Re: Module Proposal: Log::Any

2007-09-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> So I guess what I'm saying is that the final thing that would stop me from
> using Log::Any "everywhere" (meaning also in performance-critical code) is
> the overhead for the common (production) case of logging being entirely
> disabled.  How about providing all three methods of checking as part of the
> API?
> $log->debug(...)  if $log->is_debug();  # method
> $log->debug(...)  if Log::Any::is_debug();  # sub
> $log->debug(...)  if $Log::Any::Is_Debug;   # var

Good point. The last two need to be tweaked so that we can assign
different logging levels and/or destinations to different loggers -
e.g. to turn on just Rose::DB debug logging without a flood from other
modules. (See log4perl).

How about this:

use Log::Abstract qw($log $log_is_debug);

$log->debug(...) if $log_is_debug;

which translates to something like

use Log::Abstract;
my $log = Log::Abstract->get_logger
(category => __PACKAGE__, is_debug_flag => \my $log_is_debug);

$log->debug(...) if $log_is_debug;

Now $log_is_debug, like $log, is class/category specific. Note that
with either syntax, Log::Abstract is able to keep track of all the
$log_is_debug variables and update them at runtime when something
happens in the log framework to change log levels (e.g. log4perl
reloading configuration). Assuming log level changes happen
infrequently, this should yield good performance even when logging is
turned on.

Re: advice on where to put my perl modules

2006-01-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
After listening to what people have said on and off the list, I think
will create a top-level namespace. I have seen this done before, and it
seems to be the advice I am getting.

advice on where to put my perl modules

2006-01-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am seeking advice on where to put my Perl modules called MyLibrary.

MyLibrary is a set of object-oriented Perl modules for libraries (think
books and such) allowing librarians to create digital libraries. The
modules are for a rather specific purpose in that they do I/O against a
specifically shaped relational database, but not necessarily a specific
relational database system.

I realize CPAN is primarily intended for modules that may be of a more
generic nature, and I'm wondering how MyLibrary might fit into CPAN and
where I would put it if it does. I friend of mine said maybe some sort
of top-level location, but that sounds drastic.

What are your suggestions?

Eric Lease Morgan
University Libraries of Notre Dame

Module name advice

2005-10-18 Thread Mattia Barbon \<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am writing a Perl driver for Selenium, a website
testing tool [1], and I need to choose a proper name
for the module.

  Having discarded a top-level namespace, I am now
inclined to use WWW::Selenium for the Selenium driver
and Test::Selenium for the TAP-emitting module
to be used in test scripts.

  Does anybody have suggestions?



Re: Author's namespace

2003-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: A. Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I wasn't saying the code was trash - but a carelessly chosen name
> and no documentation do make it clutter..

I agree it's clutter that's why I'd like it not to be included when people
search. The name is chosen for my convenience and mine only. As Mark
mentioned in his mail, it's more of a personal style thing and as Mark
mentioned it could be a bad idea as people start building repositories of
their own secret modules rather than making the effort to release them

> How about putting the module under the *same* name in all your
> distributions that use it? This doesn't avoid duplication on
> CPAN, granted - but does avoid it on the user end. Instead of
> calling it Test::Deep:MM, Foo::Bar::MM, Baz::Quux::MM etc
> depending on the distro, just stick it in all distros under the
> same name, maybe something like Class::MyMethodMk.

But that will clash with Blah-Blah's Class::MyMethodMk.

Anyway, I'm not too stressed about the whole thing.

I'm more interested in a related Proposed:: namespace which came up in
passing. As in



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Re: Author's namespace

2003-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: Struan Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> And if you're including the code in several CPAN modules then
> shouldn't the code be up to standard for general use? Just because you
> can't see anyone wanting to use it doesn't mean it shouldn't be
> documented.

