[mou-net] birding Mexico

2009-01-18 Thread Hoeger/Lerdal
I am interested in hearing from anyone who has birded Guerrero State in 
Mexico---near Acapulco, Ixtapa, Zihuatenejo---especially in March. please 
backchannel to me.
Pete Hoeger, Hutchinson

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[mou-net] not present, E. Screech Owl, Minnetonka, Hennepin Co.

2009-01-18 Thread George B Skinner
Sunday, Jan 18, the owl was not in the box at 8:30 am.

Yesterday the owl was at the hole from 2:30 pm until dark.
We were glad many people got to see it.

George Skinner

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[mou-net] CR Field guide

2009-01-18 Thread Richard Carlson
Unless you're an ornithology pro, buy Rich Garriguez's new Costa Rica guide 
book.  Better maps, better plates, less weight & easier to use.  Stiles & 
Skutch extensive discussions are fascinating, but too much to carry.

PS Birding is even better and travel easier in Panama compared to Costa Rica.


 Richard Carlson
Full-time Birder, Biker and Rotarian
Part-time Economist
Tucson, AZ, Lake Tahoe, CA, & Kirkland, WA
Tucson 520-760-4935
Tahoe 530-581-0624
Kirkland 425-828-3819
Cell 650-280-2965

- Original Message 
From: Janice Dunlap 
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:21:29 AM
Subject: [mou-net] Field guide recommendation?

I am in need of a good field guide to Costa Rica birds as we are heading there 
next month for a brief visit. Does anyone have a particular book to recommend?
Please respond to jrdwrit...@yahoo.com.
Thanks so much!

Jan Dunlap
"The Boreal Owl Murder" has been nominated for a Minnesota Book Award. "A 
delight to read!" - Armchair Interviews

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[mou-net] **Hoary Redpoll** Reminder

2009-01-18 Thread drewbec
There seem to be increasing numbers of Hoary Redpolls being reported recently, 
from several locations throughout the state. I would like to remind EVERYONE 
that this species is considered to have "rare regular" status in the state, and 
also presents an ID challenge, and therefore REQUIRES documentation. NO 
exceptions. I have been sending e-mails to individuals requesting 
documentation, but am getting a little behind, so please consider this message 
to be a heads up. Please know that to have your report published in the 
seasonal summary of this species in THE LOON, and included in the permanent 
record/ archive it MUST be documented. The preferred method would be to use the 
RQD form on the MOU web site. However, I will accept any contemporaneous notes 
or photos sent directly to me. ALL undocumented reports will merely be listed 
as such at the end of the introduction to the the Winter Season article when 

Any questions pertaining to this can be sent to me, Paul Budde (the Seasonal 
Report Editor) or Jim Mattsson, (Winter Season Compiler).

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Good birding!

Drew Smith

Winter Season Compiler

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[mou-net] Hoary Redpoals in Carver County

2009-01-18 Thread tdunlapsr
We have six Hoary Redpoals feeding at our sunflower feeder this morning. We
have had Common Redpoals off and on for the past few weeks but these are the
first Hoary Redpoals - no red on the back, "frosty" coloration.

Tom Dunlap

WebMail from Chaska.net

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[mou-net] FW: Common Redpoll at feeder, Goodhue Cty

2009-01-18 Thread Laura Coble


From: Laura Coble [mailto:shearwate...@frontiernet.net] 
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 1:24 PM
To: 'mnb...@lists.mnbird.net'
Subject: Common Redpoll at feeder, Goodhue Cty

Early this afternoon I found one Common Redpoll feeding on the ground under
my feeder. I have had flocks of Pine Siskins and Purple Finches regularly at
my feeders for the past month and a half, and was hoping for Common
Redpolls. It has been at least four years since I last saw them at my
Laura Coble
Cannon Falls, MN

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[mou-net] Red Breasted Nuthatch

2009-01-18 Thread runbic
Had a very beautiful Red-Breasted Nuthatch at our feeders today.. Very tame. I 
walked by it within 4 feet and it totally ignored me.
Jim Gay
Woodbury, MN

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[mou-net] Bird Carcas ID Help

2009-01-18 Thread Jim King - KX0J
At about 1:00 PM today my wife saw a Coopers Hawk take a bird from near our 
feeders, then fly to a tree in our front yard. We watched it eat its lunch for 
about 10 - 15 minutes then it dropped what was left in the yard. I went out 
later to pick the carcass, all that was left were the wings and breastbone. At 
first I thought it was going to be one of the Junco's we've had around all 
winter. But when I saw it up close, it appears to be larger than a Junco. It 
looks like it could be a Robin. I have seen a couple of Robins this winter, but 
not near my house. 

I've posted pictures of the carcass at 

It's not overly important at all, more of a curiosity. Any ideas are 
appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help. 

Jim King 

Cottage Grove 

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[mou-net] Duluth Golden-crowned Sparrow update anyone??

2009-01-18 Thread Jim Mattsson
Did anyone have positive or negative success looking for the sparrow today, 
Sunday? Thanks


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[mou-net] White-winged Scoter, Dakota Co.

