Re: [MOPO] Posterfix problem?

2015-07-14 Thread Tommy Barr
Actually, Greg, I think you should give the nude selfies a miss!


On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 9:57 PM, Greg Douglass  wrote:

> Phillip, my stars and little fishes! This is so gracious of you. I'll wire
> you the money immediately, as well as my bank account numbers and all my
> other stats. Heck, why don't I just send all my sensitive personal
> information via a MOPO post so our hundreds of members can see it? We're
> all trustworthy here, even those lurkers who sit in dark corners and peer
> at the rest of us with those big creepy Walter Keane eyes. While I'm at it,
> I'll send everyone on MOPO links to all my nude selfies so you don't have
> to hack into the cloud.
> Best,
> Greg Douglass
>  Phillip Ayling  wrote:
> > Greg,
> > Since  you are a musician, I imagine there have been times when you
> needed an expedited passport, visa, travel documents or last minute plane
> tickets. As you know, these last minute services can cost hundreds of
> dollars in fees and messenger costs.
> >
> > I perform a similar service on behalf of clients of Mr. Clarence Mobutu.
> I encourage you to send me $5000 and your Power of Attorney. For that small
> sum, I can then expedite the processing of your relative's estate and get
> you moved to the front of the line with Mr. Mobutu. In this way, you will
> receive your 15.5 Amerikan Dollars 18 months earlier than you are now
> expecting. The interest you will earn by having that estate money 18 months
> earlier, will more than pay for my small fee.
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Greg
> Douglass
> > Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 1:09 PM
> > Subject: Re: [MOPO] Posterfix problem?
> >
> > Anybody remember Eugene Hughes? Eugene and I were friends for
> several years...he was a funny and charming guy despite his  apparent total
> lack of ethics...and I was saddened and horrified to see what happened with
> him, his business, and a number of MOPO members. Hughes took on too much
> work for too little money and it all ended up horribly wrong. I eventually
> got my posters back. They were indeed all dry and the restoration
> was...credible. Interested to hear what happened with any other MOPO-ites
> who dealt with Eugene.
> > It takes a real leap of faith to send a valuable piece of paper to
> someone under any circumstances. Factor in the fact that you have to trust
> their ability to do a first-rate cosmetic enhancement of something you may
> be reselling someday and, boy, you've got fodder for a few sleepless
> nights. Put the turnaround time and price in there and you've got a
> potential cluster f**k waiting to happen.
> > I live in North County San Diego, which is home to a lot of
> restorers, so I can just drop stuff off and pick it up later. Another
> benefit of the face-to-face thing is being able to talk shop and gossip
> with artists and managers. Diane Jefferys of Studio C is a lovely person
> and I have never had anything but top-of-the-food-chain service from that
> group of folks. Haven't been there in years but now that I'm getting back
> into buying.(My relationship goes all the way back to Joe
> HernandezTHAT name alone is good for a few minutes of back room
> whispers at a poster show!...who showed me around their old facility in
> Oceanside, CA. The late Susan Olson, a great restoration artist, brought me
> into the fold, and provided me with all manner of back stories on people.)
> Ours is a very small hobby and word of consistently shoddy workmanship or
> less-than-honest behavior gets around fast, especially with cybernetic ally
> enhanced communication.
> > One learns who to trust pretty quickly...for the most part. I'm
> still waiting to hear back from Clarence Mobutu, the African lawyer who
> promised me 13.5 million in Amerikan dollers from the estate of a long-lost
> relative. I sent him 10 grand to do the paperwork 7 months ago and haven't
> heard a thing. I'm sure it'll all work out though.
> > Eugene Hughes vouched for Clarence 100%.
> > Greg Douglass
> >  Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art  wrote:
> > > hasn't gotten it back yet?
> > > old story..
> > > here is a search of the group for comments on Posterfix. Your friend
> > > should read at least some of them
> > >
> > > according to experiences noted, people who waited months & months to
> > > get their posters returned suffered all sorts of poor restoration
> > > maladies, including the poster still being "damp" upon return
> > >
> > > Posterfix and Chris Cloutier are well noted as amongst the worst - if
> > > not the worst - linenbacker who ever picked up a pail of paste (and
> > > set the pail down on the poster they were working on)
> > >
> > > Rich
> > >
> > >
> > > At 10:50 PM 7/12/2015, Todd wrote:
> > > >Thanks Rich.  I don't use him  and have no need to as I already have
> > > >a great restorer but my client asked me about him tonig

