[mou] Boat Trip Update / Park Pt.

2008-09-13 Thread Michael Hendrickson

The Lake Superior Boat trip that is scheduled for this Saturday is filling up 
fast.? I currently have 23 birders signed up?as of today and I only have 7 
spots left.? So if you are on the fence about signing up, please try to make a 
decison by?Thursday night - Thanks.

I?got a?message from Kim Risen who?left a message on my?cell phone that a 
Hooded Warbler was found in the vicinity of the play ground area at Park Pt..? 
The playground is located in the park?right?on the left hand side or across 
from the large parking lot. The warbler was seen by Kim and Cindy Risen.

Some local news:

For those birders live outside of the Duluth area there?might be some dramatic 
changes in the near or distant future?to Park Point.? The Duluth City Council 
have approve of rezoning nearly 400 feet of city land to residential zoning. 
Which means developers can now make offers to purchase 4 lots (?)? 2 lots on 
the north and 2 lots?to the south of the two homes that are currently in the 
Some of the best birding during migration at Park Point has always been between 
the bus turn around and the bath house in Park Pt. and now nearly 400 feet of 
woods are now up for sale to potential buyers.? Hopefully the DNR or some 
environmental organization will purchase the lots and protect these lots from 
developers.? Duluth is in some serious financial issues and the sale of these 
lots are suppose to help with our 6 million deficit we are currently in.
Also those that use to?visit & bird?the Lakewood pumping station ( along the 
northshore ) to watch fall migration can no longer roam this property!? The 
property is now surrounded by a 8 foot chain link security fence.? Back?in the 
good ole days birders could hike up the mound and watch birds by the thousand 
fly by.? This was place where the northshore count ( back in the 1980's) was 
located and where I counted 10,000 nighthawks fly by one evening with the help 
of Kim Eckert.?As I get the older, Duluth is ever changing.?Many birding 
locations in Duluth?are?either being developed or wrapped?in security fence or 
guards these days.

Mike Hendrickson

Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

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[mou] Sleepy Eye Sabine's still present

2008-09-13 Thread Joshua Christian

The Sabine's Gull at the Sleepy Eye sewage ponds was still present at 3:45 this 
afternoon.  It showed no signs of leaving any time soon, spending almost all of 
its time sitting on the grassy median between the two ponds.  It flew only 
twice, both times briefly, and only when disturbed by crows.
Also present:
Red-necked Grebe
Blue-winged Teal
Ruddy Duck
Black-bellied Plover
Greater Yellowlegs
Distant Unidentified Peeps (two sizes distinguished, likely representing 
Semipalmated/Baird's and Least)
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
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[mou] Coots/Douglas County

2008-09-13 Thread Dan & Sandy Thimgan
There is a truly impressive array of American Coots on Christina Lake  
(in the extreme northwest corner of Douglas County).  Yesterday, as  
part of the MRV Birding Day, we (very roughly) estimated there were  
at least 20,000 coots there.  That number is probably conservative.   
They were stretched all across the lake rather than in smaller,  
tighter rafts.  Because the day was so calm, we could hear a constant  
undercurrent of sounds from them -- grunts, squeaks, tones.  Most  
entertaining!  Lake Christina is located about 5 miles northeast of  
the town of Ashby along Hwy 78.  A Nature Conservancy pull-off at the  
base of the Seven Sisters Preserve is a perfect parking place just  
across the road from the lake.

Another highlight was a sweeping fly-by of 50 Common Nighthawks while  
we ate lunch on Inspiration Peak in adjoining Otter Tail Co.
Dan & Sandy Thimgan
Battle Lake MN
Otter Tail County

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[mou] thanks for the advice to the visiting birder

2008-09-13 Thread ron bolton
I'm the one from CO that posted for advice last week.
I was very pleased with the response and got some great help.
I ended up with an hour at the Wilke Unit of the NWR.
Though I did not find any northern midwest specialties that I was hoping for, 
still I had the best view of a Merlin that could be dreamed of!
It stayed perched on a branch just of the trail only about 15' above ground 
while I gawked.
It clearly was working up it's appetite and deciding if it wanted goldfinch or 
downy woodpecker for breakfast.
Of course in general I was gawking at all the swampy areas your state has.

