause that i suppose, or something the browser is doing 
with caching, but that shouldn't really happen at the server end i don't 
think (unless there is some sort of caching mechanism going on there too.

As I see it, apache must give work to second child processes for second
request (because first busy). And scripts must end works in different time
(first script in 10 seconds before second) and give different results (same
counter result, but different times).

That sounds accurate to me

Even if script runs sequentially for each request, results will difference
and second script ends after 30 seconds (10 remained for 1st script and 20
for 2nd). But it is not!
If I copy script and run two same scripts with different names it works

Second question about childs. I not fully understand, how childs work. One
child can handle only one script? It's important, because if one child can
handle different scripts, than module global variables saves their values
between different script calls.
For example, if script1 and script2 uses module My::TestPackage, first
script sets $My::TestPackage::variable = 123, then script2, after it
request, will see in $My::TestPackage::variable value 123, but I haven't
seen mention about that situation in official documentations.
Each apache child will handle any and all scripts. You can't reliably 
share global variables like that for exactly the reason you mention. 
Generally, if you're running code under mod_perl you should be running 
it under 'use strict' (which would break your original example).


Re: mod_perl2 start one script twice

2008-10-22 Thread André Warnier

CthuMP wrote:

CthuMP wrote:

Starting that script twice in two different browser windows gives me same
results. In second window I start script after some period (about 10
seconds) after first script started. First and Second scripts ends at the
same time.

I have solved that problem.
If someone interesting, it was an opera cache. Starting in different
browsers gives me correct results.

If you want to avoid this, there are HTTP headers that you can set for 
the response of the server, that will tell the browser not to cache this 
But since you are obviously starting with this, I don't want to spoil 
your fun.  You will find this around lesson 17 or so..

Better to do one thing at a time.


Re: mod_perl2 start one script twice

2008-10-22 Thread Foo JH
It's quite simple really. You're running 2 instances of the script. To 
retain the value of $counter, read up the mod_perl documentation for tips.

CthuMP wrote:

I have follow simple script:

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";

print "Counter: " . (++$counter) . "\n";
print time(), "\n";


print time(), "\n";

Starting that script twice in two different browser windows gives me same
results. In second window I start script after some period (about 10
seconds) after first script started. First and Second scripts ends at the
same time.
So, I misunderrstand, why results are same?
As I see it, apache must give work to second child processes for second
request (because first busy). And scripts must end works in different time
(first script in 10 seconds before second) and give different results (same
counter result, but different times).
Even if script runs sequentially for each request, results will difference
and second script ends after 30 seconds (10 remained for 1st script and 20
for 2nd). But it is not!
If I copy script and run two same scripts with different names it works

Second question about childs. I not fully understand, how childs work. One
child can handle only one script? It's important, because if one child can
handle different scripts, than module global variables saves their values
between different script calls.
For example, if script1 and script2 uses module My::TestPackage, first
script sets $My::TestPackage::variable = 123, then script2, after it
request, will see in $My::TestPackage::variable value 123, but I haven't
seen mention about that situation in official documentations.

Re: Sleepycat::DbXml problem "httpd: symbol lookup error"

2008-10-22 Thread Felipe de Jesús Molina Bravo
2008/10/13 Fred Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Felipe de Jesús Molina Bravo wrote:
>>maybe is important to say how  compile apache and modperl 
>>(it was very difficult):
>>Can you try compiling mod_perl as a shared object?  Static module
>>support for mp2 is not as well supported.
>>perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/path/to/httpd/apxs
>> I will try it  .
>> mmm maybe it is another thread... but I prefer static modper  for  the
>> next arguments:
>> 1. I guess the static modperl is faster than dynamic  I  know that
>> dynamic is more  maintainable that static;  for my aplication  i require
>>  modperl more soon;
> Maybe it is faster, maybe it isn't.  Either way, it is very unlikely that
> you would run up against this difference as a bottleneck in your
> application.
>  2. When modperl is dynamic i had some segment fault when i share objects
>> at the start of apache; when is static i don't have problem ... (maybe  i
>> some errors  in my code)
> That could be - if you could post those faults and also your
> program we may be able to help.
>  there are things that worry me:
>> 1. In my linux distribution (gentoo) there are not any package with static
>> modperl
> >
>> 2. I see that most of the community uses modperl as dynamic ... maybe  is
>> it  a sign of die the static modperl?
> Building mod_perl as a static module was the defacto standard with
> mod_perl1, just as building as a dynamic module is defacto with mod_perl2.
>  I would not try to get caught up in the differences though and suggest that
> you try to get a working build as a dynamically loaded module.  If you
> encounter problems there, they will definitely be of interest to the rest of
> us who build mod_perl as a shared object.
>> what is the opinion of community ?
>> greetings
well my problem was resolved with next steps:

my distribution is gentoo ... i have installed several versions of gcc
(maybe this cause my problem), then with gcc-config command configure
default version of gcc to 4.1.2   follow the instructions at:

and that's all

see you

Re: mod_perl2 start one script twice

2008-10-22 Thread André Warnier

Second question about childs. I not fully understand, how childs work. 