Re: [MOPO] current conversation on shipping at Heritage

2015-07-14 Thread Doug Taylor
Married 3 times?  Lightweight.

I'm with my 4th, last and best wife, Mary.


Doug Taylor

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] current conversation on shipping at Heritage

Boy, I remember that too, Doug! That was a long time ago, but those butt scars 
take a long time to heal.
(I've been married three times soI know.) Poster dorks are like platypuses, 
funny looking but able to inflict painful wounds when disturbed or threatened.
(Ask my three wives.)
Greg Douglass
PS-Since this IS a poster forum... I just ought a combo half sheet from "Attack 
of the Crab Monsters/Not of This Earth" that I love, with the red background, 
in great condition. Got me to thinking; anyone ever seen the six sheet combo 
for this double bill up close and for real? Man, I'd LOVE to own one of those 
someday, but it's kind of like"Haley's Poster"; it doesn't come around too 
often. I think I saw one for auction on Heritage, back when I had no money, but 
now?  I'll keep watching the skies for that one.

 Douglas B Taylor  wrote: 
> I still find it difficult to sit down, after the blistering I got from my 
> first post that had about 20 poster images of my want list.
> Ouch.
> Doug Taylor
> From:
> Sent: ‎Monday‎, ‎July‎ ‎13‎, ‎2015 ‎1‎:‎53‎ ‎AM
> To: MOPO
> Yes, we've had some grand flame wars during the history of MOPO! This was 
> a mere skirmish in comparison. I
> 've only threatened one poster person with bodily harm, and that was over 
> the phone. This guy wanted to buy a poster from me but kept dragging his 
> heels, wouldn't send a deposit, and was generally not somebody I wished to 
> deal with anymore. Someone else offered me a ton of dough for the same poster 
> and I sold it. This guy called me and became incredibly unpleasant, insulting 
> me and basically calling me a crook, a scumbag,the usual dickhead 
> repertoire of lame insults. I calmly reminded him that he had every chance to 
> purchase the poster but did not come through with anything resembling a 
> payment. I also calmly reminded him that i had his physical address and would 
> be happy to show up at his doorstep in a couple of hours with another linen 
> backed one sheet which i would then insert in his back passage without the 
> use of lubricating liquids. Free of charge. I'm a generous fellow. (It is 
> very, very hard to piss me off, by the way, butTHIS guy was a piece of 
> work.) 
> I never heard from him again.
> Sometimes, the written word just doesn't convey a message as well as the 
> warm, soothing sound of the human voice, does it?
> Carry on, my fellow poster dorks!
> Greg Douglass
>  David Kusumoto  wrote: 
> > 
> Yes, all this is true, but as a member since the 1990s, things have a way of 
> working themselves out, with Scott having to jump in only a handful of times. 
>   People kind of police themselves and/or things usually die out on their 
> own.  And in my view, there have been way more horrific fights over genuine 
> scams that have been battled out than this.  I confess that watching the 
> occasional "verbal" fracas break out sometimes reveals character and 
> temperamental thresholds that were not meant to be seen.  As a news vulture, 
> we love this; this is why "disgruntled employees" and "disgruntled customers" 
> are the source of most stories.  So long as no one gets physically hurt - nor 
> is threatened with physical harm in public or private - (the latter which HAS 
> occurred in the past) - I'm indifferent.  -d.
> > 
> > Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 16:48:42 +1000
> > From:
> > Subject: Re: current conversation on shipping at Heritage
> > 
> > Hi Franc
> > 
> > thanks for your comment. I certainly agree with you - censorship is not a 
> > good thing. However, surely we can have some basic rules where by if you 
> > make posts personally attacking others using the 'F' and any other words 
> > like it then they should not be used. On the topic of private messages 
> > being published then that I think is a point in time where an administrator 
> > should step in and say a rule of the forum has been broken. Otherwise the 
> > word'private' has no meaning and the forum becomes like the wild west and 
> > anybody can abuse anyone without consequence. Belonging to a forum that has 
> > that potential is scary.
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > BenAll About Movies Franc 
> > []
> > Sent: Sunday, 12 July 2015 3:57 PM
> > To: Ben Wadley
> > Subject: Re: [MOPO] current conversation on shipping at Heritage 
> > Ben, while I don't disagree with your sentiment, I'm also not in 
> > favor of censorship in con

