Simple multi-level tie

2003-12-17 Thread Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp
I would like the ability to store a complicated record inside of a DBM
file. I looked in the usual places and perldoc -q DBM gives me:

Either stringify the structure yourself (no fun), or else get
the MLDBM (which uses Data::Dumper) module from CPAN and layer
it on top of either DB_File or GDBM_File.

Therefore, I went in search of a solution to automate the
stringification. I didn't find anything other than MLDBM for doing
something like this and it seems like a little much for my purposes. All
I need is something like this:

$hash{name} = value1:value2:value3:...;

I've done some work with Tie::Memoize and really like it's interface, so
I decided to write something like it for wrapping hashes. Thus,
Tie::HashWrapper was born. It may be used like this:

tie my %wrappee, 'AnyDBM_File', ...;
tie my %wrapper, 'Tie::HashWrapper', \%wrappee,
-deflate_value = sub { join ':', @{$_[0]} },
-inflate_value = sub { split /:/, $_[0] };

$wrapper{name} = [ value1, value2, value3 ];

and so forth. In addition, if one wants to have more complicated keys,
one may add -deflate_key/-inflate_key values to the call to tie. I
haven't uploaded it CPAN yet pending documentation and finding a good

Does Tie::HashWrapper seem reasonable? Or does anyone have a better
name? Have I gone off the deep-end again and rewritten something that
already exists and I missed it?


  Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp

  There exists in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which
  impels the weak to attempt to lower the powerful to their own level,
  and reduces men to prefer equality in slavery to inequality under
  freedom. -- Alexis de Tocqueville

Re: Simple multi-level tie

2003-12-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 02:00:23PM -0600, Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp wrote:
 Therefore, I went in search of a solution to automate the
 stringification. I didn't find anything other than MLDBM for doing
 something like this and it seems like a little much for my purposes. All
 I need is something like this:

When I want to do this, I just use With it, you can pass a hash
to the 'new' constructor, and use query_string() function (I think) to
get back a stringified version. 

Likewise, you can pass a query-string to the constructor, and get a hash 
structure back. Keys with multiple values are supported, although I
usually don't have that case.

Your solution may well be cleaner for general cases.


Re: Simple multi-level tie

2003-12-17 Thread david nicol
On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 14:00, Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp wrote:

 Therefore, I went in search of a solution to automate the
 stringification. I didn't find anything other than MLDBM for doing
 something like this and it seems like a little much for my purposes. All
 I need ...

As I understand it, the standard way to (de)marshall things anymore
is to use Storable.  see DirDB::Storable for an example of a multi-level
tie that punts anything other than scalars and unblessed hashrefs to
Storable for nstorage and retreival.

If you're not going to have more than a thousand records (or you
have reiserfs) DirDB might be the module for you rather than a
single-file database.

david nicol
Where the hell did I put my coffee?

Re: Simple multi-level tie

2003-12-17 Thread Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp
On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 17:15, david nicol wrote:
 As I understand it, the standard way to (de)marshall things anymore
 is to use Storable.  see DirDB::Storable for an example of a multi-level
 tie that punts anything other than scalars and unblessed hashrefs to
 Storable for nstorage and retreival.

This is yet another corollary to my solution. If you like Storable then:

use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use Tie::HashWrapper;

tie my %wrappee, 'AnyDBM_File', ...;
tie my %hash, 'Tie::HashWrapper', \%wrappee,
-inflate_value = sub { thaw(shift) },
-deflate_value = sub { freeze(shift) };
$hash{a}{complicated}[4]{data} = [ 'structure' ];

 If you're not going to have more than a thousand records (or you
 have reiserfs) DirDB might be the module for you rather than a
 single-file database.

Ah, Hubris, Randall Schwartz and the Great One would be proud. ;)

Alas, either I am being misunderstood or no one has an answer to my
questions. I believe I was asking for it with the subject line of
Simple multi-level tie. What I should have wrote is Wrapping hashes
with arbitrary inflate/deflate methods.

This is a tool that adds syntactic sugar to hashes. I developed it for
the purpose of making complicated storage in hashes tied to DBM files
nicer. It doesn't matter if you use CGI::query_string, Storable,
join/split, pack/unpack, or even just use this to do some kind of wacky
filtering, this tool isn't a marshalling tool, it is a syntax helper.

What I want to know is, is Tie::HashWrapper a good name? If you don't
like that name, what might you call it? HashWrapper sounds kind of dorky
to me, but that's what first came to mind and I didn't want to spend all
day trying to name it, I wanted to play code monkey.


  Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp

  Microsoft is a cross between the Borg and the Ferengi.
  Unfortunately, they use Borg to do their marketing and Ferengi to
  do their programming.
   -- Simon Slavin

Re: Simple multi-level tie

2003-12-17 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 12/18/2003 12:25 AM, Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp wrote:

Wrapping hashes with arbitrary inflate/deflate methods.

This is a tool that adds syntactic sugar to hashes. I developed it for
the purpose of making complicated storage in hashes tied to DBM files
nicer. It doesn't matter if you use CGI::query_string, Storable,
join/split, pack/unpack, or even just use this to do some kind of wacky
filtering, this tool isn't a marshalling tool, it is a syntax helper.
What I want to know is, is Tie::HashWrapper a good name? If you don't
like that name, what might you call it? HashWrapper sounds kind of dorky
to me, but that's what first came to mind and I didn't want to spend all
day trying to name it, I wanted to play code monkey.
It's a horrible name. Sorry. :-)

The name needs to say what it is or what it's for, not how it's done. 
Some people hate the Tie namespace (I'm one of them), but it has become 
standard for tied modules. So:

Tie::MLDBM::Any_* (something)
Tie::MLDBM::Custom_* (something)
where * says something about having custom marshalling methods. 


RE: Simple multi-level tie

2003-12-17 Thread Hugh S. Myers
I actually like names that sound like foodg! On a slightly more serious
note---If I were looking for stringification, I wouldn't be looking under
HashWrapper. Perhaps Tie::HashStringify or the like?


 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:00 PM
 To: Module Authors
 Subject: Simple multi-level tie

 I would like the ability to store a complicated record inside of a DBM
 file. I looked in the usual places and perldoc -q DBM gives me:

 Either stringify the structure yourself (no fun), or else get
 the MLDBM (which uses Data::Dumper) module from CPAN and layer
 it on top of either DB_File or GDBM_File.

 Therefore, I went in search of a solution to automate the
 stringification. I didn't find anything other than MLDBM for doing
 something like this and it seems like a little much for my purposes. All
 I need is something like this:

 $hash{name} = value1:value2:value3:...;

 I've done some work with Tie::Memoize and really like it's interface, so
 I decided to write something like it for wrapping hashes. Thus,
 Tie::HashWrapper was born. It may be used like this:

 tie my %wrappee, 'AnyDBM_File', ...;
 tie my %wrapper, 'Tie::HashWrapper', \%wrappee,
   -deflate_value = sub { join ':', @{$_[0]} },
   -inflate_value = sub { split /:/, $_[0] };

 $wrapper{name} = [ value1, value2, value3 ];

 and so forth. In addition, if one wants to have more complicated keys,
 one may add -deflate_key/-inflate_key values to the call to tie. I
 haven't uploaded it CPAN yet pending documentation and finding a good

 Does Tie::HashWrapper seem reasonable? Or does anyone have a better
 name? Have I gone off the deep-end again and rewritten something that
 already exists and I missed it?


   Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp

   There exists in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which
   impels the weak to attempt to lower the powerful to their own level,
   and reduces men to prefer equality in slavery to inequality under
   freedom. -- Alexis de Tocqueville