In a little bit more details :

When you start Apache, one single process is started.
That's what you can call the "main" Apache.
It reads and checks the configuration, and bombs out if anything is wrong.
If nothing is wrong, it will then "fork" a number of "children" Apache.
That initial number is set in your configuration file.
The "main" Apache continues to live, and it is that one that is 
"listening" on port 80.

Each of the children is identical, and they can all handle any request.
Each child contains the full configuration of Apache, all the add-on 
modules etc..
If you are using mod_perl, then each of these children also contains its 
own copy of mod_perl and of the perl interpreter.  Don't forget this.

When a request comes into Apache (the main one), it looks to see which 
of his children has nothing to do at the moment, and gives the request 
to that one for processing.
If there are no children free, the main Apache may decide to start a new 
one.  That is also defined in the configuration (MaxChild).  If there 
are too many free children, the main Apache may decide to kill some (to 
save memory etc..).
In other words, the main Apache does not handle requests, it just gives 
work to his children and controls what they are doing and how long they 
live.  It's terrible and immoral, but that's the way it works.

Each child may handle many requests.  How many before it dies, depends 
on another configuration parameter : MaxRequestsPerChild.  If this is 
set to 0, it stays alive "forever" (or until the main Apache decides to 
kill it).  Which specific requests a child will handle, is rather 
unpredictable : it depends on which child the main Apache gives the next 
request.  (This is not entirely true, but we'll leave that for later).

Now the one selected child handle this one request that he received from 
his main Apache "papa".
If it is a request that involves mod_perl, you have to be careful, 
because the perl interpreter that is started by mod_perl in this child, 
remains "alive" as long as this child itself lives, and it does 
"remember" some things from one request to the next.

For example, that's what makes it fast : the first time it runs one 
cgi-bin script, it will compile it and keep the resulting compiled code 
in memory.  The next time a request comes to this same Apache child for 
the same script, it will not need to compile it again, but it will 
re-use the compiled version.
If the request goes to another child, then that one will also compile 
the script and keep it in memory, because it does not know about the 
other child.
For example, if the script is big, and if there are 15 Apache children, 
and you call the same script 20 times, it is possible that the first 15 
calls will be slow, and then the last 5 times it will be very fast.
That is because each child may get one request, and they all have to 
first compile the script.  But at the second time, they don't have to 

There is a danger to this : for some types of variables in your script, 
perl will remember the last value you put in it, and the next time the 
script runs in the same child, it will start with that same value.
So make sure that all variables that you use, are initialised properly 
when you start the script.

In other words, write :
my $var = 0;
instead of
my $var;

Note : each Apache child is a totally separate process, and each of 
these processes has its own memory and its own perl interpreter.  So you 
can in principle NOT "communicate" between one cgi-bin script and the 
other (or between two consecutive runs of the same script), because you 
never know in which Apache child your next request is going to run.
And variables are NOT shared between different requests, even of the 
same script, except as indicated above.

Now, if you are very careful, and if you know exactly what you are 
doing, and if you know exactly how to do it, you might be able, within 
the same Apache child, to initialise a variable once, and leave it to 
that same value so that the next time a script runs in the same Apache 
child, it will find that same value already initialised.

But re-read the previous paragraph 3 times, making sure you understand 
all the if's.  Because if you do this without understanding all those 
ifs, you will create errors that are very nasty and very difficult to find.

All the above is clearly explained in the mod_perl on-line 
documentation, but it never hurts to repeat it.

Re: Generic print concatenation question

2008-10-22 Thread David Nicol
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 5:28 AM, André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> another one I haven't tried

how about an Inline::C function that wraps printf and takes $var2 as
an argument, and another that takes $var1 as an argument which
overwrites the static buffer allocated for the format string?

tests failing when installing libapreq under Leopard

2008-10-22 Thread Brian
Hi All. I've googled tons and searched the list and can't seem to find an
answer to my problem.
I am trying to install libapreq 1.33 on OS X Leopard. I have successfully
compiled and installed Apache 1.3 with mod_perl 1.3 statically linked. That
seems to work fine. I can start apache and the log file shows mod_perl to be
installed and everything seems ok at that point.