2009-01-18 Thread Bruce Fall
Susan and I watched a female White-winged Scoter in the Mississippi  
R. from the Freedom Park overlook, Prescott, WI this afternoon (18  
Jan., 3:45 p.m.). It was in both MN and WI waters. This is probably  
the same bird (based on facial pattern) that was seen here about 4  
weeks ago. The male Harlequin Duck was in the same area, also in  
Dakota Co.

Bruce A. Fall, Minneapolis

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[mou-net] Regarding the Carver County redpoals

2009-01-18 Thread tdunlapsr
I received a few questions about the redpoals my wife and I saw this morning.
We watched them for approximately fifteen minutes while they were feeding,
flying and perching around our feeder, ten feet from our kitchen window. The
birds we saw clearly did not show any red coloration or streaking on their
coverlets. They also did not show as much "rosiness" as the common redpoles
have had on their breasts. As I stated in the first message, they were more
frosty (white) and they had white cheeks. We have not seen them since around
10:00 am today.

I realize that they are rare in this area. The last time anyone in my family
saw them in Carver County was February, 1998 at our old house.

We live in a townhouse at 992 Carriage lane in Chaska. We are the second unit
of the first townhome and our feeders on the back deck can be viewed from
Bavaria Hills Trail road. People are welcome to look at our feeders from
Bavaria Hills Trail Road. I don't think other homeowners would appreciate
people roaming our back area.

Good birding, Tom Dunlap
WebMail from Chaska.net

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Re: [mou-net] Bird Carcas ID Help

2009-01-18 Thread Steve Weston

Hi Jim,

A Junco has a wing span of 9.25"  whereas a Robin has a wingspan of 17". 
That should give you the answer.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim King - KX0J" 

Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 4:37 PM
Subject: [mou-net] Bird Carcas ID Help

At about 1:00 PM today my wife saw a Coopers Hawk take a bird from near 
our feeders, then fly to a tree in our front yard. We watched it eat its 
lunch for about 10 - 15 minutes then it dropped what was left in the yard. 
I went out later to pick the carcass, all that was left were the wings and 
breastbone. At first I thought it was going to be one of the Junco's we've 
had around all winter. But when I saw it up close, it appears to be larger 
than a Junco. It looks like it could be a Robin. I have seen a couple of 
Robins this winter, but not near my house.

I've posted pictures of the carcass at 

It's not overly important at all, more of a curiosity. Any ideas are 
appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help.

Jim King

Cottage Grove

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Re: [mou-net] Harlequin Duck: Prescott

2009-01-18 Thread Stan Hunter
In addition to the Harlequin, yesterday a Peregrine made a couple of pases
over the railroad bridge at Prescott.  A couple of weeks ago, it sat in a
littlle alcove high on the east side of the bridge giving everyone a real
eyeful.  I'm told by other observers, that it has been around alll winter.

Stan Hunter

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 1:27 AM, Steve Weston  wrote:

> Saturday
> Jim Ryan and I found a beautiful male Harlequin Duck in full breeding
> plumage and a Redhead Duck below the railroad bridge in Prescott, Wisc.
>  Both were on the Minnesota side of the river.  Trumpeter Swans were
> everywhere with over twenty swans in at least five locations in Dakota
> County and on the river at Prescott.  Robins were also everywhere.  One or
> two Northern Shrikes were seen at Black Dog Lake.  Many Red-tailed Hawks
> were soaring or perched.  A Red-breasted Nuthatch was at the feeder by
> Acacia Cemetery and four Snow Buntings raced along the road east of
> Vermillion.  We did not locate any Crossbills, winter finches, Snowy Owls
> (at the airport), or Cedar Waxwings.
> Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN
> swest...@comcast.net
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[mou-net] Wabasha and nearby Two Harbors sightings

2009-01-18 Thread Erik Bruhnke
Yesterday my friends and I had a successful  and very fun day conducting a
Golden Eagle survey, in Wabasha, MN, which is a little south of the Twin
Cities. We ended our full day of birding with two Golden Eagles, the only
ones seen for the day! Other sightings include:

Northern Flicker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Rough-legged Hawks
Bald Eagles
Red-tailed Hawks
American Kestrel
Wild Turkey (lots of em!)
Black-capped Chickadee
White-breasted Nuthatch
American Crow
Blue Jay
Northern Cardinal

Just outside of our surveying area, we had 3 Sharp-tailed Grouse fly across
the road.

Farther north in Minnesota today, I skied the a afternoon away (just a
little west of Two Harbors), and had 1 Pine Grosbeak, Common Redpolls, and a
few Black-capped Chickadees.

Good birding!

Erik Bruhnke
Duluth, MN

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[mou-net] Barrow's Goldeneye still in Duluth

2009-01-18 Thread Bob Dunlap
Today Chad Gustafson, Ross Dorendorf, and I relocated the Duluth  
Barrow's Goldeneye in a large flock (~100) of Common Goldeneye at  
Canal Park in Duluth. The ducks (including 4 Red-breasted Mergansers)  
were in the open water between the breakwalls that guard the channel  
under the lift bridge.

