Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-26 Thread Enver ALTIN

On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 06:14 -0400, Pete Gonzalez wrote:
 Anyway, my point is that Mono can successfully execute quite a lot of 
 Microsoft code before crashing.  :-)

Out of curiosity, I have just one concern about the legal side. Does the
license of Microsoft .NET Framework allow users to run their
implementations on non-Microsoft environments?

..O   Enver ALTIN   |
OOO   Software developer @ Parkyeri |

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Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-26 Thread Alex Chudnovsky
Rafael Teixeira wrote:
Their more recent EULAs forbid to run outside Windows/WindowsCE. But I
don't think it states anything about using anothr (Mono) runtime in
Windows to run them.

Is this referring to .NET's code (dlls and exe's) or .exe and .dll 
generated by Visual Studio from your own source code?

Either way I can't see this standing in court and therefore not 
enforcible: EULAs state many things, but it does not mean they all legit.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-26 Thread Pete Gonzalez
Alex Chudnovsky wrote:
Is this referring to .NET's code (dlls and exe's) or .exe and .dll 
generated by Visual Studio from your own source code?
Either way I can't see this standing in court and therefore not 
enforcible: EULAs state many things, but it does not mean they all legit.
Intuitively, I would think usage of a 3rd party JIT constitutes fair use 
of Microsoft's DLL's.  A more interesting question is whether a 3rd party 
tool can compile and statically link Microsoft's DLL's, which is a 
feature advertised by many obfuscators such as these:
I asked the RemoteSoft guy about this, and he said:  About whether linker 
tool violates EULA, I asked MS, they didn't give a firm anwser, but saying 
not unlikely to go after us and our customers.  (I'm assuming the not 
unlikely [sic] is the emphatic double-negative, not the logical 
double-negative.  :-) )

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-26 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 Hmm... I didn't see COM interop listed anywhere on your roadmap page.  Is 
 this a priority?  It seems that the ability to execute Microsoft DLL's 

It is listed somewhere as a feature that we are not likely going to
support.  It is just not useful at all in Unix, so either someone
authors this support and convinces us that it is worth checking it into
the repository or that wont ever get done.

 would be a prerequisite for running Visual Studio projects, and in 
 particular the huge number of third party Win32-only assemblies require for 
 a desktop application.  (Interoperability is everything, and I would argue 
 that Java's failure on the desktop is largely due to Sun's obssession with 
 platform independence, to the point of discouraging usage of native 
 API's, even when they are vastly superior to the JDK stuff.)

Apps that use COM or ActiveX controls will never run on Mono.  

Even if COM was there, the existing code that depends on the control
would require the control to be ported to some form of COM on Unix
(which to begin with is not available in a reusable form) and binaries
for each platform to be created.

 For what it's worth, I was able to reconfigure Mono.exe to load Microsoft's 
 DLL's (except for mscorlib.dll).  The first problem I encountered was 
 missing implementations for Marshal.ReadByte() and Marshal.ReadInt16().  I 
 hacked these as calls to mscoree.dll (which seems to work!), and now the 
 application runs until the CreateWindowEx() call, at which point it crashes 
 with a basic Win32 API error.  With some more hacking, I could probably get 
 further to some other error.

You can probably get further, but it is still a waste of time.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-26 Thread Pete Gonzalez
Miguel de Icaza wrote:
Apps that use COM or ActiveX controls will never run on Mono.  
Even if COM was there, the existing code that depends on the control
would require the control to be ported to some form of COM on Unix
(which to begin with is not available in a reusable form) and binaries
for each platform to be created.
Heh, so in other words, run on Mono means run on Unix?  That's cool, 
but you know not everybody cares about creating a single .exe that runs on 
multiple platforms, especially if it means giving up valuable libraries and 
API's.  For example, the Mac versions of big apps like Adobe Photoshop or 
MS Word have huge differences from Win32 in order to integrate properly 
with the OS.  And for many companies, the only platform they have to worry 
about is the one with ActiveX.  :-D

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-26 Thread Jürg Billeter
On Die, 2005-04-26 at 14:39 -0400, Pete Gonzalez wrote:
 Miguel de Icaza wrote:
  Apps that use COM or ActiveX controls will never run on Mono.  
  Even if COM was there, the existing code that depends on the control
  would require the control to be ported to some form of COM on Unix
  (which to begin with is not available in a reusable form) and binaries
  for each platform to be created.
 Heh, so in other words, run on Mono means run on Unix?  That's cool, 
 but you know not everybody cares about creating a single .exe that runs on 
 multiple platforms, especially if it means giving up valuable libraries and 
 API's.  For example, the Mac versions of big apps like Adobe Photoshop or 
 MS Word have huge differences from Win32 in order to integrate properly 
 with the OS.  And for many companies, the only platform they have to worry 
 about is the one with ActiveX.  :-D

The whole point of Mono is to develop a cross-platform environment, so
it doesn't really make sense to implement non-cross-platform components,
does it?

