Re: [Mono-dev] How do I develop mono/C# applications for the AppleiPhone?

2009-02-27 Thread mobbe

I have been working for the last three weeks on trying to get Mono running on
the iPhone. I have been fairly successful and I am able to run small pieces
of managed code now. However, I am a long, long way from being able to write
the whole app in managed code. The only way to get things on the screen is
to use the native UIKit so that means that you have to do a lot of back and
forth between managed and unmanaged code. I haven't seen a framework that
helps you cross that bridge yet. Unity is of course geared for games so they
take care of all of that for you and I have heard it is a really great

There is a lot of different issues that you are faced with when trying to
get Mono running on the iPhone. The first part is to compile it with the
apple arm toolchain. This assumes that you are familiar with a *nix-style of
development with make files, auto tools etc... Things are very well laid out
and it isn't that difficult to get things compiled but it requires a
different skillset than if you are used to VS.NET. I hadn't done this style
of development for a long time so it took me a while to ramp-up. 

The second issue which is a lot more difficult I think is to be able to do
the full AOT compilation of your managed code. In order to do this you have
to run Mono on an ARM processor or patch Mono quite heavily (this is the way
Unity went...). What I have to do is to run Mono on the iPhone in order to
compile the assembly and the run Mono again using the just compiled
assembly. Before I can run my managed assembly I have to use the Apple
assembler and linker as well as codesign the library before I can put it
back on the iPhone. Compling AOT on the device means that the turn-around
time is much longer than for instance what Unity can offer. 

A third option would be to use a ARM emulator (QEMU) and do the compilation
on that virtual machine. 

Now you have some managed code that you can run on the iPhone. The next
challenge as I mentioned first in my reply is how you would interact with
the UI using managed code. For right now it would have to be a hybrid
approach where you transition between unmanaged and managed code so you
would have to mix C, Objective-C and C# in your app. This is all doable but
maybe not the most productive way of developing. 

It is a challenge to do what you want to do but a very interesting and
intellectually rewarding challenge as well.

Mariner, David wrote:
 Hi Daniel, 
 Firstly, I'll only talk about the authorized development scene for the
 device. If you don't already know or can't find out about alternate
 methods, then you'll probably have little success with them if I pointed
 you in their direction. 
 Firstly you're going to need to get a mac to dev on. An intel Mini with
 10.5 is minimum requirements for the iPhone toolchain, but will do the
 job fine. Spring for some extra RAM, but google around for DIY upgrade,
 don't pay the Apple tax on it. 
 Next you're going to need ADC membership (which is free), and then sign
 up to the iPhone dev program (also free) which will let you download the
 toolchain (including emulator) but then you'll need to pay over $99 for
 a certificate to let you run any apps you develop on the device.
 Then you're all set to develop and deploy to the iPhone in general. 
 If you're wanting to start hacking around in mono on the device, the
 first thing to do would be to check out the source from the SVN server,
 and look at ~/mono/ This is what will enable you to
 cross-compile using the apple toolchain. From then on you're into
 exposing APIs, working out a nice productive development / deployment
 toolchain and all that good stuff. 
 Also, bear in mind that the combination of the Apple developer agreement
 and Novell's license terms for mono means that if you're going to be a
 commercial developer, you'll need to speak to Novell regarding a
 commercial license. But IANAL, so take professional advice as necessary.
 Or you can go for the Unity option. You'll still need the mac and the
 $99 certificate from Apple, but if you want to dev in c# on the iPhone,
 it's really going to be your quickest route to deployment. One of the
 best things about it is that you can do extremely rapid code-build-test the order of about 3 seconds until you're seeing the results
 of your changes. 
 I know that it seems like a large outlay, but if you're seriously
 looking to develop any game-style applications and you want to avoid a
 whole world of pain then I'd really recommend the Unity route. If you're
 more in it for the hacker culture aspect of cool toys, or if you want
 to do applications rather than games then try without it first. 
 Once you've got the mac setup, you can always evaluate the 30 day trial
 of Unity to see how you get on with it as an environment.
 Hope this helps,
 P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, my wife works at Unity. But
 that doesn't change the fact that it's 

[Mono-dev] Full AOT compilation of generics supported?