If you're ever in CO, post to co-birds and I'm sure we will recipricate!
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[mou] Sabine's Gull Lake Bemidji, Beltrami County

2008-09-13 Thread Johnson, Douglas
On Saturday morning September 13, 2008 about 9:45 a.m. I observed a
Sabine's Gull out over the north basin of Lake Bemidji from Cameron Park
just north of Bemidji State University which park is located at 25th
Ave. No. off Birchmont Dr. NE.  The bird had the classic three colored
wing pattern with inky black primaries, white on the center trailing
edge, and gray on the inner wing in seemingly roughly equal proportions.
The bird was soaring over the central part of the lake and not
associating with the many Bonaparte's and Ring-billed Gulls.  Viewing
conditions are excellent with little wind and gray skies making the
light conditions for excellent observation.  The Sabine's Gull was doing
far more active and graceful than the other gulls.   I did not get much
of a direct size comparison and the distance made it hard to judge the
size relative to the many other gulls out over the lake.  


Doug Johnson

7300 Vireo Ct. NE

Bemidji, MN 56601


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[mou] Brown Co. Sabine's Gull Update

2008-09-13 Thread Brian & Risa Smith
One final update on the Sabine's Gull at the Sleepy Eye sewage ponds.  I went 
back to check on it at 9:00 a.m. & was unable to see it on either of the two 
ponds from the front entrance.  I began walking down the road that runs due 
east from the entrance and found the Sabine's hunkered down in the grass about 
200 yards down the road.  Thought birders would want to know if they should 
stop by looking for it & didn't see it on the water.  

Brian Smith
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[mou] 23 warbler species at Duluth, 9/12/2008

2008-09-13 Thread rvje...@aol.com
Hello: ?Thought it would be of interest that yesterday, September 12th, we had 
so many warblers in our backyard here in Austin, Mn, we couldn't begin to count 
them all. ?There were around 20 in our pond stream bathing at once. ?They flew 
all over the wooded backyard, almost like in a frenzy. ?Were able to identify 
Nashville, Tennessee, Blackburnian, Am Redstart and a beautiful male 
Golden-Winged. ?Also several Red-Eyed Vireos. ?This was our third warbler wave 
this fall, one in August and the second one for September. This one was the 
largest. ?Its interesting that while Duluth is full of warblers, 240 miles to 
the south we are too. ?

?Robert and Valerie Jessen, ?Austin, MN

-Original Message-
From: Peder Svingen 
To: MOU List 
Sent: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 11:47 pm
Subject: [mou] 23 warbler species at Duluth, 9/12/2008

Friday (12 September) was my best warbler day so far this fall in  
Duluth. A total of 253 individuals of 23 species was counted (did not  
see Golden-winged, Black-throated Blue, or Connecticut warblers).  
Except for an Orange-crowned Warbler at Indian Point, and a Northern  
Waterthrush and Mourning Warbler at 40th Ave West, all of the warbler  
species were found on Park Point between the bus turnaround and the  
Beach House at the Recreation Area. Also seen were 5 species of vireo  
and dozens of Chipping and White-throated sparrows.

33  Tennessee Warbler
1   Orange-crown
ed Warbler
22  Nashville Warbler
2   Northern Parula
1   Yellow Warbler
12  Chestnut-sided Warbler
20  Magnolia Warbler
2   Cape May Warbler
14  Yellow-rumped Warbler
3   Black-throated Green Warbler
1   Blackburnian Warbler
1   Pine Warbler
44  Palm Warbler
6   Bay-breasted Warbler
11  Blackpoll Warbler
15  Black-and-white Warbler
45  American Redstart
5   Ovenbird
1   Northern Waterthrush
1   Mourning Warbler
8   Common Yellowthroat
4   Wilson's Warbler
1   Canada Warbler

Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN

This mailing list is sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.  Mailing 
list membership available on-line at http://moumn.org/subscribe.html.
To unsubscribe send a blank email to mou-net-request at moumn.org with a 
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[mou] Brown County Sabine's Gull

2008-09-13 Thread Brian & Risa Smith

The juvenile Sabine's Gull was still present at the Sleepy Eye sewage ponds 
this morning at 7:00 a.m.  It was loafing ~ 100 yards out on the NW pond.  It 
was raining moderately heavy at the time, but the forecast says that the rain 
should let up by 1:00 p.m.  I'm participating in an MBW group in Redwood County 
this afternoon, if anyone looks for it later today it would be nice to post 
about it's status.

Brian Smith
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[mou] Grand Marais: 2 BB Plovers, Palm warblers

2008-09-13 Thread jtanama...@comcast.net
On a quick walk around the Grand Marais harbor this evening, my husband Steve 
and I found two Black-Bellied Plovers alongside the harbor, across from the 
Hanson Inn on Wisconsin St. (near the column with the bear on top.) They were 
very skittish but did not fly off. We also saw a half -dozen Palm Warblers in 
the shrubs near eastern side of the Coast Guard Station. I am still dizzy from 
watching those bobbing tails! Also seen, one Red-Necked Grebe off Artist's 

Jeanne Tanamachi
Lauderdale MN