Re: [MOPO] current conversation on shipping at Heritage

2015-07-14 Thread Richard C Evans
This is getting puerile now. 
You shouldn't accept anything less respectful than Monsieur Pantalon de Merde.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 14 Jul 2015, at 05:59, filip de volder  wrote:
> i would draw the line where i get called mr. poo-poo pants , you know who 
> calls me mr. poo-poo pants and i'm out of here 
> > Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 13:30:12 -0700
> > From:
> > Subject: Re: [MOPO] current conversation on shipping at Heritage
> > 
> > Hi David,
> > I think the disagreements would be much more fun if there were certain 
> > mandatory euphemisms that would replace the usual four and ten letter 
> > suspects. How about a flame battle where the protagonists were required to 
> > address one another as "Mr. Poo-poo Pants" or "Doody Breath"?
> > Or, you know, advert posts. A good screed always sets my phaser on "stun". 
> > Euphemisms and screeds, it's all about diversity on MOPO!
> > Greg Douglass
> >  David  wrote: 
> > > Can't wait until we return to just screeds of advert posts, much more
> > > interesting... :P
> > > 
> > > Richard Evans wrote on 14/07/2015 5:06 AM:
> > > > I too have been watching this conversation slowly degenerate over the
> > > > past few days, and I would just like to point out that I’m really
> > > > enjoying it.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >> On 13 Jul 2015, at 19:57, Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art
> > > >>>> wrote:
> > > >>
> > > >> as I said before.. it is obvious that Filip only came here to create
> > > >> trouble and he still is creating trouble by being stupid, ignorant
> > > >> and moronic
> > > >>
> > > >> but that's what you get from internet trolls and most assuredly
> > > >> Filip, a troll is what you are.
> > > >> you wouldn't have the intestinal fortitude to say this ignorant stuff
> > > >> to people you had to face and my suggestion to you little girl is to
> > > >> grow up
> > > >>
> > > >> the only pathetic person here is you. You have added nothing to any
> > > >> conversation.
> > > >>
> > > >> carry on fool..
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> At 10:42 PM 7/12/2015, filip de volder wrote:
> > > >>> Now will i "get smart and stop fooling around" in fear of having a
> > > >>> guy call me names , telling me to eat shit ? frankly you can go
> > > >>> ahead and insult me as much as you want , i replied to a post on
> > > >>> postage by Helmut , then you came in to explain why your business is
> > > >>> a joke with you losing money on postage and packing 3.5 parcels an 
> > > >>> hour
> > > >>> You may have noticed that i  by far do not reply to all your mopo
> > > >>> posts , only to the ones where you are totally pathetic so trying
> > > >>> to put me off as a troll won't work .
> > > >>>
> > > >>> My advice to you , and i've given it before : get your act together
> > > >>> , stop complaining about your business not working . your secretary
> > > >>> left , your employees don't feel like working for you ... well
> > > >>> maybe you should send your stock to Bruce or anyone else competent
> > > >>> in movie poster selling , retire and why not write your exciting
> > > >>> memories .
> > > >>>
> > > >>> > Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 13:10:19 -0700
> > > >>> > From: 
> > > >>> > Subject: Re: [MOPO] current conversation on shipping at Heritage
> > > >>> > 
> > > >>> >
> > > >>> > At 10:57 PM 7/11/2015, Franc wrote:
> > > >>> > >I'm also not in favor of people who troll the board with never a
> > > >>> > >nice thing to say about anything, looking to start an argument.
> > > >>> >
> > > >>> > Franc is correct, that Filip's only intention was to come and
> > > >>> start trouble.
> > > >>> >
> > > >>> > facts are that the only time you hear from Filip is when he's 
> > > >>> > posting
> > > >>> > FS/FA or when he decides to troll Richie, which has been going on 
> > > >>> > for
> > > >>> > about 2 years
> > > >>> >
> > > >>> > now don't get me wrong that anyone can post to the group and there 
> > > >>> > is
> > > >>> > nothing wrong with posting about your stuff for sale, your
> > > >>> > experiences in posterdom, your friendly associations with others, 
> > > >>> > but
> > > >>> > if your intent is to only come around and create trouble - which is
> > > >>> > 100% Filip's intention, then trouble will ensue in some form.
> > > >>> >
> > > >>> > My choice was to take it off the board, because I see no reason to
> > > >>> > say what I have to say to this retarded fool to everyone in the 
> > > >>> > group.
> > > >>> > But true to his trouble making intent, Filip posted it to the group.
> > > >>> >
> > > >>> > I have no idea why Filip has decided to troll me, as I had never had
> > > >>> > a negative experience with him that I can recall, I had spent money
> > > >>> > with him on a number of occasions and was happy with all my
> > > >>> > purchases. I am fairly certain

