[Mojolicious] Forward-streaming a streaming HTTP resource ("processing proxy")

2015-09-21 Thread Heiko Jansen
Dear all,

basically what I want to achieve is this:

   1. App gets an "EventSource" javascript request with some query param 
   from client
   2. App sends a HTTP request to a backend server with that query
   3. Backend server sends blocks of data in a streaming, long-running 
   response (HTTP 1.0; currently not "chunked transfer")
   4. App retrieves data fragments until it has aggredated a complete block
   5. App parses data block, sends transformed data as "Server sent Event" 
   to client
   6. GOTO 4 unless backend server finishes its response

My idea was to create a transaction

  my $tx = $ua->build_tx( GET => '...');

then have a "progress" event handler to aggregate the response chunks

  my $chunk;
  $tx->res->on("progress" => sub {
  # add new data to chunk
  # test if chunk contains complete block
  # if no: return from sub
  # if yes: process block, then $c->write( "event: block\ndata: 
$data\n\n" );

and a finish handler to clean up

  $tx->res->on("finish" => sub {
  # check $chunk for leftovers
  $c->write( "event: resultend\ndata: -\n\n");

And finally to start the backend transaction:


This worked in so far as that the events shown above were processed, but 
the client only ever received a reponse after the backend transaction was 
I then realised that that´s because the backend transaction is called in a 
blocking way.
My - maybe naive - idea then was to remove the "finish" handler for the 
backend transaction and move it´s functionality to the callback for "start":

  $tx->res->on("progress" => sub {
  my $res = shift;
  warn "progress event: " . $res->body_size; # never seen on STDERR
  $ua->start( $tx => sub {
  my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
  warn $tx->is_finished; # always 1
  $c->write( "event: resultend\ndata: -\n\n");

But now the "progress" handler no longer gets called while on the other 
hand the callback to "start" is called apparently immediately and the 
transaction is marked as "finished".

Could somebody please tell me
a) if what I want to achieve is possible at all and
b) provide some hints of what I´m missing and how it could be done?

If it´s not possible with a http server backend, could it be a solution to 
hand of the http backend communication to a different process (Minion 
perhaps) which would update a Redis queue and then have my app read from 
the redis queue and send the data from there to the client?
Or are there even better solutions?


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[Mojolicious] Re: Forward-streaming a streaming HTTP resource ("processing proxy")

2015-09-21 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Montag, 21. September 2015 18:27:49 UTC+2 schrieb sri:
> This might be helpful.
> http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/Cookbook#Streaming-response

I´m afraid it isn´t. 
Unless I´m just acting blockheaded and miss something glaringly obvious, 
that is the part of the problem I considered solved.
Hopefully I simply failed at describing the problematic part, so let´s try 
this again.

I created a gist with some code which hopefully helps to explain the 

There´s a backend server and two apps which show my approaches for creating 
the middleware app.
First start the backend server, then start one of the "proxies" and run
curl '' -H 'Accept: text/event-stream'
in your shell or point your browser to

Upon request "proxy1.pl" opens a connection to the backend server, 
retrieves the data in a series of "read" events and sends the data to the 
client (browser). 
Unfortunately, the transformed results shows in the browser only after the 
final part of the backend server response has been received and processed 
and not almost immediately after the data processing in the proxy, as 

"proxy2.pl" only writes 
start() callback; tx finished? 1
to STDERR and immediately finishes processing without even sending a 
request to the backend.

Currently I have no idea, what I should change or which other approach I 
should take to get the desired immediate forwarding of the transformed 

Thanks again for any hint

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[Mojolicious] Re: Forward-streaming a streaming HTTP resource ("processing proxy")

2015-09-21 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Montag, 21. September 2015 22:56:52 UTC+2 schrieb sri:
> Just replace "$tx = $ua->start($tx);" with "$ua->start($tx => sub { my 
> ($ua, $tx) = @_; ... });" and buffer incoming bytes.

That´s what I thought I did in "proxy2.pl". 
Am Montag, 21. September 2015 23:01:06 UTC+2 schrieb sri:
> Your $ua might also be going out of scope.

Ouch.  And that´s the obvious thing I missed.
Moving the line 
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new();
out of the scope of the sub fixed the problem neatly.


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[Mojolicious] Request-ID logging possible with asynchronous request handling?

2015-12-02 Thread Heiko Jansen
I believe this question has been asked before and the person who asked was 
told that what he wanted wasn´t feasible - but I cannot right now find the 
Also, maybe some influencing factor has changed so perhaps nowadays there 
is a solution possible for what follows?

Our HTTP front end (nginx with mod_txid) generates unique IDs for incoming 
requests. We pass this request ID onward to our main app and to a few back 
end systems who all include it in their log messages. Combining this with 
high resolution time stamps we´re able to trace a request through all 
systems and can, e.g., easily find out for error messages in back end 
systems what the user input in the corresponding HTTP request was. Logging 
is done via Log4perl and the request id is included in every log message 
through the MDC singleton in Log4perl.

