Re: [Monotone-devel] No sponsored hardware :(

2010-08-23 Thread Philipp Gröschler

On 23.08.2010 19:35, Tero Koskinen wrote:

If we end up buying a VPS for the project how we handle all
the maintenance things? Do we need to care about the bus factor
of the maintainer(s)? (What happens if you get hit by a bus,
spend ten years in a coma, and we need to renew the VPS

The core developers should share all accounting information, maybe 
through a private section in the Wiki or by other means (snail mail is 
also a lot quicker than it used to be 30 years ago. I'm drifting here).

For the payment there could be some online bank account which has all 
core developers registered as holders. There are lots of offers which 
don't come with an additional fee.

Also the VPS hoster should know that there are several people in charge. 
We once had problems when we shared our dedicated server among a few 
people, the server support refused to speak to anybody except to the one 
who originally sealed the deal, which is not necessarily the person with 
the most available spare time, availability, whatever ;)

(Side note: I wouldn't go as far as establishing some own NPO, that 
usually implies more problems than it solves)

And how the collection of money happens? Wire transfers
inside Europe are free (thanks to SEPA), but people outside
Europe might prefer other ways.

The Flattr-Project seems to work good for a few blogs and websites I 
regularly visit, and Paypal is planning a micropayment system, too. The 
other story is if one likes using those services, but it could be a 
start for people from outside of europe.

Also there could be some nice Please donate buttons on the starting 
page. (Of course with their image files mirrored locally, for terms of 
privacy protection. At least Flattr explicitly allows that).

On 23.08.2010 14:54, Thomas Keller wrote:
 If not, who is willing to throw in some money to buy a server?

Count on me there :)

 Opinions and / or alternative offerings?

I was shortly thinking about offering some place on my own VPS, which is 
quite bored most of the day. But it has very limited hardware compared 
to the offer on Netcup, also I don't have unlimited traffic.

Are there some statistics about average memory usage (excluding Apache 
and MySQL, which are running either way) and monthly traffic? What about 
peak usage around the release dates?

So far ...


Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] 0.48 rants

2010-07-14 Thread Philipp Gröschler
 1. Deal with the issue of oops, I forgot to specify a --branch option
 for this commit and now I have to start over which is now handled by
 being able to see and change the branch you're committing to while
 editing the commit message.

Surprise, I didn't know this information was editable and furthermore
would have an effect on the commit action. Should have read the NEWS
more thoroughly :-)

Anyway I do like it, because now I don't have to copypaste in my
terminal, which would normally need another mtn call to get the branch
string to copy from. Also I don't mind scrolling down a few lines.

Could this be made switchable, maybe through the users' monotonerc?
Folks who like the old template could then easily reactivate it.

Another bunch of questions: isn't it dangerous to have the Date field
editable, or are there checks done to guarantee the entered date is
reasonable, and for example not temporally _before_ the last revision's
date? What purpose is there anyway in having an editable Date field?



Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Release Of mtn-browse Version 0.70 and Monotone::AutomateStdio 0.08

2010-06-01 Thread Philipp Gröschler
On 31.05.2010 19:43, Anthony Edward Cooper wrote:
 I would like to announce the 0.70 release of mtn-browse:

I tried to compile this one here, and it states
 Can't locate in @INC ...

As I don't have the slightest clue about Perl, I can only guess that it
is dev-perl/glib-perl (from which is wanted
here. At least the package is named so on Gentoo.

Besides this one, are there any other dependencies which I would
possibly have to resolve manually? And as I am trying to write an ebuild
for it, could you please include the minimum required versions?



Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] usabilty of translations

2010-05-30 Thread Philipp Gröschler
On 29.05.2010 15:34, Zbigniew Zagórski wrote:
 I know that amongst developers (at least professional ones), there is
 strong movement to use english-only UI/termsinstead native ones -
 ad-hoc created terms create only confusion and thus are problematic
 (at least polish IT/CS terminology/vocabulary is week) . YYMV but in
 my experience- use only english terms.
 So then ... I this experience is similar to yours?

Nearly all software on my boxes, either workstations or servers, is
using the english language. Thanks to Gentoo, I removed the nls use
flag and so every package compiles with english messages only. Monotone
too, of course.

