Re: [MOSAIC] an "aha" moment

2006-10-04 Thread Cinquegrani, Teresa
Hey Sandi,
You continue to inspire me

From: Sandra Stringham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 10/3/2006 7:03 PM
Subject: [MOSAIC] an "aha" moment

I thought I would share something that happened today during readers' workshop 
share time.  Bear in mind...this is 1st grade.

My class has been working on Text to Self Connections.  We were reading Hazel's 
Amazing Mother...if you want the's right out of RWM by Debbie 
Miller, but the idea is to get kids to understand which connections help and 
which don't, what to do with those that don't, and why connections help.

To make the long story shortone of my students after the lesson, wanted to 
know if he could record a response in his response journal about Hazel's 
Amazing Mother.  Of problem.

His response was When I read Hazels Amazing Mother, I was thinkingand he 
wrote it reminded him that he went on a picnic with his mom.

In my mind, I'm thinking how do I go about explaining how this "connection" 
doesn't help us understand the was just coincidence, so I asked him 
the all important question:  how does this help you as a reader?

Here the "aha!" moment:  "It helped me understand where they were at in the 
book.  I could put myself in their place."

So, taking a cue from Debbie Miller: I rephrased what he said:

"I've never thought of it that you were visualizing where they were 
atthe put yourself in the book.  So you could understand the 
setting!  That's s smart...kiss your brain!"

And it's trueit could help him understand what setting is!  And others!  He 
is a 2nd language learner, so I think this is great, anyway...this was 
wonderful thinking for 30 days into a new school year!

My ahamaybe I need to do more about understanding what the word setting 
meansnot just it is where they are at or the time it's happening. 

Just thought I would sharedon't be so quick to think it doesn't 
helped him!


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Re: [MOSAIC] Sandi's class/1st grade

2006-10-04 Thread Cinquegrani, Teresa
Hey Ginger,
You are VERY lucky to be part of such wonderful reading!!!

From: ginger/rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 10/3/2006 9:09 PM
To: 1 mosaic list
Subject: [MOSAIC] Sandi's class/1st grade

I am SO lucky to be teaching in the same school as Sandi this year.  We
had both left our district (different years) and are now back.  I am
teaching second grade this year.  First time for me.

Sandi has been gracious in inviting me in to her room to observe and learn
from her.  I have over half my class reading at about beginning to mid-first
grade level so in actuality I am teaching first grade as well as second
grade.  And BOY am I learning a lot!!!  (Still a lot to learn!!)

Today during my P.E. special, I popped in to watch Sandi and her class.  I
got to see the lesson leading up to her share time that she wrote about
earlier.  Just listening to Sandi rephrase the "thinking" of her students,
really reminded me of the importance of listening to REALLY hear what is
behind their talk.  Asking them to say more about a possible connection
often does reveal a closer fit.  If there was something shared that was
close to making sense or being a deep connection, Sandi reworded it for them
in a very natural way that actually seems like praise or positive feedback.

If any of you have been lucky enough to see Debbie Miller model in a
classroom you would see this exquisite "dance" between teacher and student.
Debbie came to our district several years ago and Sandi's room was the demo
room.  I was one of the lucky ones that got to be there.  Debbie is so
natural in how she reflects their thinking back to them, adding on the words
she was hoping to get from them.  Putting the words back in their mouths so
to speak.  For the future.  I observed Sandi doing this today.  It reminded
me that when we reflect back to them what we "hear" (and add a bit more for
depth) we are giving them such a gift.  This takes time yet it is SO
valuable.  Those kids today built on each other's comments (combined with
what Sandi modeled back for them in her "praise") and were able to get
deeper into the authors purpose and rule out coincidences but claim the true

Wouldn't it be grand if we could all visit each other's rooms and learn
together???  Keep writing in here. Share your lessons.  What are you
learning about your teaching?  What are you learning about your children
because of this teaching???

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