We also looked for the Golden-crowned Sparrow twice today without success.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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Re: [mou-net] Wabasha and nearby Two Harbors sightings

2009-01-18 Thread Erik Bruhnke
Sorry, I forgot to add a few other species to the birds seen yesterday near
Wabasha... I was just entering the data on ebird, and realized that I missed
a few from memory... I don't have the datasheets with me, and here's the
other sightings we observed:

European Starling
Horned Larks
American Tree Sparrows
Dark-eyed Juncos

Good birding,
Erik Bruhnke


On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Erik Bruhnke  wrote:

> Yesterday my friends and I had a successful  and very fun day conducting a
> Golden Eagle survey, in Wabasha, MN, which is a little south of the Twin
> Cities. We ended our full day of birding with two Golden Eagles, the only
> ones seen for the day! Other sightings include:
> Northern Flicker
> Red-bellied Woodpecker
> Rough-legged Hawks
> Bald Eagles
> Red-tailed Hawks
> American Kestrel
> Wild Turkey (lots of em!)
> Black-capped Chickadee
> White-breasted Nuthatch
> American Crow
> Blue Jay
> Northern Cardinal
> Just outside of our surveying area, we had 3 Sharp-tailed Grouse fly across
> the road.
> Farther north in Minnesota today, I skied the a afternoon away (just a
> little west of Two Harbors), and had 1 Pine Grosbeak, Common Redpolls, and a
> few Black-capped Chickadees.
> Good birding!
> Erik Bruhnke
> Duluth, MN
> birdf...@gmail.com
> www.pbase.com/birdfedr/naturallyavian

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[mou-net] Snowy Owl in Clay Couny

2009-01-18 Thread Dean Riemer

   This afternoon I found a Snowy Owl at the Moorhead Crystal Sugar Ponds on 
the dike of the farthest northeast cell near the  intersection of 28th Ave 
North and N. 28th Street. This may be the same bird that was seen on Friday at 
the bridge southeast of the Target Store.

Good Birding
Dean Riemer
Geographically Challenged
in West Fargo ND

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[mou-net] Common Redpolls

2009-01-18 Thread Andrew Longtin
Today I had about 80+ Common Redpolls for PFW counting..  They must have
figured out the Andrew buffet is here.. Last count 2 weeks ago I only had 3,
last Sunday I had 10..




Andrew Longtin

Corcoran (Hennepin Co.) Minnesota

See my WEB pages at: www.birderguy.com

Email: birder...@comcast.net


Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory Supporter


Minnesota Ornithologists Union Member


Cornell Lab Member (PFW)



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[mou-net] ww crossbills, redpolls, Carpenter Nature Center, Hastings

2009-01-18 Thread linda whyte
The white-winged crossbills reported previously at Carpenter Nature
Center have apparently expanded the number of their flock, and have
been joined by some common redpolls. Their original location was in
conifers on the south side of the administration building, but they
were last seen late this afternoon in the stand of trees on the east
side of the building. The foliage is dense, and the birds not
especially noisy or mobile, so it may require patience and repeated
visits to view them.
Linda Whyte

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[mou-net] Unethical Photographer at the bog

2009-01-18 Thread Michael Hendrickson

I received a email from a Minnesota birder who reported this to me today  "I 
birded the bog Sunday and had a run-in with a photographer who was
baiting the hawk owl at Sax road and cty 7. We were stopped along with
another car of birders when this guy in a truck with North Dakota platesstops 
about a hundred yards away. He's out monkey around picking stuff
up and putting something on the ground, and when he does the owl comes
streaking in full bore right at the guy. He must've been yanking the
bait away because it didn't look like the bird got anything. I yelled
at him to knock it off and he stopped. Later after I got in my car he
drove up and confronted the guys from the other car, so I got back out
to talk to him. His excuse was "well, the road is where they hunt
anyway." I told him no, he didn't need to condition the bird to the
roadside and if he was patient he'd get good shots anyway. Frustrating. "

Here is another story of how a Northern Hawk Owl has apparently died this year 
due to over aggressive photographers:

I been following several photography forums: Camera Talk Minnesota,  
Fishingminnesota.com, Naturephotographers.net and I can honestly say  many 
photographers are using the MOU-listserv to look for owls and all other bird 
sightings and go after them for photos.  Now bear in mind the majority of 
photographers are very ethical and then there are some who do not care one bit 
about anything other than getting the "money shot".  Just like there are a ton 
of birders who follow the ABA guidelines for observing birds and then there's 
those who do not follow any ethical guidelines and gives the rest of us birders 
a bad name.

Also I am not against photographers at all, its just the small minority of them 
like the guy from North Dakota who makes me very angry that they think this is 
ethical to tease a owl with prey to get a photo.  I am sure most photographers 
would not support this type of strategy to get a photo of a owl.  

I ask any birder who visits Sax Zim Bog or if you see anyone teasing owls this 
winter in Minnesota to get their license numbers and report them to the DNR.  
If you have a camera take photos of them or take a video of them as proof of 
what they are doing is plain wrong! 


Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

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