First, most of the text ist shorter to read and uses less space in the
UI. Second, no trouble with character sets. English text tends to stay
in the 7bit ASCII range, so you can cleanly read the output, despite
terminal settings. Third, and that's possibly the most important, if I
encounter an error message, it's far more likely that I will get search
results for the english error message, than for example for a german
one, which would be my native language.

off topic :-)

For my opinion, much of the work which is put into translations today
should be put into working with the actual code. Also many translators
tend to translate *everything* and also often literally. In KDE set to
english, two example icons are captioned with Paste and Fetch Feed.
With german setting I would get Von Zwischenablage einfügen and
Nachrichtenquelle abholen. That's kind of ridiculous.


To put it short: +1 for english messages, they're the only ones I need
for the above stated reasons.

My zwo Pfennig,


Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Release time

2010-05-28 Thread Philipp Gröschler
On 28.05.2010 10:23, CooSoft Support wrote:
 I couldn't agree more with Thomas's point about Monotone dying if we are
 not careful. It's a psychological thing. `Oh it's only at - still

Sure it's psychological and nowadays in the age of OSS, versioning
schemes or rather the progress of their numbers are often not really
expressive. Wine took 10 years to release 1.0 and noone really cared in
the end, because it has been working for ages before. On the other hand
I've seen software for example in a 5.x version and was hugely wondering
what that thing did the four major versions before.

People shouldn't look at the numbers of the version but rather on the
feature list on the project's website. Maybe somewhere on that website
there should be included a sentence like We use it all the time and no
problems so far. Like Jack, I personally use Monotone for all my work
stuff, source codes, server configs, etc. My lady is using Monotone for
her thesis. No problems ever, so count that as +2 from here :-)

One problem of a 1.0 or 1.0.0 release could be, that the more
sophisticated users from bigger development groups, which then start to
use monotone because of the major release, often stick to a version they
chose in the beginning of a project. Of course they still want to have
bugfix releases, but by no means they want breakage in the API or
interface or whatever applies.

I've seen this happen on another project I accompanied a while ago. As
soon as they put out 1.0 there only came bugfix releases afterwards,
although many requests for mostly the same improvements appeared on the
mailing list and the excuse always was like No we don't do that,
because then we would break with the big guys. Does Monotone have the
power to support two branches, so that new and needed features don't get

Just a few thoughts :-)


Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] [ANNOUCE] monotone 0.47 has been released

2010-03-15 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Am 14.03.2010 22:53, schrieb Thomas Keller:
 You can grab it at the usual location - binaries are posted as they come in.
Sources compile fast and without problems here on Gentoo/AMD64.
Migration, workspace and sync are working just fine.

 Thanks to all people who made this possible!
I'd like to join that statement :-)

That's how a week should start!


Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Commit error (Possible LUA problem)

2010-02-15 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Philipp Gröschler schrieb:
 Too bad the 0.44 ebuild has fallen out of Portage a while ago, otherwise
 I could just re-emerge Monotone and the error would most probably go

A short update on that story:

On my laptop I manually created a 0.44 ebuild and reinstalled that
version, no effect, the error is still there.

On my workstation I updated to 0.45 (because of 0.46 not yet being in
Portage tree and me being detered by the amount of severe bug reports
from the last two weeks) and, damn it, that exact same error is now
appearing here on a completely different branch.

Here's the message again:
 mtn: beginning commit on branch '###'
 mtn: warning: [string std hooks]:33: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table 
 expected, got nil)
 mtn: misuse: edit of log message failed

In the meantime I reinstalled all dependencies, tried with a freshly
pulled database, no change. I traced all files opened by mtn during the
commit process, and the only existing LUA script which gets opened is
/etc/monotone/hooks.lua whose sole contents are:
 include(get_confdir() .. /passphrase.lua)

When I delete this file, no change.

The trace before the error occurs is:
 mtn: beginning commit on branch '##'
 stat(_MTN/log, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
 stat(_MTN/log, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
 open(_MTN/log, O_RDONLY)  = 4
 open(/tmp/mtn.VGM90G, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600) = 4
 open(/tmp/mtn.VGM90G, O_RDWR) = 4
 --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
 mtn: warning: [string std hooks]:33: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table 
 expected, got nil)
 mtn: misuse: edit of log message failed

Same situation as on the laptop, it crashes after opening the temporary
file which should be passed to vi for editing the commit message.

These are the versions of the installed dependencies:

No more ideas here. And my workstation is also broken now, which is ...
not good.



Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Commit error (Possible LUA problem)

2010-02-15 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Ahh, we're getting closer. Let's see ...

Stephen Leake schrieb:
 What are OS are you on, and what language settings?
Gentoo Linux on all machines, here on the workstation specifically:
 Linux 2.6.31-gentoo-r6 #1 SMP PREEMPT x86_64

Language setting is german, but Monotone was compiled without NLS.

 So it looks like the path to the executable is nil (should be 'vi', in
 this case). That is in turn specified by the environment variables
 VISUAL and EDITOR (see std_hooks edit_comment). If
 those env variables are null, it searches PATH for executables named
 'editor' and 'vi'.
EDITOR is set to /usr/bin/vim as it should be, but VISUAL does not exist.

Thomas Keller schrieb:
 I can only guess here, but I'd propose you load a custom rc file which
 contains the current std_hooks.lua contents and debug your way through
 until you see the problem.
The strace should uncover those, right? I didn't create any custom hook
scripts, except our server, were everything works just fine. This is by
the way the only machine in our network which didn't get heavily updated
in the last month. As I stated before, I have been installing KDE4 and
my guess is, that this might have caused this situation.

I attached a text file with the (nearly complete) trace. (Only the
workspace files and some paths have been omitted)

 Philipp, try to open lua from command line and enter
 function foo(...) return unpack(arg) end
 = foo(1,2,3)
 Do you see
 1   2   3
 as output then? If yes, then its not a lua problem.

No, in fact I see this:
 Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio
 function foo(...) return unpack(arg) end 
 = foo(1,2,3) 
 stdin:1: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil)
 stack traceback:  
 [C]: in function 'unpack' 
 stdin:1: in function stdin:1
 (tail call): ?
 [C]: ?  

I guess we have some clue now :-)
execve(/usr/bin/mtn, [mtn, ci], [/* 69 vars */]) = 0
access(/etc/, R_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY) = 3
open(/usr/lib/, O_RDONLY) = 3
open(/usr/lib/, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/usr/lib/, O_RDONLY) = 3
open(/usr/lib/, O_RDONLY) = 3
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)= 3
open(/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.3.4/, O_RDONLY) = 3
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)= 3
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)= 3
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)= 3
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/usr/lib/, O_RDONLY) = 3
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)   = 3
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)   = 3
open(/usr/lib64/locale/locale-archive, O_RDONLY) = 3
open(/usr/lib64/gconv/gconv-modules.cache, O_RDONLY) = 3
getcwd(/, 4096) = 59
stat(//_MTN, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=144, ...}) = 0
stat(//_MTN, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=144, ...}) = 0
stat(/, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=696, ...}) = 0
chdir(/) = 0
stat(//.monotone/monotonerc, 0x7455c580) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
stat(_MTN/monotonerc, 0x7455c580) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
stat(_MTN/format, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2, ...}) = 0
stat(_MTN/format, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2, ...}) = 0
open(_MTN/format, O_RDONLY)   = 3
stat(_MTN/options, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=162, ...}) = 0
open(_MTN/options, O_RDONLY)  = 3
stat(_MTN/options, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=162, ...}) = 0
stat(_MTN/options, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=162, ...}) = 0
open(_MTN/options, O_RDONLY)  = 3
stat(//Develop/, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=573440, ...}) = 0
stat(//.monotone/keys, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=128, ...}) = 0
stat(_MTN, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=144, ...}) = 0
stat(_MTN/options, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=162, ...}) = 0
stat(_MTN, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=144, ...}) = 0
open(_MTN/mt5z7qi7.tmp, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0666) = 3
rename(_MTN/mt5z7qi7.tmp, _MTN/options) = 0
stat(_MTN/revision, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=133, ...}) = 0
open(_MTN/revision, O_RDONLY) = 3
stat(//Develop/, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=573440, ...}) = 0
stat(//Develop/, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=573440, ...}) = 0
open(//Develop/, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644) = 3
access(//Develop/, F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
access(//Develop/, F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
access(//Develop/, F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
access(//Develop/, F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 

Re: [Monotone-devel] Commit error (Possible LUA problem)

2010-01-23 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Thomas Keller schrieb:
 This line leads me to the execute() function, apparently it is called
 with no arguments in place from somewhere. Do you happen to have a
 custom, not working edit_comment hook lingering around anywhere?

