Married 3 times?  Lightweight.

I'm with my 4th, last and best wife, Mary.


Doug Taylor

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] current conversation on shipping at Heritage

Boy, I remember that too, Doug! That was a long time ago, but those butt scars 
take a long time to heal.
(I've been married three times so....I know.) Poster dorks are like platypuses, 
funny looking but able to inflict painful wounds when disturbed or threatened.
(Ask my three wives.....)
Greg Douglass
PS-Since this IS a poster forum... I just ought a combo half sheet from "Attack 
of the Crab Monsters/Not of This Earth" that I love, with the red background, 
in great condition. Got me to thinking; anyone ever seen the six sheet combo 
for this double bill up close and for real? Man, I'd LOVE to own one of those 
someday, but it's kind of like"Haley's Poster"; it doesn't come around too 
often. I think I saw one for auction on Heritage, back when I had no money, but 
now?  I'll keep watching the skies for that one.

---- Douglas B Taylor <> wrote: 
> I still find it difficult to sit down, after the blistering I got from my 
> first post that had about 20 poster images of my want list.
> Ouch.
> Doug Taylor
> From:
> Sent: ‎Monday‎, ‎July‎ ‎13‎, ‎2015 ‎1‎:‎53‎ ‎AM
> To: MOPO
>     Yes, we've had some grand flame wars during the history of MOPO! This was 
> a mere skirmish in comparison. I
>     've only threatened one poster person with bodily harm, and that was over 
> the phone. This guy wanted to buy a poster from me but kept dragging his 
> heels, wouldn't send a deposit, and was generally not somebody I wished to 
> deal with anymore. Someone else offered me a ton of dough for the same poster 
> and I sold it. This guy called me and became incredibly unpleasant, insulting 
> me and basically calling me a crook, a scumbag,....the usual dickhead 
> repertoire of lame insults. I calmly reminded him that he had every chance to 
> purchase the poster but did not come through with anything resembling a 
> payment. I also calmly reminded him that i had his physical address and would 
> be happy to show up at his doorstep in a couple of hours with another linen 
> backed one sheet which i would then insert in his back passage without the 
> use of lubricating liquids. Free of charge. I'm a generous fellow. (It is 
> very, very hard to piss me off, by the way, but....THIS guy was a piece of 
> work.) 
>     I never heard from him again.
>     Sometimes, the written word just doesn't convey a message as well as the 
> warm, soothing sound of the human voice, does it?
> Carry on, my fellow poster dorks!
> Greg Douglass
> ---- David Kusumoto <> wrote: 
> > 
> Yes, all this is true, but as a member since the 1990s, things have a way of 
> working themselves out, with Scott having to jump in only a handful of times. 
>   People kind of police themselves and/or things usually die out on their 
> own.  And in my view, there have been way more horrific fights over genuine 
> scams that have been battled out than this.  I confess that watching the 
> occasional "verbal" fracas break out sometimes reveals character and 
> temperamental thresholds that were not meant to be seen.  As a news vulture, 
> we love this; this is why "disgruntled employees" and "disgruntled customers" 
> are the source of most stories.  So long as no one gets physically hurt - nor 
> is threatened with physical harm in public or private - (the latter which HAS 
> occurred in the past) - I'm indifferent.  -d.
> > 
> > Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 16:48:42 +1000
> > From:
> > Subject: Re: current conversation on shipping at Heritage
> > 
> > Hi Franc
> > 
> > thanks for your comment. I certainly agree with you - censorship is not a 
> > good thing. However, surely we can have some basic rules where by if you 
> > make posts personally attacking others using the 'F' and any other words 
> > like it then they should not be used. On the topic of private messages 
> > being published then that I think is a point in time where an administrator 
> > should step in and say a rule of the forum has been broken. Otherwise the 
> > word'private' has no meaning and the forum becomes like the wild west and 
> > anybody can abuse anyone without consequence. Belonging to a forum that has 
> > that potential is scary.
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > BenAll About Movies Franc 
> > []
> > Sent: Sunday, 12 July 2015 3:57 PM
> > To: Ben Wadley
> > Subject: Re: [MOPO] current conversation on shipping at Heritage 
> > Ben, while I don't disagree with your sentiment, I'm also not in 
> > favor of censorship in connection with this board. I'm also not in 
> > favor of people who troll the board with never a nice thing to say 
> > about anything, looking to start an argument.  That's my opinion.  
> > Franc
> > 
> > Sent from my iPad
> > On Jul 11, 2015, at 9:13 PM, Ben Wadley <> wrote:
> > Hi to you all.. I have been watching this conversation slowly 
> > degenerate over the past few days.  I am not sure what others think 
> > but, personally I would appreciate it if those that feel it 
> > necessary to carry on with a slanging match and start using 
> > inappropriate language that all of us have to read , stop doing so. 
> > I belong to other forums in other industries and we have a ruling 
> > were we professionally respect each other and are forbidden to 
> > publically abuse one another regardless if we agree or disagree with 
> > a comment. If we do not keep to this ruling then the administrator 
> > of the forum boots us off. There are simply better ways of getting 
> > your point of view  across. If you feel you must get down to this 
> > level then do it privately to the person intended. Scott, what about 
> > stepping in here ? If not, then I feel Mopo has lost its way and 
> > will lose its members if this is the standard that is allowed to 
> > keep going forward. Regards Ben All About Movies Pty Ltd (retailers 
> > of Vintage Movie Posters and Lobby Cards)Website: 
> > All About Movies on Facebook: 
> > us on Twitter: 
> > In Profile: 
> > my Disc 
> > Jockey Facebook page:
> >          Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at
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> > 
> --
> Greg Douglass
> Guitarist-
> Lessons, Live Shows, Touring,
> & Studio Work
> (760)212-3648
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Greg Douglass
Lessons, Live Shows, Touring,
& Studio Work

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