Re: The passing of Spider Boardman

2021-05-25 Thread Marco Marongiu
Sad news indeed. It's even more painful considering that the numbers of the
infection are sinking but he could not benefit of it. My condolences to the

-- bronto

Il Mer 26 Mag 2021, 02:34 Neil Bowers  ha scritto:

> I’m sad to have to report that Raun "Spider" Boardman (SPIDB on CPAN) has
> recently passed away, due to complications of COVID.
> Spider released several distributions to CPAN, one of which (Net::Dnet) is
> still there. It looks like he tidied up older things.
> Spider originally worked at Digital, where his daughter told me he worked
> on Unix (and presumably then Ultrix), and then stayed through acquisitions
> by Compaq and then HP, where he had worked on security.
> Looking at early Perl 5 releases, I found that he not only contributed bug
> fixes to Perl itself, but was also contributing tweaks to hints files as
> well.
> Neil

Re: is going away

2021-03-19 Thread Marco Marongiu
Thanks for the effort you guys put into this

-- bronto

On Fri, 19 Mar 2021, 12:03 Aaron Trevena,  wrote:

> Hi All,
> As some of you may have noticed - hasn't gone away and has
> been upgraded to RT5 with help and support from best practical - no
> mean feat given the age and customisations of the cpan RT instance.
> It's looking nicer and much easier to use.
> Kind regards,
> A.
> On Thu, 21 Jan 2021 at 14:41, Paul "LeoNerd" Evans
>  wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> >, the bugtracker used by nearly 80% of all CPAN modules
> >   [1], is going to be shut down on 1st March this year [2]; 39 days
> >   from when I write this email.
> >
> > 
> >
> > I am rather concerned about this, as there doesn't appear to be any
> > sort of co-ordinated bailout plan or migration of the *huge amount* of
> > CPAN modules this is about to affect.
> >
> > I am furthermore concerned at the total lack of discussion or response
> > that has so far been generated; aside from Karen Etheridge I haven't
> > seen any noise of upset being generated at all. Nor am I aware of any
> > sort of effort to handle what will become a huge outage of a major
> > component of the CPAN ecosystem.
> >
> > I personally have 189 modules in need of migration - somehow. As yet
> > I have no clue what I am going to do about it. Existing bugs need to be
> > moved somewhere else (and I have no clue how I'm going to fix up URLs
> > that currently point to those, in code comments, documentation, blog
> > posts, ... anywhere else), and a new for users to report new bugs needs
> > to exist. Of special note are the numerous "in progress" tickets I have
> > across my distributions, containing ongoing discussions about design
> > issues and the like. To say that I am "concerned" is an understatement;
> > I am fairly close to panicing about this.
> >
> > I am quite sure I am but the smallest tip of the iceberg here. Every
> > time I mention it on Freenode's #perl or's #p5p there are
> > always new folks who were totally unaware of this fact. This is going
> > to hit lots of people in a very hard surprise.
> >
> > I am therefore interested to know if anyone has any sort of thoughts or
> > plan on what to do about this; either
> >
> >   a) Attempts to take over maintenance of the system as it stands, or
> >
> >   b) Find an alternative location and implement some sort of
> >  mass-bailout in that direction.
> >
> >
> > To emphasise again: in 39 days time the bug tracker used by nearly 80%
> > of all of CPAN is going to be shut down and become unavailable for
> > either historic or newly-reported bugs. We *need* to find a solution in
> > that time. It would be great if we all went the same way, thus making
> > the lives of users (and a lot simpler, rather than all
> > scattering in 50 different ways, which will cause a huge splintering of
> > what has been a very coherent service so far.
> >
> >
> > 1: Add the "known to be RT" and "unknown" categories of
> >; because defaults to RT in the
> >latter case.
> >
> > 2:
> >
> > --
> > Paul "LeoNerd" Evans
> >
> >  |
> >  |
> --
> Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
> LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

Re: Help w/ naming module

2017-09-21 Thread Marco Marongiu

On 21/09/17 23:11, Karen Etheridge wrote:
> Given that there is so much prior art in this space already -- is it
> useful to release one more variant to the CPAN, vs. simply keeping it in
> your darkpan? Is anyone likely to discover your module and choose it
> over any other?

