apache module or CGI

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton

I am working on a image kiosk system.  One of the things that needs to
happen is downsizing images.  Initially this down sizing was happening
in the GUI part of the program.  I have now modified things so that it
is done real time by the PHP code.  The problem is that the downsizing
is taking much longer in PHP then it did in the GUI (C#).  I am
thumbnail images (up to 16MB source images) and creating web page
style images ( 900x600).

I am looking for options to speed things up.  My first thought is to
keep it simple and write a CGI program in C++ (a language I know and
love), but I am a little concerned about the startup cost of calling
CGI.  When there are up to 100 different browsers hitting the server,
will there be any big speed benefits to developing an apache module
rather then CGI?  I do get the impression that there is quite a bit of
framework code to write in doing apache modules, so I am also thinking
that I might want to look at FastCGI.

What is the best approach?  Oh, is FastCGI just an apache thing or
will FastCGI programs work with other servers?


Re: apache module or CGI

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton

Interesting concept that I had not considered.  My 10+ years of
software development have been in GUI development, not web, so more
complex things such as you suggest will require a bit more explaining
to me;)  First, though, I am using a reverse proxy server so that the
downsizing only happens once, which works well with the PHP code.

Ok, this is what I am doing now:

1: the html page with all the image links is returned the the browser
2: the browser requests all the images
3: the server processes the request and returns the image

It sound to me like you are suggesting that rather then #3, the server
add the request to the queue and return a  (I don't know).  Once
the server is done down sizing the image it some how tells the web
browser it is done.  Correct?


On 3/26/07, Issac Goldstand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are the resized images needed *immediately*?  Could you set up a
seperate process to downsize the images one at a time, and let
Apache/PHP/whomever just add the images to the queue?  That way, the
requests get processed much faster and you're also guaranteed not to
blow the server's resources with too many concurrent requests all
downsizing images at the same time.


Sam Carleton wrote:
> I am working on a image kiosk system.  One of the things that needs to
> happen is downsizing images.  Initially this down sizing was happening
> in the GUI part of the program.  I have now modified things so that it
> is done real time by the PHP code.  The problem is that the downsizing
> is taking much longer in PHP then it did in the GUI (C#).  I am
> thumbnail images (up to 16MB source images) and creating web page
> style images ( 900x600).
> I am looking for options to speed things up.  My first thought is to
> keep it simple and write a CGI program in C++ (a language I know and
> love), but I am a little concerned about the startup cost of calling
> CGI.  When there are up to 100 different browsers hitting the server,
> will there be any big speed benefits to developing an apache module
> rather then CGI?  I do get the impression that there is quite a bit of
> framework code to write in doing apache modules, so I am also thinking
> that I might want to look at FastCGI.
> What is the best approach?  Oh, is FastCGI just an apache thing or
> will FastCGI programs work with other servers?
> Sam

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Re: apache module or CGI

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/26/07, Joe Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If performance is an issue, consider mod_perl along with it.  It keeps
the CGI in memory to eek out a bit more performance.  Otherwise, you can
use C to create a binary and link it statically with the ImageMagick
libraries.  (IM seems to be most efficient).  Google is your friend here!


I am considering using ImageMagick, but perl is out of the question.
The software I am working on is going to be packaged software and it
is enough to have to package up apache and php, I am not going to add
perl to the mix, too;)

The options are: C++ CGI, C# CGI, C/C++ apache module

I tried to get ImageMagick to work, but I am on Windows and it was a
pain in the backend, so I am looking to statically link, as you
suggested, for which ever wrapper I go with.


Re: apache module or CGI

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/26/07, Issac Goldstand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If the images are already on the server, and needed for the response
immediately, you'd need to do it inline, but you could still make life
easier on yourself (somewhat) by caching the reduced images to avoid

I could give more specific advice if you could share a bit more about
what you're trying to accomplish in general.


It is beyond simple.  There are a bunch a full size image (4 MB to 16
MB) on the web server that need to be indexed (210x140 size) on the
browser, when the user clicks on a thumbnail, they need to get a
larger (900x600 size) image to view.  They are getting any where from
12 to 96 of the indexed images per page.

Like I said above, I fully understand the importance of caching the
results.  Rather then trying to write the code myself and save the
images myself, I am using a second instance of apache running as a
reverse proxy to cache the results;)  Why reinvent the wheel;)

On thought I had was this:

When the server gets the request for the image, if it does need to
downsize it, add it to a queue and simply make the system wait for the
response.  I would actually have to create some type of pool of
processes so that things don't get too back logged.  I am thinking
maybe based on IP address or something so that there is only one
downsizing per browser.  The only issue I have there is what happens
if two browsers request the same image, I am sure there is a way that
once the image is downsized once, it could be sent to both browsers,
but this is starting to get really complex.  I am really looking for
simplicity.  Speed is important, but this is really only a very small
piece of what I am doing.

Right now, the worst and very much extreme case is 100 viewing
stations (browsers) having access.  Normal is going to be between 4
and 20 viewing stations.


Re: apache module or CGI

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/26/07, Issac Goldstand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd say then that you need to do in on-the-fly with caching.  Caching
should be pretty easy - just have a static algorithm for determining the
name of the cached image and stat it to see if it already exists.  If so
serve it; if not, reduce the image, save it and then serve.  You don't
need a separate process if we're dealing with foreground processing.


So if I understand you correctly, you are saying that CGI (I am really
leaning towards FastCGI if it isn't hard to setup) will work fine, one
request, one process, no problems.  And you are saying that the use of
a proxy server is over kill?  Joe's idea of sending a 404 when the
smaller image does not exist is interesting,  is that basically what
you are suggesting?


Hum, script-to-generate-thumbnails.pl???  is that not a common
extention for perl?   I ain't doing perl, there ain't no way you
can make me :P (this *IS* ment to be funny, by the way)  Oh, and I do
find your idea interesting.


Re: apache module or CGI

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/26/07, Ralf Mattes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No -- please don't do that. You are terribly abusing the protocol.
An "Error Document" is just this - an indication of what went wrong.
The client will still receive a 404 status, and, expecting an _image_,
just display the dreaded broken image icon ...

Iff you want to go this road you must redirect to a handler that can
modify the status.

Ok, sounds like a good sound argument to me NOT to go down that road, thanks!

BTW, with HTTP/1.1 and chunked encoding there shouldn't be any problem
generating the image on the fly and then storing it in the cache.
And there _are_ response status that indicate a lengthy content
generation ...

Like I said, web development is not my expertise, can you point me in
the right direction to learn more about these response status?


Re: apache module or CGI

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/26/07, Joe Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(Sam - is this supposed to be "O.S. independent"?  Are you shipping the
source code?)


Relatively OS independent: Windows, OSX, and Linux, maybe other
flavors of BSD (myself being an BSD fan).


Re: apache module or CGI

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/26/07, Ralf Mattes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And there _are_ response status that indicate a lengthy content
generation ...

Can you expand on this a bit more, what are the response status?  I
have no problem looking them up to learn about them, I just need to
know what to look up;)

Since the OP seems to feel comfortable in  C/C++ I'd write a custom
handler module that generates the scaled image on the fly and saves it
into a cache.


You are correct, I am very much at home in C/C++.  Other then C#,
other languages are much less comfortable for me;)  It looks like
there is a lot of infrastructure code that is needed when implementing
an apache handler module and a whole new "framework" to learn.  Is the
work worth it compared to CGI (maybe FastCGI) for what I am doing?
That is the million dollar question I am seeking;)


how to get started?

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton

Ok folks,

I am developing on Windows.  I have VC6, VS2005, and Cygwin installed.
I would prefer ot use VS2005, but VC6 will work, Cygwin is a last
resort, VERY last resort.  I first thought I would try Ralf's advice
of running  apxs -g -n fancy_image_handler, but I cannot find  apxs on
my Windows machine.  I then figured, ok well, I will scrap the whole
apache module and just do a FastCGI, but I like the idea of using the
APR, but darn it to heck, I cannot find ANY documentation on it.  I
have blown my whole evening mucking around with this and getting NO
where, can anyone help me out?

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Re: how to get started?

2007-03-26 Thread Sam Carleton


I have apxs installed!!

I have created a basic project called fancy_image_handler, when I
follow the instructions in the comment of the
mod_fancy_image_handler.c, here is what I am getting:

D:\Temp\fancy_image_handler>apxs -c -i mod_fancy_image_handler.c
cl  /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D NDEBUG
-I"C:\Apache2.2\include"  /c /Fomod_fancy_image_handler.lo
link kernel32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386
/libpath:"C:/Apache2.2\lib" /out:mod_fancy_image_handler.so
  Creating library mod_fancy_image_handler.lib and object
mod_fancy_image_handler.lo : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
mod_fancy_image_handler.lo : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
mod_fancy_image_handler.so : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=6291456

By the way, thanks a million for getting me this far!  I
really appreciate it!


Re: apache module or CGI (conclusion)

2007-03-27 Thread Sam Carleton


I want to thank all three of you for your time, thoughts, and input on
this matter.  I have reached a conclusion... Drum role please  It
will be  a   apache module!!!

In the end, it came down to portability.  I realize that either way I
go, I need to be using APR and using apxs, it does appear that an
apache module is actually easier to implement.  I got the skeleton up
and running last night!

On my nightly walk I started to think of the possibilities now that I
am in the world that I know and love: C/C++.  I realized a way to
implement the whole web solution in this module, but there are more
infrastructure questions I have about how to tell the different
"pages" apart.

With the current PHP code, I have two different php pages:

index.php:  It has two looks, one where it shows thumbnails, another
where it shows one larger image.  Both pages have parameters passed to
via the GET method.

imageHandler.php: Given the correct parameters via a GET, it will
downsize the image and send it out.