Not sure about that. I know that there is no custom LUA script in
~/.monotone, only the key directory. It could be that in the whole
system upgrading process some shared LUA script (if there is any at all)
was modified, though I doubt that.

Too bad the 0.44 ebuild has fallen out of Portage a while ago, otherwise
I could just re-emerge Monotone and the error would most probably go
away. Seems to be time for an update, finally ;-)

Anyway, thanks!


Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Commit error (Possible LUA problem)

2010-01-22 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Recently on my laptop Monotone startet throwing errors when trying to
commit. They look like:

 mtn: beginning commit on branch '###'
 mtn: warning: [string std hooks]:33: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table 
 expected, got nil)
 mtn: misuse: edit of log message failed

No, that is not the real branch name. You might have guessed that
already ;-)

Version of Monotone ist still 0.44 throughout our network. I didn't have
the nerve to upgrade yet, the first try bothered me with the demand of a
lot of manual labour, so I repelled that for quite a while.

Recent changes on that particular machine include an upgrade to KDE 4
and in course of that a recompilation or upgrade of many other packages.
Other mtn commands like sync or status work perfectly.

Any ideas?



Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] netsync flag day justifies bumping version number to 1.0

2009-08-25 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Timothy Brownawell:
 Before that, there's moving to SSL. This is case (2), so we could try to
 add negotiation now to support it. Or we could make it possible for one
 server to serve both SSL and non-SSL at the same time on different
 ports, and not risk mucking up the nice encryption properties.

Would it be possible to serve both variations on the same network port?
I don't know netsync and how it does handshaking (if at all). But as I
learned not long ago, for example SMTP uses plain and also SSL encrypted
connections over the same port. Both end points negotiate about their
capabilities and at some point one of them says starttls and the
encryption handshake begins.

Could be that most of the connection handling code would have to be
rewritten to offer this feature. But everytime I read let's use another
port the word firewall comes to my mind.

Just my little thoughts...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] [ANN] monotone 0.43 released

2009-03-24 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Jack Lloyd schrieb:

I've submitted an ebuild for 0.43 at

It works for me, anyway.

Perfect, thanks! Let's see when it will hit den official portage tree. I 
downloaded the ebuild file and will test it here during the next days. 
But previously I'll have to read all the Changelogs, the network here 
still is on 0.39. Which makes me wonder, but ...

Two questions:
- Why did you mark it unstable?
- Who is currently maintaining the Monotone ebuilds on Gentoo and should 
we perhaps do this ourselves?

It's unfortunately quite common in Gentoo that packages with a smaller 
user group have a very long delay between their updates and often lack a 
few versions.


Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] [ANN] monotone 0.43 released

2009-03-22 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Thomas Keller schrieb:

A new version was released today with these changes:

That's good news! I hope Gentoo's ebuild will catch up soon, we're still 
creeping on 0.40 here ...


Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Documentation Texinfo XML to Wiki converter

2009-02-26 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Thomas Keller schrieb:
 The whole xslt thing is basically a test balloon how well we can convert
 the current texinfo source to wiki markup and if this works out well if
 we use this instead of plain HTML files for the website (or even switch
 completly to a wiki manual, if people agree). The reason for this step
 is because makeinfo is rather limited when it comes to HTML output, you
 cannot rearrange things or add certain needed header / footer parts
 easily to it, _but_ there is an XML output available which theoretically
 could be transformed to anything we want. And exactly this is Philipp's

Thanks for clearing this out ;-) My last mail wasn't really what one
would call creative or informational.

Again, if there are questions, please first take a look at the README
file in the branch I committed. There I tried to sum up my intentions.
Well, at least the important ones.

Zack Weinberg schrob:
 What is *your* vision for this thing?  I don't really understand what
 you have in mind so it's hard for me to evaluate.  I think we would
 prefer to keep the master copy of the manual as part of the main
 sources rather than opening it up to wiki-based editing, but that
 doesn't mean support for more different rendering formats is
 uninteresting -- far from it.

My vision is to get involved in the project in a way that I can help
within my limited spare time/abilities.

The current state of the package is very experimental, just to show a
way how it *could* be done. Besides the possibility of completely
switching over from the Techinfo Manual to Wiki at some day, I rather
thought of a continous one-way process. The documentation would still be
maintained with Techinfo and new versions would be converted to Wiki
format. The respective resulting parts of the Wiki should then be read
only to prevent concurrent modifications which could not easily be
brought back into the Techinfo part.