2009-02-25 Thread mobbe

Running a two-week old SVN HEAD version of Mono and have been using the full
AOT compilation feature as well as the mono_aot_only mode of running the
system so that I can execute managed code on the iPhone. I have been
successful in doing so and have been instantiating and executing various
managed code methods to verify the functionality.

Last night I fully AOT compiled an assembly that has a method with some
generics code in it. I basically add a few strings to a Liststring
collection. When running this method an assert was triggered and looking at
the stack trace it seemed to have stopped when it tried to compile a
runtime_invoke_void_* method (not sure about the exact name of this
method)... which was created as an extra method when previously compiling
the generic code. 

Now, the assert was triggered because I was running with mono_aot_only =
TRUE but the code was trying to invoke a JIT compilation. 

Does this mean that generics isn't supported right now for full AOT
compilation? or does it mean that I haven't initialized the system correctly
(either at compile time or at runtime)?

If it is not supported are there any goals for when this would be available? 

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Re: [Mono-dev] Full AOT compilation of generics supported?

2009-02-25 Thread mobbe

Hi again,

I got the latest from SVN and recompiled all of my base libraries again
(mscorlib,System and System.Core) as well as my custom assembly. The base
libraries are taken from the mono/2.1 folder so I am compiling with the
Silverlight binaries. 

When I try to run my method I get the following assert... 

** ERROR **: Attempting to JIT compile method '(wrapper static-rgctx-invoke)
System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1string:static_rgctx_invoke_void ()'
while running with --aot-only.

This is the code that I am trying to run... 

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace MonoSLLibrary
  public class Class1
/// summary
/// Cretes a generic list, creates a few items descending order, sorts
the list
/// and returns the first item. The first item should be a 1;
/// /summary
/// returns/returns
public string SortListAndReturnFirstItem()
  Liststring strings = new Liststring();

  return strings[0];


I guess it is the call to strings.Sort that is causing some issues with the
comparer. Is still one of those rare cases where Mono doesn't JIT-compile or
should this not be happening? 



  full aot + generics is mostly supported, but it is very hard to
statically determine the
set of generics methods which need to be AOTed so it might not work in
all cases. Try
current SVN HEAD as there were fixes in this area in the past two weeks.


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Re: [Mono-dev] Full AOT compilation of generics supported?

2009-02-25 Thread mobbe

Update on this one.. 

If I comment out the line that has strings.Sort(); on it I am successful in
retrieving back the string 3 from the managed world.

Hi again,

I got the latest from SVN and recompiled all of my base libraries again
(mscorlib,System and System.Core) as well as my custom assembly. The base
libraries are taken from the mono/2.1 folder so I am compiling with the
Silverlight binaries. 

When I try to run my method I get the following assert... 

** ERROR **: Attempting to JIT compile method '(wrapper static-rgctx-invoke)
System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1string:static_rgctx_invoke_void ()'
while running with --aot-only.

This is the code that I am trying to run... 

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace MonoSLLibrary
  public class Class1
/// summary
/// Cretes a generic list, creates a few items descending order, sorts
the list
/// and returns the first item. The first item should be a 1;
/// /summary
/// returns/returns
public string SortListAndReturnFirstItem()
  Liststring strings = new Liststring();

  return strings[0];


I guess it is the call to strings.Sort that is causing some issues with the
comparer. Is still one of those rare cases where Mono doesn't JIT-compile or
should this not be happening? 


Zoltan Varga wrote:
   full aot + generics is mostly supported, but it is very hard to
 statically determine the
 set of generics methods which need to be AOTed so it might not work in
 all cases. Try
 current SVN HEAD as there were fixes in this area in the past two weeks.

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[Mono-dev] Unable to call methods on managed objects while running Mono on the iPhone

2009-02-22 Thread mobbe

Over the past couple of weeks I have been working with getting the Mono
framework up and running on the iPhone and I am darn close to have it all
working.. .I have been able to get the AOT compilation to work and was able
this morning to startup Mono in full aot mode on the device. Big thanks to
Zoltan Varga for helping me through all the roadblocks I ran into.  I have
been working with a SVN HEAD version that I updated last week sometime.