Excerpt from Mono FAQ[1]:

What is Mono exactly? 
The Mono Project is an open development initiative sponsored by Novell
that is working to develop an open source, UNIX version of the
Microsoft .NET development platform. Its objective is to enable UNIX
developers to build and deploy cross-platform .NET Applications.





Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-26 Thread Miguel de Icaza

  Apps that use COM or ActiveX controls will never run on Mono.  
  Even if COM was there, the existing code that depends on the control
  would require the control to be ported to some form of COM on Unix
  (which to begin with is not available in a reusable form) and binaries
  for each platform to be created.
 Heh, so in other words, run on Mono means run on Unix?  That's cool, 

I did not say that.  

You are trying to use libraries from Microsoft that are fairly tied to
the Windows platforms.  We are implementing equivalents that cover most
of them in a cross platform fashion, but in your attempts to get ahead
of the game, you have chosen to pursue a hackish path that will not

No amount of complaining will make that change. 

If you want to take advantage of COM and ActiveX on Windows with the
CLI, use the Microsoft provided runtime, and purchase one of those tools
that will do the equivalent of mkbundle.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-25 Thread Pete Gonzalez
I am just getting started with Mono on Windows XP.  I built a very simple 
HelloWorld.exe using Visual Studio, then I clicked on the Mono-1.1.6 
Command Prompt and typed mono HelloWorld.  When my form appeared, the 
GUI did not look quite right, which is a little surprising since it's just 
an empty dialog box with a button.  :-)

The Mono Windows.Forms implementation obviously is still under 
construction, but since my target platform is Windows XP, I can just use 
the real Microsoft libraries.  So I tracked down all the referenced 
Microsoft DLL's and copied them to the same folder as HelloWorld.exe, so 
that Mono will load them instead of its custom versions.  However, now my 
application crashes with an exception:

 Unhandled Exception: System.NotImplementedException: The
 requested feature is not implemented.
 in 0x00021 Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents:add_UserPreferenceChanging
 (Microsoft.Win32.UserPreferenceChangingEventHandler value)
 in 0x0004e System.Drawing.KnownColorTable:InitColorTable ()
 in 0x00010 System.Drawing.KnownColorTable:EnsureColorTable ()
 in 0x7 System.Drawing.KnownColorTable:KnownColorToArgb
 (KnownColor color)
 in 0x0003c System.Drawing.Color:get_Value ()
I read the FAQ's, but apparently using Microsoft DLL's has never occurred 
to anyone?  It seems to me that, as long Mono's MSIL virtual machine and 
pinvoke support are there, mono.exe should work as a drop-in replacement 
for Microsoft's virtual machine (regardless of how incomplete Mono's .NET 
Framework is).  Moreover, it seems that this would be a quite simple 
challenge compared to implementing a full C# compiler or Windows.Forms 
replacement.  So -- has anyone asked about this?  Does it work?

My hope is to use kick-ass Mono features (such as the SSA optimizations, 
--aot, mkbundle, etc.) with standard Visual Studio projects, which 
you'd think would be very attractive.  More importantly, Win32 offers a 
vast array of libraries that may be unsupported by Mono for a long time, so 
in a sense, this is a mandatory requirement for Win32 developers who aren't 
hindered by portability concerns.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-25 Thread Jordi Mas
El dl 25 de 04 del 2005 a les 15:17 -0400, en/na Pete Gonzalez va
 I am just getting started with Mono on Windows XP.  I built a very simple 
 HelloWorld.exe using Visual Studio, then I clicked on the Mono-1.1.6 
 Command Prompt and typed mono HelloWorld.  When my form appeared, the 
 GUI did not look quite right, which is a little surprising since it's just 
 an empty dialog box with a button.  :-)
 The Mono Windows.Forms implementation obviously is still under 
 construction, but since my target platform is Windows XP, I can just use 
 the real Microsoft libraries.  So I tracked down all the referenced 
 Microsoft DLL's and copied them to the same folder as HelloWorld.exe, so 
 that Mono will load them instead of its custom versions.  However, now my 
 application crashes with an exception:

Hi Pete!

Can you please log a bug in including a copy
of the source code of the small example that you try to run? We will
look after the error. There is also a specific Windows Forms mailing
list if you want to talk  specifically of that namespace.


