[MOSAIC] comprehension lesson study

2007-09-22 Thread CNJPALMER
Hello friends on the Mosaic list,
Since we have been so quiet, I thought I would share some more of what I  
have been doing...
I have been posting recently about the experiments we have been doing with  
lesson study in teaching the comprehension strategies. For those of you  
unfamiliar with lesson study, it is a process originating in Japan where  
take a lesson plan from an expert and refine it to meet the needs  of their 
students. One colleague takes this lesson plan that  you have worked on 
and teaches it in front of the other colleagues  taking part. Then you meet to 
debrief. Once you have debriefed  and adjusted the plan, another colleague 
teaches then new,  refined lesson while the others watch and the process 
itself. It is  mostly been used for math and science lessons, less often for 
language  arts.
 I have talked a little here on the list about the lesson we have been  
teaching for our first cycle...Tanny's Reading Salad and how we plan to teach  
Debbie Miller's file folder lesson for schema for the second cycle. What has  
interesting for us is the professional learning that has taken place from  
following a lesson study cycle. It has been something of a pain for me to find  
people to cover my colleague's classrooms so that we can watch each other 
teach,  but the learning that is resulting has been wonderful and is so worth 
effort! This started as a way for us to learn how to best teach comprehension 
 strategies at the early childhood level but has evolved into a powerful 
learning  experience.
The ah-hah's for me so far include:
1. The importance of narrowing your focus for the most effective  
lessons...and carefully choosing your evaluation piece. I know this sounds like 
101...but until you experience what happens when you tighten up your  lesson 
objective to what is essential and then have the opportunity  to plan and 
replan the lesson to meet that objective, you can't imagine how  much you 
student learning.
2. The powerful impact of including Every Pupil Response techniques to  
ensure engagement and understanding of the comprehension strategy. 
3. How much trust is required to really make this work...it takes guts to  
teach a lesson in front of colleagues and then tear it apart together to  
determine what works and what doesn't. But a side benefit is the powerful  
of community you get from taking this journey together. It is simply an  
amazing professional development experience.  If you have a small island of  
teachers at your school learning to teach strategies, this would be a  great 
way for 
you to support each other!
4, We are a little unusual because we are teaching the same strategies at  
different grade levels...so part of how we refine the lesson revolves around  
making the strategies approachable at K, 1 and 2. We are seeing a bigger 
 of how kids learn the comprehension strategies at different age levels. 
5. I am also starting to see how this process can shape your own personal  
vision for what you want for your students. I noticed that the levels of  
interest and motivation decrease as the grade levels increase. What came into  
focus for me was the importance of helping kids to stay motivated and  
interested in reading...text selections, classroom furniture arrangements,  
opportunities to turn and talk to classmates all seem to help build the level 
engagement for kids...but now as I plan lessons, I am not just thinking about  
objectives that will be on the state test, but the bigger picture...how to  
create lifelong readers.
I have shared a little about how the salad lesson worked for us, but  really, 
the impact comes not from having this product...this 'perfect' lesson...  
that has been refined by teaching it over and over. The impact comes from the  
process...the learning that comes from working together to a common goal. 
 you the lesson plan isn't be the same as going through the process  
I can't sell this technique enough to you all...it is just a great way to  
become a better teacher. I haven't learned so much since I went through the  
National Board process and we have only gone through one cycle. It is an  
intensely personal form of staff development. Hope some of you find a colleague 
two to try it out ...
Oh...and by the way, if you haven't seen Tanny McGregor's book  Comprehension 
Connections it is a must read! Her lessons are fantastic and very  motivating!

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Re: [MOSAIC] comprehension lesson study

2007-09-22 Thread Bonita DeAmicis
What you share here is exactly what my colleagues and I found going through 
lesson study.  it was hard to communicate to administrators and other teachers 
how important and essential the study process itself is--not so much the 
product or final lesson.  We found the repeated close examination of a lesson, 
combined with colleague conversation and trust, that is what led to a deep 
personal learning about instruction.  The lesson and observation was just the 
vehicle.  We also found that our learning infected all other areas of our 
instruction-so it really is not about designing the perfect lesson at all. And, 
just like you describe, the Japanese teachers claim it makes them well versed 
in all grade levels of instruction.  I am so glad to hear you are having as 
positive a professional development experience as we had. Thank you for sharing 
it with us.