Unfortunately this does not work when we make use of asynchronous request 
handling features in Mojolicious. The MDC store is process-global, but 
there are multiple requests being worked on in the same process. We could 
include the request ID manually in every log message we create, but that´s 
cumbersome and it still wouldn´t get the id in any message that´s generated 
directly by Mojolicious.

Since the log calls are method calls on the App instance and not on the 
controller there is apparently no way to access the request context even if 
we monkey-patch the log method in the app.

Still, it would come in really handy if what I´ve tried to describe could 
be made to work in Mojolicious.
Is there anything we´ve missed?
If not, are there any plans for changing Mojolicious internals which could 
enable us to get it to work?


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[Mojolicious] Re: Mojolicious::Lite websocket connection problem

2016-03-03 Thread Heiko Jansen
According to
up to v6.22 an incoming protocol selection ("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol" 
header, 3rd argument to "new WebSocket()" in your client) was automatically 
copied to the response headers.
That´s no longer the case and I assume your client automatically closes the 
connection if the subprotocol negotiation fails.
Apparently you have to manually select the appropriate subprotocol your 
server supports and add that to your response (which makes sense, since 
it´s an application specific decision and nothing Mojolicious can / should 
do for you generically).


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[Mojolicious] Re: Mojo::Lite + AJAX exception handling / exception design pattern

2016-03-23 Thread Heiko Jansen
Throwing the exception leads to a response code "500" for the ajax request; 
since code 500 signals an error the "fail" handler for the ajax request 
get´s triggered.

That of course does not mean that the content returned from the mojo server 
is rendered in your page; it was an ajax request after all, so rendering 
any content in the browser would be the responsibility of your javascript 
code in myapp_fail.

By the way: blindly rendering the response from the server to your user 
imho does not make much sense: something unexpected may have gone wrong 
server side so you cannot be sure what kind of error you got and if it was 
one you triggered on purpose like in your code show above.

If you add "location.href='/exception';" in the myapp_fail function then 
this happens:
0) You make your ajax request to the server
1) the exception template is rendered because of your "throw" 
2) your server sends a code 500 response with the content from the 
exception template
3) your javascript library receives a response with a status code 
indicating a server side processing error and calls the fail handler
4) your ajax fail handler receives the rendered output of the exception 
template and does something with it (or not)
5) you modify  "location.href"
6) the browser now makes a regular (non-ajax) request to the new URL 
in location.href which happens to be "/exception"
7) your server receives the request
8) something goes wrong and the exception template is rendered because of 
some internal error
9) the browser receives the output and displays it

Of course the response your browser receives in step 9 is in no way 
connected to the exception you threw in step 0.

After step 7 I´m not completely sure what happens; apparently you did 
create a callback for the route "/exception" (at least I believe so, 
because of the "in /exception" debug log message) but I don´t think that 
there´s any automatic connection between a route of that name and the 
internal exeception handling template. 
That´s probably the reason why the server generates a "501 Not Implemented" 

In the end I believe the problem is less with using mojolicious but more so 
with some lack of understanding how ajax works and about the statelessnes 
of HTTP.

Hope I could point you in the right direction
- heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Mojo::Lite + AJAX exception handling / exception design pattern

2016-03-23 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Mittwoch, 23. März 2016 15:57:32 UTC+1 schrieb ddal...@gmail.com:

> A more general question, is this a good way to handle exceptions caught in 
> mojo callback functions?   An alternative would be to not throw an 
> exception and instead, render error data that gets returned to the .ajax 
> .done handler (200 response code).  The .done handler is then responsible 
> to detect the error values and display an error message to the user.  This 
> would not generate the 500 response code which could still be thrown by the 
> http server.

Oh my, I´m always struggling with that question myself. :-]
I honestly don´t know if there´s a "correct" answer to that question.

There´s those - especially with a REST background - who say that you should 
use the HTTP status codes for signalling application state.

And then there´s those who tell you that if your code handled the situation 
then you should go with a HTTP status code indicating success and put error 
codes in app specific data structures; leaving HTTP status codes and 
especially error codes for those situations where your server side code 
didn´t cope with the situation.

Of course you could also use a HTTP error status _and_ return a data 
structure with additional information.

The answer may even depend on wether you´re talking about an API or a user 

Maybe it´s just again a case of "select one option and stick with it".
Or maybe someone in this group with more experience can chime in and give 
some better advice... I would be interested in hearing it, too.

- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Mojo::Lite + AJAX exception handling / exception design pattern

2016-03-24 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Mittwoch, 23. März 2016 15:57:32 UTC+1 schrieb ddal...@gmail.com:
> 1) In the Mojo callback function (/price route), invoking 
> Mojo::Exception->throw(message) triggers the rendering of the 
> exception.development.html.ep template from the __DATA__ section.  In the 
> template, the thrown message can be accessed as <%= $exception->message %>.
> 2) The rendered exception html (with the thrown message) is returned (with 
> a 500 response code) to the javascript / jquery script, caught by the.ajax. 
> fail handler, and accessable in the jqXHR object as jqXHR.responseText

Some more thoughts on this:
1) Remember that once you switch to production mode a different template 
("exception.production.html.ep") is used.
2) Also, if you modify the default exception template and an unexpected (by 
you) failure occurs during a regular request from a user, then the user 
will get to see a response based on the modified template.  Since you 
intended that to be consumed by your javascript code it won´t make much 
sense for the user.
3) I´d suggest having a look 

Maybe explicitly selecting the appropriate template (and manually setting 
the response status code) is a more robust approach than relying on the 
standard exception templates.

- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Validation before posting to an external site

2016-04-06 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Dienstag, 5. April 2016 18:42:03 UTC+2 schrieb Stuart Dodds:
> However, once the validation has passed, I am not sure how to then issue 
> the original POST request to the external site as well as redirecting the 
> user along with the request. Is there a way I can do this? 

1) You could send a HTTP 307 redirect to your user with the URL of the 
external site; since all data from the form will be re-send by the browser, 
the external site will also receive the captcha info - which may or may not 
cause problems.
2) Depending on the external site you could also make the POST request to 
the external site yourself and forward the response to your user; obviously 
that will not work if the external site requires a cookie or some other 
authentication from the user or if there are additional interactions to be 
performed by the user after receiving the result. If the external site 
responds to the POST request with a GET redirect you can send your user 
there by re-using the URL for your own HTTP 303 redirect.
3) A more fragile approach would be you returning a page with the verified 
and cleaned-up data in a HTML form plus some JavaScript to automatically 
submit that form to the external site once it loads in the browser of your 

Of course, since with solutions 1 and 3 the data exchange happens directly 
between your user and the external site any validation and sanitation you 
perform is essentially moot since there´s nothing preventing a malicious 
user from tinkering with it even after it was checked by you.

- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Validation before posting to an external site

2016-04-06 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Mittwoch, 6. April 2016 12:18:01 UTC+2 schrieb Stuart Dodds:
> First of all, it never even crossed my mind to try to change the form 
> method to GET until you mentioned it in your second point. So I tried it 
> out and it worked! Now I can build the url after the successful validation 
> and use the redirect_to method to send the user off to paypal with the 
> required parameters...thanks for the suggestion!

To be precise, I actually never mentioned transforming the _submission_ of 
the form to a GET request (or a redirect employing a GET request)!

Requests changing server-side state should be POST-Requests plus you don´t 
want to have the parameters show up in the URL field of the browser, 
webserver logs etc.

_IF_ you could send the POST request from your server to the external site 
(no authentication issues etc.) and _IF_ the external site used a 
Redirect-after-POST strategy, _THEN_ you could have re-send the redirect 
URL received from the external site (as answer to your POST request) 
onwards to your user. That´s what I tried to describe in strategy 2 - so 
there´s quite a few preconditions to meet to make strategy 2) a viable 


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[Mojolicious] Re: Using IO::Loop on websocket connection

2016-05-04 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Montag, 2. Mai 2016 17:20:47 UTC+2 schrieb Matija Papec:
> I want to read from redis in non-blocking way and delay() looks like first 
> choice for this kind of task (event callbacks are closures to session 
> related variables).

Using delay() for non-blocking handling of requests (or more specifically 
websocket messages) is fine;
the question was why you try to define the event handlers inside some delay 
I´d suggest re-reading the relevant docs 
(http://mojolicious.org/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/Tutorial#WebSockets and 

Haven´t use websockets myself, yet, but something like this should be ok 

websocket '/ws/:sessid' => sub {
my ($c) = @_;
my $sessid = $c->stash('sessid');
$c->on(finish => sub { warn "disconnect\n" });
$c->on(json => sub {
my ($c, $msg) = @_;
warn "incoming ws json for session $sessid\n";
sub { my $delay = shift; ... read from redis, pass it to delay 
... },
sub { my ( $delay, $data_from_redis ) = @_; ... do something 
with data ... },

If that´s nonsense, somebody please correct me...

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Re: [Mojolicious] How to send a websocket message from a post?

2016-05-10 Thread Heiko Jansen

Am Montag, 9. Mai 2016 04:58:21 UTC+2 schrieb Lachlan Deck:

> If I do need multi-threaded support in future, where would I look?

Be aware that there´s usually no "multi-threading" in the context of 
Mojolicious, but asynchronous processing in multiple processes.
The solution given should work with, e.g., Morbo, where a single process 
handles all connections. 
IMHO, it won´t work in a production environment with Hypnotoad, because 
there you have a bunch of server processes and there´s no guarantee that 
the POST request will be handled by the same server process which controls 
the open websocket connection.
>From the incoming POST request you could transfer some data to an external 
service and in every server process you could start a loop looking for new 
data there for those websocket connections managed by the respective 
hypnotoad process (maybe use https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::Redis2#Pub-sub 

- heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Basic non-Lite WebSocket Application

2016-05-15 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Sonntag, 15. Mai 2016 18:17:47 UTC+2 schrieb john:
> I have written mojo lite based websocket applications but am having 
> problems with my first attempt at a full application: 
>  https://github.com/john-/mojo_inotifier 

Try changing Actions.pm, L13 from
my $self => shift;
my $self = shift;