For what is worth, I disagree with this approach.

I have released a few tiny modules on CPAN, not because they were
incredible pieces of software but in the hope that someone besides me
would find them useful.

As far as I/Google can tell, they are being used here and there, they
are making other people's lives easier: that's a good enough reason to
make them public. Sure, they will *never* reach the numbers of the
greatest CPAN stuff out there: so what?

> Please at least give a summary of the alternatives and how they differ,
> in the documentation.

This one, I can agree with.

@Diab: please go ahead. Be sure to choose the right namespace based on
the good advice you got here. Good to add the information suggested by
Karen, too.

-- bronto

Re: Mocking Net::Ping's ping method

2014-08-18 Thread Marco Marongiu
Watch out Matthew, your module is showing up with the name of "v0.09"
currently. Check your code.

-- bronto

Re: The module authors pledge

2011-11-10 Thread Marco Marongiu
Il 08/11/2011 17:22, Neil Bowers ha scritto:
> Should I die, then the time-limits in (1) and (3) do not apply.

Drop this, as difficult to verify (for various reasons), and +1 from me.

-- bronto

Re: Why are you releasing modules to CPAN?

2010-05-27 Thread Marco Marongiu
Gabor Szabo ha scritto:
> So why do *you* contribute to CPAN?

Some years ago I released three little modules to CPAN. There's no great
code in them, but I hoped that they could be useful to other people.
Being helpful to others is the only reason why I hold myself up to
public scorn :)


Re: HOW-TO for publishing a perl module?

2005-09-27 Thread Marco Marongiu

Tim Bunce wrote:
> But I'm sure there's decent docs somewhere with more details of 'best
> practice' so I'm CC'ing this to (not least
> because I'll being uploading a new module myself soonish).

What about "Writing Perl modules for CPAN" by Sam Tregar?


Re: Hash::HasKeys

2005-08-12 Thread Marco Marongiu

Ovid ha scritto:
> It's almost embarrassing to upload a Hash::HasKeys module to the CPAN,
> but I rewrite this code *all* the time (and always forget about "die if
> extra_keys()").  Before I embarrass myself by writing and uploading
> something so simple and special-purpose, tell me there's something out
> there already ...

I uploaded Date::Calc::Iterator on CPAN, and if you read the code or the
docs you'll notice that it is a trivial module. But there was none on
CPAN that could do the same simple task in the same simple way, so I put
it there; if it will be useful to someone, I'll be happy, if not, well:
I did not lose anything publishing that.

Come on Ovid, we know that you are a great Perl programmer, we won't be
deceived if we see that little piece of software online :-) Don't worry
too much about and put it in!!!



Re: Fields in Makefile.PL

2004-11-02 Thread Marco Marongiu

Jose Alves de Castro wrote:
I'm trying to normalize some modules, regarding tests, Makefile.PL, etc.
I have a question: what fields do you find required or advisable in
 every Makefile.PL? I usually have NAME, VERSION_FROM, PREREQ_PM,
 AUTHOR... am I missing something important?
Run h2xs, they very needed fields will be into the Makefile.PL

Re: Date::Iterator, pollution, rating system, and how to make CPAN a better place [was: Re: RFC: Date::Iterator]

2004-01-07 Thread Marco Marongiu
Happy new year

A. Pagaltzis wrote:
If you're gonna go that route and put Day in the name but as a
separate namespace level, it should be Date::Calc::Iterator::Day
so there isn't a new 3rd level namespace for every date iterator
module with only one 4th level name in it.
I read all the comments, with this one last. I see your reasons.

If Steffen Beyer allows me to do so, I'll call the module 
Date::Calc::Iterator::Day, implement many of the proposed changes I had 
here and put it on CPAN.

Thanks to everybody for the time you took to discuss this module.

Marco MarongiuEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator  Phone: +39 070 460 1684
Tiscali S.p.A.Fax:   +39 070 460 9684
International IT Services

Date::Iterator, pollution, rating system, and how to make CPAN a better place [was: Re: RFC: Date::Iterator]

2003-12-23 Thread Marco Marongiu
Oh my, oh my... what a mess! :-)

Ok, it's time to have a few conclusions about this discussion. Some of 
these conclusions are more general than my module and involve the CPAN 
as a whole.

