Re: 'make test' fails with the server is down, giving up after 121 secs

2007-10-19 Thread Glenn Gallien
Just a thought, but are you running the tests as root? If so, try 
running the tests as a non-root user.

Unfortunately manually removing all mod_perl rpms and repeating the
install yields the exact same problem. I grepped for some of the 
strings in the output to see if simply increasing the timeout helps,

but could not find where the 120 seconds timeout is set.

Any other ideas? I am all out. :(

-Original Message-
From: Colvin, Joshua 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 4:05 PM

Subject: RE: 'make test' fails with the server is down, giving up after 121 

Thanks Adam, but I've got no firewall and selinux is disabled, so those
don't seem to be the problem. I'll see if manually removing the previous
mod_perl lets the upgrade (install) work.

-Original Message-
From: Adam Prime x443 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:57 PM

Subject: RE: 'make test' fails with the server is down, giving up after 121 

This might not be any help, but the one time that i ran into this it was because for some reason traffic to localhost was being blocked by iptables due to a configuration oversight.  You might want to check to make sure that isn't happening to you. 

-Original Message-
From: Colvin, Joshua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 10:07 AM

Subject: RE: 'make test' fails with the server is down, giving up after 121 

Thanks for the reply Malcolm. I didn't see anything in error_log that
gave me any clues. I've posted the entire contents of error_log in the
original posting (unless there's another error_log I should be looking

We do have ssl configured, but currently disabled:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] conf.d]# ls -l /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl*
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 10919 Dec 15  2005 /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 10919 Aug 31  2005 /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.disabled

however the entropy seems okay regardless:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bugzilla-3]# more /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail 

Do you think it's as simple as hacking the test to wait for longer than
120 seconds?

-Original Message-
From: Malcolm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 9:54 AM

Subject: Re: 'make test' fails with the server is down, giving up after 121 

On Thursday 18 October 2007 9:47:31 am Colvin, Joshua wrote:

Hello all,

I am trying to upgrade bugzilla from 2.22 to 3.0.2 on 32-bit RHEL4, and
this means upgrading mod_perl from 1.99_16 to 2.0.03 via CPAN.
Unfortunately the 'make test' fails, saying:

the server is down, giving up after 121 secs
[  error] failed to start server! (please examine t/logs/error_log)

Was there nothing useful in the error_log?

httpd is up and running when the above is output. It does not fail on any
specific test number according to the error_log and I don't see any error
msgs in the error_log. I've made sure httpd is stopped before doing the
upgrade, otherwise I always get a:

Below is the console output for everything I did, minus the lengthy parts
that didn't seem relevant. Any ideas?

Do you have ssl configured? One thing I've noticed is that if you do, and 
you're restarting apache a lot (as happens when you're testing) then it's 
very easy to run out of entropy for the random number generator, at which 
point apache will hang on start until the system gains enough entropy.

On a linux box, check:
You need numbers over 50 for apache/ssl to be happy, in the hundreds is 
better, single digit means you're stuck.

Solutions include less random random sources, entropy generator sources 
and cat /var/logs/*  /dev/null (the quick and dirty method if you just 
need it occasionally).

Re: Both mod_perl 1 and 2 on same machine

2007-05-15 Thread Glenn Gallien

Walt Reed wrote:

I have a need to install both apache 1.3.x / mod_perl 1.x and apache
2.2.x / mod_perl 2.x on the same machine. 

Googling returns some hits from 2004 that mention MP_INST_APACHE2=1, but
that option no longer exists in current versions of mod_perl 2.

Didn't see anything obvious in the install manual either.


I have a couple machines with multiple versions of apache and mod_perl.
A front end proxy apache22 installed from ports, and source install of 
apache13+mod_perl in /usr/local/apache-perl and a source install of 
apache22+mod_perl2 in /usr/local/apache22-perl.

I only have one version of perl and haven't had any problems.


bugreport: test suite fails to recognize when the server is running

2007-04-12 Thread Glenn Pavlovic
=define usesocks=undef
   use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
   usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
   cc='gcc', ccflags ='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include 

   cppflags='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include'
   ccversion='', gccversion='2.95.3 20010315 (release)', gccosandvers=''
   intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
   d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
   ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', 

   alignbytes=4, prototype=define
 Linker and Libraries:
   ld='gcc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
   libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
   libs=-lnsl -lndbm -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
   perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
   libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
 Dynamic Linking:
   dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E'
   cccdlflags='-fpic', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
 Built under linux
 Compiled at Dec 29 2006 22:05:29

*** Packages of interest status:

Apache2: -
Apache2::Request   : -
CGI: 3.15
ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.30
LWP: -
mod_perl   : -
mod_perl2  : -

3. This is the core dump trace: (if you get a core dump):

 No Core Dump

This report was generated by t/REPORT on Thu Apr 12 23:03:13 2007 GMT.

-8-- End Bug Report --8--

Note: Complete the rest of the details and post this bug report to
modperl at To subscribe to the list send an empty

Glenn Pavlovic
Motto: I am what I choose to be, for which I make no apologies, no excuses.

String Trimmer Support Wheels

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-02 Thread Glenn Martin
Sure id love to see that script... to be completely
hones im still kinda new to perl even... Im getting it
slowly... Anyway, im just looking to achieve my goal
and that is to have a working script/perl module that
can switchout config based on incomming URI... a
perfect example would be the one im working on now...
the Subversion/Dav one...