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[Mojolicious] Re: translate curl command to Mojo::UserAgent

2016-05-23 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2016 20:46:20 UTC+2 schrieb Jim Hall:
>  It looks like the following line is useless:
> IO::Socket::SSL::set_defaults(SSL_verify_mode => 'VERIFY_NONE');

I´m pretty sure VERIFY_NONE should be a constant, not a string?!
- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Mojolicious flow

2016-05-23 Thread Heiko Jansen
Don´t really understand from your description what happens where and which 
component logged what - but since that logging output does not look as if 
it was written by Mojolocious my first question would be: could there be 
any reverse proxy involved, rewriting incoming requests for an upstream 
Mojolicious server?
- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Keeping Route Logic Alive

2016-05-24 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016 13:51:42 UTC+2 schrieb john:
> What confuses me is that I was previously using Mojo::Pg::PubSub and 
> this works: 

I think it works like this:
keeps a reference to the callback inside the Mojo::Pg::PubSub object. And 
the Mojo::Pg::PubSub object is referenced from Mojolicious. So the 
reference counter of the callback does not reach 0.
In your Inotifier code nothing outside wsinit() retains a reference to the 
callback once wsinit() is left (the Inotifier::Model::FileWatch 
theoretically might, but that object also gets destroyed when leaving 

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[Mojolicious] "Premature connection close" errors with final Mango request in IOLoop delay

2016-07-06 Thread Heiko Jansen
I´m trying to chain a bunch of requests to a MongoDB server by utilizing 
unfortunately the last Mango command (and only the last one) always returns 
the error "Premature connection close".

With MANGO_DEBUG=1 I can see that the last command gets written to the 
MongoDB connection and in the the mongod output I can also see that it is 
retrieved and executed.
But Mango never logs the response data.

Apparently it does not matter which command is used as the last one.
I tried to provide a minimal test case with dummy commands 
here: https://gist.github.com/heikojansen/3aec5349e7fcc009a420a69a3f8271eb

I don´t know if it´s a bug in Mango or if I´m lacking some vital 
understanding how the event loop works...

Thx in advance for any hints and suggestions!
- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: "Premature connection close" errors with final Mango request in IOLoop delay

2016-07-06 Thread Heiko Jansen

Am Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2016 13:23:28 UTC+2 schrieb Alexey Stavrov:
> Your local variable $m destroyed in third step of delay. Add something 
> like "$c->stash(m => $m);" before IO::Loop->delay;

Damn. Again. ;-(
Well, the demo in the gist can be fixed by pulling "my $m = Mango->new();" 
out of the anonymous sub so it´ll survive the request.

Given that I get the same error within the real app code it´s quite 
probably the same problem. 
Since the code there is a bit more complicated it´s not quite as obvious 
where things go wrong so I´ll have to dig in and see what variable goes out 
of scope where.
But now that I know what I´m looking for...

Thanks for the hint!
- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Mojo::Reactor::Poll: I/O watcher failed: Can't call method "build_tx" on an undefined value at C:/Perl64/site/lib/Mojo/Server.pm line 23.

2016-10-11 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Freitag, 7. Oktober 2016 21:52:26 UTC+2 schrieb petra:
> [...]
> And do instruction from this page 
> http://mojolicious.org/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/Growing
> But after section *Simplified application script *and running test, I got 
> such error:
> t/login.t .. Mojo::Reactor::Poll: I/O watcher failed: Can't call method 
> "build_tx" on an undefined value at C:/Perl64/site/lib/Mojo/Server.pm line 
> 23.
> # Premature connection close
> #   Failed test 'GET /'
> #   at t/login.t line 21. 

As far as I understand it, the problem is that "myapp.pl" at this step no 
longer implements the app by itself, but loads it from a module by its name.
The test file still expects to have access to the app by "require"ing the 
start script, but that no longer works.
In order to have the tests succeed again you have to tell Test::Mojo which 
app to load.
In other words:

Line 9 in login.t still reads:
my $t = Test::Mojo->new();

But you have to add the name of the app, so it reads:
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp');

- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: writing chunks in non-blocking mode

2016-10-13 Thread Heiko Jansen
I´m not sure if I understand your workflow correctly but how about this: 
for every row processed send a small JSON documents to the browser which 
contains information on the worksheet, row and row status and then have 
some JavaScript code in the browser assemble and update the correct HTML 
table (inserting another row)?
I´d probably render a skeleton HTML page as response to the upload of the 
Excel file, then start a new AJAX request from that page which triggers the 
processing of the spreadsheet uploaded previously and receives the 
processing status as "server-sent events" (cf. 


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[Mojolicious] Re: writing chunks in non-blocking mode

2016-10-21 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Freitag, 14. Oktober 2016 01:06:57 UTC+2 schrieb Steve Barnsley:
> I tried 'wrapping' the list of calls to the various templates in a 
> $c->delay(@list); structure, this causes the first template (table) to 
> execute in its entirety but it never starts the second entry in the list 
> (even though I see the result from the very last statement in the sub in 
> $list[0].) Is there some magic that I need to invoke to make delay start 
> the next item in the list? 