Next I tried to install Apache::Request by
downloading libapreq-1.33.tar.gz from CPAN but 'make test' is resulting in
errors. 100% of the tests are failing. I should note that I did execute
"export ARCHFLAGS=-arch x86_64" prior to building all packages as suggested
in the past. Here is what i believe to be the relevant error message from
the test script:

[Wed Oct 22 12:08:51 2008] [notice] Apache/1.3.41 (Darwin) mod_perl/1.30
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Oct 22 12:08:51 2008] [info] Server built: Oct 22 2008 11:19:51
[Wed Oct 22 12:08:51 2008] [notice] Accept mutex: flock (Default: flock)
[Wed Oct 22 12:08:53 2008] [error] Can't load
for module Apache::Cookie:
1): Symbol not found: _ap_null_cleanup\n  Referenced from:
 Expected in: dynamic lookup\n at
/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level/ line
14\nCompilation failed in require at
/usr/local/src/libapreq-1.33/t/response/TestApReq/ line
9.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/local/src/libapreq-1.33/t/response/TestApReq/ line
9.\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 10) line 3.\n

Unfortunately this error message is a little outside of my understanding.

Here is a copy/paste of my console during the whole installation process:

bartobrians-macbook-pro:src brian$ cd libapreq-1.33
bartobrians-macbook-pro:libapreq-1.33 brian$ perl Makefile.PL -apxs
/usr/local/httpd/sbin/apxs -httpd /usr/local/httpd/sbin/httpd
[   info] generating script t/TEST
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for libapreq
mkdir ../blib
mkdir ../blib/arch
mkdir ../blib/arch/auto
mkdir ../blib/arch/auto/libapreq
Writing Makefile for Apache::Request
Writing Makefile for Apache::Cookie
Writing Makefile for libapreq
bartobrians-macbook-pro:libapreq-1.33 brian$ make
cp lib/Apache/ blib/lib/Apache/
cp libapreq.pod blib/lib/libapreq.pod
cc -c  -I/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Apache/include
-arch x86_64 -g -pipe -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -no-cpp-precomp
-fno-strict-aliasing -Wdeclaration-after-statement -I/usr/local/include -O3
cc -c  -I/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Apache/include
-arch x86_64 -g -pipe -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -no-cpp-precomp
-fno-strict-aliasing -Wdeclaration-after-statement -I/usr/local/include -O3
cc -c  -I/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Apache/include
-arch x86_64 -g -pipe -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -no-cpp-precomp
-fno-strict-aliasing -Wdeclaration-after-statement -I/usr/local/include -O3
rm -rf ../blib/arch/auto/libapreq/libapreq.a
/usr/bin/ar cr ../blib/arch/auto/libapreq/libapreq.a apache_request.o
apache_cookie.o apache_multipart_buffer.o && /usr/bin/ar ts
chmod 755 ../blib/arch/auto/libapreq/libapreq.a
cp apache_multipart_buffer.h
cp apache_cookie.h ../blib/arch/auto/libapreq/include/apache_cookie.h
cp apache_request.h ../blib/arch/auto/libapreq/include/apache_reques

Re: Generic print concatenation question

2008-10-22 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 6:28 AM, André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would not ask, if there were not sometimes really many of these being
> executed over and over again.  I figure it may be worth knowing if one of
> the forms above (or another one I haven't tried) is really better than
> others in the sense that it saves magabytes of memory or cumulated seconds
> of processing time.

If you run your app through Devel::NYTProf, you won't have to guess.

- Perrin

PerlAuthenHandler & phpMyAdmin

2008-10-22 Thread Miha Lampret
Hello all,

Today I tried to limit access to phpMyAdmin using my own
module. It works well but not always. Looks like phpMyAdmin has
problems with HTTP post method if I enable my PerlAuthenHandler Otherwise phpMyAdmin and work well.

The error I get in phpMyAdmin is:
Fatal error: PMA_sendHeaderLocation called when headers are already
sent! in /opt/datajoy/www/lib/phpMyAdmin/libraries/common.lib.php on
line 650

I am not sure what causes this problem. It may be phpMyAdmin issue or
there is something wrong in my But since my works
well when limiting access to directories/files and since I have no
problem with phpMyAdmin if I use .htaccess with password file
(AuthUserFile) I thought it might be mod_perl issue. Anyone else
noticed strange behaviour when using PerlAuthenHandler? It is the same
if I use PerlAccessHandler.