> I have shared a little about how the salad lesson worked for us, but  really, 
> the impact comes not from having this product...this 'perfect' lesson...  
> that has been refined by teaching it over and over. The impact comes from the 
> process...the learning that comes from working together to a common goal. 
> Giving 
>  you the lesson plan isn't be the same as going through the process  
> yourselves.
> I can't sell this technique enough to you all...it is just a great way to  
> become a better teacher. I haven't learned so much since I went through the  
> National Board process and we have only gone through one cycle. It is an  
> intensely personal form of staff development. Hope some of you find a 
> colleague  or 
> two to try it out ...
> Jennifer

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Re: [MOSAIC] comprehension lesson study

2007-09-22 Thread Sternhickey
thanks for the recommendation for
 Tanny McGregor's book  Comprehension
> Connections  motivating!
> Jennifer
> Maryland>

Would it be helpful for kindergarten??
Susan in Madison
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Re: [MOSAIC] comprehension lesson study

2007-09-23 Thread Kinderjane
In a message dated 9/22/2007 11:46:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Would it  be helpful for kindergarten??
Susan in  Madison

YES! YES! YES!  She gives concrete ways to introduce each  strategy.  Once 
you introduce them, you can always refer back to the  activity.  For example, I 
made a chart of what they know about our  playground and what they know about 
the playground at my elementary school (in  another town). I wrote everything 
they told me.  Then in big marker, I  wrote "Background knowledge" across the 
part where they told about our school  playground.  I hung the chart up and 
refer back to it often when we talk  about using background knowledge when we 
read.  Jane in  SC/Kindergarten  :-)

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Re: [MOSAIC] comprehension lesson study

2007-09-23 Thread CNJPALMER
We are using her lessons there now, with some small modifications.
In a message dated 9/22/2007 11:46:48 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

thanks  for the recommendation for
Tanny McGregor's book   Comprehension
> Connections  motivating!
> Jennifer
>  Maryland>

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Re: [MOSAIC] comprehension lesson study

2007-09-24 Thread Carol Mauer

As a newly appointed literacy coach for our corporation, I am interested in 
learning more about this model of professional development. Can you please 
elaborate on the "Every Pupil Response"? I must have missed that in previous 

Thanks for sharing your expertise. Have a wonderful day!


Carol A. Mauer
BCSC Literacy Coach
Lincoln School, Home Base
(812) 376-4447
"It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing."

>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/22/2007 7:42 PM >>>
Hello friends on the Mosaic list,
Since we have been so quiet, I thought I would share some more of what I  
have been doing...
I have been posting recently about the experiments we have been doing with  
lesson study in teaching the comprehension strategies. For those of you  
unfamiliar with lesson study, it is a process originating in Japan where  
take a lesson plan from an expert and refine it to meet the needs  of their 
students. One colleague takes this lesson plan that  you have worked on 
and teaches it in front of the other colleagues  taking part. Then you meet to 
debrief. Once you have debriefed  and adjusted the plan, another colleague 
teaches then new,  refined lesson while the others watch and the process 
itself. It is  mostly been used for math and science lessons, less often for 
language  arts.
 I have talked a little here on the list about the lesson we have been  
teaching for our first cycle...Tanny's Reading Salad and how we plan to teach  
Debbie Miller's file folder lesson for schema for the second cycle. What has  
interesting for us is the professional learning that has taken place from  
following a lesson study cycle. It has been something of a pain for me to find  
people to cover my colleague's classrooms so that we can watch each other 
teach,  but the learning that is resulting has been wonderful and is so worth 
effort! This started as a way for us to learn how to best teach comprehension 
 strategies at the early childhood level but has evolved into a powerful 
learning  experience.
The ah-hah's for me so far include:
1. The importance of narrowing your focus for the most effective  
lessons...and carefully choosing your evaluation piece. I know this sounds like 
101...but until you experience what happens when you tighten up your  lesson 
objective to what is essential and then have the opportunity  to plan and 
replan the lesson to meet that objective, you can't imagine how  much you 
student learning.
2. The powerful impact of including Every Pupil Response techniques to  
ensure engagement and understanding of the comprehension strategy. 
3. How much trust is required to really make this work...it takes guts to  
teach a lesson in front of colleagues and then tear it apart together to  
determine what works and what doesn't. But a side benefit is the powerful  
of community you get from taking this journey together. It is simply an  
amazing professional development experience.  If you have a small island of  
teachers at your school learning to teach strategies, this would be a  great 
way for 
you to support each other!
4, We are a little unusual because we are teaching the same strategies at  
different grade levels...so part of how we refine the lesson revolves around  
making the strategies approachable at K, 1 and 2. We are seeing a bigger 
 of how kids learn the comprehension strategies at different age levels. 
5. I am also starting to see how this process can shape your own personal  
vision for what you want for your students. I noticed that the levels of  
interest and motivation decrease as the grade levels increase. What came into  
focus for me was the importance of helping kids to stay motivated and  
interested in reading...text selections, classroom furniture arrangements,  
opportunities to turn and talk to classmates all seem to help build the level 
engagement for kids...but now as I plan lessons, I am not just thinking about  
objectives that will be on the state test, but the bigger picture...how to  
create lifelong readers.
I have shared a little about how the salad lesson worked for us, but  really, 
the impact comes not from having this product...this 'perfect' lesson...  
that has been refined by teaching it over and over. The impact comes from the  
process...the learning that comes from working together to a common goal. 
 you the lesson plan isn't be the same as going through the process  
I can't sell this technique enough to you all...it is just a great way to  
become a better teacher. I haven't learned so much since I went through the  
National Board process and we have only gone through one cycle. It is an  
intensely personal form of staff development. Hope some of you find a colleague 
two to try it out ...
Oh...and by the way, if you haven't seen Tanny McGregor's book  Comprehension 
Connections i

