Re: Autobundling the installer

2007-08-20 Thread Sendu Bala

Eric Wilhelm wrote:

# from Ken Williams
# on Friday 17 August 2007 07:28 pm:

If I understand correctly, the problem being solved is old cpan
client (and somewhat standalone tarball usage)  Right?
I think the other big one is that authors are often hesitant to take  
advantage of new M::B features, or to make an M::B-only distribution,

because it can add extra burdens to their users.

True, though configure_requires should solve that once the cpan client 
is upgraded, right?

Some users (eg. non-root newbies) have difficulty doing that. When a 
user only cares about using your particular module (which basically just 
needs to be put somewhere in PERL5LIB), requiring them to upgrade CPAN/ 
install M::B is a serious pain for them.

For one real-world example:

Re: Command-line options available during actions?

2007-06-15 Thread Sendu Bala

Salve J Nilsen wrote:

Sendu Bala wrote:
Can anyone suggest a solution that could be implemented in an M::B 
subclass to make --something visible in a test script when running the 
test action? I've tried looking through the M::B code but the 
command-line arg handling is just way too obfuscated for me to figure 
out where to 'patch into' the system, so to speak.

My might want to look at the get_options(), notes() and current() 
methods documented in Module::Build::API.

Specifically, how do those help me? I'm already using those to store 
--something if --something is supplied to Build.PL:

perl Build.PL --something


./Build test --test_files t/test.t

test.t knows about --something via notes().

I want to pass --something directly during test, however, to specify or 
negate what ever the current notes value may be.

Re: Bad interaction between custom build module and new

2007-01-22 Thread Sendu Bala

Andreas J. Koenig wrote: still has an open issue with Module::Build with regard to
finding out the prerequisites of a distribution. I append the email
below where I asked the encompassing question: can I rely on the
contents of _build/prereqs?

Since then I have changed in 1.88_63 to actually read
_build/prereqs. All CPAN seems to be conquered with this trick. All of
CPAN? Actually, one developer complained about it: Sendu Bala (CC'd)
who released SENDU/bioperl-1.5.2_100.tar.gz in December. He used some
heavy Module::Build subclassing wizardry, I did not try to understand

Specifically the issue was that my _build/prereqs 'requires' wasn't the 
normal dumped hash-ref, but an array of hash-refs (such that CPAN/my 
M::B subclass would install things in a certain order).

But after discussion with Andreas I find that order can be achieved a 
better way, so I could do an updated release that behaves normally wrt 
_build/prereqs. Andreas, when were you thinking of releasing 1.89? I'd 
like just a little time to update bioperl before hand.

Would it be possible to make an interface decision for the prereqs?

All that said, I still have to point out my issues with this approach. 
The '_build' directory is supposed to be configurable. The prereqs file 
is a dump of the internal data structure of a module. It seems extremely 
wrong to me for CPAN to have to hard-code the location of this file and 
assume the format of its contents. This is no suitable 'interface'! 
There ought to be some defined M::B method that generates a file that 
CPAN will read, thus allowing the format and location of the file to be 
documented in the API, and allowing M::B sub-classers to massage their 
data correctly in their over-ridden version of that method.

(I'm still not really clear on the problem with CPAN using $req  = 
Module::Build-current-requires();. Seems 'correct' and ideal to me.)

Module::Build install doesn't use its own Build.PL

2007-01-19 Thread Sendu Bala
During Module::Build installation, it fails to use its own Build.PL if 
another is in perl5lib, resulting in test failures.

With Mac OS X I downloaded perl-5.8.8 and did a clean install:

 cd ~/Desktop/
 tar -xzf perl-5.8.8.tgz
 cd perl-5.8.8
 sh Configure -Dprefix=/test/perl -Dcc=gcc -des
 make test

 sudo rm -rf /test
 sudo mkdir /test
 sudo make install
 sudo rm -rf ~/.cpan
 setenv PATH /test/perl/bin:$PATH

Now I check my perl5lib:

 perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) configuration:
osname=darwin, osvers=8.8.1, archname=darwin-2level
uname='darwin 8.8.1 darwin kernel 
version 8.8.1: mon sep 25 19:42:00 pdt 2006; 
root:xnu-792.13.8.obj~1release_i386 i386 i386 '

config_args='-Dprefix=/test/perl -Dcc=gcc -des'

I check my PATH:

 echo $PATH

Nothing in PATH contains a Build.PL script.
The PERL5LIB directory '/Volumes/biodav/core' contains a Build.PL script 
that needs /Volumes/biodav/core/Bio/Root/ for its version number.

Now I try updating cpan (same problem if I just install Module::Build 

 sudo cpan

/test/perl/lib/5.8.8/CPAN/ initialized.


 cpan install Bundle::CPAN

  There's a new version (v1.8802) available!
  [Current version is v1.7602]

Running install for module Module::Build
Running make for K/KW/KWILLIAMS/Module-Build-0.2806.tar.gz
LWP not available
Fetching with Net::FTP:
Checksum for 

Module-Build-0.2806/t/xs.t Going to build K/KW/KWILLIAMS/Module-Build-0.2806.tar.gz

# running Build.PL
/test/perl/bin/perl Build.PL
Checking whether your kit is complete...
Looks good

Checking prerequisites...
 * Optional prerequisite Module::Signature is not installed
 * Optional prerequisite ExtUtils::ParseXS is not installed
 * Optional prerequisite version is not installed
 * Optional prerequisite Archive::Tar is not installed
 * Optional prerequisite Pod::Readme is not installed


of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation

Checking features:
- YAML is not installed
* Optional prerequisite ExtUtils::ParseXS is not installed

Creating new 'Build' script for 'Module-Build' version '0.2806'
/test/perl/bin/perl Build --makefile_env_macros 1
Copying lib/Module/Build/ - blib/lib/Module/Build/
Manifying blib/lib/Module/Build/ - 

  /usr/bin/make  -- OK
Running make test
/test/perl/bin/perl Build --makefile_env_macros 1 test

t/compat..ok 1/60Can't find file Bio/Root/ to 
determine version at 
line 949.

# Looks like you planned 60 tests but only ran 1.

Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-60
Failed 59/60 tests, 1.67% okay
t/destinationsWarning: Removing existing directory 
Can't find file Bio/Root/ to determine version at 
line 949.

# No tests run!

Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-113
Failed 113/113 tests, 0.00% okay

t/extend..Warning: Removing existing directory 

t/files...Can't find file Bio/Root/ to determine 
version at 
line 949.

# No tests run!

Test returned status 255 

optional_features possible?

2006-11-10 Thread Sendu Bala

I currently have a setup like:

my $build = Module::Build-new(
  recommends = {'Module' = 0}

I can then use ./Build distmeta to generate a META.yml file with content 

Module: 0

Is it possible to get Module::Build to generate the optional_features 
syntax instead? So I want:

  - foo:
  description: Provides the ability to blah.
Module: 0

Also, where can I find full documentation for all of the methods 
available? Eg. I couldn't find anything that even told me all the 
possible options you can supply to Module::Build-new(), having looked 
in these places:

So far I've just looked through the code of Module/Build/ to 
guess what I should be able to do, which isn't ideal.