I hope someone can direct me where to look for solution.

Best regards,

Server software:
Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-5 with Suhosin-Patch mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0
I also noticed this problem in older versions of Apache, perl, mod_perl and php.

Bellow are my Apache settings for phpMyAdmin dir and module:

PerlSendHeader Off
AuthName DatajoyWebAuth
AuthType Basic
PerlAuthenHandler Datajoy::Authen
require valid-user

package Datajoy::Authen;

use strict;
use Apache2::Access ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);

use Datajoy::Application;
use Datajoy::Config;

sub Authenticate {
my ($domain,$user,$pass,$file)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
my $result=0;

my $app=Datajoy::Application->new();

my $sth=$app->{dbh}->prepare("select users.org_id,, pages.path
  from domains,users,pages
  where and users.org_id=domains.org_id
  and domains.domain=? and users.username=?");
my ($org_id,$user_id,$domain_path)=$sth->fetchrow_array;

if ($org_id && $user_id) {
my $auth=undef;
eval '$auth='.$app->{config}->{auth_module}.'->new($app)';
if (! $@) {
my ($logged_in,$uref)=$auth->Login($org_id,$user,$pass);
if ($logged_in>0) {

return $result;

sub handler {
my $r=shift;

my ($status,$pass)=$r->get_basic_auth_pw;

return $status unless $status == Apache2::Const::OK;

my $domain=$r->hostname();
my $user=$r->user;
my $file=$r->filename();

if (Authenticate($domain,$user,$pass,$file)) {
return Apache2::Const::OK;
} else {
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;



Re: PerlAuthenHandler & phpMyAdmin

2008-10-22 Thread Adam Prime
Usually, if you run into problems that only affect POST requests, that 
means that somewhere earlier in the apache cycle there is something 
consuming the posted data.  Looking at the code you've posted though, 
it's not immediately obvious that that is the problem, nor is it obvious 
that it's actually the even related to the problem that phpMyAdmin is 
displaying.  That is something you can look into further though  Perhaps 
part of DataJoy::Application is reading the post variables out of STDIN.


Miha Lampret wrote:

Hello all,

Today I tried to limit access to phpMyAdmin using my own
module. It works well but not always. Looks like phpMyAdmin has
problems with HTTP post method if I enable my PerlAuthenHandler Otherwise phpMyAdmin and work well.

The error I get in phpMyAdmin is:
Fatal error: PMA_sendHeaderLocation called when headers are already
sent! in /opt/datajoy/www/lib/phpMyAdmin/libraries/common.lib.php on
line 650

I am not sure what causes this problem. It may be phpMyAdmin issue or
there is something wrong in my But since my works
well when limiting access to directories/files and since I have no
problem with phpMyAdmin if I use .htaccess with password file
(AuthUserFile) I thought it might be mod_perl issue. Anyone else
noticed strange behaviour when using PerlAuthenHandler? It is the same
if I use PerlAccessHandler.

I hope someone can direct me where to look for solution.

Best regards,

Server software:
Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-5 with Suhosin-Patch mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0
I also noticed this problem in older versions of Apache, perl, mod_perl and php.

Bellow are my Apache settings for phpMyAdmin dir and module:

PerlSendHeader Off
AuthName DatajoyWebAuth
AuthType Basic
PerlAuthenHandler Datajoy::Authen
require valid-user

package Datajoy::Authen;

use strict;
use Apache2::Access ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);

use Datajoy::Application;
use Datajoy::Config;

sub Authenticate {
my ($domain,$user,$pass,$file)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
my $result=0;

my $app=Datajoy::Application->new();

my $sth=$app->{dbh}->prepare("select users.org_id,, pages.path
  from domains,users,pages
  where and users.org_id=domains.org_id
  and domains.domain=? and users.username=?");
my ($org_id,$user_id,$domain_path)=$sth->fetchrow_array;

if ($org_id && $user_id) {
my $auth=undef;
eval '$auth='.$app->{config}->{auth_module}.'->new($app)';
if (! $@) {
my ($logged_in,$uref)=$auth->Login($org_id,$user,$pass);
if ($logged_in>0) {

return $result;

sub handler {
my $r=shift;

my ($status,$pass)=$r->get_basic_auth_pw;

return $status unless $status == Apache2::Const::OK;

my $domain=$r->hostname();
my $user=$r->user;
my $file=$r->filename();

if (Authenticate($domain,$user,$pass,$file)) {
return Apache2::Const::OK;
} else {
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;



AC US 2008

2008-10-22 Thread Philip M. Gollucci

Hi All,

wondering who is going to present at the Apache US 2008 conference in 
New Orleans.

