[Mono-list] OSX XSP - thankyou

2005-04-12 Thread Nik Derewianka
Didnt see it in the release notes - but a big thankyou to whoever made 
the changes that allowed XSP (1.0.6) to run on OSX with mono 1.1.6, nant 
is also working and nunit seems to be working from first appearances.

Quite a few happy developers overe here :)
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Re: Suggestions

2005-03-27 Thread Nik Derewianka
Robert Jordan wrote:
I know there is a bug open about it, i know there is a control panel 
work around.  But really, ASP.Net development with mono is completely 
unuseable for real world situations on any platform.  This is despite 
the fact that most of it is pretty much there waiting to be used.

I don't agree with this point.
Serious development implies a staging/development server,
so I simply don't care whether I have to restart Apache
or not: it's just a script that gets called after a
sucessful build. 
There are 3 issues:
1) In a large virtual host environment - this situation is not workable 
from a support side of things (see the mono forge forums as an example 

2) Not all programmers are sys admins.  Not all sysadmins coming to mono 
are familiar with linux (which is currently the only way to do 
ASP.Net).  I'm hardly a computer newbie, but getting a system up and 
running with mono has taken a lot longer than is needed due to the fact 
that i have needed to learn a new operating system, new installation 
method, new web server, Mono installation and configuration (thats fine) 
on a system that to be fair not all people will find as user friendly as 
their current operating system. Suggesting that they just whip up a 
script to restart the server is not going to work for everyone.

3) What is wrong with just saying under the ASP.Net section of the 
website works on linux, requires apache restart for reloading dll's.  
The curious dont get annoyed when they download and set everything up 
only to find this issue which that have to search the web to find out 
about.  The comfortable know exactly what needs to be done and can 
handle it.  The - im waiting for a drop in replacement people dont 
waste their time.

The effect overall atm is that people who are comfy with .Net, apache 
and linux will have no problems doing asp.net development with Mono.  
But how large a segment of the industry do you think that is compared to 
people who know .Net and IIS and want to try out Mono ?

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Re: Suggestions

2005-03-27 Thread Nik Derewianka

I know there is a bug open about it, i know there is a control panel 
work around.  But really, ASP.Net development with mono is 
completely unuseable for real world situations on any platform.  
This is despite the fact that most of it is pretty much there 
waiting to be used.

I use XSP in real world situations on Linux, and I find that it's 
hardly more of a hastle than IIS.
Okay - but are you a .Net developer from windows with little to no 
experience of linux ??  If so, how long did it take you to arrive at a 
solution for restarting the server compared to how long it took you to 
start developing with IIS ??

I may have this completely wrong, the biggest influx of Mono users could 
be from existing linux users who want a better programming situation 
that is found with Mono - in which case, some of my suggestions are 
misguided because they are due to my lack of knowledge of Linux.  
However, i think that .Net being a Microsoft technology initially means 
that a large userbase are windows developers who like the appeal of Open 
Source and are trying out Mono.  For this reason, they are going to be 
unfamiliar with Linux, are going to be running into similar issues as i 
have, are going to be asking the same questions on the lists time and 
time again (if they even bother to subscribe).

Whilst ideally i would like to be contributing code to make Mono a 
better project, i can, as a user still offer feedback on the setup 
process and point out things that could be improved, hopefully saving 
thousands of other developers who might be similar in my skillset from 
going through some of the same frustration that i have been through.  
The fact that there are many blogs out there with similar frustrations 
being vented would seem to indicate that there is room for improvement - 
maybe we are just trying to get into the game too early and Mono will 
get to a much more useable point soon.

It can never be as good, as Microsoft is for-profit, and will always 
be revising their products (C# won't be the C# we know now in five 
years, I'll warrent.  
I actually dont buy this at all.
An excellent production team with good processes in place will make good 
products regardless of how the product is licenced at the end or whether 
they are for profit (and last i checked, Novell was definitely a 
for-profit company).

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono in vhosts

2005-03-24 Thread Nik Derewianka
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier wrote:
You're probably using an old version of mod_mono, as this was a bug in
one of the latest releases (not the last one ;-).