--- Torsten Foertsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 01 March 2006 23:20, Glenn Martin
  Sounds great, but how would i do something simular
  %s/?', $uripath),
                            'DirectoryIndex .',
                            'Options +Indexes',
                            'Dav svn',
                            sprintf(SVNPath %s,
        $r-add_config([sprintf('Directory %s',
  $localpath), 'DirectoryIndex .', 'Options
  'Dav On', '/Directory']);
 That leads to an error saying that Directory is
 not allowed at that point. 
 In your case I think you don't need the Directory
 around your 
 configuration, I think. But, let me explain how the
 configuration is applied 
 to a request. After startup when the configuration
 has been parsed you have a 
 server/vhost-specific default configuration. That is
 everything outside 
 Directory, Location and so on. Just before
 MapToStorage a copy of this 
 config is made. Then the core-MapToStorage handler
 applies Location, 
 Directory etc blocks to that copy. At the end of
 the request this copy is 
 thrown away.
 The mod_perl MapToStorage handler comes in after the
 server-specific config is 
 loaded but before the core handler. In fact if the
 mp-handler returns OK the 
 core-handler is skipped.
 When $r-add_config([EMAIL PROTECTED], $override) is applied
 in MapToStorage it is very 
 similar to
 AllowOverride $override
 Location /
 Only this location block is applied *before* any
 Directory block.
 That means
 1) If your mp-handler returns DECLINED, your current
 configuration can be 
 overridden by the core-handler, because it comes
 after you.
 2) Anything you apply to the config in MapToStorage
 applies to a copy. Hence, 
 nothing is needed to undo the changes.
 3) Your config can be applied by
                 'DirectoryIndex .',
                 'Options Indexes',
                 'Dav svn',
                 sprintf(SVNPath %s, $localpath),  
], ~0) # ~0 == AllowOverride All
 But, a few thing cannot be applied by means of
 $r-add_config. For example 
 AllowOverride needs a Directory block or
 ProxyPassReverse does 
 different things if it appears outside or inside a
 Location block. Further, 
 mod_perl-2.0.2 cannot apply Options if working
 under Apache 2.2. For these 
 situations I have posted a patch a few days ago
 (last Friday I think). I hope 
 it will make it into mod_perl 2.0.3 see
 In fact, I am currently working on a module that can
 read the configuration 
 from a database and apply it on the fly. It already
 works pretty good. If you 
 want I can send you a current copy. I think of
 releasing it on CPAN later 
 this week or early next week.

Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-01 Thread Glenn Martin
Ive got a script im wokring on that uses the
PerlMapToStorageHandler at that point it adds to the
Apache Configuration using the Incomming URI, creating
Location/Directory Sections, and an Alias or two... 

However, i need to be able to remove these changes
after the request is completed... How would i remove
theses changes and what handler would you suggest for
me to tie in to?

Thank You
Glenn R. Martin

Re: Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-01 Thread Glenn Martin
If i am doing this wrong, how would you suggest doing

Glenn R. Martin

--- Andy Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 1 Mar 2006, at 21:44, Glenn Martin wrote:
  Ive got a script im wokring on that uses the
  PerlMapToStorageHandler at that point it adds to
  Apache Configuration using the Incomming URI,
  Location/Directory Sections, and an Alias or
  However, i need to be able to remove these changes
  after the request is completed... How would i
  theses changes and what handler would you suggest
  me to tie in to?
 You're doing it wrong I'm afraid. Why do you want to
 change the  
 server config during a request?
 Andy Armstrong,

Re: Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-01 Thread Glenn Martin
Sounds great, but how would i do something simular to:

%s/?', $uripath),
  'DirectoryIndex .',
  'Options +Indexes',
  'Dav svn',
  sprintf(SVNPath %s,


  $r-add_config([sprintf('Directory %s',
$localpath), 'DirectoryIndex .', 'Options +Indexes',
'Dav On', '/Directory']);

--- Philippe M. Chiasson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Glenn Martin wrote:
  Actually if i read the documentation correctly, im
  doing it just right. Map to Storage is right
 before it
  get mapped to a Location/Directory... and thus
 this is
  where id want to add Directory/Location and Alias
  directives based off of the incomming URI... Im
  to control DAV input. Take the URI, translate it
 to a
  Folder, Check the folders contents to see if it
  matches a Subversion repository and if it does map
  Location to SVN Dav and that repository otherwise
  the Directory to the URI using an Alias and a
  Directory and turn on normal WebDAV... Then return
  Decline to Apache then tries to Match the URI to
  Modified Config. Which will active the correct
  for the correct folder...
 I hope I understood this correctly, so apologies if
 I didn't.
  However i need this configuration change to be
  Temporary... Per request only... I need the Alias'
  Location/Directory sections to no longer exist..
 You can't 'remove' configuration directives you've
 in httpd. And those are very *global* and would
 much more than the current request.
  What handler do i use? and how do i reset the
 You don't reset the configuration, but you simply
 take a different
 Instead of trying to inject httpd configuration,
 your MapToStorage handler
 needs to emulate Alias/Location directives. For
 instance, if you needed
 to Alias /foo to /var/www/foo, instead of doing what
 I believe you are currently
 $r-add_config([Alias /foo /var/www/foo]);
 Simply do what mod_alias would have done...
 And you get pre-request behaviour just like you
 wanted. And it's tons faster too ;-)