The code is fine, it's quite simple and doesn't really need docs, however I
don't really want anyone else using it because then it becomes a
responsibilty. There are plenty of similar modules contained within
existing distributions. They are not polished, have no pod etc. They are
only to be used from within the distribution itself and only need to be
understood by people changing the distribution in question. I don't think
this bothers people too much. My module is like these, it has previously
shipped inside another distro, undocumented, unexposed. I want to use it
with several other modules but I don't want to cut and paste.

As it happens, it looks like the original Class::MethodMaker has an
undocumented way to do what I want, so for this module it may not be an
issue but everyone has their own file slurping routine and various other
bits and bobs that they do their own way, rather than copying them into
lots of modules, a personal namespace of utility stuff could be useful.

Also somewhere to put things which are under review is also useful and
seems to have been lost in the methodmaker discussion.

> Anyone using one of those CPAN modules shouldn't have to
> ferret around in source code to realise what your convience methods
> are there for.

Ideally, anyone using one of my CPAN modules shouldn't have to ferret
around in any of my code documented or not but if they are then chances are
that documenting these particular bits would make no difference,


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Re: Class::FakeAttributes -- Opinions Wanted

2003-11-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: A. Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> And then there's accessor/mutator generation.. ie what
> ::MethodMaker does. Which there seems to be no easy way to do
> (with lexicals) using inside out objects..

Wouldn't this do what you want (roughly, it may not actually compile...)

use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);

my %attribs;
sub make_attr {
my $class = shift;
my $attr = shift;

my $full = "${class}::${attr}";

my $sub = sub {
my $s=shift;
if (@_) {
return $s;
} else {
return $attribs{$full}->{refaddr($s)};

*{$full} = $sub;

obviously you'd add an import method to make it nice to use too,


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

Re: Class::FakeAttributes -- Opinions Wanted

2003-11-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How about Class::SafeAttributes. Because you can safely add atrributes.
Compared to FakeAttributes, it's more descriptive of the purpose rather
than the implementation,


Original Message:
Exactly.  They're 'fake' in that they aren't considered part of the
object by Perl (and won't be freed by Perl automatically on

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Re: module to access w3c validator

2003-10-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are 2 or 3 things that need to be in the name, "Validator", that's
what it is, "HTML" because that's what works on and possibly "W3C" because
that's where the engine comes from, so I'd suggest


Just from a searching point of view, this is a much easier module name to

I think Detailed is unnecessary since there isn't already a module out
there that gives an undetailed set of results,


From: Struan Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>So, does WWW::Validator::W3CMarkup::Detailed seem like a good name for
> this?

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

RE: module to access w3c validator

2003-10-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Christopher Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> All of this presumes that the effort required to install the validator
> locally is near zero.  I just went out to look and it honestly doesn't
> look too hard to make work, but neither did their css validator which I
> gave up on getting installed locally because of fighting with all of the
> Java garbage.  YMMV.

I have no idea but yes it looked easy and they claim it works on a wide
variety of systems (including HP-UX).

> Even if the HTML validator is easy to get going that doesn't mean that it
> still isn't often easier to not install it.  Honestly I could see using
> this module when working on things at remote sites.  It'd certainly be
> easier to get the original poster's module installed than trying to figure
> out whether OpenSP compiles on HP-UX or wait a month for my client to
> approve adding software to their production linux system.  When working
> with a few TLA US goverment agencies the "mean time from begging to
> getting actual software installed" is about ten months.

Fair points except in this case you wouldn't be doing your clients any
favours by making their production servers depend on a webservice that has
no specified interface and no promises about availability.


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

RE: module to access w3c validator

2003-10-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't really understand your answer, so I'll rephrase my question.

If you can get the source then why would you want to do anything using
SOAP? If the source has a free enough license you could turn it into a
module and that's that, if not then just run it locally as a command and
capture the output. Either of these would be much more reliable than
remotely calling the w3c's scripts, you wouldn't need to be connected to
use it and you won't be pounding on the w3c's servers,


Original Message:
From: Sherzod Ruzmetov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

: If you can get the source then why bother putting it on a 
: server, wrapping it 
: in SOAP and calling it remotely?

For the same reason why one would want to write a library to access W3C.

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