Suse 9.2 with mono 1.1.5, mod_mono 1.0.7  (installed via rpm -Uvh)
using apache2.0.50
Still no go with the following in my vhost file:
Alias / /srv/www/vhosts/mojo.e-media.com.au/
MonoApplications /:/srv/www/vhosts/mojo.e-media.com.au
Location /
SetHandler mono
With the error:
[error] Not running mod-mono-server.exe because no MonoApplications, 
MonoApplicationsConfigFile or MonoApplicationConfigDir specified.

Works fine when i move the above directives back into my default-server.conf
Can i trust rpm -Uvh ?? Should i do a full uninstall and reinstall ?  Or 
is mod_mono still buggy ?? (cant find the previous bug atm)

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Suggestions

2005-03-24 Thread Nik Derewianka
First of all - let me state that i have been lurking here for a good 
while now and can appreciate that a lot of stuff is being done and that 
the following criticisms are intended in a constructive manner, of 
course if i am wrong in any of these then please let me know.  Also, 
these things might already be known and being worked on.

As more end-users (read developers not working on mono) start needing 
the mono runtime to run .net apps/asp.net dev/server setups they are 
going to be coming to the website to get the runtime.  Currently it is 
very mono project oriented with the download section (all that most 
end-users care about) not abundantly clear.  http://mozilla.org/firefox/ 
is a good example of a user oriented site that allows them to get what 
the want quickly and easily.  Maybe even a novell.com/mono url would be 
better if there arent any political/technical hurdles.

Secondly - the downloads page itself:
Unfortunately there is probably not much you can do about all the 
distros, OS detection in the browser and making that the default 
download in a big clear section up the top would be an improvement (dont 
know if you can detect distro version from the browser - but that would 
be even better).

The install sections are not clear - a user has no idea of the 
significance between 1.0.x and 1.1.x, they arent subscribed to the 
lists, the development release sounds like something that should be 
avoided because its in development, but from what i can tell that is 
actually the better one to be using. Or even delineating between Runtime 
and SDK versions if indeed that is what the difference is - the 
difference needs to be spelt out on the pages.

The downloads page is inconsistent.  1.0.6 doesnt have an OSX installer 
(still being built i presumed), yet the 1.1.5 section has an OSX package 
- but its an old version.  Probably best to have all OS listings there 
and have a 'package yet to come' on the right hand side. The windows 
installer in 1.0.6 doesnt say what version it is, and 1.1.5 has a 1.1.4 

RPM's - they might be cool somehow to linux people, but to the rest of 
the world, it is a step backwards.  Anyone of almost any level of 
computing profficiency can download MS .Net (after digging around on 
their poorly layed out site) or Java, double click the installer and 
they are up and running (compared to having to learn rpm on linux) (the 
bitrock installer is great, but the install into non system directories 
is annoying, as well as lack of mod_mono and XSP in the 1.1.4 installer 
IIRC).  The OSX and win32 installers are great.  Can there not be a 
single rpm that just has everything ?? (mono-all.zip doesnt cut it imho).

Consistency: 1.1.4 didnt have mod_mono and xsp on the downloads page, 
now 1.1.5 does (good imho).  The 1.1.5 page still has at the top to 
download them from the 1.0.6 page.

From http://www.mono-project.com/ASP.NET
Both are fully functional at this point.
This is somewhat disingenuous.  A .net web developer is going to presume 
that this means it works just like IIS and .Net but on linux with mono 
and apache.

It doesnt work on windows with apache and mono
It doesnt work on OSX with apache and mono
It works on linux - but only if your idea of good systems administration 
includes restarting apache everytime you make a change to your site.

I know there is a bug open about it, i know there is a control panel 
work around.  But really, ASP.Net development with mono is completely 
unuseable for real world situations on any platform.  This is despite 
the fact that most of it is pretty much there waiting to be used.