Without any deeper knowledge of your code that´s a tough question.
@list is a list of subroutine references, right?
You do call $delay->begin in every callback in that list, don´t you?
Otherwise, like https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::IOLoop::Delay#steps says: 
"This chain will continue until ... a callback does not increment the event 
counter ..."

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Re: [Mojolicious] Nginx and Hypnotoad proxy correct config

2017-02-16 Thread Heiko Jansen
Did not try to verify this, but if I understand your example config 
correctly it may be related to the way nginx processes "location" 
To quote http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/request_processing.html

nginx first searches for the most specific prefix location given by literal 
> strings regardless of the listed order. In the configuration above the only 
> prefix location is “/” and since it matches any request it will be used 
> as a last resort. Then nginx checks locations given by regular expression 
> in the order listed in the configuration file. The first matching 
> expression stops the search and nginx will use this location. If no regular 
> expression matches a request, then nginx uses the most specific prefix 
> location found earlier. 

- Heiko 

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[Mojolicious] Re: Incorrect originating IP from $c->tx->remote_address() on requests via nginx reverse proxy

2017-02-16 Thread Heiko Jansen
As far as I understand it, this is what happens:

Step 1:

http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html#real_ip_header => 
"Defines the request header field whose value will be used to replace the 
client address."

So in your config you tell nginx to treat the value of the header "
X-Forwarded-For" from the incoming client request as the "real ip".

Step 2:

Then with "proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;" you tell nginx to send 
the "fake real ip" from "Step 1" as the value of the header "X-Real-IP" to 
your Mojo app.

Unless you have another reverse proxy in front of your nginx I´d say you 
should simply remove the "real_ip_header" and "real_ip_recursive" 
directives from your nginx config and everything should work as expected 
(as long as you tell your Mojo server that it sits behind a reverse proxy).

In any case "$controller->req->headers->header('X-Real-IP')" should now 
give you the original client IP.

- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Incorrect originating IP from $c->tx->remote_address() on requests via nginx reverse proxy

2017-02-17 Thread Heiko Jansen

I have "proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;" in my 
nginx conf and apparently no other related directives.
Starting the Mojo server via

MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY=1 carton exec -- morbo script/app

and having these statements in my code:

warn " remote addr: " . $c->tx->remote_address . "\n";
warn "original remote addr: " . $c->tx->original_remote_address . "\n";
warn " x-forwarded-for: " . 
$c->tx->req->headers->header('X-Forwarded-For') . "\n";

I get this:

 remote addr:
original remote addr:

The nginx runs on the same host as the mojo app and is my desktop 
pc accessing the nginx. 
There´s no other proxy between me and the nginx so having only one ip in 
"X-Forwarded-For" is what is to be expected.

So everything looks good to me:

$c->tx->remote_address respects the "running behind proxy" setting and 
gives me the ip of the client.
$c->tx->original_remote_address gives me the ip from the original (proxy) 
request to the Mojolicious server.


 remote addr:
original remote addr:

Maybe you misunderstood what "original" in "original_remote_address" means?
It´s not about the client request to the proxy but about the original 
request to Mojolicious without Mojolicious helpfully interfering to protect 
any code using "remote_address()" from changes by being deployed either 
behind a reverse proxy or not.


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[Mojolicious] Updating config object when config database is updated

2017-05-17 Thread Heiko Jansen
Hi *,

we're working on an app with some extensive config data which also needs 
some preprocessing (merging defaults etc.) to become usable.
We use a plugin ("register" method) to initialise a config object on app 
start and keep it around, as recreating the config on every incoming 
request would be to costly.

However, the config data - held in a few MongoDB documents - might be 
updated anytime via scripts and/or a web admin GUI and it would be expected 
that these changes take effect immediately (or at least within a short time 
On the other hand the number of updates is expected to be fairly low; 
perhaps 50 times per day.

So we need to find an effective way to trigger a recreation of the config 
object in all Hypnotoad child processes.
I can see a few options for that; e.g.
- simply restarting the hypnotoad, or
- adding a periodic timer to the IOLoop which checks for an updated config 
databases or
- starting a MongoDB (Mango) query on app start which uses a tailable 
cursor and thus returns once the databases is updated.
And there's probably a ton of other options I did not mention, too.

I'm especially interested in recommendations based on real life 


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[Mojolicious] Re: Mojo::Test to follow redirect?

2017-05-28 Thread Heiko Jansen
According to the example at https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Mojo#ua I´d say 
you´re doing it right.

I wonder, however, how uncommenting that line of code can lead to this 
error message:
"Can't connect: nodename nor servname provided, or not known"

- which is apparently not part of Mojolicious itself; 
cf. https://grep.metacpan.org/search?q=nodename+nor+servname&qd=&qft=

Hmmm, where does the redirect URL point to? Sure that it´s "localhost"?

- heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Mojo::Test to follow redirect?