Next step I took was to try to invoke some methods on classes in the msorlib
assembly to see if I could execute managed code and this is where I ran into
a new road block..

It looks like I am only able to execute .ctor methods!? During the startup
of Mono it creates a few exceptions (OutOfMemoryException etc..) and it
invokes its constructor method and passes in parameters. This works just
fine...and here it is executing managed code.

However, I tried to execute the ToString() method on an instance of the
Exception class and then the program is interrupted and stopped in the
prolog for the function mono_get_lmf_addr.. if I continue to run the
I get a BAD_INSTRUCTION message and the whole thing shuts down...

Here is the code I am trying to execute... 

MonoDomain * domain = mono_jit_init(); 
MonoAssembly* msCorlib = mono_domain_assembly_open (domain,mscorlib); 
MonoImage* image = mono_assembly_get_image(msCorlib);

MonoClass *klass = mono_class_from_name (image, System, Exception);
MonoObject* o = mono_object_new (domain, klass);

MonoMethodDesc* methodDesc = mono_method_desc_new(System.Object:ToString,
MonoMethod* toStringMethod = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(methodDesc,
MonoObject* result = mono_runtime_invoke(toStringMethod, o, NULL, NULL);

I don't know if it would help you but here is the assembly where it all
0x001d5bdc  +  push {r4, r5, r7, lr}
0x001d5bde  +0002  add r7, sp, #8
0x001d5be0  +0004  sub sp, #12 -- stops here
0x001d5be2  +0006  ldr r3, [pc, #76] (0x1d5c30
0x001d5be4  +0008  add r3, pc
0x001d5be6  +0010  ldr r3, [r3, #0]
0x001d5be8  +0012  adds r0, r3, #0
0x001d5bea  +0014  bl 0x3e640 TlsGetValue

I get the same problem if I try to run other methods on other objects or
static methods as well...Only constructor methods seems to work.

It looks to me that the stack isn't setup properly since it always throws
the EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION when trying to access the stack pointer. 

I have been banging my head against this problem for two days and right now
I am not able to figure out how to troubleshoot this. If there is anyone out
there that have any suggestion on how I should go about troubleshooting this
I would really appreciate it. It stings a bit to come this close and not be
able to cross the finish line... 


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Re: [Mono-dev] Unable to call methods on managed objects while running Mono on the iPhone

2009-02-22 Thread mobbe

An update on this one...I found a setting in XCode that said  Compile for
Thumb and that one was set to true. I unchecked it and recompiled
everything and now the code doesn't stop at the same position
I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the I am still not
there but at least I cleared the hurdle I first posted about. Since thumb
instructions are 16 bits and ARM mode are 32 bits things must have not been
aligned properly and hence the BAD_INSTRUCTION exceptions. This is the call
stack right now...  

#0  0x0007e0cc in get_hazardous_pointer at domain.c:276
#1  0x0007e4e8 in mono_jit_info_table_find at domain.c:370
#2  0x0020f17c in mono_get_generic_context_from_code at
#3  0x0020f5a8 in mono_convert_imt_slot_to_vtable_slot at
#4  0x0021044c in mono_magic_trampoline at mini-trampolines.c:348
#5  0x03904524 in method_order_end