But that is not my decision. I wanted to show a way how it could be
done, and if there's reasonable demand then I will keep working on it.
So much for the vision part ;-)

Daniel Carosone schrieb:
 The great thing about this work is it (begins to) breaks the coupling
 between purpose and style, which means content can be used for
 multiple purposes regardless of style, in turn meaning that
 unification doesn't get confused with markup conversion.
 So, really, yay, and yay again.

I carefully consider this as a positive response ;-)

Yes, XSLT is a nice way to break the border between plain markup and
presentation. I learned to use it about five years ago and I was
astounded by its possibilities. For quite a while I used it for a self
written XML-based servlet engine.

But besides the magic one could do with XSLT there are also a lot of
limitations. The way a stylesheet works and is processed could drive you
easily into madness. At least it has done so a few times with me. And
some things just do not work.

Example: I wanted to give the user the possibility to choose the output
format converter at runtime. The first intended way was to get a command
line parameter into a XSLT variable, which then contains the complete
file name of the converter stylesheet and then use this variable with an
include instruction. So to speak, for dynamically chosing the included
converter stylesheet. That one went wrong. XSLT stylesheets are first
compiled completely and then interpreted. There's no way for such
dynamic and runtime dependent behaviour without external programed logic.

Ah, so much text. I think I should stop here.



Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Documentation Texinfo XML to Wiki converter

2009-02-25 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Philipp Gröschler schrieb:
 In the course of the current Mini Summit I spent the afternoon hacking
 on a (yet still) small XSLT file whose purpose will be the conversion of
 Monotone's Texinfo Documentation to a set of multiple files which can be
 used for the Wiki.

I just committed the first release of this thing, in a very *pre-alpha*
state. But better than nothing ;-) For further informations please check
out nvm.plasma.doc-wiki-xslt and have a look the documentation
provided there.

Please let me know your suggestions and if this thing could have a real
purpose by someday. Just so that I can keep working on it - or not.



Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: bug in monotone / January Mini Summit

2009-01-19 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Lapo Luchini schrieb:
 Just pull the branch net.venge.monotone.web and edit files under /wiki/,
 when you push the changes to, the wiki will automatically

Anonymous write access?

If noone objects then I could test the TechinfoML - Wiki converter this
way. As long as these parts don't get linked from somewhere, nobody
should find them I guess.

Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Documentation Texinfo XML to Wiki converter

2009-01-17 Thread Philipp Gröschler
In the course of the current Mini Summit I spent the afternoon hacking
on a (yet still) small XSLT file whose purpose will be the conversion of
Monotone's Texinfo Documentation to a set of multiple files which can be
used for the Wiki. Unfortunately I have to use a rather new Java based
version of Saxon [1] for the transformation process, because neither
Gnome's libxml nor Apache Xalan where able to process a XSLT 2.0
template, which is needed for the file splitting and some regular
expression stuff. XSLT 1.0 and 1.1 do not have these features AFAIK, or
only as vendor specific extensions, which doesn't help either.

The current state is that the XSLT searches the whole Texinfo XML file,
collects the node hierarchy and therefrom builds up a directory
structure with one file for each node (or rather: chapter).

Next task would be to take each chapter's XML code and transform it to
the desired output format. Currently I have the choice between HTML and
the Wiki's own MDWN format, with the possibility to implement both and
allow the user to chose between the two before the actual
transformation. The number of target formats is not limited and is only
depending on how many of them will be needed and, after all, how many
complete and working style transformation templates will be created.

So the question at the moment is: which output format would be the most
useful? According to Thomas Keller there could be some formatting
limitations in the Wiki format, but due to lacking experience with that
format I can't affirm that. What I can say is that HTML can surely cope
with almost everything, but would likely be more time consuming to
implement. Also it could be more reasonable to directly create files for
the Wiki, since HTML can already be created by makeinfo, though lacking
Monotone's Wiki style.

That's it for the moment!



Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Re: January Mini Summit (Jan 17th and 18th)

2009-01-12 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Lapo Luchini schrieb:
 Method of meeting… IRC, I guess?

Wiki says so.