Some like my module, some don't. Some would like to see it on CPAN, some 

About *not putting* it on CPAN, the main reasons are:

* there is already DateTime::Event::Recurrence that does the same job
  and a lot more with a standardized interface
* the presence of many modules that do the same job leads to diluition
  of efforts and lowers the usefulness of CPAN
* DateTime modules are designed to work together, mine isn't designed
  to work with anything
* Date::Iterator is not easier than DateTime::Event::Recurrence and
  is much less flexible than it
About *putting* it on CPAN:

* Some people liked it
* it's simple
* it's useful
And, last, there is a proposal to rename it to Date::Calc::Iterator

(did I miss anything?)


I didn't find DateTime::Event::Recurrence on CPAN when I was looking for 
a solution for my problem, but I have to say that even if I had a clear 
and clean explaination like the one that Rick Measham gave on this list, 
I'd probably coded my module anyway. I have the feeling that the time I 
spent to write the module (not a lot, indeed: it took more time to 
document it than to write it) was far less than I had to learn the 
DateTime thing.

The impression I get from the DateTime::Event::Recurrence is that even 
if you need to accomplish a simple task, you have to learn a lot about 
the DateTime framework, which is the exact contrary of the Perl 
philosophy as a whole: it is stated somewhere (the Camel Book? The Llama 
book?) that you can learn a few Perl to begin to make something useful 
with it.

My impression could well be wrong. But, in that case, there is something 
wrong also in how the DateTime modules are explained and documented.

About CPAN pollution, I feel that pollution as a wealth. The solution to 
that could be the recently added feature of rating modules, but we 
should have a "sort by rating" on to make it more 
useful. Besides, there are good reasons to require a registration before 
you can rate a module, but the tradeoff is that not many people are 
rating modules at this time... The possibility of rating a module should 
be advertised by the CPAN module itself after a successful installation, 
IMHO (or does recent versions already do it?).

Diluition of efforts is a real problem in CPAN, but not in this case: 
since there is DateTime::Event::Recurrence I had nothing to do to add 
this functionality to the DateTime project, nor I could contribute in 
any other way.

My module *doesn't* want to be flexible.

About the name thing, I'd call it Date::Calc::Iterator:

* if my module was a subclass (like I did with Net::LDAP::Express)
* if the "parent namespace" was needed to clearly illustrate what the
  module does (like I did with Data::Password::BasicCheck; it's not a
  subclass of Data::Password, but I felt that it was the right
  namespace to put a module that does basic password checking; moreover,
  Data::BasicCheck meant nothing!)
Date::Iterator is not a subclass of Date::Calc: it *uses* it; and 
Date::Calc as a namespace for my module is just confusing: my modules 
Iterates over Dates, fullstop. The "Calc" part is confusing.

For the reasons written above, I'd put Date::Iterator on CPAN after 
stating clearly in the docs that:

* it *depends* on Date::Calc
* there is already DateTime::Event::Recurrence that does this
  sort of things, and can do a lot more
But before doing it I'll wait for more comments about this message. 
Maybe I am totally wrong, and you have good argumentations that will 
make me change my mind.

Thank you for the time you spent in this discussion so far


Re: RFC: Date::Iterator

2003-12-19 Thread Marco Marongiu

Michel Rodriguez wrote:
Polluting CPAN with modules that duplicate existing functionalities is
definitely NOT responsible behaviour, especially in areas like Date:: and
Time::  where there is already much confusion, and an coordinated effort
to fix that confusion through DateTime::
In your case why not see if you can write a patch to one of the DateTime
modules that would give you an interface similar to what you wrote?
Dear Michel

First of all, thanks for your advice.

As I said in my first mail, Date::Iterator came out to solve a problem I 
had at work. And as it happened to you, I decide to write a new module 
after a lot of searching into cpan. DateTime modules didn't come out 
from those searches, unfortunately. But, as Dave Rolsky recognized, even 
if I found them the documentation itself doesn't encourage people to use 
it for simple tasks...