2017-05-28 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Sonntag, 28. Mai 2017 19:34:11 UTC+2 schrieb iaw4:
> my app redirects to http://auth.localhost:3000/index ,

Well, on my OpenSUSE box neither the "host" nor the "nslookup" (or "dig") 
commands return an IP address for "auth.localhost" (they do, of course, for 
"localhost"), so I´d say that explains the "Can't connect: nodename nor 
servname provided, or not known" error message in your initial post.

The new demo code shows a different error:

and the output is
> # Connection refused
 AFAIK, you should _not_ provide a hostname and port as parameter to 
So I'd say a corrected test file should look like this:

use Test::More; 
use Test::Mojo; 
use FindBin; 
require "$FindBin::Bin/../myapp.pl"; 
my $t = Test::Mojo->new; 
$t->get_ok('/')->status_is(200); # ->content_like( qr{abc}); 

If I test this with your server code (running "perl myapp.pl test -v t/t.pl
") I once again get the "Can't connect: nodename nor servname provided, or 
not known" error message.

My browser follows without problems.  I am guessing the Mojo Test daemon 
> does not...

I´d say that the Chrome browser you use shows some non-standard behavior 
here since I believe that localhost isn't a proper domain that could take 
But I cannot provide an authoritative source for that right now.
Try using a different browser like Firefox for a start.

- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Mojo::Test to follow redirect?

2017-05-29 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Montag, 29. Mai 2017 01:25:13 UTC+2 schrieb iaw4:

> so here is one solution, although this one does not work in chrome:  Add 
> 'localhost.test' and 'auth.localhost.test' at the end of 
> localhost in /etc/hosts and `# morbo -v appname -l 
> http//localhost.test:3000`.  now, http://localhost.test:3000/ works just 
> fine with safari, firefox, and the Mojolicious test agent (but not chrome).

Using dnsmasq is often an elegant solution for use-cases like this.
Make sure that the DNS server provided by dnsmasq on localhost is the 
primary DNS server on your computer (e.g., by editing /etc/resolv.conf and 
prepending "nameserver").
Then, add an entry like "address=/sylspace.dev/" to "
/etc/dnsmasq.conf" and every host / subdomain in that domain is 
automatically resolved to localhost.


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[Mojolicious] url_for() and URI-escaping chars in placeholder values

2017-07-09 Thread Heiko Jansen
I need to generate links within an app based on data from an external data 
source. It contains data for a list of categories, and the category names 
may contain almost any character including slashes.

Given this minimal example app:

#!/usr/bin/env perl 
use Mojolicious::Lite; 
get '/:cat' => sub { 
  my $c = shift; 
  text =>  
 "stash cat:" . $c->stash('cat') 
  . "\nurl_for: " . $c->url_for('category', { cat => "foo / bar" 
  . "\nurl_for esc: " . $c->url_for('category', { cat => "foo %2F 
bar" }) 
  . "\n" 
} => 'category'; 

and invoking it like this,

carton exec -- perl app.pl get -v /foo

I see this result:

stash cat:   foo 
url_for: /foo%20/%20bar 
url_for esc: /foo%20/%20bar

So "url_for" interpolates the data for the placeholder and uri-escapes the 
spaces but not the slash and also unescapes a pre-escaped slash.
I might get away with this using a wildcard placeholder (routes for the app 
are not completely decided upon, yet) or I might evade the problem by 
sending it as a query param.
But I´d still like to know if there is a way to force uri-escaping the 
slash or if that is intentionally not the case.
Other reserved (as in RFC 3986) chars apparently *are* uri-escaped (e.g. 
Maybe for slashes the placeholder type could be used to decide if a "/" has 
to be converted to "%2F" ("no" for wildcard placeholders, "yes" for 
standard and relaxed placeholders)?

- heiko

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[Mojolicious] Question regarding Mojolicious v7.49 changes to M:I:Delay

2017-11-10 Thread Heiko Jansen
Mojolicious v7.49 took us by surprise because of the changes to 

We have a fairly large code base dealing extensively with gathering data 
from a wide variety of back end systems (for displaying in a web portal).

Replacing the catch() method with the new one which does not receive the 
delay object as first param appears to be mostly just an inconvenience, as 
it requires some manual effort to adapt the existing code but no 
modification of the abstract workflow logic.

The deprecation of "data" and "remaining" on the other hand could be a real 
problem for us.

We have a bunch of classes for different back end systems, a starting point 
and a defined end point. 
The classes for the different back ends define the steps needed to gather 
all necessary data from the respective back end to reach the generic end 
point. The steps (callbacks) retrieved are then inserted in our M:I:Delay 
Only the input the respective step callback specifically needs is passed as 
explicit parameters to it; everything else travels by in delay->data.

When retrieving the starting point data from a back end it sometimes 
includes references to other objects. 
We keep most of the response data around in the "data" attribute of the 
delay and start harvesting the referenced data, which we need to have 
around before continuing to the original second step.
For this we prepend new steps like this:

$delay->steps( @new, @{$delay->remaining} );

The final step can be quite generic, taking everything it needs out of the 
$delay->data, processing it as required and passing it back to the main 

When implementing M:I:Delay::data and M:I:Delay::remaining something like 
this must have been the intended use case. 
Now we wonder if someone could describe the recommended way for 
re-implementing these use cases without "data" and "remaining".