 Philippe M. Chiasson
 m/gozer\@(apache|cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/ GPG KeyID :
 88C3A5A5 F9BF E0C2 480E 7680
 1AE5 3631 CB32 A107 88C3A5A5

Re: Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-01 Thread Glenn Martin
Sounds great, but how would i do something simular to:

%s/?', $uripath),
  'DirectoryIndex .',
  'Options +Indexes',
  'Dav svn',
  sprintf(SVNPath %s,


  $r-add_config([sprintf('Directory %s',
$localpath), 'DirectoryIndex .', 'Options +Indexes',
'Dav On', '/Directory']);

--- Philippe M. Chiasson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Glenn Martin wrote:
  Actually if i read the documentation correctly, im
  doing it just right. Map to Storage is right
 before it
  get mapped to a Location/Directory... and thus
 this is
  where id want to add Directory/Location and Alias
  directives based off of the incomming URI... Im
  to control DAV input. Take the URI, translate it
 to a
  Folder, Check the folders contents to see if it
  matches a Subversion repository and if it does map
  Location to SVN Dav and that repository otherwise
  the Directory to the URI using an Alias and a
  Directory and turn on normal WebDAV... Then return
  Decline to Apache then tries to Match the URI to
  Modified Config. Which will active the correct
  for the correct folder...
 I hope I understood this correctly, so apologies if
 I didn't.
  However i need this configuration change to be
  Temporary... Per request only... I need the Alias'
  Location/Directory sections to no longer exist..
 You can't 'remove' configuration directives you've
 in httpd. And those are very *global* and would
 much more than the current request.
  What handler do i use? and how do i reset the
 You don't reset the configuration, but you simply
 take a different
 Instead of trying to inject httpd configuration,
 your MapToStorage handler
 needs to emulate Alias/Location directives. For
 instance, if you needed
 to Alias /foo to /var/www/foo, instead of doing what
 I believe you are currently
 $r-add_config([Alias /foo /var/www/foo]);
 Simply do what mod_alias would have done...
 And you get pre-request behaviour just like you
 wanted. And it's tons faster too ;-)

 Philippe M. Chiasson
 m/gozer\@(apache|cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/ GPG KeyID :
 88C3A5A5 F9BF E0C2 480E 7680
 1AE5 3631 CB32 A107 88C3A5A5

Re: ssl form post variables

2006-01-25 Thread Glenn Gallien

JT Smith wrote:

Is there any difference between how form post variables are handled in 
modperl via http vs https? The reason I ask is because since switching 
from CGI/MP Registry to native MP2 handlers, some of my forms don't 
seem to work when running under SSL. However, without SSL everything 
is peachy keen. The forms that don't seem to work are all pretty big 
and most of them have file chooser form elements. Anything ringing any 
bells for anyone?

JT ~ Plain Black
ph: 703-286-2525 ext. 810
fax: 312-264-5382

I reject your reality, and substitute my own. ~ Adam Savage

Not sure if this will apply, but thought I'd mention it.
There was/is a bug in Apache 2.0.55/mod_proxy over SSL. When posting 
forms the data can get truncated if it is over a certain size.
I ran into this problem back in December, ended up moving the front end 
to Apache 2.2.

Can't seem to find anything about it now though.


Re: Newbie help with Apache2::Request configuration

2005-12-30 Thread Glenn Gallien

Joshua H wrote:

I copied all the .pm files from the local /tmp install to the apparent 
correct places in @INC.  Now I get:

[Fri Dec 30 18:22:51 2005] [error] APR/Request/ did not return 
a true value at 
line 2.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
line 2.\nCompilation failed in require at 
line 2.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
line 2.\nCompilation failed in require at 
/etc/apache2/ line 23.\nBEGIN failed--compilation 
aborted at /etc/apache2/ line 23.\nCompilation 
failed in require at (eval 2) line 1.\n

Something strange... and probably due to a stupidism on my part. :(  
Sorry for the trouble.


Sounds like you didn't use the --enable-perl-glue option when you 
installed libapreq2.


Re: Closing DB handler with PerlCleanupHandler

2004-11-10 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 12:51:56PM +0900, Batara Kesuma wrote:
 Hi Stas,
  1) use Apache::DBI
  2) if not, refer to:
 Thank you for the answer. I tried to use Apache::DBI with
 dbi_connect_method = 'connect'. But I have a problem here, because I
 use 'our' on $dbh so other functions can use it. It looks like:
 sub show_name {
   our $dbh;
   my $sth = $dbh-prepare(SELECT name FROM member WHERE id=?);

 So even if I use dbi_connect_method = 'connect', the connection to the
 DB will be alive until the child die. I want to make the connection not
 persistent. The only way I know now is to unload Apache::DBI, then call
 $dbh-disconnect() at the end of every scripts. Is there any other more
 efficient way to do this with little change to the scripts themselves?

use strict;

sub hander {
local $dbh = DBI-connect(...);

When your handler exits, the localized global goes out of scope.  Voila.
You can also force a variable out of scope with:
undef $dbh;

'my' variables are slightly faster than globals, so you are better
off performance-wise to pass around the $dbh handle than to keep it
in a global, but since the code is already written, 'local'izing is
probably the most convenient thing to do.