I guess my next step is to research my hazardous_pointers 

mobbe wrote:
 Over the past couple of weeks I have been working with getting the Mono
 framework up and running on the iPhone and I am darn close to have it all
 working.. .I have been able to get the AOT compilation to work and was
 able this morning to startup Mono in full aot mode on the device. Big
 thanks to Zoltan Varga for helping me through all the roadblocks I ran
 into.  I have been working with a SVN HEAD version that I updated last
 week sometime.
 Next step I took was to try to invoke some methods on classes in the
 msorlib assembly to see if I could execute managed code and this is where
 I ran into a new road block..
 It looks like I am only able to execute .ctor methods!? During the startup
 of Mono it creates a few exceptions (OutOfMemoryException etc..) and it
 invokes its constructor method and passes in parameters. This works just
 fine...and here it is executing managed code.
 However, I tried to execute the ToString() method on an instance of the
 Exception class and then the program is interrupted and stopped in the
 prolog for the function mono_get_lmf_addr.. if I continue to run the
 I get a BAD_INSTRUCTION message and the whole thing shuts down...
 Here is the code I am trying to execute... 
 MonoDomain * domain = mono_jit_init(); 
 MonoAssembly* msCorlib = mono_domain_assembly_open (domain,mscorlib); 
 MonoImage* image = mono_assembly_get_image(msCorlib);
 MonoClass *klass = mono_class_from_name (image, System, Exception);
 MonoObject* o = mono_object_new (domain, klass);
 MonoMethodDesc* methodDesc =
 mono_method_desc_new(System.Object:ToString, TRUE);
 MonoMethod* toStringMethod = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(methodDesc,
 MonoObject* result = mono_runtime_invoke(toStringMethod, o, NULL, NULL);
 I don't know if it would help you but here is the assembly where it all
 0x001d5bdc  +  push {r4, r5, r7, lr}
 0x001d5bde  +0002  add r7, sp, #8
 0x001d5be0  +0004  sub sp, #12 -- stops here
 0x001d5be2  +0006  ldr r3, [pc, #76] (0x1d5c30
 0x001d5be4  +0008  add r3, pc
 0x001d5be6  +0010  ldr r3, [r3, #0]
 0x001d5be8  +0012  adds r0, r3, #0
 0x001d5bea  +0014  bl 0x3e640 TlsGetValue
 I get the same problem if I try to run other methods on other objects or
 static methods as well...Only constructor methods seems to work.
 It looks to me that the stack isn't setup properly since it always throws
 the EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION when trying to access the stack pointer. 
 I have been banging my head against this problem for two days and right
 now I am not able to figure out how to troubleshoot this. If there is
 anyone out there that have any suggestion on how I should go about
 troubleshooting this I would really appreciate it. It stings a bit to come
 this close and not be able to cross the finish line... 

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Re: [Mono-dev] On what platform|cpu-arch|mono-version does full AOT actually work?

2009-02-16 Thread mobbe

I compiled the Mono framework (the unmanaged pieces) so that I could run it
on my iPhone. I was successful in doing that and thought that I would try to
do AOT on the iPhone...transfer the temporary asm output to my Mac to
assemble and link it and from there keep going... however when performing
the AOT compilation of mscorlib.dll Mono hit another assert... something
with inst-sreg1 being negative 1 (-1) (Don't remember right now what
funtion it stopped in..will have to supply that information when I get to my
Mac later tonight). 

If I commented out the assert it went on a bit further but stopped on a
another assert when trying to emit the op-code saying that it was expecting
0 bytes for the op-code ld_loadmembase but got 4... 

Anyone out there have an ideas of where I should be looking next in order to
try to solve this? It seems like the instruction set it is using for ARM
doesn't match the source codes assumptions. I am sure that I am doing
something wrong but don't know where to begin to look for the issue. Maybe
someone out there has a cpu-arm.h file that they know works that I can
compare with mine? Are there any other generated files regarding the
instruction set that I should double check? 

Thanks for your help in advance. 


 full-aot currently only works on amd64/arm.


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Re: [Mono-dev] On what platform|cpu-arch|mono-version does full AOT actually work?

2009-02-16 Thread mobbe

I am indeed trying to compile a 2.0 version of the mscorlib. I will grab the
1.0 version instead and see if I have better luck with that one...if I can
get that to work then I will migrate to use the code from SVN and try with
the 2.0 profile. 