 (if we're too few people Skype-conference might be easier, as it leaves
 hands free for writing code…)

But IRC could be logged and sometimes people might want to leave their
desk for a short time.

Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] bug in monotone / January Mini Summit

2009-01-08 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Markus Wanner schrieb:
 Let's at least say: we should try to improve the error message. Do we
 have some sort of TODO file or something? Or is this a summit'09 task:
 to organize todo items?

With a little help from outside, I think I could at least try to do some
work here. That weekend is already booked in my calendar.

Therefore, two (possibly stupid) questions:
- Is there some kind of search function in the new wiki?
- How do I make changes? I already guessed that the wiki files are
edited directly and then checked in, so, how do I sign up?

And, of course:
- Will hell also freeze over if the weather stays like this?

Okay, the last one was indeed stupid. Sorry, it's the evening ;-)


Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] monotone-0.41 compile failure with glibc(disabled-nls)

2009-01-04 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Markus Wanner schrieb:

Hm.. I'm unable to reproduce this issue on my virtual Gentoo 2008.0 box.

I'm using these USE flags in /etc/make.conf:

# manually prevent unneeded stuff
USE=-kde -qt3 -qt4 -gtk -gnome -nls
(as long as I don't manually give --disable-nls). So I'm guessing my
glibc is still compiled with nls. How do I check?

Gentoo's sys-libs/glibc is resistant to many use flags, I am still 
trying to guess where this could be overridden. Recently I tried to 
compile it with hardened use flag, which wouldn't suceed until setting 
the portage profile to a hardened one. Seems like the system is 
protecting the user from messing around with the core libraries and the 

Another flag which seems to be overridden is nls so it could 
definitely be that your glibc build still includes that.

Just try
# emerge --info
and take a look at the listing of active useflags somewhere at the 
bottom of the output.

If you have app-portage/gentoolkit installed, try
# equery uses sys-libs/glibc
to see which use flags apply to your current glibc build.



Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] monotone-0.41 compile failure with glibc(disabled-nls)

2009-01-04 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Markus Wanner schrieb:

How do I build the glibc *without* it? Does the following help?
# USE=-nls emerge glibc

You can check with
# USE=-nls emerge -av glibc
so that portage prints out what it would do. If it accepts the use flag, 
the output should look like

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R   ] sys-libs/glibc-2.6.1  USE=gd (multilib) -debug (-hardened) -nls* 

 Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No]

Use flags in parentheses are overrided by the system profile. The 
asterisk behind -nls shows the difference to the currently installed 
version. My profile is default/linux/amd64/2008.0/desktop.

If NLS still would be compiled in, try
# eselect profile list
and chose hardened/linux/x86 (or whatever architecture is 
appropriate). Not 100% sure if that helps, but on when I tried this on 
my virtual box a few days ago, NLS was disabled globally. Disabling it 
for only the glibc could get you into serious trouble, I guess. 
Sometimes Gentoo is a little bit goatish ;-)

Good luck!


Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Re: Monotone Mini Summit: 2009-01-18 - 2009-01-19

2008-12-17 Thread Philipp Gröschler
Thomas Moschny schrob:
 You could enhance/revive/polish/hack on the eclipse monotone plugin, if you 

That also was my idea back then. I had contact with a guy who wanted to
cede his old codebase to me. In spite of some mails to him I never heard
of him again.

Let's see what the new year brings. Currently I would like to have 30
hours per day to get all my projects finished until christmas. It always
appears so suprisingly, just like every year ...

 Great idea.  I also think we need some kind of guide to monotone
 development (which we may already have).  This guide would contain
 descriptions of the macros we use and the principles that monotone is
 developed by.

Well, that would be very nice!

Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Re: Monotone Mini Summit: 2009-01-18 - 2009-01-19

2008-12-14 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Thomas Keller schrob:

What I'd like to see even more than another list of wanted features are
a couple of people who put their names here on the list or on this wiki
page saying yes, I want to _work_ on this topic and I think I _can_ do it!

As for the topics which I posted a few days ago, yes I would do some 
work on these topics if only I had a glimpse on C++ ;-)

This is also the reason for which I didn't attend the Wuppertal summit 
this summer. I announced some kind of Java project on the mailing list 
and got a few messages on that, but no further responses on application. 
Concerning all other topics around C++ and Lua, I don't think I can be 
of any constructive help, unfortunately.