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Re: How to get a core dump

2004-11-05 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 01:38:44PM +0100, Marc Gracia wrote:
 So, my question is... There is any way to force apache to dump a
 coredump file? I suppose I'm forgotting something but I really

On Linux, create a directory that is writable by the httpd user
  mkdir /var/tmp/apache-cores
  chown httpd /var/tmp/apache-cores
  chmod 700 /var/tmp/apache-cores

Set the dump directory in httpd.conf:
  CoreDumpDirectory /var/tmp/apache-cores

Enable core dumps in your shell and then start Apache
  ulimit -c unlimited(for bash; different for csh)

To test that you can get a dump, start up an httpd process,
send a SIGABRT, SIGBUS, or SIGSEGV to one of the _children_,
and check that it dumped.  The error log should indicate
that a possible dump was saved to /var/tmp/apache-cores.
   kill -11 apache_child_pid

('kill -l' (that's a lowercase letter L) to get a list
 of signals and their numbers for your system)

Of course, this will all be a lot more useful to you if you
build Apache with debugging enabled.  When building, set
OPTIM=-g before './configure' in the Apache source dir, e.g.
  OPTIM=-g ./configure ...
or before 'perl Makefile.PL' in the mod_perl source dir, e.g.
  OPTIM=-g perl Makefile.PL ...
depending on how you build Apache and mod_perl.


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Re: Best way to distinguish between mod_perl 1 and 2

2004-09-20 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 10:53:09PM +0200, Tom Schindl wrote:
 !please always reply to the mailing list so the thread doesn't get broken!
 well mp uses this value internally and many CPAN-Modules do so either. 
 mp1 = VERSION  1.99
 mp2 = VERSION = 1.99
 The real syntax would be:
 use mod_perl; ## exists in mp1 and mp2
 ## set the constant to 0 if mp1 and to 1 if mp2
 ## but also subversions are working like this e.g. = 1.99_12 which
 ## means the version the version must be at least 1.99_13
 use constant MP2 = ($mod_perl::VERSION = 1.99);
   if( MP2 ) {
 require Apache::Const;
 Apache::Const-import(-compile = 
   } else {
 require Apache::Constants;
 ## proceed with your code
 John Siracusa wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 21:19:58 +0200, Tom Schindl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you looking for this:
 use constant MP2 = ($mod_perl::VERSION = 1.99_12);
 I don't know.  What is that? :)  Is that the officially blessed way
 to do this, or just another alternative that happens to work?  Also,
 what's the equivalent for MP1? $mod_perl::VERSION  1.99_12?

I use the following, avoiding the need to pull in
unless the MOD_PERL environment variable exists.

use constant MOD_PERL = exists($::ENV{'MOD_PERL'})
  ? (require(''), $mod_perl::VERSION = 1.99)
  ? $mod_perl::VERSION
  : 1
  : 0;

and then the Perl optimizer will take care of optimizing
away my simple tests for 
  (MOD_PERL) == 0  (not mod_perl)
  (MOD_PERL) == 1  (mod_perl 1)
  (MOD_PERL)   1  (value 1.99 and above for mod_perl 2 and above)


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Re: [mp2] code broken by 1.99_15 or _16 or _17-dev

2004-08-25 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 08:25:05AM +1000, Carl Brewer wrote:
 sub hash_post {
 # this has to get called instead of read_post, as read_post()
 # gobbles up the POST arguments and they're no longer available...
 # and this calls read_post() :)
 # returns a hash of all the POST values
 my ($r) = shift;
 my $post_string = CB::read_post($r);
 my %rethash = {};
 my @bits = split(//, $post_string);
 foreach my $bit (@bits) {
 $bit =~ /^(.*)=(.*)$/;
 my $key = CGI::Util::unescape($1);
 my $value = CGI::Util::unescape($2);
 $rethash{$key} = $value;
 return %rethash;

A really quick look and I see that 
 $bit =~ /^(.*)=(.*)$/;
should be
  $bit =~ /^(.*?)=(.*)$/ || next;
or else the greedy match in the key will grab up to an = sign
in the value, if one exists.  Also, you do double work on a
sequence without any '=' sign, because $1 and $2 will still be
the same from the previous match if there was one, or else might
be a previous match from elsewhere in the program (!) if there
was not a previous key/value in the $post_string.

The line should really be
  $bit =~ /^(.+?)=(.*)$/;
if you want to handle those and additionally wish to disallow
empty keys, either.

If you do want to allow key/value pairs without =, then a
slight variation in code should be used.

However, these probably have nothing to do with the question you
are asking; I'm just pointing out a bug in the code you posted.