My first question is, in an apache module, are there tools to get at
the parameters passed to the module or will I still need something
like cgic to get at them easily?  Second, right now the URL looks like
I am using gets, I *THINK* I would like to change that so it simply
looks like a path:

Rather then the current:


I would like to see something like this:


I do recall seeing something, in years gone by, about how apache can
do this type of thing and convert it back to a normal GET for the
script.  With a module, do I lose this feature and have to simply
parse it myself?

More importantly,  lets say my module is called mod_coolapp and when I
have it installed, you get to it at /coolapp.  I want /coolapp to be
the equivalent to the index.php and then have say, /coolapp/images be
the same as imageHandler.php.  Is there any trick to knowing which
"page" is being requested or is it simply a matter of doing a string
compare to see if the first part of the string passed the actual URL
(/coolapp/) is images?

Oh, one final question.  I am going to set things up so my customers
have great flexibility in what the web page actually looks like.  The
module will read in a template file to get what the out side, HTML
wrapper is and then will call different XSLT scripts to actual
transform the XML the module creates into HTML.  Is there any
standards as to where these resource files should be located?


Re: how to get started?

2007-03-27 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/27/07, Ralf Mattes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 2007-03-26 at 22:05 -0400, Sam Carleton wrote:
> Ok folks,
> I am developing on Windows.  I have VC6, VS2005, and Cygwin installed.
>  I would prefer ot use VS2005, but VC6 will work, Cygwin is a last
> resort, VERY last resort.  I first thought I would try Ralf's advice
> of running  apxs -g -n fancy_image_handler, but I cannot find  apxs on
> my Windows machine.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I only recalled on my way home that you're
running on Windows.

Not a problem I got it worked out;)

I can't comment at all on Windows development - never done it. Iff you
want your module to run on Unix/Linux as well it might be a good idea to
install VMWare Player and live images for Linux(Ubuntu), Solaris and

Oh, I have lots of *NIX machines to pick from, I have a OpenBSD
machine (my firewall), Solaris 8, and a SuSE Linux, no need for
VMWare.  There are two issues, equally big, in terms of me doing the
development on anything other then Windows:

1: The GUI frontend to the system is all 100% Windows right now, even
though the web side can stand on it's own, it would be a pain to have
to go back to windows all the time to change the data feeding the

2: I know the tools in Windows to do C/C++ development, been using
them for over a decade now.  I have never developed in *NIX, so there
is most definitely a learning curve.

The way I see it, I will make my best effort to keep the module
platform neutral.  I am thinking about taking the time to learn how to
setup the module with, I think it is called, automake, so that I can
see if I can get it to compile and run on one of the other platforms I
have, but if it takes too much time, I am willing to shelve it for
now, it just means there might be more work later to fix the bugs when
I take the GUI cross platform.  Can anyone point me to some good,
quick and easy documentation to setup an automake project?


Re: how to get started?

2007-03-27 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/27/07, Ralf Mattes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh, I have lots of *NIX machines to pick from, I have a OpenBSD
> machine (my firewall), Solaris 8, and a SuSE Linux, no need for
> VMWare.

Good. Still - the virtual testserver thing really grew on me: I have a
clearly defined build/test environment (ever been bitten by a missing
library that was never detected because it happend to be installed on
you test system?).

Too true, too true.  I use Microsoft Virtual PC to test installs in
Windows.  I would like to get VMWare, but I don't have the $$$ for it
right now.  My main point is that I can, general speaking, test to
make sure my code will run and work in the *NIX world, fore I have a
lot of it around me.  Before I ever where to ship a *NIX version, I
will have VMWare and will use it for the final testing.

In my first job I wrote and tested the installs, prior to virtual PCs.
The *ONLY* safe way to really test a install was to wipe the hard
drive and reinstall the OS.  Microsoft has some tools to speed the
process up, to a degree, but what a pain and a HUGE time sink.  Today
I have my virgin config in a virtual PC and simply don't apply
changes, got to love it!!

> 2: I know the tools in Windows to do C/C++ development, been using
> them for over a decade now.  I have never developed in *NIX, so there
> is most definitely a learning curve.

Definitely. I'd dread to heve to learn Windows API and frameworks.

I am going to have to learn it before this is all done, because it
*IS* going cross platform, it will be interesting (if I am still doing
development at that point in time).

You mean 'automake the BEAST' ? :-)
Gosh, _that's_ a real monster. I'd start with the automake book:

 GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool, by Tromey et al.

But beware: 

Good to know, thanks!


Re: apache module or CGI (conclusion)

2007-03-27 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/27/07, Issac Goldstand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> More importantly,  lets say my module is called mod_coolapp and when I
> have it installed, you get to it at /coolapp.  I want /coolapp to be
> the equivalent to the index.php and then have say, /coolapp/images be
> the same as imageHandler.php.  Is there any trick to knowing which
> "page" is being requested or is it simply a matter of doing a string
> compare to see if the first part of the string passed the actual URL
> (/coolapp/) is images?
You're going to want to parse/compare the string.  The "Right Way(tm)"
to do this would probably be during the translate_name or possibly
map_to_storage hooks to separate the URI mapping logic from the actual
response processing logic.

You totally lost me with the "translate_name" and "map_to_storage", I
will have to do some reading on it.

> Oh, one final question.  I am going to set things up so my customers
> have great flexibility in what the web page actually looks like.  The
> module will read in a template file to get what the out side, HTML
> wrapper is and then will call different XSLT scripts to actual
> transform the XML the module creates into HTML.  Is there any
> standards as to where these resource files should be located?

I have thought of another question centered around the above concept
of making the site configurable:  Is the above approach the best and
most flexible approach?  Is there a better approach?


Can't locate ModPerl/MM.pm

2007-03-27 Thread Sam Carleton

Hay folks,

I am trying to get libapreq2 installed on my Windows machine.  I fixed
the bug in the Makefile that was looking for libapr.lib rather then
libapr-1.lib, but I am stumped on the error "Can't locate
ModPerl/MM.pm"  Here is the whole thing:

C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL
Can't locate ModPerl/MM.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Perl/site/lib
C:/Perl/lib.) at Makefile.PL line 2.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 2.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0x2'

manifest embedding issue?

2007-03-28 Thread Sam Carleton

I know that as of VS200? (2 or 3) that Microsoft started this whole
manifest thing.  It is also my understanding that, for C/C++ apps, it
can be turned off.  What exactly is the issue?  Considering it seems
most of you are *NIX developers, maybe this is something I can dig
into and find a solution, maybe not;)


Re: manifest embedding issue?

2007-03-28 Thread Sam Carleton

Ok, I will stick with good old VC6.  Thanks.

On 3/28/07, Issac Goldstand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Do yourself a favor, and use VC6.  Honestly, I've used 2003 also without
problems here, but 2005 gives headaches (though hopefully one of the
fixes to the bleeding edge apxs on win32 fixes that).


Sam Carleton wrote:
> I know that as of VS200? (2 or 3) that Microsoft started this whole
> manifest thing.  It is also my understanding that, for C/C++ apps, it
> can be turned off.  What exactly is the issue?  Considering it seems
> most of you are *NIX developers, maybe this is something I can dig
> into and find a solution, maybe not;)
> Sam

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Re: manifest embedding issue?

2007-03-28 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/28/07, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

MS's primary goal is primacy, be it forcing users into their API, their
language extensions, their OS.  Sometimes, the best answer is a dash of
bubble gum and bailing wire to get around the mess they create, and
sometimes it's to ignore their drivel as irrelevant

I hear you, though I have always been a Windows developer, I have
always disliked M$.  The problem is they really know how to make life
easy.  I simply LOVE .Net development, so quick and easy.  The whole
manifest thing does make life easier, but it is also a control issue.
What a pain, I really like VS2005 interface, oh well.


Re: a thanks and C++ new overloading

2007-03-29 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/29/07, Ralf Mattes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, please consider all I say with a certain amount of doubt since I'm
not a C++ developer (only did one C++ module, the rest was plain C) and
favor C (or Obj. C) over C++,

Interesting, Are you doing large projects in C?  I know both well and
simply cannot imagine developing a large system in C.  I know Apache
is all in C, but man, I really like my objects;)  Obj. C does sound
interesting, can you recommend any good sites that can enlighten me
more about the subject?

but: Since you seem to like the Apache way
why not use it for the GUI as well. The memory pooling and eveything
prefixed with 'apr_' is actually part of the Apache Portable Runtime
which can be used independent from the Apache webserver (Subversion is a
prominent example for such a project). You just need to decide whether
memory pools[1] are a good fit for your GUI application.

Why not?  Because I had not stop to make the obvious connection;)

[1] For another nice MPS have a look at:

yea, the whole memory management thing is a huge can or worms, nice to
know that there is the above MPS and apache's to pick from.


concern about memory management

2007-04-02 Thread Sam Carleton


I am looking at using the deviL graphics library to downsize the
images in the apache module I am developing.  Currently it manages
it's own memory, I don't know the details, though.  Am I getting
carried away with wanting to simply up and replace its current memory
management system with the apache pools?


translate_name and/or map_to_storage hooks

2007-04-04 Thread Sam Carleton

On 3/27/07, Sam Carleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/27/07, Issac Goldstand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > More importantly,  lets say my module is called mod_coolapp and when I
> > have it installed, you get to it at /coolapp.  I want /coolapp to be
> > the equivalent to the index.php and then have say, /coolapp/images be
> > the same as imageHandler.php.  Is there any trick to knowing which
> > "page" is being requested or is it simply a matter of doing a string
> > compare to see if the first part of the string passed the actual URL
> > (/coolapp/) is images?
> >
> You're going to want to parse/compare the string.  The "Right Way(tm)"
> to do this would probably be during the translate_name or possibly
> map_to_storage hooks to separate the URI mapping logic from the actual
> response processing logic.

