modularizing scripts, daemons etc. by using plugins (was: Re: modularization module)

2004-08-03 Thread Baltasar Cevc
Randy W. Sims wrote:
Baltasar Cevc wrote:
Hi, everybody!
I've started to write a modular user administration
tool sometime ago. During this process, I've also
started two modules facilitating the creation of
such a modular program.
The program modules are realized as Perl classes,
each of them being a child of one of the two
modules I mentioned at the beginning.
The other of the two modules serves as some kind of
"control center" for the application, providing
information about modules, functions to find and
(un)load them etc.
I wonder if that would be something useful I
should post to CPAN... and if it is - what would be
an appropriate name. Currently they are named modularzier and

Module names on CPAN must be camel cased. All lowercase names are 
reserved for pragma. This should probably go in the Module::* namespace.
camel cased: I will change that - sorry.
For the namespace: I'm not so sure it fits there.
The main point is not at all connected to Perl modules, and I would 
connect the name to Perl modules only, and everything I saw in this 
namespace was connected to Perl modules, somehow.

The goal of the two modules is to fascilitate the creation of a 
modularized script, daemon etc., so that should be somehow stessed - 
more of plugin and less of module... when I searched the web and CPAN 
for some similar solution, I haven't found Module::Pluggable, for 
example - because my focus was on modularizing/creating plugins, not on 
Perl modules.
I admit that I've missed the plugin point, too...

But back to the first two questions: from the two answers, I assume
that this at least isn't completely uninteresting, but worth uploading 
it - am I right here?


Re: modularizing scripts, daemons etc. by using plugins (was: Re: modularization module)

2004-08-03 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Baltasar Cevc
# on Tuesday 03 August 2004 11:42 am:

>The goal of the two modules is to fascilitate the creation of a
>modularized script, daemon etc., 

Is it specific to servers (Server::Pluggable & Server::Pluggable::Plugin) ?

How is it different from OpenPlugin, Template::Plugin, Object::Meta::Plugin, 
or Module::Pluggable?

Also, there are a lot of *::Plugin modules, but those seem to typically use 
MyApp::Plugin names.  Is this Script::Generic::Plugin?

>so that should be somehow stessed - 
>more of plugin and less of module... when I searched the web and CPAN
>for some similar solution, I haven't found Module::Pluggable, for
>example - because my focus was on modularizing/creating plugins, not on
>Perl modules.
>I admit that I've missed the plugin point, too...

It's important that your module offers something that existing modules don't 
and that it is something that people need.  Barring a "perfect fit" 
namespace, what name would you give it that would differentiate it on both of 
these criteria?

>But back to the first two questions: from the two answers, I assume
>that this at least isn't completely uninteresting, but worth uploading
>it - am I right here?

Depending on the answers to the above, it seems like it could be useful.  That 
depends on exactly what it does and how it does it.  But, as the author of 
several useless modules, I can't say whether you should or shouldn't post 
it :-)

"The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut 
stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make us 
wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them 
which we are missing." 
--Gamal Abdel Nasser