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Re: mod_perl2 and document_root

2004-08-18 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 12:27:02PM -0700, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Glenn Strauss wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 10:59:25AM -0700, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Glenn Strauss wrote:
 Apache caches the server_rec, so as Stas said, modifying it affects
 things globally, and across the request.  In C, if I wanted to
 local'ize the server_rec for the request, I would make a copy of the
 server_rec, store it in r-server, and then modify its contents
 (top-level only) through r-server.
 Stas: is there a way to do this in mod_perl?  What do you think of
 local'izing the server_rec when an application attempts to make
 request-specific changes?  There would need to be a clear API for
 making request-specific or global changes.  (Changes through
 r-server instead of directly through the global server rec,
 e.g. in the main httpd.conf)  Maybe pass $r as an arg to the
 server_rec method if you want it local'ized?  Just musing ...
 Hmm, how do you see that idea working, Glenn? even if we could localize 
 server_rec, the rest of the Apache will still see the un-localized one, 
 so we don't achieve much. If you wanted to change things just for the 
 mod_perl handlers scope, just stick a new docroot in some singleton and 
 use that in your code.
 I'm talking about copying the entire server_rec of r-server wholesale
 and placing a copy in r-server and then modifying the copy.
 (I'm talking at the C level, here.)  Any filters that reference r
 would see the new copy in r-server.
 how do you make sure that Apache components and modules don't have their 
 own reference of server stashed somewhere and accessing it not via 
 All of this is theoretical, mind you.
 Yes, yes, I understand :)
 in the particular case of document_root it doesn't live in the server_rec 
 structure. It lives in the core_module's structure:
 conf = (core_server_config 
 return conf-ap_document_root;
 so localizing server_rec won't help here.

Ergh.  I hadn't looked where ap_document_root was.
Thanks for the correction.

The same hack _might_ work; r-server would need to be copied,
r-server-module_config would need to be copied, and _then_
the core module's config could be replaced with a local copy
for the request.

That's not to say it _should_ be done -- just that it might
be possible. :)

 I think this is something that Apache 2.1/2 should address. Having 
 server-wide config localized for requests. it'll benefit things like 
 mod_userdir, us and many other modules which may have the need to modify 
 server-wide values for the duration of the request.


(Straying a bit off-topic here)

How would you approach that?  Always deep-copying the entire
server_rec and conn_rec for each request seems to me to be
very expensive, and would either require too much internal
knowledge of each module's config, or would require that all
modules be rewritten to provide a hook for localizing their
private configs.  Neither seems likely to happen.

Besides, that sounds like the solution to the wrong problem.
There should be a better way to get information like
document_root or userdir information without reaching
into private module configs.

If we're talking filesystem mappings then there ought to be
a way for all modules that deal with filesystem mapping to
share and exchange information _and_ make sure that all other
filesystem mapping modules have access to and _use_ these

The same goes for user lookups.  There should be never be a
time that multiple modules during the _same_ request should
have to make multiple getpwnam() or LDAP or other lookups on
the same userid.  They should be able to share that information.

If you have any suggestions how to do this under the hood in
Apache, I'll make an attempt to code it.


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Re: How to tell if there's data waiting on a NON-blocking Apache connection?

2004-08-18 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 12:59:51PM -0700, Ken Simpson wrote:
  the APR::Socket object is an opaque one, so it can't interoperate with any 
  other perl modules. Have you looked if there is some C api to get the 
  native socket object? There could be one (as they have for file objects), 
  I didn't check.
 I looked through apr_network_io.h, which seemed like the logical
 place, and couldn't find an API that returns the native socket
 object. But I'm pretty unfamiliar with the Apache code base, so
 someone else would probably have better luck.

This is what we'd need bound to the Perl API:

apr_os_sock_t fd;
apr_os_sock_get((apr_os_sock_t *) fd, (apr_socket_t *) client_socket);

On Unix-type platforms, apr_os_sock_t is an int -- the file descriptor,
which you can use with select() or IO::Select() or anything you
like in Perl to poll the descriptor:

$rin = '';
vec($rin, $fd) = 1;  ## $fd directly instead of fileno(STDIN) or fileno($FH)
$nfound = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, $timeout);

(On other platforms, like Windows, I don't know what apr_os_sock_t is;
 check the headers files. :)

To get the client socket for a connection, you can obtain the
(apr_socket_t *) with the incantation:

apr_socket_t *client_socket =
  ap_get_module_config(r-connection-conn_config, core_module);

and then use apr_os_sock_get() to get the fd.


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Re: How to tell if there's data waiting on a NON-blocking Apache connection?

2004-08-18 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 02:09:53PM -0700, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Glenn Strauss wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 12:59:51PM -0700, Ken Simpson wrote:
 the APR::Socket object is an opaque one, so it can't interoperate with 
 any other perl modules. Have you looked if there is some C api to get 
 the native socket object? There could be one (as they have for file 
 objects), I didn't check.
 I looked through apr_network_io.h, which seemed like the logical
 place, and couldn't find an API that returns the native socket
 object. But I'm pretty unfamiliar with the Apache code base, so
 someone else would probably have better luck.
 This is what we'd need bound to the Perl API:
 apr_os_sock_t fd;
 apr_os_sock_get((apr_os_sock_t *) fd, (apr_socket_t *) client_socket);
 On Unix-type platforms, apr_os_sock_t is an int -- the file descriptor,
 which you can use with select() or IO::Select() or anything you
 like in Perl to poll the descriptor:
 and what do you do with socket fd to get it to work with IO::Select?

Perl's equivalent of fdopen():
  open($FH, =$fd)
and then use $FH

 $rin = '';
 vec($rin, $fd) = 1;  ## $fd directly instead of fileno(STDIN) or 
 $nfound = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, $timeout);
 (On other platforms, like Windows, I don't know what apr_os_sock_t is;
  check the headers files. :)

 I'd rather not expose OS specific bits if they won't work with all perl 
 modules. APR provides the API that should (hopefully) work on all 
 platforms, so why not use that?

