Michel Rodriguez wrote:
Polluting CPAN with modules that duplicate existing functionalities is
definitely NOT responsible behaviour, especially in areas like Date:: and
Time::  where there is already much confusion, and an coordinated effort
to fix that confusion through DateTime::

In your case why not see if you can write a patch to one of the DateTime
modules that would give you an interface similar to what you wrote?

Dear Michel

First of all, thanks for your advice.

As I said in my first mail, Date::Iterator came out to solve a problem I had at work. And as it happened to you, I decide to write a new module after a lot of searching into cpan. DateTime modules didn't come out from those searches, unfortunately. But, as Dave Rolsky recognized, even if I found them the documentation itself doesn't encourage people to use it for simple tasks...

Could I contribute to the DateTime project? I think I can't. Working with calendars and times would require me an effort bigger than I can take. If you look at the module code, it am just plain using a single function from a single module (Date::Calc): I have no experience on doing things like that myself.

Proliferation of modules on CPAN is evil? Maybe. Maybe not. It could create confusion, you are right. But... well, I'll say in italian: "Cio` che hai in piu` non ti impoverisce"; I don't have a good translation in english, but it could sound like "things you got and don't need don't make you poor". It's a natural selection process: people search for modules that do the job, read the docs and make a choice. If my module is bad, they simply won't use it.

Instead of hiding my module in my insignificant website, wouldn't it be better to write on top and bottom of the docs an advice like "this is a small module and does a few things; you probabily want to take a look at DateTime and DateTime::Event::Recurrence <http://datetime.perl.org>"?

Waiting for a new advice...

Ciao and thanks again

Marco Marongiu                            Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator                      Phone: +39 070 460 1684
Tiscali S.p.A.                            Fax:   +39 070 460 9684
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