Greetings, anyhow


Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Re: Monotone Mini Summit: 2009-01-18 - 2009-01-19

2008-11-28 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Matthew A. Nicholson wrote:

Please add your ideas to this list.

* Concurrent access to a single Monotone database

This has been discussed a few times, I'm not sure if a solution has 
already come up. A few ideas on this topic have been floating around for 
a while. As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to have one database file to 
which I sync from my workstation or laptop, and have another process 
(viewmtn or a self written PHP equivalent) accessing that database at 
the same time. Maybe for this specific problem there could be other 
solutions (besides mtn automate) than concurrently accessing the 
repository on the database/sqlite level.

* Integrating a 'branch rename' command

Currently I have a shell script available which was posted on the 
Monotone Wiki some time ago. With future changes to monotone it maybe 
uncertain how long that script will keep working. Next point is, one 
does always need to have that script available, since renamings must 
happen on all affected locations. Therefore, and as I have to use branch 
renaming quite often, it would be nice if that function could be 
integrated into the mtn binary.

Just my two ideas :-)



Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] mtn:// sync

2008-04-01 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Ulf Ochsenfahrt schrieb:
I've just found out that the semicolon ';' is also an acceptable 
parameter separator, according to the HTML 4 spec.

See here:

The Semikolon also works as command separator on various unix shells. A 
URL would then have to be enclosed in quotation marks.

Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] url schemes

2008-03-29 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Markus Schiltknecht schrob:
Hm.. I see. But.. looking at the command line only, we could use 
whatever URL we want. We wouldn't have to use a URL at all. From a CLI 
users point of view, I'd even favor the current syntax for netsync. So 
what do you want a mtn:// url at all?

I just began to think alot about the feature when Timothy started the 
discussion on the mtn:// sync thread a few days ago. As it is with new 
features, they are likely to replace old behavior (though it is clear 
that the old syntax will be kept long enough to ensure backwards 

Since I am rather new into actually using monotone (and not only 
following its development progress) I wanted to adopt the new 
possibilities correctly. The old syntax is working for me as well, but 
learning only one (newer) syntax to the full could save valuable brain 
capacity. Allright. So far. *cough*

Being able to use the same URL for the web interface, for monotone and 
for clever as well as dumb servers seems much more important to me, than 
sticking to ? as a separator for no reason, except simplicity of 
coding it. Or put it another way: why should /branch/ not be a better 
and more descriptive separator?

This is true of course, as long as there will always be only one 
specific /keyword/ between the host name and the rest of the path. And 
this even only for the argument of human readbility.

When it comes to simplicity, I personally would prefer that in the 
matter of usability over coding complexity. Not every programmer has 
that attitude, which is why we have lots of ugly user interfaces out 
there. But if I got you right (at least this time) then we seem to share 
that opinion.

But probably I'm just too focused on nuskool, having URLs like these in 

maybe even:

Any kind of separator other than '/' would just be disturbing there. Or 
do you really expect people to remember where to put the '?', before or 
after the 'branch' or 'revision'.

The more I look at this notation, the more I like it. Don't know what I 
had on mind when I started arguing for question marks and that other 
stuff. Let's forget about that!

I full heartedly agree. But I fail to see how multiple separators and 
intuition fit together. ;-)

Here again we're in the area of personal taste. As I do a lot of coding 
on web applications, I often think alot about how to hide the structure 
of a particular app. The common user really does not care much about how 
URLs look like, you're right, but some folks do. But that is going too 
far by now, and I don't want to earn the Offtopic Award in my first 
active week on the list ;-)

To become more technical again: when in some distant future these URL 
features become available, would it then be possible for just any 
application to connect to a running 'mtn serve' process via network, 
issue one or more HTTP requests and get the relevant answers, without 
the need for this application to speak netsync?

Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Personal/Project/MtnSummit Introduction

2008-03-29 Thread Philipp Gröschler


The subject is 'Introduction' and after crashing into the mailing list a 
few days ago I think that wouldn't hurt.


I have been following the list and the development of monotone for a few 
months now, and since the beginning of this year, me and a colleague are 
using monotone actively, mainly for concurrent development, storing 
source codes, project workspaces and the like.

In the past I have been using CVS and was often disappointed at its 
missing features and circumstantial administration. After comparing a 
few version control systems and relatively early considering monotone, I 
was impressed by its ease of use, setup and the modern approaches.