I'm not a Windows programmer, but in the case of sockets, it looks like
it might be an int (file descriptor) on Windows, too.  We're talking
Berkeley sockets on both platforms, right?  Whatever socket() returns.

While, you're right that this is better hidden by APR, don't let
cross-platform concerns entirely prevent you from getting the job done. :)


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Re: How to tell if there's data waiting on a NON-blocking Apache connection?

2004-08-18 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 09:27:57PM -0700, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Glenn Strauss wrote:
 The Socket.Handle property is what I think is needed so that
 APR::OS::sock_get() can be made to work on Windows, too.
 mpxs_APR__OS_sock_get() will need to special-case Windows platforms
 and pull the Handle property.  I hope that works.  Any Windows
 programmers out there?
 and I suppose IntPtr is an integer pointer?
 but it can't be really casted with (int) as it can be longer than 

Theoretically, yes.  But we're talking about file descriptors in this
case, and that's a lot of open files.  Does any operating system out
there support 2 GB open file descriptors?

Casting to int shouldn't be a problem in current practice, though I'm
not a Windows developer, so take that with some sea salt (large grains;
great for Margaritas).

 and if it was the case, why didn't apr provid such a call?

Any APR developers listening?

APR hasn't reached version 1.0 yet (though it is frozen for its
upcoming release); it has come a long way and is constantly improving.

 So do you think it's easier to just get this sock_get thing crossplatform 
 and then just use perl modules to manipulate the socket object? Or is it 
 better to expose apr_poll(set)?_.* interface? I prefer the later, as we 
 won't need to deal with crossplatform issues, leaving those to the letter 
 P in APR.

Sure, give me ever-evolving (for the better!) APIs that hide
low level primitives, but please also always give me access to
the low level primitives so that I can get the job done when
the higher level APIs do not meet my needs/map to my paradigm.


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Re: mod_perl2 and document_root

2004-08-17 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 04:45:20PM -0700, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Right. The examples you've found are from mod_perl 1, Apache2 has this in 
 its docs:
  * Retrieve the document root for this server
  * @param r The current request
  * @warning Don't use this!  If your request went through a Userdir, or
  * something like that, it'll screw you.  But it's back-compatible...
  * @return The document root
  * @deffunc const char *ap_document_root(request_rec *r)
 AP_DECLARE(const char *) ap_document_root(request_rec *r);
 we haven't had a chance yet to work on figuring out how to solve it for 
 mp2. Let me do some research and I'll be back to you shortly.

In Apache2, mod_userdir sets a note named mod_userdir_user in
the r-notes table, so there is a way to detect if you are in a
Userdir request (if using mod_userdir).  However, that note only
tells you the target user, not the path.

The path is typically $HOME/public_html of the user, though
that is configurable with the UserDir directive, so YMMV.


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Re: mod_perl2, HEAD request and Content-Length

2004-08-03 Thread Glenn Strauss
On Mon, Aug 02, 2004 at 11:55:56AM -0700, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Actually I the problem I saw was exactly what Boris was talking about: 
 The C-L header wasn't there. The test simply exercises 4 different 
 combinations of sending and not sending C-L header and content.
 my point was that as long as apache does whatever it does
 consistently between GET and HEAD it's not a bug.  but maybe I'm just not
 seeing it, so if you guys grok all of that and still see an issue, let's
 flesh it out.
 I think it's there. The test that shows that is:
 # if the response handler sends no data, and sets C-L header,
 # the client doesn't get C-L header
 my $uri = $location?set_content_length;
 my $res = $method-($uri);
 ok t_cmp $res-code, 200, $method $uri code;
 ok t_cmp $res-header('Content-Length'), undef, $method $uri 
 C-L header;
 ok t_cmp $res-content, , $method $uri content;
 As I didn't know what's the right thing that should happen, I didn't 
 make it a failure. But it probabaly shouldn't be undef in the C-L check.
 But the fact that sending a bogus char and a different C-L header works 
 with HEAD (gets the C-L header through), whereas not sending any output 
 breaks, seems like a bug to me. As mentioned earlier I think the bug is 
 in the headers_out filter, which received EOS (since on HEAD apache 
 scratches the response body) and no body. So it takes the liberty to 
 nuke the C-L header, which I'm not sure is a good thing. When we send 
 some body, headers_out sends the headers before seeing EOS and therefore 
 it can't tell whether the body is coming or not, so it leaves the C-L 
 header alone. Which is at least inconsistent.

I mentioned to Geoff off-list about possibly using a flush bucket,
since I don't have a test setup ready (just replaced my dead
laptop hard drive)

I wrote:
  I used to make good use of $r-send_http_header() in my MP1 handlers.
  This method isn't available in MP2 (why?), though I could picture it
  replaced by sending a flush bucket down the filter chain.

On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 10:04:38AM -0400, Geoffrey Young wrote:
 apache now sends the headers for you via the header filter.  if you were
 allowed to send your own headers you might send them before a filter ran
 that would alter the headers.  for instance, mod_include removes the ETag

Would a flush bucket be a great way to say send headers now?
So if you're not going to send the actual content down the filter chain
on a HEAD request, would sending a flush bucket make things happy?