Could I contribute to the DateTime project? I think I can't. Working 
with calendars and times would require me an effort bigger than I can 
take. If you look at the module code, it am just plain using a single 
function from a single module (Date::Calc): I have no experience on 
doing things like that myself.

Proliferation of modules on CPAN is evil? Maybe. Maybe not. It could 
create confusion, you are right. But... well, I'll say in italian: "Cio` 
che hai in piu` non ti impoverisce"; I don't have a good translation in 
english, but it could sound like "things you got and don't need don't 
make you poor". It's a natural selection process: people search for 
modules that do the job, read the docs and make a choice. If my module 
is bad, they simply won't use it.

Instead of hiding my module in my insignificant website, wouldn't it be 
better to write on top and bottom of the docs an advice like "this is a 
small module and does a few things; you probabily want to take a look at 
DateTime and DateTime::Event::Recurrence <>"?

Waiting for a new advice...

Ciao and thanks again
Marco MarongiuEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator  Phone: +39 070 460 1684
Tiscali S.p.A.Fax:   +39 070 460 9684
International IT Services

Re: RFC: Date::Iterator

2003-12-19 Thread Marco Marongiu

Dave Rolsky wrote:
Really?  But with DateTime::Event::Recurrence you very easily generate
these types of sets.  For example, for a set of dates one per day:
 use DateTime;
 use DateTime::Event::Recurrence;
 my $start = DateTime->new( year => 2003, month => 10, day => 3 );
 my $end   = DateTime->new( year => 2003, month => 11, day => 10 );
 my $daily = DateTime::Event::Recurrence->daily( start => $start, end => $end );

 while ( my $dt = $daily->next ) { ... }

How hard is that?
my $i = Date::Iterator->new( from => [2003,10,3], to => [2003,11,10] ) ;
while (my $day = $i->next) { ... }
Is this harder?

What does your module offer that makes it worth _not_ getting all the
other features offers, like useful time zone support, lots
of formatting & parsing options, the ability to do set math on sets
(union, difference, intersection, etc.)?
Maybe the fact that I don't need all the other features?

However, I think the docs for DT::Event::Recurrence need some work,
because I don't the fact that you can do easy stuff with it is obvious.

Is there a "think" missing?

Anyway, I agree with you: from the docs you have the feeling that all 
the framework is a lot complicated...

Marco MarongiuEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator  Phone: +39 070 460 1684
Tiscali S.p.A.Fax:   +39 070 460 9684
International IT Services

Re: RFC: Date::Iterator

2003-12-19 Thread Marco Marongiu

Mark Stosberg wrote:
Thanks for the response. I can appreciate the distinction. Sometimes big
and powerful is a better approach, sometimes simplicity is better.

You might add a mention of this module to your SEE ALSO section if you
haven't already, though.
Good point :-) Is on my notepad now!

Thank you

Marco MarongiuEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator  Phone: +39 070 460 1684
Tiscali S.p.A.Fax:   +39 070 460 9684
International IT Services

Re: RFC: Date::Iterator

2003-12-19 Thread Marco Marongiu

Mark Stosberg wrote:
Dosn't DateTime::Set and DateTime::SpanSet already address this
problem-space, but in a more flexible way?

It allows  "span sets" to be non-contiguous, such a set of meetings 
occurring every Wednesday. It also returns DateTime objects, giving
you all the flexibility of formatting and features that a such an
object implies.

I'd be interesting in hearing a bit more about cases where this new 
module would be a better choice.
I took a look at the page you mentioned.

My module does just one, very specific thing. DateTime::Set is flexible, 
powerful... but when you just need to iterate over a range of days with 
a constant step, it looks overkill to me.

DateTime::Set covers about all cases one could need to handle.

Mine covers just one case.

Marco MarongiuEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator  Phone: +39 070 460 1684
Tiscali S.p.A.Fax:   +39 070 460 9684
International IT Services

Re: RFC: Date::Iterator

2003-12-19 Thread Marco Marongiu

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Marco Marongiu wrote:

Date::Iterator - Iterate over a range of dates

I like it!
Thanks Josh!