Zoltan Varga wrote:
   You might be trying to use full-aot with the 2.0 profile. Currently,
 only the 1.0 mscorlib can
 be full-aot-ed, altough 2.0 should work when using mono SVN.
 On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 3:48 PM, mobbe wrote:

 I compiled the Mono framework (the unmanaged pieces) so that I could run
 on my iPhone. I was successful in doing that and thought that I would try
 do AOT on the iPhone...transfer the temporary asm output to my Mac to
 assemble and link it and from there keep going... however when performing
 the AOT compilation of mscorlib.dll Mono hit another assert... something
 with inst-sreg1 being negative 1 (-1) (Don't remember right now what
 funtion it stopped in..will have to supply that information when I get to
 Mac later tonight).

 If I commented out the assert it went on a bit further but stopped on a
 another assert when trying to emit the op-code saying that it was
 0 bytes for the op-code ld_loadmembase but got 4...

 Anyone out there have an ideas of where I should be looking next in order
 try to solve this? It seems like the instruction set it is using for ARM
 doesn't match the source codes assumptions. I am sure that I am doing
 something wrong but don't know where to begin to look for the issue.
 someone out there has a cpu-arm.h file that they know works that I can
 compare with mine? Are there any other generated files regarding the
 instruction set that I should double check?

 Thanks for your help in advance.


  full-aot currently only works on amd64/arm.


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Re: [Mono-dev] On what platform|cpu-arch|mono-version does full AOT actually work?

2009-02-16 Thread mobbe

Nope...same results with a mscorlib.dll from the 1.0 folder. It gets stuck in
the mono_local_regalloc method on the assert  checking for ins-sreg !=
-1... Exactly the same message as before. It is trying to compile the Equals

The inst op code is 633 and both sreg1 and sreg2 is -1.. .

I am running the system with build 125709 and compiling the mscorlib.dll
from the 1.0 folder... 

mobbe wrote:
 I am indeed trying to compile a 2.0 version of the mscorlib. I will grab
 the 1.0 version instead and see if I have better luck with that one...if I
 can get that to work then I will migrate to use the code from SVN and try
 with the 2.0 profile. 
 Zoltan Varga wrote:
   You might be trying to use full-aot with the 2.0 profile. Currently,
 only the 1.0 mscorlib can
 be full-aot-ed, altough 2.0 should work when using mono SVN.
 On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 3:48 PM, mobbe wrote:

 I compiled the Mono framework (the unmanaged pieces) so that I could run
 on my iPhone. I was successful in doing that and thought that I would
 try to
 do AOT on the iPhone...transfer the temporary asm output to my Mac to
 assemble and link it and from there keep going... however when
 the AOT compilation of mscorlib.dll Mono hit another assert... something
 with inst-sreg1 being negative 1 (-1) (Don't remember right now what
 funtion it stopped in..will have to supply that information when I get
 to my
 Mac later tonight).

 If I commented out the assert it went on a bit further but stopped on a
 another assert when trying to emit the op-code saying that it was
 0 bytes for the op-code ld_loadmembase but got 4...

 Anyone out there have an ideas of where I should be looking next in
 order to
 try to solve this? It seems like the instruction set it is using for ARM
 doesn't match the source codes assumptions. I am sure that I am doing
 something wrong but don't know where to begin to look for the issue.
 someone out there has a cpu-arm.h file that they know works that I can
 compare with mine? Are there any other generated files regarding the
 instruction set that I should double check?

 Thanks for your help in advance.


  full-aot currently only works on amd64/arm.


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[Mono-dev] On what platform|cpu-arch|mono-version does full AOT actually work?

2009-02-12 Thread mobbe

I downloaded a openSUSE 11.0 image with Mono 2.2 and tried the following in a
terminal window... 

sudo mono --aot=full /usr/lib/1.0/mscorlib.dll

The end result is that an assert in the code triggers a halt. The specific
assert message is:

** ERROR: (mini-x86.c:5314): mono_arch_get_patch_offset: code should not be

I have been working with enabling AOT on the Mac and I get the same message
there... looks like it doesn't recognize certain opcodes and then the assert
halts the program. 

Anyone know on what platform/cpu combination and Mono version the full AOT
actually works? I have been trying to debug the code and see if I could
figure out what was wrong but as I just looks like certain opcodes
that Mono generates don't sit well with the code generator. 

If it is not the code but rather that I am not invoking the tools correctly
then please let me know as well...


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