Re: [MOSAIC] comprehension lesson study

2007-09-24 Thread CNJPALMER
Every pupil response is a technique used to keep more kids involved in a  
lesson and also to help the teacher monitor understanding. One thing you can do 
is just ask kids to "put their thumbs up" if they agree and "thumbs down" of  
they don't. You can use pinch cards (which are simply index cards) labeled yes 
 on the top and no on the bottom (or any other either or words) and kids hold 
 them up with pinching them with their fingers on top of the answer they 
think is  correct. I just saw a great use of them in K with our salad lesson. 
teacher  had popsicle sticks one side green for "thinking" and the other side 
red for  "text" and the kids held up the color to represent what part of real  
reading they thought the teacher was using.
What more do you want to know about lesson study/ how can I help you with  
In a message dated 9/24/2007 9:48:52 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


As a newly appointed literacy coach for our  corporation, I am interested in 
learning more about this model of professional  development. Can you please 
elaborate on the "Every Pupil Response"? I must  have missed that in previous 

Thanks for sharing your expertise.  Have a wonderful day!


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Re: [MOSAIC] comprehension lesson study

2007-09-25 Thread Carol Mauer

Thanks for the explanation. As you come across other means of student response, 
would you post them if time allows? I will do some research on lesson studies 
before I ask more questions.

Have a super day!


Carol A. Mauer
BCSC Literacy Coach
Lincoln School, Home Base
(812) 376-4447
"The secret to enjoying life is to have an interest in it."

Carol A. Mauer
BCSC Literacy Coach
Lincoln School, Home Base
(812) 376-4447
"The secret to enjoying life is to have an interest in it."

>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/24/2007 8:09 PM >>>

Every pupil response is a technique used to keep more kids involved in a  
lesson and also to help the teacher monitor understanding. One thing you can do 
is just ask kids to "put their thumbs up" if they agree and "thumbs down" of  
they don't. You can use pinch cards (which are simply index cards) labeled yes 
 on the top and no on the bottom (or any other either or words) and kids hold 
 them up with pinching them with their fingers on top of the answer they 
think is  correct. I just saw a great use of them in K with our salad lesson. 
teacher  had popsicle sticks one side green for "thinking" and the other side 
red for  "text" and the kids held up the color to represent what part of real  
reading they thought the teacher was using.
What more do you want to know about lesson study/ how can I help you with  
In a message dated 9/24/2007 9:48:52 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


As a newly appointed literacy coach for our  corporation, I am interested in 
learning more about this model of professional  development. Can you please 
elaborate on the "Every Pupil Response"? I must  have missed that in previous 

Thanks for sharing your expertise.  Have a wonderful day!


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Search the MOSAIC archives at http://snipurl.com/MosaicArchive. 

FN:Mauer, Carol
TITLE:Literacy Coach

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