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[Mojolicious] Documentation "bug"

2017-11-22 Thread Heiko Jansen

just saw that POD in Mojo::Template says:

<%= Perl expression, replaced with result %>
<%== Perl expression, replaced with XML escaped result %>

while POD in Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering says:

<%= Perl expression, replaced with XML escaped result %>
<%== Perl expression, replaced with result %>

So the description in Mojo::Template needs to be corrected, doesn't it?

- Heiko

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Re: [Mojolicious] Documentation "bug"

2017-11-23 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Mittwoch, 22. November 2017 17:27:51 UTC+1 schrieb Dan Book:
> When the auto_escape option is set on Mojo::Template, it reverses this 
> behavior; auto_escape is set by default for the EPRenderer template 
> handler, which the rendering guide is referring to. I agree it is a bit 
> confusing but I'm not sure the best way to clarify things.

Ah, OK.
So it boils down to me not reading the rest of the text carefully enough...

I simply considered the example block as a duplicated short reference.
I also consider the auto-escaping behavior for the shorter tag-start 
variant (as activated in M:P:EPRenderer ) the saner approach so it never 
really occurred to me that the base implementation might be the other way 

Thanks for reminding me that assumptions != understanding ;-)

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Re: [Mojolicious] Re: Mojo::UserAgent and large files

2018-08-17 Thread Heiko Jansen
Hmm, there's no access to the controller ($c) and no reference to it kept 
in the fullfillment or rejection callbacks.
I'd guess it is therefore garbage collected once you leave "welcome" and 
the client connection thus closed immediately.


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Re: [Mojolicious] Re: Mojo::UserAgent URL with caret '^' not encoded

2018-10-31 Thread Heiko Jansen
I do not know of a non-ugly way either but if you are okay with a hacky and 
possibly fragile solution you might get away with adding:

 $ua->on(start => sub {
   my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
   $tx->req->{'start_buffer'} =~ s/([&?]s=)%5E/$1^/o;

Poking into internals usually means one day you'll get what you asked for, 
but if there is no other way...

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[Mojolicious] Re: max_message_size

2018-12-24 Thread Heiko Jansen
Am Montag, 3. Dezember 2018 10:29:49 UTC+1 schrieb Mikhail:
> I try to set *$c->req->max_message_size(0) *per ONE route/action.
> This is not work. How to upload big data but not whole APP for?

Can't actually answer your question outright, but maybe have two ideas for 
things you could try:

1) Some methods called on the request require the request to be parsed and 
cache the parsed data.
So if you call any of those methods (in your controller or in any hook 
callback like 'around_dispatch') *before* increasing the limit it may 
already be to late for the latter.

2) I do not know how the relationship between the controller attribute 
"max_request_size" and the "max_message_size" request attribute looks like.
That is: does Controller->max_request_size(0) actually raise the limit for 
every request or is it just needed to actually *be allowed* to raise 
the "max_message_size" limit for the individual request?
Maybe some experimentation will help you here.

- Heiko

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[Mojolicious] Re: Event driven based on syslog messages

2019-04-26 Thread Heiko Jansen
Bit late to the party, but anyhow
If you tell rsyslogd to send output to a socket (using omuxsock), you can 
then use Mojo::IOLoop::Client to connect() to a socket via the "path" 
Afterwards you can make use of the IOLoop to process events for reading 
from the socket.
That's what you want? 

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[Mojolicious] Re: program locked up upon Mojo::Reactor::EV: Timer failed

2019-04-26 Thread Heiko Jansen
Admittedly more of a guess, but 
https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::Transaction#result is documented to "die" on 
connection errors, so maybe wrap that in an "eval" or otherwise modify the 
order of "error" / "is_success" checks?

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[Mojolicious] Re: Event driven based on syslog messages

2019-05-30 Thread Heiko Jansen
Sorry, completely missed your follow-up...

I'd say the synopsis of Mojo::IOLoop mostly shows what to do. Never tried 
it myself, but something along these lines should work:

use Mojo::IOLoop;

my $id = Mojo::IOLoop->client({ path => '/tmp/myapp.sock' } => sub {
  my ($loop, $err, $stream) = @_;
  $stream->on(read => sub {
my ($stream, $bytes) = @_;
# Process input
say "Input: $bytes";
# Start event loop if necessary
Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

There may be other ways to achieve what you want, but this seems the 
easiest solution to me.
Of course there's no guarantee that your "read" callback is called exactly 
once for one complete new syslog entry. You may receive only parts of one 
log entry or a whole bunch of log entries at once and you have to parse and 
split them yourself, sometimes waiting for the rest of an entry to bee 
provided in the next call of your callback...

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Re: [Mojolicious] Set correct rights to unix socket with Mojo::Server::Daemon

2019-05-30 Thread Heiko Jansen
What about simply running your Mojo app under the same user or a user with 
the same user group as used for nginx?
Otherwise, what about using Perl's "umask" builtin in your app start script 
to set the appropriate value and probably reset it after the app started?