I'll be there 11/2 - 11/9


Philip M. Gollucci ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) c: 703.336.9354
Consultant - P6M7G8 Inc.
Senior System Admin - RideCharge, Inc.
1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.

Re: AC US 2008

2008-10-22 Thread Geoffrey Young

Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
> Hi All,
> wondering who is going to present at the Apache US 2008 conference in
> New Orleans.
> I'll be there 11/2 - 11/9

I'm presenting on wednesday afternoon:


Re: AC US 2008

2008-10-22 Thread Fred Moyer

Geoffrey Young wrote:

Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

Hi All,

wondering who is going to present at the Apache US 2008 conference in
New Orleans.

I'll be there 11/2 - 11/9

I'm presenting on wednesday afternoon:

Looking forward to seeing this presentation.  I'll be there Monday 
evening to Friday morning, hacking mod_perl at the hackathon on Tuesday.

Re: PerlAuthenHandler & phpMyAdmin

2008-10-22 Thread Miha Lampret
You are right. In Datajoy::Application I was using Removing
"new CGI" code from solved the problem.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 8:49 PM, Adam Prime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Usually, if you run into problems that only affect POST requests, that means
> that somewhere earlier in the apache cycle there is something consuming the
> posted data.  Looking at the code you've posted though, it's not immediately
> obvious that that is the problem, nor is it obvious that it's actually the
> even related to the problem that phpMyAdmin is displaying.  That is
> something you can look into further though  Perhaps part of
> DataJoy::Application is reading the post variables out of STDIN.
> Adam
> Miha Lampret wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Today I tried to limit access to phpMyAdmin using my own
>> module. It works well but not always. Looks like phpMyAdmin has
>> problems with HTTP post method if I enable my PerlAuthenHandler
>> Otherwise phpMyAdmin and work well.
>> The error I get in phpMyAdmin is:
>> Fatal error: PMA_sendHeaderLocation called when headers are already
>> sent! in /opt/datajoy/www/lib/phpMyAdmin/libraries/common.lib.php on
>> line 650
>> I am not sure what causes this problem. It may be phpMyAdmin issue or
>> there is something wrong in my But since my works
>> well when limiting access to directories/files and since I have no
>> problem with phpMyAdmin if I use .htaccess with password file
>> (AuthUserFile) I thought it might be mod_perl issue. Anyone else
>> noticed strange behaviour when using PerlAuthenHandler? It is the same
>> if I use PerlAccessHandler.
>> I hope someone can direct me where to look for solution.
>> Best regards,
>> Miha
>> Server software:
>> Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-5 with Suhosin-Patch mod_perl/2.0.4
>> Perl/v5.10.0
>> I also noticed this problem in older versions of Apache, perl, mod_perl
>> and php.
>> Bellow are my Apache settings for phpMyAdmin dir and module:
>>PerlSendHeader Off
>>AuthName DatajoyWebAuth
>>AuthType Basic
>>PerlAuthenHandler Datajoy::Authen
>>require valid-user
>> package Datajoy::Authen;
>> use strict;
>> use Apache2::Access ();
>> use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
>> use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
>> use Datajoy::Application;
>> use Datajoy::Config;
>> sub Authenticate {
>>my ($domain,$user,$pass,$file)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
>>my $result=0;
>>my $app=Datajoy::Application->new();
>>my $sth=$app->{dbh}->prepare("select users.org_id,, pages.path
>>  from domains,users,pages
>>  where and users.org_id=domains.org_id
>>  and domains.domain=? and users.username=?");
>>my ($org_id,$user_id,$domain_path)=$sth->fetchrow_array;
>>if ($org_id && $user_id) {
>>my $auth=undef;
>>eval '$auth='.$app->{config}->{auth_module}.'->new($app)';
>>if (! $@) {
>>my ($logged_in,$uref)=$auth->Login($org_id,$user,$pass);
>>if ($logged_in>0) {
>>return $result;
>> }
>> sub handler {
>>my $r=shift;
>>my ($status,$pass)=$r->get_basic_auth_pw;
>>return $status unless $status == Apache2::Const::OK;
>>my $domain=$r->hostname();
>>my $user=$r->user;
>>my $file=$r->filename();
>>if (Authenticate($domain,$user,$pass,$file)) {
>>return Apache2::Const::OK;
>>} else {
>>return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;
>> }
>> 1;