IIF this works, can I make a request the $r-send_http_header() be
implemented in Apache2 to do just that?  (create and pass a flush bucket)


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Re: newbie confused, documentation seems contradictory and/or incomplete.

2004-06-16 Thread Glenn
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 05:19:57PM -0700, Steven Scotten wrote:
 Hello, and thanks in advance for your patience as I ask how to do 
 something rudimentary, but I seem to be rather dense and a week up to 
 my eyeballs in documentation has left me no closer than when I began.

No apology necessary.  It's quite clear that you've made an effort,
and that effort is greatly appreciated.

 Most of what I've read suggests that what I've been doing with 
 should be replaced by Apache::Request. In fact, my module that uses throws errors when included in
   Can't locate object method new via package CGI (perhaps you 
 forgot to load CGI?)

use CGI();

For more information, 'perldoc CGI' and scroll down to where the
-compile switch is explained.

That should get rid of that error.  However, as you already know,
Apache::Request is preferred over in mod_perl for both
performance (Apache::Request is part of the Apache API and
written in C) and resource usage ( takes a lot more 

Now, please realize that there are _numerous_ ways to have modperl
run your module.  ModPerl::Registry is one of them.  Writing an
actual handler, in the vernacular of the Apache API, is another,
and those are not the only ways.

Also, modperl is not limited to producing content.  It can do all
sorts of other neat configuration, authentication, and more cool
stuff in Apache.  But that's a bedtime story for another day.

 So I've set to trying to replace entirely in one particular 
 module. It looks as though Apache::Request would have been my path in 
 mod_perl 1.x and I've been looking at (among other 
 places) for what to do.
 Under $r-request it says Use Apache-request.

$r is generally where the request object is stored.
(Whenever you see $r in the documentation, it refers to the current
 request object.)

To use Apache::Request instead of, replace

  use CGI;
  $q = new CGI;


  use Apache::Request ();
  my $q = Apache::Request-new($r);

and see

Now, you don't _have_ to replace
Apache::Request is just another way to do things.

If writing a handler, which is yet another way to run code in modperl,
the request object will be passed to you as a param.

sub handler {
my $r = shift;

# my main routine code 

return Apache::Constants::OK;

sub example_subroutine {
my($r,$_and,$other,$params) = @_;

# other code

As shown above, for subroutines, pass $r as a parameter to
pass the request object between your routines.

If you fall into a situation where it is gross or obtuse to
pass $r as a parameter down through some chains, then in the
deeply nested subroutine, you can actually get $r by doing

sub deeply_nested_routine {
$r = Apache-request;

Or, you can do something like:

use vars qw($r);

sub handler {
## always local()ize global variables in modperl!  (well, almost always)
local $r = shift;

# ...

return Apache::Constants::OK;

sub deeply_nested_routine {
# $r is a global variable that has been localized
# We already have access to use it in this routine.
my $uri = $r-uri;


Once you have $r, you have easy access to a whole lot of information
and request parameters.  'perldoc Apache' or perldoc 'ModPerl' (I think)
for more information.

Hope I haven't confused you more by giving you so many options.


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Re: reverse IP lookup for check all doimains on the server

2004-06-15 Thread Glenn
On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 12:36:35PM +0200, Maxipoint Rep Office wrote:
 but how has some script for that??
 I wish see all domains pointed to ANY IP like by
 try any server IP like:

Read and understand
The answers have been there since your first post.
Now can we please kill this off-topic thread?  Thanks.


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Re: Apache custom directives problem

2004-05-10 Thread Glenn
On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 02:55:34PM -0700, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Anthony Hinsinger wrote:
 This is my xs file. it's 100% generated by Apache::Extutils.
 static mod_perl_perl_dir_config *newPerlConfig(pool *p)
 mod_perl_perl_dir_config *cld =
 (mod_perl_perl_dir_config *)
 palloc(p, sizeof (mod_perl_perl_dir_config));
 cld-obj = Nullsv;
 so unless something else modifies that member, data-obj should be NULL 
 (Nullsv is (SV*)NULL). It has been ages since I've messed up with that if 
 at all. Perhaps someone who has built directives extensions can help you 
 here. Or compare this autogenerated XS with some other module that creates 
 similar extensions. I think there are a few of them on CPAN. Geoffrey's book shouldn't have some tar balls with working 
 examples. Try to build them first.
 If nothing else works, try to step through with gdb/ddd breaking at 
 newPerlConfig and following from there.

How do you compile the XS module?
Are you using the same flags that were used to compile perl and
mod_perl and Apache?  Flags related to pointer sizes and large file
support (e.g. 32-bit or 64-bit off_t) must match between them all.

See the following

Check the address of data-obj at different points in the call stack.


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Re: Callback called exit.