I am still going to keep on learning and getting more proficient with 
mono etc, but just wanted to highlight some of the difficulties that 
most people will encounter but who will probably not provide any 
feedback to the mono team.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono in vhosts

2005-03-24 Thread Nik Derewianka

It works for me with current version.
Can you try:
MonoApplications mojo /:/srv/www/vhosts/mojo.e-media.com.au
Location /
MonoSetServerAlias mojo
SetHandler mono

Copied and pasted the above into my conf, then rcapache2 restart
Syntax error on line 71 of /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/mojo.e-media.com.au.conf:
MonoApplications takes one argument, Comma separated list with virtual 
directories and real directories. One ASP.NET application will be 
created for each pair. Default: 

mojo:/install_packages/mono # rpm -qa | grep mod_mono
Is there any way that i can confirm that that version is the actual file 
that is installed without querying via rpm ??

Thanks for your help,
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono in vhosts

2005-03-24 Thread Nik Derewianka
I should note that it does actually work with that directive there in 
the vhost conf, its just the syntax error (perhaps erroneously) that is 
being reported.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] GAC permissions

2005-03-22 Thread Nik Derewianka
New to linux (suse 9.2) so please bear with me:
Using mono 1.1.4 all the files in my GAC have owner/group of root.  In 
my code where i use the Npgsql connector, my code runs fine when 
executed under root but under a normal user it bombs out badly:

** (postgres.exe:9267): WARNING **: Could not find assembly Npgsql, 
references from /home/nik/postgres.exe (assemblyref_index=1)
Major/Minor: 1,0
Build:   5000,0
Token:   5d8b90d52f46fda7
System error: No such file or directory

** (postgres.exe:9267): WARNING **: Missing method .ctor in assembly 
/home/nik/postgres.exe typeref index 2

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not 
set to an instance of an object

Likewise, when using the gacutil to install npgsql from a normal user i 
get errors and it mentions permissions.

So what user/group should i be setting the files in the gac to ??  If i 
change the group to 'users' with read perms then it complains about 

It just doesnt feel right that i need to be opening up all the perms on 
things - but maybe this is how linux does things... if so is there any 
recommended set of permissions  (or have i royally botched something up 
with the install ?).

Any help appreciated,
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] mod_mono in vhosts

2005-03-22 Thread Nik Derewianka
With thanks to Rafael, the postgres stuff is working.
Just one thing left with mod_mono (on suse 9.2):
in my error_log i get:
[Thu Mar 24 06:28:12 2005] [error] Not running mod-mono-server.exe 
because no MonoApplications, MonoApplicationsConfigFile or 
MonoApplicationConfigDir specified.

But in my /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/mojo.e-media.com.au.conf file i have the 
following which is a combination of the vhosts template and the man 
mod_mono sample:

VirtualHost mojo.e-media.com.au:80
   ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ServerName mojo.e-media.com.au
   DocumentRoot /srv/www/vhosts/mojo.e-media.com.au
   ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/mojo.e-media.com.au-error_log
   CustomLog /var/log/apache2/mojo.e-media.com.au-access_log combined
   HostnameLookups Off
   UseCanonicalName Off
   ServerSignature On
   IfModule mod_userdir.c
   UserDir public_html
   Include /etc/apache2/mod_userdir.conf
   Alias /demo /usr/share/doc/xsp/test
   MonoApplications /demo:/usr/share/doc/xsp/test
   Location /demo
   SetHandler mono
   Directory /srv/www/vhosts/mojo.e-media.com.au
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
My html pages show fine, it is only when i try to view the demo page 
that i get a 403 and the following in my vhost log:
[Thu Mar 24 06:49:10 2005] [error] [client] 
(13)Permission denied: access to /demo/ denied

But this looks more like its cascading from the initial startup problem.
Can you put the MonoApplications directive within a VirtualHost element 
? or are there any other steps needed to make it work in this way  ?

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] Mono/Cygwin CD - ISO File available for BitTorrent Download

2005-03-13 Thread Nik Derewianka
Francisco T. Martinez wrote:
This CD-ROM disc is based on the disc that was distributed at the 
recent Mono presentation in Plano Texas. It contains, multimedia 
tutorials tarballs with Mono source code, installers ready to use and 
most important, a very comprehensive Cygwin installation specially 
configured to work in tandem with the Mono 1.1.4 Win32 installer for 
building Mono, XSP, Gtk# and others from source code as described in 
the OReilly article 
http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2005/02/07/monowindows.html (also 
included in the CD) .