You totally lost me with the "translate_name" and "map_to_storage", I
will have to do some reading on it.


I am not exactly sure how I would leverage either the translate_name
hook or map_to_storage hook.  The best I can figure is that I should
hook translate_name and this is the translation:

/coolapp? --> /coolapp?type=index&

/coolapp/images? --> /coolapp?type=image&

Do I have the right idea?


Re: translate_name and/or map_to_storage hooks

2007-04-04 Thread Sam Carleton

On 4/4/07, Sam Carleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/27/07, Sam Carleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/27/07, Issac Goldstand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > More importantly,  lets say my module is called mod_coolapp and when I
> > > have it installed, you get to it at /coolapp.  I want /coolapp to be
> > > the equivalent to the index.php and then have say, /coolapp/images be
> > > the same as imageHandler.php.  Is there any trick to knowing which
> > > "page" is being requested or is it simply a matter of doing a string
> > > compare to see if the first part of the string passed the actual URL
> > > (/coolapp/) is images?
> > >
> > You're going to want to parse/compare the string.  The "Right Way(tm)"
> > to do this would probably be during the translate_name or possibly
> > map_to_storage hooks to separate the URI mapping logic from the actual
> > response processing logic.
> You totally lost me with the "translate_name" and "map_to_storage", I
> will have to do some reading on it.


I am not exactly sure how I would leverage either the translate_name
hook or map_to_storage hook.  The best I can figure is that I should
hook translate_name and this is the translation:

/coolapp? --> /coolapp?type=index&

/coolapp/images? --> /coolapp?type=image&

Do I have the right idea?

I have been trying to move forward with the assumption that I am on
the right track and continue to run unknowns.  How do I identify
coolapp as the location?  In other words, I have this in my

   SetHandler my_cool_app

Inside of the translate_name hook, how do I go about determining that
/coolapp is the location?


Re: translate_name and/or map_to_storage hooks

2007-04-05 Thread Sam Carleton

On 4/5/07, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 05/04/07, Sam Carleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have one module that does a few different things.
> 1: create a index html document of images
> 2: create a page html document of one image (when user clicks on an
> image in the index)
> 3: Handle the image request that are in the HTML of #1 and #2 and send
> out all the images.
> Right now I have it all written in PHP, there is a index.php for #1
> and #2 and an imageHandler.php for #3.  I am trying to understand the
> best way to separate this logic within my one module.  Someone else
> suggested I look at hooking translate_name.
> I found my answer to how to determine the location, so I have been
> playing with it since my post and when I set the r->filename =
> "images"; and return OK, I get a 403 Forbidden.

Probably because you haven't allowed Apache access to the images
directory. Ie., you still need to have something like:

For starters, the objective is to do away with the PHP code
altogether, I don't think I will do that in the first round, just
replace the image handler, but I am thinking long term;)

The way I have it configured is this:

   SetHandler mod_my_cool_app

I don't understand your comment about not allowing Apache access to
the images directory, for starters, from the perspective of Apache,
there isn't an images directory, it is elsewhere on the machine that
Apache does not have and will not have access to, it is a security

But I don't think that is really relevant to the problem.  When I type
in /coolapp/images in a browser, my module does get called and the URI
is /coolapp/images, why is it when I simply set the request's filename
(r->filename) to "images" I get a 403?  Apache did not have a problem
with /coolapp/images, why would it have a problem with
/coolapp/images/images?  Or does filename mean something different?

As I have told others on this wonderful mailing list, my 12+ years of
software development have been in GUI development, not web.  I have
always played with web stuff, but this is my first serious web project
and it is for my own new company!

Ultimately I am trying to figure out, within the world of Apache
modules, what is the best way to distinguish between the different
"general" flow paths in my module.  One being to generate HTML and the
other to generate images.  To the end user, I would like the URI for
pages to simply be / and the URI for the images to be

As it stands right now, I am thinking the easiest way is to simply
check to see if the URI is  or /images inside of
the main handler.  Someone else said that the right way to do it is to
do this checking in the translate_name hook.  Unless I am able to be
enlightened, which is questionable, I think I will do it the
first way:(


Re: translate_name and/or map_to_storage hooks

2007-04-05 Thread Sam Carleton

On 4/5/07, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a translate name handler, if you assign to r->filename then the map
to storage phase will still kick in and ensure that Apache has access
to whatever you set r->filename to. Thus, you still need a Directory
directive corresponding to the physical location you set r->filename
to that marks it as accessible. The translate name handler, unless you
also override map to storage handler to work around it, is not really
for setting the target to a virtual resource.

Thank you, that does make sense.

I could try and suggest other approaches, but don't really grasp how
you want all this to work so would just probably going around in
circles. If in the first instance all you want to do is rewrite URLs
to give a different view to the clients, I still suggest you at least
first use mod_rewrite to produce what you want. I know you don't want
to use mod_rewrite in the long run, but being able to see a set of
mod_rewrite rules that demonstrate exactly what you want makes it
easier for anyone to understand as it is clearer than some English


Here is my problem:  I have been a C/C++ programmer for over 10 years
and have been working in .Net for the last two, but it has ALL be on
the desktop, I have very, very limited experience with web
development.  I am simply looking for the best, most flexible approach
possible.  In the short term, I am going to be keeping the HTML
generation in PHP, depending on how hard it is to do this module (it
is taking up a HUGE amount of time, though I am enjoying it) I would
like to port the HTML generation to the module, also.

With time the whole application will grow with complexity.  From a
HTML perspective, there is only two pages, one that displays indexes
of images, the other that displays a larger view of one image.  In
time, there will be shopping charts, admin pages, extra.

How do I want it all to tie together?  I really don't know, I have
never been able to find any good documentation on how to put together
a complex web application and keep it manageable, thus this is
ultimately the advise I am seeking.  I am completely open to how it
should all work.  Any suggestions?  (for now, assume that the whole
application will be in the apache module.)


Re: translate_name and/or map_to_storage hooks

2007-04-06 Thread Sam Carleton

On 4/6/07, Nick Kew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 6 Apr 2007 00:51:52 -0400
"Sam Carleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (for now, assume that the whole
> application will be in the apache module.)

That assumption seems fundamentally flawed.  A substantial
and complex application will be built from a number of modules,
and is likely to mix preexisting components with new ones.
If you're thinking of all your work being one module, then
you need to take a step back and review it.

A good startingpoint is "one module per task".  How many tasks
does your application comprise?  How many of those tasks can
be accomplished using existing modules?

It's also of course a valid approach to mix-and-match modules
with other components such as scripts and backends.  But I
guess you see that as an intermediate stage in your work.


I think I forgot to mention in the last post that what I am working on
is a packaged solution with a GUI frontend.  There are going to be two
different distributions, the first will be installing apache and all
the needed components with the GUI to run on one machine, the pro
version will have the apache piece install on another machine,
possibly a preexisting apache server.

As I said before, I am completely, 100% open to how I should implement
this whole application, I just don't want to get carried away using a
million different technologies because it will make it that much
harder to put together an install;)  My goal is a one click install!

I have been thinking of keeping the HTML piece in PHP.  It sounds like
you agree that is a logical approach, correct?


the scoop on etag's

2007-04-06 Thread Sam Carleton

I see there are two different functions regarding etags:

AP_DECLARE(char *) ap_make_etag(request_rec *r, int force_weak);
AP_DECLARE(void) ap_set_etag(request_rec *r);

What are they using to actually make the etag?  I would like to create
my own, custom, etags, how do I go about doing that?

Also, are there any apache functions to add me in checking to see if
the requested file has been modified or do I simply need to do that by


"one module per task"

2007-04-08 Thread Sam Carleton

On 4/6/07, Nick Kew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A good starting point is "one module per task".  How many tasks
does your application comprise?  How many of those tasks can
be accomplished using existing modules?

I like the concept on one module one task, but I want to try to keep
everything in one main binary, sort of like having one EXE in Windows
for a program.

I was reading through my old book "Writing Apache Modules in Perl and
C" and it looked like it was possible to put multiple handlers in one
perl file.  Is it possible to put multiple handlers in one C Module?
This seems like a logical approach to having one module doing
different things, simply have it contain a different handler for each

When Apache sees

  SetHandler mod_my_cool_app

How does it know that mod_my_cool_app is associated with
mod_my_cool_app.so?  Is it purely from the LoadModule or is there
something in the module that I am missing?


Re: "one module per task"

2007-04-09 Thread Sam Carleton

On 4/9/07, Joe Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sam Carleton wrote:
> When Apache sees
>   SetHandler mod_my_cool_app
> How does it know that mod_my_cool_app is associated with
> mod_my_cool_app.so?  Is it purely from the LoadModule or is there
> something in the module that I am missing?

It doesn't.  Simply mod_my_cool_app.so has a function which checks the
handler, and either completes the request or returns 'DECLINED" so that
another module can handle the request.


Oh, that explains the first line of my hander looking something like this:

if (strcmp(r->handler, "mod_my_cool_app"))  return DECLINED;

I get it now!  This also explains why one is able to place the hander
at the very first, first, middle, end or very end of the chain.
Slowly, oh so slowly, it begins to come clearer (mind you when it
starts off looking like mudd, clearer doesn't mean too much).



OT: mod_xmlns

2007-04-10 Thread Sam Carleton


This is a bit off topic, but over the last few weeks I have come to
know you all as very helpful and extremely knowledgeable about all
things Apache and I have a feeling most all things Web related...