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[Mojolicious] Re: With Mojo::IOLoop's delay, timer, and recurring, can I use them in a promises's "then" clause?

2020-09-30 Thread Heiko Jansen
I actually don't know about any pitfalls when using Mojo::IOLoop's delay 
etc. methods within "then" clauses, but 
from my (limited) experience I'd suggest to avoid mixing traditional IOLoop 
methods and promises if only 
because it makes it even harder to follow the code flow.

To me it looks like you're just trying to kill some time when you using 
the Mojo::IOLoop->delay() construct in the 
snippet in your first post?
If so, I believe something along these lines should work (note: I just 
typed that here and did not test it):

print STDERR qq{Get the job out ...\n};
return Mojo::Promise->timer(3);
} )->then( sub {
print STDERR '3 seconds'; 
return Mojo::Promise->timer(3);
} )->then( sub {
print STDERR '6 seconds'; 
return Mojo::Promise->timer(3);
} )->then( sub {
print STDERR '9 seconds'; 
$t->ua->get_p( $retrieve_enqueued_job_url => $header )
} )->then(
sub ($tx) {
  print STDERR qq{ the job RESULTS : }
 . Dumper( $tx->result->body );

Declaration of the variables $retrieve_enqueued_job_url  and  $header would 
have to be lifted outside the 
first "then" clause, of course, to be available in the later ones.

I hope that actually works and helps you move forward... ;-)

Gordon Dollarnanda schrieb am Freitag, 25. September 2020 um 09:15:48 UTC+2:

> Apologies-  i hit the "send" button a bit too quickly.
> The test script works this way:
> 1. enqueue a new job by calling a given endpoint api. A Test::Mojo 
> instance is instantiated. Assume the port is 51611. This is done with a 
> promise using $t->ua->post_p(...) where $t is a Test::Mojo.
> 2. the job will be picked up by a minion service running in the 
> background. The newly enqueued job's id is recorded.
> 3. this is when i need a delay or a recurring loop because the job's 
> argument will have another endpoint url (with the same port currently used 
> by my current Test::Mojo instance) which uses the same port , 51611
> 4. after the job runs, the results of the run is going to be stored in the 
> Minion's job under results (ie $minion->info->{'result'}). 
> 5. a call to another API endpoint to retrieve the results of the job (of 
> the job id in step 2).
> 6. Will test for the job result's values against my expected values (part 
> of Test::More).
> Step 3 is the reason for me to want to plant a delay in the 'then()' 
> section of the promise in step 1.
> On Friday, 25 September 2020 at 17:08:01 UTC+10 Gordon Dollarnanda wrote:
>> hi, guys,
>>  Been reading up 
>> https://docs.mojolicious.org/Mojo/IOLoop/Delay
>> https://docs.mojolicious.org/Mojolicious/Guides/Cookbook
>> and a few threads in the group.
>> Apologies if i had missed this in advance but with Mojo::IOLoop's delay, 
>> timer, and recurring, can I use them in a promises's "then" clause? 
>>  I am trying to do that to no avail.
>>  For example, in the following code snippet,  the test runs very quickly 
>> and doesn't delay at all.
>> *Output:*
>> [16:50:12] anexiole:server git:(bugfix/ET750-asyncTests*) $ prove -v 
>> t/api/fwm/job/up.t 
>> t/api/fwm/job/up.t .. 
>> [info] Setting log level to: debug
>> [info] Manager started: MG EMU: Mojo::Server::Daemon
>> [info] Worker started: MG EMU: [27346]
>> [info] Manager started: MG EMU: Mojo::Server::Daemon
>> [info] Worker started: MG EMU: [27346]
>>  Current port of t is 50016
>>  RESULTS : $VAR1 = '{"jobId":2530,"task":"upgrade"}';
>> job id is 2530
>> Get the job out ...
>> IOLOoP is active
>> After the ioloop...
>> 1..0
>> skipped: (no reason given)
>> *Snippet:*
>>my $data = from_json( $test_scenario->{contents}->{data} );
>> my $enqueue_job = Mojo::URL->new($url);
>> $enqueue_job->query(
>> Mojo::Parameters->new(
>> 'format' => 
>> $test_scenario->{'contents'}->{'format'},
>> 'scope'  => $scope,
>> 'deviceType' => $data->{'deviceType'},
>> 'data'   => 
>> $test_scenario->{'contents'}->{'data'},
>> )
>> );
>> print STDERR qq{ Current port of t is }
>> . $t->ua->server->url->port . qq{\n};
>> $t->ua->post_p( $enqueue_job => $header )->then(
>> sub ($tx) {
>> print STDERR qq{ RESULTS : }
>> . Dumper( $tx->result->body );
>> my $job_id = from_json( $tx->result->body 
>> )->{'jobId'};
>> print STDERR qq{job id is $job_id\n};
>> # Grab the report of the job out
>> my $retrieve_enqueued_job_url
>> = 
>> Mojo::URL->new(qq{/myTestApp/api/job/v12/result/$job_id});
>> $retrieve_enqueued_job_url->query(
>> Mojo::Parameters->new( 'format' => q{json}, ),
>> );
>> print