It is really great to see this tutorial come out. Can i suggest that it 
would be really helpful to have this on the official mono site as 
currently there is a mishmash of howtos (oreilly, ondotnet, 
all-the-johnsons) that are at various states of uptodateness.

Is there anyone out there that can produce an OSX version ?? Even if 
someone just gives me a real rough outline (using darwinports, fink or 
neither), i will htmlise and test it on a virgin OSX box for 
completeness and thoroughness and would be more than willing to maintain 
the doc if it means that i can start learning more about the development 
process behind mono.

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Profiling applications

2004-08-10 Thread Nik Derewianka
We are currently profiling performance on an ASP.net app 
(www.netaccounts.com.au) on .NET 1.1 and will also be setting up suse 
enterprise server 9.1 on the same box with mono 1.0.1.  Currently we are 
using WAPT to simulate the clientside interaction and perfmon to look at 
the stats serverside.  What tools would i be looking at serverside to 
analyse the performance with mono ??  (or even any other suggestions for 
testing client side performance).

And curiosity question - will hyperthreading affect performance (either 
positively or negatively) on mono ??

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] RE: Is it Mono safe?

2004-05-20 Thread Nik Derewianka
Rick Kitts wrote:
On May 20, 2004, at 2:03 PM, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
you are confusing the issue. it's not the idea that can limit your
freedom, it's the implementation that can.
that said, your concerns becomes moot.
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're saying.
The processor heat reduction helps you and your computing industry.  
Your useage of that IDEA does not in anyway help the Societ Govt etc.  
Your paying the soviet union for the processors that implement that idea 
would help the soviet govt.

Likewise - C#, the idea of a multi-lingual VM, CLI, CTS etc alone are 
good ideas (and not original to MS).  Using them to help you produce 
better code in a shorter time does not help microsoft if you use it on 
your own implementation.  It does help them if you exclusively use only 
their implementation on their OS and place yourself under their control.

There are way too many factors for microsoft to overcome to kill mono 
that it makes it highly unlikely that it will ever succeed.

First - there is no single entity that they can shut down, they would 
have to contest every contributors copyright in every country that they 
come from (with different views on IP laws) and succeed in EVERY SINGLE 
CASE for them to have a chance at stopping the distribution of the 
CURRENT source.   Those developers would still be free to create a 
workaround and continue after a setback - witness the SCO debacle and 
the approach all the authors had to working around the problem.

Secondly - as pathetic as the DoJ has been in doing anything remotely 
resembling curtailing of MS's abuse of its monopoly position, it can 
still incur scrutiny from watchdogs if it attempted to do something so 
blatant as trying to kill competition from mono.  The EU might even 
actually add some bite to it with a punishment.  Then there is the court 
of public opinion - industry pundits would have a field day 
sensationalising Microsofts blatant abuse of monopoly power (yet again).

Thirdly - as Miguel pointed out - unfortunately most development 
scenarios are now patent encumbered already.

At the end of the day - your taking a risk:
is it any bigger than using any other language ??(probably not)
would it be insurmountable to overcome any obstacles ??(probably not)
Do you get the benefits of this technology immediately to help you and 
your projects ?? (yes)

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] OT: Evolution and Mono

2004-05-02 Thread Nik Derewianka
Sorry for the OT but I figure there are enough ximian people here who
might know the answer.

Is there any way to get Evolution running on Windows (cygwin or
otherwise) ?

Any future plans of getting Evolution re-written as a mono application ?

(or anyone know of a full Outlook+Exchange equivalent for win32 clients
any server ?)

Many thanks,

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Mono and Patents....

2004-03-14 Thread Nik Derewianka

if i still don't understand this, please help me to understand it :)

I think what you need is what the upcoming Patent Review might provide.  
For now you will probably just have to trust the Ximian monkeys who have 
probably given this a bit more thought than you have and have access to 
a few more legal resources than you have.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] cygwin

2003-10-16 Thread Nik Derewianka

Can anyone else confirm that following the instructions at:


using the latest cygwin and doing everything from scratch does not work ??

Cygwin itself craps out on a full install (easy to get around)
i seemed to have issues with either libgc:
configure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 = 1.3.11) not met; 
consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your 
libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.

I'm new to cygwin so im not quite sure where to fix up the issue - any 
pointers ?

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]