Thanks to Nick mentioning mod_xmlns in the server side include thread,
I just looked up what the module and read the
http://apache.webthing.com/mod_xmlns page.  After reading it, I am as
clueless as to what to do with mod_xmlns as before I read the page:(
I have been using XML/XSLT on and off for 8 years now, but being a GUI
developer (not web) it has been limited to very basic things like
dumping report data to XML and using XSLT to make a pretty HTML
report.  I get the impression there is XML being used in ways unknown
to me.  And mod_xmlns plays a role in these usages, unknown to me.

Might one or two of you direct me to some more info as to enlighten
this dim bulb;)


controlling access

2007-05-08 Thread Sam Carleton

Ok, folks, I need some advice.  It has been a while, so let me recap
what I am doing:

I am working on a packaged software that is a kiosk based system.
It's main purpose is to serve up images.  PHP code currently generates
the HTML that has img tags that point to the Apache Module.  For now,
this phase of things is complete!

Now I need to deal with access.  Depending on which version of my
software determine the access.

Basic rules:  must use custom kiosk browser that has a custom
user-agent and can only have two access the site within one minute.

Standard rules: Unlimited connection using the custom kiosk browser,
no access with other browsers.

Advanced rules: All access (the Apache Module will watermark the
images when the browser is not the custom kiosk browser)

If access is denied, I want to redirect the browser to a friendly page
informing the user of what is going on.

* Where should I be hooking to control this access?
* What is the best approach to redirect the user to a friendly page?


P.S.  After much thought I have concluded that, even though the
user-agent string is very easy to change, it is a very low security
risk because those that would want to hack it are my customers
customers, the end user, as to get the images without watermarks.
They won't have the physical access to learn the proprietary key for
the system, so something as basic as user-agent should work just fine!

understanding configuration data blocks

2007-05-08 Thread Sam Carleton

I simply don't understand how module configuration is suppose to work.
I am handling the server and dir config create and merge.  For some
reason, unknown to me, the server creation function gets called twice
in my development environment where I am passing httpd.exe the -X.  Of
course this means that the function to handle the command gets called
twice, too.  It might be nice to understand why it gets called twice,
but that isn't the problem.  The dir configuration creation gets
called twice, too but also seems to work fine.

Inside my access hook when I make this call:

ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config, &my_module)

I get an empty configuration block, but when I change the first
parameter to "r->per_dir_config", I get the server configuration
block.  What?  Why doesn't r->server->module_config return me the
server configuration block and r->per_dir_config either return nothing
or the applicable dir configuration block.

Am I doing something wrong?  If not, is this documented somewhere?


determining if browser is on same machine as server

2007-05-09 Thread Sam Carleton

I am working on the access to my kiosk system, one condition I need to
handle in a unique way is when a web browser is run on the same
physical machine as Apache.  It is obvious when using localhost or  But when the URL is the machine name, I seem to be getting
an IP address.  I do see in r->server->server_hostname, is there any
way to convert that into the IP address?


Re: process pool does not work

2007-05-15 Thread Sam Carleton


I am VERY new at Apache Module writing, myself, but they always say
the best way to REALLY learn it is to teach it.  I am going to make a
guess at this one and I hope the true GURUs will correct me if I am

You did not mention anything about create per-server config
structures, are you?  I *think* that might be your problem.  One thing
I learned is that if you have directory configuration stuff, you do
need to implement the merge per-dir config to merge the server config
structure with the dir config structure.  That one took me some time;)

I hope this is helpful, if not, I KNOW the GURU's will chime in, once
they wake up;)


On 5/15/07, Zeus Capricorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i want to log the online user's ip in the apache memory and check it
through a specific url.

first,I use ap_hook_process_connection to log the user's ip and the
time,and i use ap_hook_handler to check the result.
in the callback function of ap_hook_process_connection,i allocate
my_hash(a apr_hash_t) in the pool(c->base_server->process->pool) if my_hash
is NULL,and set the c->remote_ip as key,a point to the time now as value.
in the callback function of ap_hook_handler,i use apr_hash_next() to get
the value one by one.

it works not as what i supposed to do .every client which access my
specific url can only see his own ip and time,not ALL the clients.

could someone help me ?should i use another pool,or something else?

thanks in advance.

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VOT: Tracking users

2007-06-19 Thread Sam Carleton


This is VERY off topic, but it is a Q for guru's and when I think of
web guru's I think of my fellow apache module developer.  If I am
totally out of line asking this here, please be a kind sole and give
me some guidance as to where I should be asking this question, fore I
know not where to ask other then here...

There is this web site I like to frequent.  For some reason it has
blocked my main workstation from being aloud to post on it.  When I
login with the same user id/password on any other machine, including
virtual machines I am able to post with no problem.

Initially I thought it was blocking based on cookies.  But both IE7
and Firefox are blocked on the same box.  Then I thought it was
blocking based on IP address, but my current network is behind a
OpenBSD firewall running NAT and any other machine behind the firewall
is able to post just fine.  Then I thought it was something else that
was browser specific, until I just installed the Safari client on the
main workstation and the first attempt to post with that browser was
ALSO blocked!

I even when so far as to think it might be using both the firewall's
IP address and the internal IP address of the workstation, so I
changed the internal IP address, still blocked, even though virtual
machines and other real machines behind the firewall/NAT server post
just fine.

So I am completed stumped,  how is this site blocking my one
workstation?  What piece of info being sent to the web server by all
three browsers that is a common, unique per OS instance?

Oh, I am running Win XP SP2.


finding a crash

2007-08-14 Thread Sam Carleton
I have a really annoying bug in my code somewhere, I don't know where.
 To top it off, it is not consistent!  My first thought is to simply
rewrite the whole thing, it isn't a major peice of code and I think I
got a bit carried away in making it C++ when it should really be
simply C code, but...  I though I might ask here first if there are
any clever tricks to finding crashes...

I am working in Windows XP with VC6, so I am able to debug the code.
When it crashes, all that I can determine is that one of the pointers
in the conf structure is invalid.  What is really strange is that this
code will work for hundreds of calls but then all of a sudden it
simply crashes.

What is the best approach to try to find this bug?  Are there any
special tricks folks could pass on to me?


Passing parameters to PHP

2007-08-15 Thread Sam Carleton
Is there any way for my apache module to pass parameters in such a way
that my php code can get at them?


Re: Passing parameters to PHP

2007-09-25 Thread Sam Carleton
On 8/15/07, Brian J. France <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 15, 2007, at 3:46 PM, Sam Carleton wrote:
> > Is there any way for my apache module to pass parameters in such a way
> > that my php code can get at them?
> Stick the data in r->subprocess_env and PHP can access them via
> $_SERVER (or apache_getenv if $_SERVER is disabled).

I finally got around to using this useful piece of info last night and
it worked like a charm!  I do have a question though, once it is set,
does it stay for the life of Apache or just for that request?


trick/tips for finding memory leaks

2007-11-25 Thread Sam Carleton
Thanks to the performance tools of my OS I have confirmed that
somewhere in my Apache module there is a memory leak.  Are there any
tips or tricks out there for find memory leaks in an Apache module?

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performance vs development time

2007-11-25 Thread Sam Carleton
With this memory leak in my simple Apache module, I am considering
rewriting the whole module.  Right now there are two files small files
that the module reads every time.  One is a small (less then a 1K)
configuration file and the other is a small (1K ~20K) xml file.  In
the rewrite, I am considering caching the data in these files and
reading them only if they are changed.  The question though is:
Considering how small these files are, will the performance gains be
worth the extra development time?  Another option would be to switch
from using libxml2 to expat for the XML parsing.

Oh, what type of load is the server under?  The server is driving a
kiosk system where there are normally a hand full of kiosk but there
could be as many as 100 under very heavy use.


Re: trick/tips for finding memory leaks

2007-11-26 Thread Sam Carleton
On 11/26/07, ed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Generally speaking, if you're using apr routines then they should
> handle the memory resources for you, there should be little need for
> allocating on the heap.

Windows compiler options

2007-11-27 Thread Sam Carleton
I have been developing my module with VC6, fore I know that because of
the manifest files VC8 is not a viable enviornment, what about VC7.1
(VS2003)?  I have that now and am wondering if I can upgrade from VC6
to VC7.1.


Understanding how to write large application in apache modules

2007-12-03 Thread Sam Carleton
I am more interested in theory right now than anything else.
Currently my web development is 80% PHP and 20% Apache Module.  The
Apache module is currently a handler for my images and controls

I have adopted a template type of approach with the PHP code, I found
this utility class that allows me to place 100% of my HTML into
"template" files and keep the PHP pure code.  I think the concept is
pretty standard:

The PHP code determines which templates to use to build the page.
Then the PHP sets all the variables for those pages.  And finally it
calls the utility class that actually builds the page replacing the
variables in the template with the values I set in the PHP.

The more I think about it, the more this sounds like what folks are
doing with input and output filter in Apache modules.  I am starting
to think that it is possible to develop a whole solution solely as an
Apache module and simply have it filter HTML template files filling in
"variables".  Is this how folks do it?


Web Services programming examples

2008-02-24 Thread Sam Carleton
Where might I go to find an example of an Apache C Module that
implements a Web Service?

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long running background tasks

2008-03-11 Thread Sam Carleton
When a user logs out of my web application, the application needs to
do a somewhat time consuming cleanup.  I need Apache to respond in a
timely fashion to the log out request.  Is there any way to start this
as a background process in the apache module?


Re: long running background tasks

2008-03-18 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 6:43 PM, ed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  What might be better for you is to add this to a queue, perhaps via
>  means of a unix socket (or IP socket) of another process, that does this
>  work.