After not having even the slightest clue of Python and a very long night 
of unsuccessfully muddling around with Lighttpd, Apache and various 
plugins for getting ViewMTN running, I thought that a small viewing 
application based on PHP couldn't be that much of a problem. That 
thought lasted exactly to the point at which I had to understand the 
database structure of monotone, which I obviously didn't.

The recent discussions on the new URL features have made it rather 
exciting for me to follow the further development, since that one would 
be of great help for reaching the goals of my little project rather 
early. And also without messing around directly with the database, thus 
avoiding problems like locking.

Perhaps such a project isn't even desired because ViewMTN is considered 
to be enough of a web viewer. But if it is, maybe the work on this could 
be brought forward on the summit, which leads us to the next chapter:


I had a little chat with Thomas Keller, wiping out my last doubts about 
the summit in Wuppertal, and now I am looking forward to meeting some of 
the people behind this great project and possibly learning more about 
it, mostly the advanced ranges of application. Maybe you have already 
seen my note in the Wiki.

For your information: most of my time I am coding with Java or PHP, so 
the parts where I can help seem to be the Eclipse plugin, my own web 
viewer (if that one is welcome, see above) or the more general areas 
like documentation etc. Just to let you know in advance.

That's about it! Now I could use a snack ;-) I am staying on IRC this 
evening, so if there are questions or suggestions, feel free to contact 
me. Last remark, since I am not a native speaker, it could take some 
time to get an answer from me. Now a snack, really!

Best wishes,


Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] url schemes

2008-03-24 Thread Philipp Gröschler

Markus Schiltknecht:
As another, minor point, IMO the second is also easier to read and 
understand. A good (but admittedly deprecated) example might be:

Looks quite confusing to me, where as:

Makes the thing easier to understand. Especially for starters, I think.

Timothy Brownawell:

There needs to be a clear separation between the db path and any
parameters. http://host/path/to/app/followed/by/parameters can work for
web apps because all processing of the URL happens on the server, which
already knows do discard /path/to/app when looking for parameters. We
can't do that, because the netsync client also needs to know the

Have it look like

and the parsing on client side should be fine. To stay with the widely 
known URL scheme, a '' character would be needed for the addition of 
further parameters. As this would be a problem for CLI use, just 
encapsulate the URL in quotation marks. BASH and (T)CSH work fine with 
this, I just tested that. Try on your konsole if


is working, while


should result in error.

I think the approach of only using slashes in the path of an URL is 
mostly used to obscur the structure of a web application. It makes it 
not very easy for the user to tell at which point there is code envolved 
(servlets, etc) or where there is a relative filesystem path, or 
whatever other resource you can guess of. But I am straying from the point.

If I correctly understood the recent discussion, my example above would 
imply the use of 'exclude' and 'include' parameters rather than using 
special characters. Anyway, the resulting URL would therefore be much 
longer to type, but as the reasoning for 'beginners' has already come 
up, a longer and also more verbose URL would be much better to 
understand. There would be less irritation (Okay, I just want to do 
xyz, but how? Let's try if [] works. Hmm, doesn't) and the scheme 
would be easier to learn, because known practices (HTTP, ...) could be 

Last week I had serious doubts in my senses, when some java RMI stuff I 
coded just wasn't getting to work. I tried a lot of examples, copied 
them 100% and followed each step accurately, but it didn't work. The 
reason was, the URL for the java.rmi.server.codebase was missing a 
trailing slash. Nowhere in any article I read was a single clue on this 
necessity. The enlightenment came late at night while reading some FAQ 
article which had been stuffed in the rearmost corner of the Sun 
website. So much for my story of beginners trouble with URLs. Please 
just don't let it happen with monotone ;-)

I'm almost sure I forgot something to write down here, but the text is 
already sufficiently vast.

Happy Easter!


Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Re: mtn:// sync

2008-03-20 Thread Philipp Gröschler

mtn sy nvm* --exclude nvm.experiment*

would become

mtn sy mtn://*!nvm.experiment*

When will this change become available? Since I am currently only 
building monotone from the release source packages, I guess it will be 
in 0.40. Please correct me there. But I'd like to drop myself an note 
for remembering the new command syntax before blaming my machines in a 
few weeks, when 'suddenly' the old commands don't work anymore ;-)

Another thing on this issue, are the documentations updated closely?


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