I recently needed to handle the same thing, but also needed to be able to
handle hourly steps. Would it be possible to add support for something
like the following:
my $i1 = Date::Iterator->new(from => [2003,12,1,10],
 to   => [2003,12,10,23] );
and have it return arrays (or refs) with [,mm,dd,hh] back?
This could also be expanded in both directions, to handle:
my $i1 = Date::Iterator->new(from => [2003,12],
 to   => [2004,3] );
my $i1 = Date::Iterator->new(from => [2003,12,1,10,6],
 to   => [2003,12,2,3,55] );
The latter to be a range of minutes from 2003-12-01 10:06 to
2003-12-02 3:55.
I realize that probably wasn't your origonal intention at all, but
that would be really handy.
BTW - I'd be happy to contribute to Date::Iterator to add support for the
above type of scenarios if you'd like.
Yes, please, do it :-)

You are right, your modification goes far beyond the scope of my work, 
but I'd be really happy to see that someone takes my code as a base to 
go one step further.

Could we discuss in private on the release plan?

Thank you!

Marco MarongiuEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator  Phone: +39 070 460 1684
Tiscali S.p.A.Fax:   +39 070 460 9684
International IT Services

Re: RFC: Date::Iterator

2003-12-19 Thread Marco Marongiu

Andy Wardley wrote:
Marco Marongiu wrote:

   Date::Iterator - Iterate over a range of dates

Thanks Andy!

 $i = Date::Iterator->new( from => [2003,12,1], to => [2003,12,10] )

As a matter of convenience, can I suggest that in addition to list 
references you also allow dates to be specified as strings?  

 $i = Date::Iterator->new( from => '2003/12/1', to => '2003/12/10' )

Something like this should do the trick:

$date = ref $date eq 'ARRAY' ? $date : [ split(/\D+/, $date) ];

If you split on any non-digit characters then it allows for different
formats like '2003/12/1', '2003-12-1', '2003 12 1' and so on.
Yup! Really nice idea! I'll go for it!!!

Thanks a lot
Marco MarongiuEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator  Phone: +39 070 460 1684
Tiscali S.p.A.Fax:   +39 070 460 9684
International IT Services

RFC: Date::Iterator

2003-12-19 Thread Marco Marongiu
Ciao a tutti

I created the module in subject for an application I had to create for 
my job. I am planning to release it on CPAN

I already started to get some reviews from italian perl mongers, I would 
also like to have yours.

Below you have the man page I wrote so far.

You can also download the module for testing it from

Date::Iterator - Iterate over a range of dates
  use Date::Iterator;
  # This puts all the dates from Dec 1, 2003 to Dec 10, 2003 in @dates
  # @dates will contain ([2003,12,1],[2003,12,2] ... [2003,12,10]) ;
  my $i1 = Date::Iterator->new(from => [2003,12,1], to => 
[2003,12,10]) ;
  my @dates1 ;
  push @dates,$_ while $_ = $i1->next ;

  # Adding an integer step will iterate with the specified step
  # @dates will contain ([2003,12,1],[2003,12,3] ... ) ;
  my $i2 = Date::Iterator->new(from => [2003,12,1], to => 
[2003,12,10], step
 => 2) ;
  my @dates2 ;
  push @dates,$_ while $_ = $i2->next ;

Date::Iterator objects are used to iterate over a range of dates,
day by day or with a specified step. The method next() will return
each time an array containing ($year,$month,$date) for the next
date, or undef when finished.
Creates a new object. You must pass it the end points of a date
interval as hash references:
  $i = Date::Iterator->new( from => [2003,12,1], to => [2003,12,10] )

"from" and "to" are, obviously, required.

Optionally, you can specify a custom step with the "step" key, for
  $i = Date::Iterator->new( from => [2003,12,1], to => [2003,12,31],
step => 7 ) ;
will iterate on December 2003, week by week, starting from
December 1st.
Returns the next date; in list context it returns an array
containing year, month and day in this order, or "undef" if
iteration is over; in scalar context, it returns a reference to
that array, or "undef" if iteration is over.
0.01Original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
The wonderful Date::Calc module
Marco Marongiu, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copyright 2003 by Marco Marongiu
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.