Actually today the program is only Windows and in time will be
Windows, Linux and OSX (aka BSD).  After posting I had a feeling that
a daemon (Windows NT Service) would be the most likely approach.  The
only remaining question is:  How best to let the daemon process know
it is time to grab the task from Apache.  In Windows there are named
Event Object (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682655(VS.85).aspx)
so the Apache Server can set the event and the daemon know it needs to
get the new task from Apache.  Does the Linux/BSD world have something
like named Events?


development environments...

2008-03-21 Thread Sam Carleton
I have spent my development career in Windows using both DevStudio and
Visual Studio.  One of the reasons I am going to be using Apache C
Modules and Axis2/C is to be cross platform.  Does anyone have any
recommendations on a good cross platform development environments that
has a debugger for Apache C Modules and Axis2/C development?


Access checker not setting environment after RewriteRule

2008-03-22 Thread Sam Carleton
My Apache 2.0 C module is doing a few things.  One of the things it is
doing is hooking the access checker. In the access checker a
configuration file is read in to determine access and key/value pairs
are added to the request_rec->subprocess_env so the PHP code to pick
up the values as $_SERVER variables.

This works fine while the url was something simple like this:


I want to start using some rewrite rules, to leverage browser caching,
so I changed the URL to:


And added this rewrite rule to the  of the document root:

RewriteRule ^category/([^/]*)$ index.php?fldoid=$1 [L]

The access check hooker is getting called, but when the PHP executes,
the $_SERVER variables I need are not defined.


Re: Access checker not setting environment after RewriteRule

2008-03-22 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 9:44 PM, Nick Kew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 20:56:03 -0400
>  "Sam Carleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  [why access checker for this function?]

I didn't really know where else to put it, had not done my reading,
which I just got done with now;)  Looks like I should add an
type_checker hook and if it is a PHP file, setup the environment for
the PHP code.

>  > This works fine while the url was something simple like this:
>  >
>  > http://localhost/index.php?fldoid=258a2b0a-b413-4815-8bf6-fbe6c2a9760d
>  >
>  > I want to start using some rewrite rules, to leverage browser caching,
>  > so I changed the URL to:
>  >
>  > http://localhost/category/258a2b0a-b413-4815-8bf6-fbe6c2a9760d
>  Um, what browser is so broken as to let that affect it?

I *thought* browsers cached at the page level, not at the parameter
level, in other words I thought that as the fldoid changed, the
browser would still simply see that as index.php.  So I though that by
making it look like folders, the browsers would cache it better.

>  The RewriteRule triggers an internal redirect.  Since you put it in
>  a , that happens after the access checker.  The
>  subprocess_env vars you set remain with the original request_rec.

After some thought, I had a feeling that was what was going on;)

Question, how do I make sure that my type_checker gets put in front of
the PHP type_checker, if there is one?  Is my impression correct that
it should be wired in like this:

ap_hook_type_checker(my_type_checker, NULL, "php5_module", APR_HOOK_FIRST);

And it should ALWAYS return DECLINED?


Converting apr_finfo_t.mtime into a Unix timestamp

2008-03-23 Thread Sam Carleton
My PHP code needs to set the if_modified_since header, but to set it,
it needs to consider two times, one of it's data source, but also of a
configuration file that is only known to the Apache C Module.  Already
I am passing a number of variables to the PHP code via the
r->subprocess_env, and I would now like to also pass the
apr_finfo_t.mtime of the config file, but in a format that PHP can
understand.  In the PHP code, I am going to be using filemtime() which
returns a Unix timestamp.

How can I convert apr_finfo_t.mtime into a Unix timestamp?


Re: Converting apr_finfo_t.mtime into a Unix timestamp

2008-03-23 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Joe Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I ran into this just this afternoon, and I am still looking for an
>  answer, but what I have found may be helpful.
>  What I found is that there is an apr_time_ansi_put converts a time_t to
>  an apr_time_t, but the only thing that may convert the apr_time_t into
>  the number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970 is apr_time_sec(apr_time_t) .
>  With you looking to set a header (a text string), you may want to
>  consider using apr_rfc822_date() to take the apr_finfo_t.mtime and turn
>  it directly into a string and then just set the header to that value.


Thank you.  I actually do want the Unix timestamp format. (Which is
the Jan 1st 1970, isn't it?)  In the PHP code, it looks at dates based
on the unix timestamp format to determine which is the latest and then
converts it to a string.


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C/C++ MVC framework

2008-03-24 Thread Sam Carleton
I was just wondering if anyone had ever developed a MVC framework in
either C or C++ to develop Apache modules.  They seem to be out there
for most other languages, why not one for Apache C Module!


apache running slow in production

2008-03-28 Thread Sam Carleton

Part of my web application contains an Apache C Module, mostly it is a
handler to control access and to serve up images, but another part of
it does access a SQLite database, which isn't called a whole lot.  On
my development machine which is a 2.8GHz P IV, the module serves up 12
images very quickly.  One of my customers is reporting that it is
taking 45 seconds on a Duo Core 1.8GHz machine!  If is wasn't for the
fact that my customer is 15 hours away, I would go check it out in
person.  Such as life.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how I can trouble shoot this
remotely?  I can compile and send new code to the customer, I just
don't know exactly what I might do to collect data.


Re: [MODULES]apache running slow in production

2008-03-28 Thread Sam Carleton
On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Michael Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Get them to look at what memory/cpu allocation running at on their box?
>  Can they run a test from the box itself (ie. eliminate the network as a
>  possibility)

Good questions.  Already checked both: while Apache is serving up the
12 images, the CPU is at 100%, when it is done, the cpu goes right
back down, even when hitting it from the server.


Re: [MODULES]apache running slow in production

2008-03-28 Thread Sam Carleton
On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Joel Westerberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would suggest running strace or ptrace on it during that request.

Opps, I forgot to mention that it is running on Windows.

modules and RewriteRules

2008-03-29 Thread Sam Carleton
I am thinking the slow down is not directly related to the Apache
Module, but maybe related to the way I have the RewriteRules setup. I
have moved the RewriteRules from the directory level to the server
level and for some reason my handler isn't getting called anymore.  I
am hooking the handler in the middle:

ap_hook_handler(promenade_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);

Here is my RewriteRules and handler all at the server level:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/images/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$ /theImage?fldoid=$1&imgoid=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^/images/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$
/theImage?fldoid=$1&imgoid=$2&tn=$3 [L]

SetHandler promenadeImages  

Any thoughts on why I never see the handler promenadeImages get sent
to my handler?


Re: modules and RewriteRules

2008-03-29 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Eric Covener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Would that require one of the [PT] flag or a Directory container?


Thank you so much, that did it!


Re: [MODULES]apache running slow in production

2008-03-31 Thread Sam Carleton
I would like to thank one and all for your help.  I took Ray's advise
and created a basic timing class (my code is C++) that captured elapse
time and put that around all the main calls in my code and found the
bug.  It was something REALLY stupid on my part, isn't always;)

Again, thanks you all for your help!


debugging a timeout issue

2008-05-08 Thread Sam Carleton
I am a one man ISV that is using an Apache and an Apache Module.  I am
trying to trouble shoot a timeout issue that I cannot see, my customer
is reporting the problem and he can consistently repeat the problem.
Sometimes when the .Net 2.0 client makes a call to my Apache module,
the .Net code times out, I am trying to figure out which side is
having problems.  I am thinking it is a .Net, but I wanted to make
sure that I throughly confirmed that it is not Apache.

I have logged the heck out of my apache module and it never gets called.
I have set apache's LogLevel to debug and turned on access logging,
but I never see the request come in.  I see the first one, but not the
second one.

Is there anything else I can do to increase the logging of Apache or
is it safe to say that the request is NOT leaving the .Net
application?  Any suggestions on how I can absolutely confirm the
issue is in the .Net client?


Re: debugging a timeout issue

2008-05-09 Thread Sam Carleton
On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 12:23 AM, Graham Dumpleton
> Since you see one request but not the second, one thing I would
> perhaps suggest doing is turn off KeepAlive and see if that makes a
> difference with the client.

I am wondering, I do not see the timeout bug but my customer is seeing
it.  Does it make sense that the same client application configured
the same way talking to Apache configured the same way might show
different KeepAlive behavior?


handling authentication

2008-06-13 Thread Sam Carleton
I am working on a ISV that is developing kiosk system with Apache at
the core.  Considering my many years of software development is in
Windows Application development, not web development, I am running
into some issues with authentication.  I am hoping to gain some
insight from those of you that know that understand web development
far better then I do.

Initially I thought that since the whole system is a kiosk system,
each kiosk would have a different IP address, so I could simply
differentiate by IP.  Low and behold I have customers that is use
solutions like NComputing, which allow one physical machine to be
turned into 4~6 different kiosk's, all having the same IP address.  So
the obvious easy solution is to move to using Cookies.  The problem I
am having is figuring out how exactly to implement it.

There are three different issues need to be implemented:

1: Making sure the browser is one of my kiosk browsers application
(right now I am doing this by changing the user agent, but am open to
other approaches)
2: Making sure each browser is uniquely identified.
3: Making sure that the number of browsers connected does not exceed
the customers license.

Right now the kiosk browser simply connects to the root of the
application, index.php.  The Apache module hooks the access checker

A: Checks to see if there is a valid license.
B: Checks to user agent string to see if it is a kiosk browser
C: Based on the type of license, check to see how many clients have
connected (based on the IP) in the last X seconds.

When using cookies, where should I put the timer?  Should I have the
Apache module track when the last time a said cookie connected to the
module or should I simply set the cookie to timeout in X seconds and
renew it on each request?  I am thinking it should work like this:

A: Checks to see if there is a valid license.
B: Check for the cookie
C: There is a cookie, check to see if the cookie has expired, if so
continue, otherwise update the system concerning the cookie and return
D: Checks to user agent string to see if it is a kiosk browser
E: Based on the type of license, check to see how many clients have
connected (based on the cookies) in the last X seconds.