2004-05-07 Thread Glenn
On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 10:55:14AM -0600, Brian Hirt wrote:
 On May 6, 2004, at 10:27 AM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 22:11, Brian Hirt wrote:
 I've been running across a problem lately where a child process
 terminates because of an out of memory error.   It prints Out of 
 once, the the process sucks up all available cpu print Callback 
 exit. to the log file until it hit's it's 2GB max size.
 I'm just guessing here, but this is probably because apache is trying 
 spawn new processes, and they keep dying because there's no memory.
 Thanks for the response, interesting insight into the history of $^M.
  When I've seen this happen, it's the same PID spewing the messages, 
 there are no forkings going on.   The system isn't actually out of 
 memory, and there is plenty of it available for the parent httpd 
 process to fork.The child process has an rlimit set which is why 
 it's getting an out of memory error.  I initially set the rlimit, 
 because at one point in the past the ImageMagick module would every now 
 and then go crazy and consume all available memory which would bring 
 down everything.

Yes, thanks as well.  I didn't know how ineffective that was, and am
glad I wasn't setting aside too much memory for it.

Brian, if you can trigger the OOM and Callback called exit loop,
would you try my example and use this at the end:

## Importing CGI::Carp sets $main::SIG{__DIE__} = \CGI::Carp::die;
## Override that to additionally give a stack backtrace
$main::SIG{__DIE__} = sub { undef $M; CGI::Carp::confess; };

The 'undef $M' will mark the memory as unused (as long as nothing
else has a reference to it), and if Perl garbage collection kicks
in before the looping problem, then you might have some memory to
work with.  I don't know the threshold offhand that Perl uses to
trigger freeing the memory back to the system when using the
system malloc, but a couple of MBs would most likely do it.

Of course, this assumes that the loop is occurring somewhere after
die() is called, and after this routine is called.  Worth a shot...


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[mp1] segfault with DSO if compile options wrong

2004-04-16 Thread Glenn
Back in Oct 2003, Joachim Feise started the thread:
Subject: [mp1] segfault with Perl 5.8.1 and mod_perl 1.29

I have had similar problems with segfaults upon the first request and
traced it to a structure packing and alignment mismatch, because of
compile-time -Ddefines... mismatch between compiling and

Notice how the address of r-per_dir_config changes between
http_config.c and mod_perl.c, even though the address of the
request_rec r is the same:

Breakpoint 1, run_method (r=0x81f7384, offset=21, run_all=1) at http_config.c:370
370 result = (*mod_handler) (r);
(gdb) print r-per_dir_config
$1 = (void **) 0x81f74d0
(gdb) print r-per_dir_config
$2 = (void *) 0x81f806c
(gdb) stepi
0x08053b09  370 result = (*mod_handler) (r);
0x08053b0c  370 result = (*mod_handler) (r);
0x08053b0f  370 result = (*mod_handler) (r);
perl_header_parser (r=0x81f7384) at mod_perl.c:1013
(gdb) print r-per_dir_config
$3 = (void **) 0x81f74d8
(gdb) print r-per_dir_config
$4 = (void *) 0x0

The site ( is on a dual-proc box
and the system is Fedora Core 1 with the Perl RPMs from Fedora.
The backtrace is the same as Joachim Feise's post linked above.
perl -V output is included at the end of this post.
apache 1.3.29 and mod_perl 1.29

I had been configuring mod_perl with
  perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/pub/p/e/perl \
APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache-1.3.29 \
APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.29/src \
and then performing a separate ./configure in ../apache_1.3.29/
  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache-1.3.29 \
  --enable-shared=max \
  --enable-module=headers \
  --enable-module=auth_anon \
  --enable-module=expires \
  --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=rewrite \
  --enable-module=proxy --enable-shared=proxy \
  --activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
  --enable-module=perl --enable-shared=perl

When doing so, I noticed that while mod_perl compiled with 
  -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE \
  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/gdbm  \
Apache was not being compile with similar flags.

With the above configuration, Apache would segfault upon receiving
a request.

(I also noticed the mod_perl was being compile with -fPIC, while Apache
modules were being compiled with -fpic.  I don't think this makes a
different on i386, and just mention it in passing)

The following, on the other hand DID compile Apache and mod_perl with
appropriately similar flags, and WORKS (no segfault on requests):

  perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/pub/p/e/perl APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache-1.3.29 

and then building mod_perl and Apache together.

I suppose one could compile mod_perl with PREP_HTTPD=1 and configure
Apache separately with
  EXTRA_CFLAGS=`perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccflags | sed 's/-D_GNU_SOURCE //'` \
  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache-1.3.29 \
  --enable-shared=max \
  --enable-module=headers \
  --enable-module=auth_anon \
  --enable-module=expires \
  --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=rewrite \
  --enable-module=proxy --enable-shared=proxy \
  --activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
  --enable-module=perl --enable-shared=perl
but I did not test this directly.

(removing -D_GNU_SOURCE is necessary to avoid getline() prototype
conflicts for the custom getline() function in
apache/src/support/{htdigest.c,htpasswd.c,logresolv.c} that
conflict with the one in /usr/include/stdio.h when -D_GNU_SOURCE
is defined)

Apologies for the long post, but this all took many hours for me
to figure out, and there seems to be some fatal differences
between what happens when compiling mod_perl with PREP_HTTPD=1
or not, and compiling mod_perl and Apache together or separately.

Also, I'm compiling a DSO, but not configuring mod_perl with DYNAMIC=1.
Are there advantages/disadvantages/requirements for using DYNAMIC=1 when
building mod_perl as a DSO?  Thanks much.


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.4.21-9.elsmp, archname=i386-linux-thread-multi