Jordi Mas i Hernàndez - Mono development team -
Homepage and LiveJournal at

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-25 Thread Pete Gonzalez
Miguel de Icaza wrote:
You wont be able to assemblies that come from the .NET framework with
Many of these assemblies use internal calls to the virtual machine, and
are hence non-portable or use COM which is not supported by Mono.
Third party libraries will work, but you need to look at its
dependencies on a case-by-case basis.
Is it reasonable to assume that cases of internal calls and using COM 
are always accompanied by the text string MethodImplOptions.InternalCall 
in the MSIL?  If so, then I did a quick search for InternalCall in my 
application's DLL's, and other than a couple COM interfaces in 
Accessibility.dll, the non-portable stuff seems to be entirely confined 
to mscorlib.dll.

How good is Mono's emulation of mscorlib.dll?  If it's reasonably complete, 
then maybe this isn't such a Herculean task.  :-)

Also, the NotImplementedException error must be coming from a Mono 
library, not a Microsoft one, right?  How do I see where mono.exe is 
loading its DLL's from, and how do I redirect it to use the Microsoft ones?

Accessibility.dll: Accessibility.IAccessible
Accessibility.dll: Accessibility.IAccessibleHandler
mscorlib.dll: Microsoft.Win32.OAVariantLib
mscorlib.dll: System.AppDomain
mscorlib.dll: System.AppDomainSetup
mscorlib.dll: System.ArgIterator
mscorlib.dll: System.Array
mscorlib.dll: System.BCLDebug
mscorlib.dll: System.BitConverter
mscorlib.dll: System.Buffer
mscorlib.dll: System.Char
mscorlib.dll: System.ConfigServer
mscorlib.dll: System.Console
mscorlib.dll: System.Convert
mscorlib.dll: System.Currency
mscorlib.dll: System.CurrentSystemTimeZone
mscorlib.dll: System.DateTime
mscorlib.dll: System.Decimal
mscorlib.dll: System.DefaultBinder
mscorlib.dll: System.Delegate
mscorlib.dll: System.Double
mscorlib.dll: System.Enum
mscorlib.dll: System.Environment
mscorlib.dll: System.Exception
mscorlib.dll: System.GC
mscorlib.dll: System.Guid
mscorlib.dll: System.MarshalByRefObject
mscorlib.dll: System.Math
mscorlib.dll: System.MissingFieldException
mscorlib.dll: System.MissingMemberException
mscorlib.dll: System.MissingMethodException
mscorlib.dll: System.Number
mscorlib.dll: System.Object
mscorlib.dll: System.ParseNumbers
mscorlib.dll: System.RuntimeMethodHandle
mscorlib.dll: System.RuntimeType
mscorlib.dll: System.Single
mscorlib.dll: System.String
mscorlib.dll: System.Type
mscorlib.dll: System.TypedReference
mscorlib.dll: System.TypeLoadException
mscorlib.dll: System.ValueType
mscorlib.dll: System.Variant
mscorlib.dll: System.Diagnostics.Assert
mscorlib.dll: System.Diagnostics.Debugger
mscorlib.dll: System.Diagnostics.Log
mscorlib.dll: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.Calendar
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.CalendarTable
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.CharacterInfo
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.CompareInfo
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.CultureInfo
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.CultureTable
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.EncodingTable
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.GlobalizationAssembly
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.RegionTable
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.SortKey
mscorlib.dll: System.Globalization.TextInfo
mscorlib.dll: System.IO.FileLoadException
mscorlib.dll: System.IO.FileStream
mscorlib.dll: System.IO.Path
mscorlib.dll: System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorage
mscorlib.dll: System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.Assembly
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.AssemblyName
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.CustomAttribute
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.Module
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.RuntimeEventInfo
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.RuntimeFieldInfo
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.Emit.MethodRental
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper
mscorlib.dll: System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExtensibleClassFactory
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibConverter
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Message
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy
mscorlib.dll: System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices
mscorlib.dll: System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Can I use Microsoft's DLL's on the Win32 platform?

2005-04-25 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 Is it reasonable to assume that cases of internal calls and using COM 
 are always accompanied by the text string MethodImplOptions.InternalCall 
 in the MSIL?  If so, then I did a quick search for InternalCall in my 
 application's DLL's, and other than a couple COM interfaces in 
 Accessibility.dll, the non-portable stuff seems to be entirely confined 
 to mscorlib.dll.

My list was not exhaustive, you should also look for P/Invoke and IJW

But even if you did not look into that, Windows.Forms exposes and
consumes COM extensively so it will not work on Mono (in our
implementation we just throw).

Mono-devel-list mailing list