Later in the PHP code, I can use the cookie as the unique identifier.

>From a security standpoint, is there anything I am missing?


setting cookies & ap_hook_check_user_id vs ap_hook_auth_checker

2008-06-18 Thread Sam Carleton
I am looking for an example of setting a cookie in an apache module.
I found mod_auth_memcookie, but it only reads in cookies, it looks
like it relies on the php code to actually set the cookie.

Also, I see that mod_auth_memcookie is hooking both
ap_hook_check_user_id and ap_hook_auth_checker.  I am currently only
hooking ap_hook_auth_checker and doing my less then ideal checking at
that point.  What exactly is the difference between the two?

What exactly I am trying to do is this:

1: Check for the magic cookie, if present check to see if it is
active, if so, OK
2: Assuming something failed above, check all the stuff I am checking
now and if all is OK, set the cookie and move on.


Re: setting cookies & ap_hook_check_user_id vs ap_hook_auth_checker

2008-06-18 Thread Sam Carleton
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:42 PM, Sam Carleton
> I am looking for an example of setting a cookie in an apache module.
> I found mod_auth_memcookie, but it only reads in cookies, it looks
> like it relies on the php code to actually set the cookie.

I forgot to add that the cookie that is set is going to be used as the
session ID in the PHP code that is ultimately to handle the request
once it has been OKed by the ap_hook_auth_checker code.


handling custom authentication

2008-11-13 Thread Sam Carleton
I am ISV developing a system that is using Apache.  All the frontend's
for system I am developing are all custom desktop applications, or web
browsers controls wrapped in my own code.  Thus users are not going to
be entering username and password, the username and password used will
be depended on which frontend being used.

It is time for me to implement authentication correctly.  I have two
objectives with respect to authentication:

1: Protect my customers from unauthorized users.
2: Protect myself from customers hacking the authorization system to
get access to features in which they have not purchased.

#1 looks straight forward:  If my impression is correct, I simply need
to implement my own custom provider to check the custom username and
password the frontends give it.

Q: Is there documentation out there somewhere on how to implementing a
new provider?

#2 looks a lot more tricky.  It seems that I will need to deviate from
the normal way Apache's authentication works.  For starters, NONE of
the configuration can be in the http.conf, not like it is now with
AuthType, AuthBasicProvider, etc.  There is a  directives in
the conf that will have a custom directive for my custom Apache
module.  I would like to fully wire up this custom provider within
this directive.  To add to the complexity, there are different levels
of authentication:  None required, user, admin  and there will be
different locations under the  directive for each, again,
this all needs to be wired up in code when the custom directive for my
custom Apache module is called.

Q: Any suggestions on how I might achieve this?


P.S.  I do NOT own the book on writing Apache Module in 2.0, just the
older 1.3 book.  Would any of this be addressed in that book?

unresolved external ap_lookup_provider...

2008-11-22 Thread Sam Carleton
I am trying to consume mod_auth_basic.c in my own module.  Everything
is fine except when linking I am getting the error:

1>mod_auth_basic.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
"__declspec(dllimport) void * __stdcall ap_lookup_provider(char const
*,char const *,char const *)"
(__imp_?ap_lookup_provider@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced in function

My project is C++ so the mod_auth_basic.c is now mod_auth_basic.cpp.
I am also doing all the module setup in a different cpp file, so
add_authn_provider() is no longer static.  I am including
libhttpd.lib, which appears to be where ap_lookup_provider is found,
at least that is the only library with that string when I grep all the

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should try?


Re: unresolved external ap_lookup_provider...

2008-11-22 Thread Sam Carleton
The problem was/is the lack of a extern "C" around the ap_provider.h
file.  I put one in my mod_auth_basic.cpp and all is well.  I am
wondering if it is possible to have it added to ap_provider.h itself.
Anyone know how I would go about getting that done?


On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 3:43 PM, Sam Carleton
> I am trying to consume mod_auth_basic.c in my own module.  Everything
> is fine except when linking I am getting the error:
> 1>mod_auth_basic.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
> "__declspec(dllimport) void * __stdcall ap_lookup_provider(char const
> *,char const *,char const *)"
> (__imp_?ap_lookup_provider@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced in function
> _add_authn_provider
> My project is C++ so the mod_auth_basic.c is now mod_auth_basic.cpp.
> I am also doing all the module setup in a different cpp file, so
> add_authn_provider() is no longer static.  I am including
> libhttpd.lib, which appears to be where ap_lookup_provider is found,
> at least that is the only library with that string when I grep all the
> libraries.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should try?
> Sam

Stopping Apache when configuration directive is wrong

2008-11-23 Thread Sam Carleton
Under some circumstances, the value read into my directive will be
invalid and thus Apache should NOT continue to execute.  What do I
need to do to tell Apache to stop executing?

ap_find_linked_module() to get the core_module config block

2008-11-23 Thread Sam Carleton
Anyone know if it is possible to get the core_module config block
(core_server_config) by calling ap_find_linked_module()?  If so, what
string do you pass it?


Setting a handler within a configuration directive

2008-11-23 Thread Sam Carleton
Is there any way to *hide* configuration?  I would like to set a
handler within a configuration directive.  Can it be done?

I have posted a number of questions along these lines and never get a
response, is this because folks simply don't know the answer?  If
folks here don't know the answer, where might I go to find the answer?


Re: Setting a handler within a configuration directive

2008-11-24 Thread Sam Carleton

You are absolutely right on all accounts.  The only problem is that I
am a one man shop and I simply don't have the resources to have
multiple distributable.  I prefer taking the risk of folks hacking my
software then have multiple distributable.

What is that saying, a lock only keeps the honest man honest.  Those
that are going to steal my code are going to steal it no matter what I
do, well I could go to extremes to protect my code, it just isn't that
widely used to be worth the effort.

I did find what appears to be a good workaround last night after
posting the question:  My handler checks to see if the authentication
is set to basic, if not, my handler is declined, thus, in theory
stopping my handler from running if the user removes the AuthType from
the location where the hander is set.  I would still prefer to hide
the setting, but if there is a even better way, I am all ears!


Re: Setting a handler within a configuration directive

2008-11-24 Thread Sam Carleton
On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:49 AM, William A. Rowe, Jr.
> Sam Carleton wrote:
> >
> > I am a small one man ISV.  My software has different versions which
> > have different features.  I want to hide the fact that I am setting a
> > handler and authtype in the http.conf so my customer cannot hack the
> > module into providing features in which they did not purchase.
> Start the server with -f real.conf.  Within real.conf, Include httpd.conf
> Otherwise no, and if you review server_info, these will show up.  Consider
> the POV of other Administrators, you certainly wouldn't want such things
> hidden from your purview as the admin, right?  So there's no such facility

Actually, there is no "administrator" of the web server, it is a
packaged solution where I am distributing the pieces of Apache that
are needed to run my app and I have a desktop application that creates
the httpd.conf and starts the web server.  Ultimately I am going for
security by way of obfuscation.  I know there are better ways and
maybe with time I will move that direction, but one step at a time;)

I was going to use SSL until I remembered there are export laws to
worry about, so being a one man shop, it simply isn't worth it:)


Re: Setting a handler within a configuration directive

2008-11-24 Thread Sam Carleton
On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Houser, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't things like SSL client auth (pre-HTTP connection) internally show
> as basic auth?  Isn't it just as trivial to make a module that does
> nothing more than set the auth-type string to basic?  A simple contract
> (real contract, not EULA garbage), should give you far more protection
> than any of this.


What do you mean by contract?  I am coming from a desktop application
development background, so there are some basics about web development
that I simply don't know;)


Re: Setting a handler within a configuration directive

2008-11-24 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 11:00 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr.

>> I have posted a number of questions along these lines and never get a
>> response, is this because folks simply don't know the answer?  If
>> folks here don't know the answer, where might I go to find the answer?
> You are looking for someone who owes you an instant answer?  There are
> various companies out there you can pay for that privilege.

forgive me, I never meant to come across rude, I was simply perplexed
at why after a couple of days nobody had answered.  It had not dawned
on me that folks might not understand my question;)

> Otherwise, if you keep the questions civil, and reply to them yourself
> with further explanation so that folks understand exactly what it is
> you are asking, you are more likely to get a response, although it may
> not be as fast as you were hoping.
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

Thank you, the link has some very good ensight, the real trick for me
know is not forgetting what I just learned from reading it.  I will
try to make it a point to refer back to it from time to time.

> Sam Carleton wrote:
>> Is there any way to *hide* configuration?  I would like to set a
>> handler within a configuration directive.  Can it be done?
> Perhaps you can explain what you are asking?

I am a small one man ISV.  My software has different versions which
have different features.  I want to hide the fact that I am setting a
handler and authtype in the http.conf so my customer cannot hack the
module into providing features in which they did not purchase.


Re: Setting a handler within a configuration directive

2008-11-24 Thread Sam Carleton
On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Houser, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Contract, as in the piece of paper you get someone to sign in order to
> license your software.  It would spell out the responsibilities of both
> parties for support, penalties for violating those terms (ex. running at
> levels above the paid entitlement), etc.  I mean the exact same meaning
> of the word as used in higher-end desktop software.  EULAs don't really
> hold much legal standing, specifically because they are NOT contracts.
> You need a signature of some kind from both you and your customer
> agreeing to the terms.