[MOPO] FA: Heritage July Signature Auction is Coming Up!

2015-07-14 Thread Smith, Grey - 1367

Bid now online on the almost 1000 lots of great and rare vintage posters!

Highlights include a great Animation poster collection of 60 lots including 
these cartoon shorts!

The Riveter (RKO, 1940). One Sheet (27.25" X 41").


Mother Goose Goes Hollywood (RKO, 1938). One Sheet (27" X 41").


Donald's Vacation (RKO, 1940). One Sheet (27" X 41").


Mickey's Birthday Party (RKO, 1942). One Sheet (27.5" X 41").


Tugboat Mickey (RKO, 1940). One Sheet (27" X 41").


Baggage Buster (RKO, 1941). One Sheet (27.25" X 41").


Betty Boop with Henry the Funniest Living American (Paramount, 1935). One Sheet 
(27" X 41").


Mickey Mouse Stock Poster (United Artists, 1933). French Affiche (23.5" X 


Double Dribble (RKO, 1946). One Sheet (27" X 41").


Popeye in "The Ace of Space" (Paramount, 1953). One Sheet (27" X 41") 3-D Style.


Pluto at the Zoo (RKO, 1942). One Sheet (27" X 41").


Doggone Tired (MGM, 1949). Tex Avery One Sheet (27" X 41").


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[MOPO] FS: More stills added - Streetcar candid, Thomas Crown dune buggy shot, Breathless kiss

2015-07-14 Thread Posteropolis
I just added a few more stills to Posteropolis for THE HAUNTED PALACE, THE


One of the Streetcar stills is a great candid shot of the cast and Elia
Kazan gathered round what looks like a birthday cake:


Other stills worth a look are two beautiful THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR 8x10s,
including one showing Steve McQueen driving a dune buggy:



I also have a BREATHLESS (A bout de souffle) still with a very romantic
portrait of stars Jean Seberg and Jean-Paul Belmondo. This image was also
used on the original release French 1-panel (an example of which is
currently in the upcoming Heritage Signature Auction):


See all my Latest Acquisitions here:




Dave Rosen

Posteropolis Vintage Movie Posters

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[MOPO] wanted ENDLESS SUMMER one sheet

2015-07-14 Thread David Lieberman
please let us know.



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