Oh, I am a little slow sometimes;)  I am a one man shop with no funds
and I am targeting small business owners, we are a very informal
group.  Even if there was a contact, I don't have the resources to go
after them and they aren't really going to have the funds to make it
worth going after:)

The honest truth is that 99% of my market doesn't even know what
Apache is, let alone that there is a conf file that could be changed
to get different behavior.


understanding apr_strtok()

2008-12-12 Thread Sam Carleton
I am trying to use apr_strtok() for the first time.  I am taking the
add_cookie() function from mod_rewrite.c, no changes.  I am passing in
the string, variable 's':


The first line that executes in the function is:

char *tok_cntx;
var = apr_strtok(s, ":", &tok_cntx);

I am getting an access violation.  I have tried initializing tok_cntx
to NULL, but that does not seem to have any impact.  What is the
correct way to use apr_strtok()?


Re: understanding apr_strtok()

2008-12-13 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 2:35 AM, Saju Pillai  wrote:
> On 13-Dec-08, at 1:02 PM, Mark Harrison wrote:
>> One thing you can check:
>> Make sure that s points to writable memory.
> Check that s is on the heap not on a function stack. Try apr_pstrdup(p, s)
> or memcpy(s) into malloc'd memory.

Thank you, that was the issue!


internal redirect

2008-12-13 Thread Sam Carleton
I thought I had seen a way to do an internal redirect in a module such
that the browser would never be the wiser.  Is there?  If so, how do I
do it?

The reason is that I have coded myself into a hole.  I have a kiosk
based system using Apache as the server and a custom application that
wraps the IE7 WebControl as the client.  I have made changes to both
client and server that checks the versions of both and makes sure they
are in sync.  The in the module is done in the access checker hook.
Right now I am using the standard HTML Location header to redirect to
the error page.  The problem I have is that the client that is in the
field sees that as an error and displays my almost useless error box
to my customer, not a nice web page to inform them to upgrade the

So the question is:  Within the access checker hook, how can I change
the URL for this request so the browser sees a successful request but
gets a different page?


Re: internal redirect

2008-12-13 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Sorin Manolache  wrote:

> 3. Set a request note (apr_table_set(r->notes, "my_note",
> "should_redirect")) and then in the handler hook you check the request
> note. If it is set, ap_internal_redirect(your_url).

This is what I want to do, make it 100% transparent to the client.  I
put my hook handler at the first one and look for the note, if there I
call ap_internal_redirect(), but my client is still getting a status
code of 500.  The page I am trying to redirect to *IS* a PHP page,
does that matter?  What format should the string in
ap_internal_redirect() take, relative to the server or should the http
and the server name be part of the string?  I want to redirect to:



Re: internal redirect (compiling Apache with VS2008)

2008-12-14 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Sorin Manolache  wrote:
> Well, no thought. What I do when I'm clueless is compiling an apache
> server with debug symbols (CFLAGS="-g -O0 -fno-inline"), configure it,
> and start it in debug mode (apache2 -f my_conf.conf -X) in a debugger.
> Then I set a breakpoint on ap_invoke_handler or on other functions in
> the request processing call-stack, send a HTTP request and run the
> server step-by-step. It's labour-intensive until you have set up all
> your environment, but you can reuse it and it helps development and
> diagnosis significantly.

Darn:(  I am running my module in a debugger, but I have never figured
out how to compile Apache itself on Windows in VS2008, so I am not
able to step through the Apache code.

Anyone have any tips for compiling Apache 2.2.8 on Windows with VS2008?


Re: internal redirect

2008-12-14 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Sorin Manolache  wrote:

> Well, no thought.

I tried the redirect in a regular browser and got the EXACT same
error.  Then it dawned on me:  Look at the log file.

It was an error in the PHP page that was causing the error:)

Live and learn, thank you very much for all your help!


[OT] increasing log output

2009-02-22 Thread Sam Carleton
This is a bit off topic.  I am the author of a propriety apache module for
my custom kiosk style application.  I have a prospective customer that is
having problems and I cannot figure out how to get additional logging
information from Apache.  Here is the console output:

1: [Fri Feb 20 20:04:13 2009] [notice] Disabled use of AcceptEx() WinSock2
2: [Fri Feb 20 20:04:13 2009] [notice] Name: 
3: [Fri Feb 20 20:04:13 2009] [notice] SerialNum: 
4: [Fri Feb 20 20:04:13 2009] [notice] Key: 
5: (OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by
its access permissions.  : make_sock: unable to listen for connections on
6: no listening sockets available, shutting down
7: Unable to open logs

The 2nd,3rd, and 4th lines are all output by my module, I have him run
netstat to check to see what is running on port 80, but there isn't
anything.  In the past I have seen Apache dump huge amounts of data, I am
trying to figure out how to do that so I solve this problem.  Any help is
much appreciated!


Where did apreq.h go/come from?

2009-02-28 Thread Sam Carleton
I just upgraded from Apache 2.2.8 to 2.2.11.  My module uses apreq.h,
but that is not part of 2.2.11.  Is that an extra header I found
somewhere or was it removed?

[OT] Re: Regarding setup modules for server 2.2

2009-04-16 Thread Sam Carleton

First off, this forum is for Apache C Module development, not
configuration, so you are a bit off topic.

The quick and dirty is this:  No module is *needed*, Apache can run
just fine without any modules.  It will be very limited in what it can
do and how you can configure it, but it can run just fine.

If you don't need cgi or perl, than no you don't need to load the modules.

As far as mod_oprocmgr, I don't know what that does for you.  You can
either do some research and find out what it does and see if that
applies to you or you can just see how things work without.  If all is
well, then you are good.  Personally I would do some research.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 11:43 AM, fortanu82  wrote:
> Hi
> I have to completely replace the Apache 1.3 HTTP server with Apache 2.2.
> In Apache 1.3 modules like mod_fastcgi, mod_perl and mod_oprocmgr are
> present.
> Now I just wanted to confirm two things,
> 1) If our application does not use any CGI or perl scripts, Is it necessary
> to have the modules like mod_perl and mod_fastcgi to be present in the
> sever.
> 2) mod_oprocmgr is configured in Apache 1.3 and when I am looking to
> configure the mod_oprocmgr for Apache 2.2, the module (.so) file is not
> present. Now my question is - Is this module not required in Apache 2.2? If
> it is required, how could I install and configure this module.
> Any help will be really appreciated.
> Thanks
> Tarun
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://www.nabble.com/Regarding-setup-modules-for-server-2.2-tp23080654p23080654.html
> Sent from the Apache HTTP Server - Module Writers mailing list archive at 
> Nabble.com.

error in the auth code?

2009-05-02 Thread Sam Carleton
Ok, my code is quickly getting out of hand.  I have a C#.Net WCF app calling
a Axis2/C module running on Apache that has custom authentication module.

When I set a breakpoint on the my ap_hook_access_checker function to check
the path, like a 2 second pause, than remove the breakpoint, the call to the
Axis2/C code is just fine.  When there is no pause I get an error 400.

I looked at things with TCPMon, there is a noticable difference.  It looks
to me like TCPMon keeps all the like connections in one "group".  With the
breakpoint in place, TCPMon captures two groups:

1: the first request that errors out with 401 because there is no
2: a dozen or more calls with authorization

When there is no breakpoint, there is only one grouping with what looks like
two calls/responces, a 401 and then the deadly 400.

I get the 400 when I remove the breakpoint from the my
ap_hook_access_checker and place a breakpoint in my modified version of
mod_authn_file.cpp, check_password function.

I am going to do some digging, I am just hoping that someone might beat me
to the punch :)


Re: error in the auth code?

2009-05-02 Thread Sam Carleton

Thank you for the quick reply.  I added some logging to my
ap_hook_access_checker because I know that is called VERY early in the
process.  When I have a breakpoint on that code, the first time it hits, I
remove the break point and let Apache run free.  The C#.Net code (WCF) looks
like it hangs for about 3 to 6 seconds and than it takes off and runs
correctly.  When I check the log, the new log entry is there many a times,
as it should.

When I remove the breakpoint, the new log entry in my ap_hook_access_checker
only logs info one time, but TCPMon has two request/responces:

--- Begin Requests ---
POST /axis2/services/CatalogMgr HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
SOAPAction: "urn:mmpp:catalogmgr/getNode"
Content-Length: 337
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive

http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xmlns:xsd="
POST /axis2/services/CatalogMgr HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
SOAPAction: "urn:mmpp:catalogmgr/getNode"
Authorization: Basic UFZG1pbi1TY06a25bm0ZQ==
Host: localhost:8041
Content-Length: 337
Expect: 100-continue

http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xmlns:xsd="
--- End Requests ---

--- Begin Response ---
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
Date: Sat, 02 May 2009 18:59:28 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) Axis2C/1.6.0 PHP/5.2.5
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Photo Parata Authentication"
Content-Length: 401
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

401 Authorization Required

Authorization Required
This server could not verify that you
are authorized to access the document
requested.  Either you supplied the wrong
credentials (e.g., bad password), or your
browser doesn't understand how to supply
the credentials required.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Sat, 02 May 2009 18:59:28 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) Axis2C/1.6.0 PHP/5.2.5
Content-Length: 226
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

400 Bad Request

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

--- End Response ---

Re: error in the auth code? (I think I found the key piece of info)

2009-05-02 Thread Sam Carleton
Ok,  I think in my last email I covered up the actual problem by adding a
CRLF.  In the apache log file I am getting this:

Invalid URI in request http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xmlns:xsd="
/axis2/services/CatalogMgr HTTP/1.1

If you look at the very end, there is the beginning of the second request:
POST /axis2/services/CatalogMgr HTTP/1.1

How can these two requests get run together like this?  Is some buffer in my
Apache module not getting cleared correctly or is the client doing this?
Remember the client is simply WCF C#.


Re: error in the auth code? (I think I found the key piece of info)

2009-05-02 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Joe Lewis  wrote:

> I expect that the client is doing this.  Since you are using C#, it will
> try and make every request under the same connection.  With what you have
> described, it is more than likely a problem with the client trying to run
> things together.  I'd  try and force it to HTTP 1.0 (if you can) on the
> client side.  That will force subsequent requests to the same server to
> create new TCP connections, rather than reusing.  If that does work, then it
> is definitely in the client trying to bleed stuff together and not buffering
> properly.  (That is actually what I expect).


You nailed problem, but not the cause.  The cause is...

My code is not flushing the input queue when it kicks back the first 401.  I
need to detect that it is a POST and clean things up.

The question is... How do I do that?


Re: error in the auth code? (I think I found the key piece of info)

2009-05-02 Thread Sam Carleton
On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Sam Carleton  wrote:

> The question is... How do I do that?

By calling ap_discard_request_body(r) in the correct location!

do I need a custom proxy?

2009-06-02 Thread Sam Carleton
I do develop Apache Modules which is why I thought to ask this question

I run a micro ISV out of my home and I only have one external IP address.  I
need to have some services on Apache and others on IIS.  How would I pull
this off since I only have one external IP address?  My thought is create a
custom mod_proxy that will redirect some URL's from the public facing Apache
to the internal IIS.  Is this the correct approach or is there an approach
that does not require actual development?


Re: do I need a custom proxy?

2009-06-02 Thread Sam Carleton
I did not mention that I am only interested in HTTPS, not HTTP.  It is 
my understanding that virtual host's don't work for HTTPS, is this correct?

Sorin Manolache wrote:

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 14:45, Sam Carleton  wrote:

I do develop Apache Modules which is why I thought to ask this question

I run a micro ISV out of my home and I only have one external IP address.  I
need to have some services on Apache and others on IIS.  How would I pull
this off since I only have one external IP address?  My thought is create a
custom mod_proxy that will redirect some URL's from the public facing Apache
to the internal IIS.  Is this the correct approach or is there an approach
that does not require actual development?

Can't you create two virtual hosts or two locations on your apache,
one of them handling requests and the other forwarding them to IIS?

Something like

ServerName apache.my-domain.org

ServerName iis.my-domain.org
ProxyPass / http://internal-IP-of-IIS-server/

and you register apache.my-domain.org and iis.my-domain.org as having
the same IP address in the authoritative nameserver of my-domain.org.


ProxyPass http://internal-IP-of-IIS-server/



Re: do I need a custom proxy?

2009-06-02 Thread Sam Carleton

Ray Morris wrote:

   You could of course run one serer on a non standard port.
Yes, except that there are many many access points out there that ONLY 
allow port 80 and 443 out, if I used a different port for one of the 
servers, than it would be blocked from such places.

[OT] ajusting apache timeout

2009-11-15 Thread Sam Carleton
I am working on a Axis2/C module that is hosted by Apache 2.2.  The client
is .Net 3.5.  I have set the SendTimeout on the .Net binding to 10 minutes
but things are still timing out in about 30 seconds.  I am wondering if
anyone in this forum has run into timeout problems that where fixed by
modifiying Apache's configuration.


Re: [OT] ajusting apache timeout

2009-11-16 Thread Sam Carleton

I was stepping through the Axis2/C code on Apache.  I found the issue...

I was programmatically setting up the binding on the client and had missed
the fact that after I set the SendTimeout to 10 minutes, about 15 lines
farther down I set it again to 25 seconds.


On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Eric Covener  wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Sam Carleton
>  wrote:
> > I am working on a Axis2/C module that is hosted by Apache 2.2.  The
> client
> > is .Net 3.5.  I have set the SendTimeout on the .Net binding to 10
> minutes
> > but things are still timing out in about 30 seconds.
> During what?
> --
> Eric Covener
> cove...@gmail.com

What is needed to distribute a Axis/2 Client

2009-12-10 Thread Sam Carleton
I have been using Axis2/C sololy on the server side until now (I had been
using Silverlight as the client).  I now need to use Axis2/C on the client
side but need to know what exactly needs to be in the clients repository.
 What files are actually needed?


Re: What is needed to distribute a Axis/2 Client

2009-12-11 Thread Sam Carleton
opps, wrong mailing list :)

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Sam Carleton

> I have been using Axis2/C sololy on the server side until now (I had been
> using Silverlight as the client).  I now need to use Axis2/C on the client
> side but need to know what exactly needs to be in the clients repository.
>  What files are actually needed?
> Sam

Re: Finding memory leaks in httpd and httpd modules

2010-02-16 Thread Sam Carleton
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Kevac Marko  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:12 PM,   wrote:
> > I have done a lot of c module development. I have found the same problem
> and wound up simply running the module under load while keeping an eye on
> memory usage.
> >
> > Use the pools. They are great and will keep you safe. Any other use of
> memory allocation should be very carefully considered.
> >
> Of course I am using pools, but using pools is not panacea, especially
> when non request pool is used :-)

I am in agreement with mcqueenorama.  I have not done a ton of module
programming, but what I have done is HEAVILY used by my app and core to the
whole thing.  My best advise is don't use the pools other then the request
pool unless you REALLY need to, even when the module is initializing there
is a temp pool which Apache clears after initialization.

I did run into a memory leak once that I found by simply checking all the
pool usages, it turned out I was using a server pool rather then a request

I NEVER use anything other then a pool for memory allocation.  The only
exception is 3rd party lib's that allocate memory, such as my usage of
SQLite, which I am sure allocates lots of memory, but I rely on it to clean
up that memory, assuming I manage the resource correctly.  To date, all runs


Re: [OT] Apache on Windows, how many processes?

2010-05-03 Thread Sam Carleton

Interesting, so what purpose does the parent process preform with MPM
winnt?  Is it just legacy?


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Eric Covener  wrote:
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Sam Carleton
>  wrote:
> > I know in the *nix world that Apache forks different processes and in
> > Windows it is threaded.  I was load testing my Windows Apache Module with 50
> > clients and it never started up a second process, though the thread count
> > did surpass the 50, it went to 53.  I am assuming the other three threads
> > where maintenance threads that are not counted in the thread pool.
> >
> > My question is:  Will Apache on Windows start up more then one worker
> > process?  If so, what does it take to get that to happen?
> >
> winnt MPM is Limited to 1 child (and 1 parent)
> --
> Eric Covener
> cove...@gmail.com


2010-07-14 Thread Sam Carleton
I have spent the last 2 hours looking for strtoul in my code, it isn't there
but I keep getting the Apache error that it is there.  I am using VS2008 SP1
and am compiling the code as C++.  Any thoughts on where I might find
strtoul?  By hacking the http.h and removing the code, it compiles so I am
going to move forward with that until I can find the correct solution.

Converting a 16-bit string to 8-bit?

2011-03-03 Thread Sam Carleton
I am looking at using a 3rd party library that only operates on 16-bit
strings.  Is there a built in functions to convert the strings back to
8-bit?  I am currenly on Windows and Windows has built in functions I could
use, I would prefer to use Apache functions if they exist.

how to best implement my own connection pool

2012-02-17 Thread Sam Carleton
I am working on a short term solution to a bigger issue.  The long term
solution is switch databases, that is next on the list, after I patch the
current DB.

My background:  I am the sole developer of this product that uses lots of
technologies, one of them is Apache Modules.  It has been a long while,
likes a year+ since I have had to do anything really hard core, so I am not
100% up to speed with terms and exact techniques.  My ultimate goal in this
post is to get some definition/direction as to know were to start on this
short term solution.

I am currently using the DB, SQLite.  It is a great and outstanding DB,
except...  It is File Locking database, when one thread/process writes to
it, the whole DB is locked.  This is all fine and dandy, except there is
one query (not an update/insert/delete) that is pretty intensive and runs a
LOT, could be as much as 10~20 times a second.  The great part is... It is
somewhat static, so I would like to create a system to pool the result in
memory and refresh it when it needs to be changed.  Here is the pseudo

Process 1 (not Apache) that creates the static file:

   1. Create a Lock file: query.results.lock
   2. Dump results from query to a text file: query.results
   3. Remove Lock file

Right now a request comes in via Axis2/C module (a web service).  The WS is
what needs access to this new piece.  I have already done a lot of hacking
on the Axis2/C piece so within the WS code, I have access to the core of
the Apache request, server, etc.  So in the WS, I want to make a call into
this "connection pooling" code to do the following:

   1. Check to see if query.results is in memory, if not load it
   2. Check to see there is a lock file, if so use the copy in memory for
   this 'connection'
   3. Check to see if the last modified date/time is newer then in memory,
   if so, load it, else use what is memory

Basically what I am looking for is the same basic connection pooling that
is implemented in the mod_dbd.  Is there an easy way to do this, or will I
simple need to get into the internals of the mod_dbd to figure out what it
is doing and do it myself.


Re: how to best implement my own connection pool

2012-02-18 Thread Sam Carleton
apr_reslist is what I am looking for, but you do seem to be right, mod_dbd 
should provide all the plumbing I need.  I just need to wrap my head around it. 
 Thank you!


On Feb 18, 2012, at 7:27 AM, Nick Kew  wrote:

> On 18 Feb 2012, at 01:53, Sam Carleton wrote:
>> Basically what I am looking for is the same basic connection pooling that
>> is implemented in the mod_dbd.  Is there an easy way to do this, or will I
>> simple need to get into the internals of the mod_dbd to figure out what it
>> is doing and do it myself.
> Skimming through your post, it's not clear what you want that mod_dbd
> doesn't provide.  Why not focus on that question?  Once you've identified
> the gap, one approach might be to enhance mod_dbd, and if anything
> of general interest emerges, maybe propose it for inclusion upstream?
> The other answer is, the easy way is to use apr_reslist, which is what
> mod_dbd does.
> -- 
> Nick Kew

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