[mou-net] Salt Lake - Lac qui Parle

2012-05-02 Thread Steve Weston
There was a report of a pair of Brown Pelicans seen on Salt Lake in Lac qui
Parle County on Sunday.  Other birders who arrived shortly after the report
could find nothing after an extensive search.  Jason Frank checked for it
on Monday without finding it.  these birds are not secretive, so the lack
of a find reduced the credibility of the sighting.  He did report a Clark's
Grebe and 2 Marbled Godwits though.

Steve Weston

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[mou-net] Golden-winged Warbler, Ramsey County

2012-05-02 Thread Bob Dunlap
Around 11:30 this morning I was surprised to hear a singing Golden-winged
Warbler at the west end of Battle Creek Park on the southeast side of St.
Paul. Just to be sure it wasn't a hybrid, I waited for the bird to show
itself and was subsequently treated to some nice views of a breeding adult
male. Other than that, the only warblers I found in the park were Palm and

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Polk County recent arrivals

2012-05-02 Thread Sandy Aubol
Recent arrivals in my yard in extreme western Polk County (East Grand Forks):
5/2 Yellow Warbler
5/1 Clay-colored Sparrow
4/30 Orange-crowned Warbler
4/29 Lincoln Sparrow
4/25 White-crowned Sparrow
4/21 White-throated Sparrow
4/19 Chipping Sparrow
4/15 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
4/12 Yellow-rumped Warbler

Sandy Aubol
Polk County

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[mou-net] New arrivals

2012-05-02 Thread Chad Heins
There was lots of raptor movement today over my lunch hou
Hey birders,

There was lots of raptor movement today over my lunch hour: 25 Broad-winged 
Hawks, 6 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 4 Cooper's Hawks, 1 Red-tailed Hawk, 1 
Red-shouldered Hawk, 1 Bald Eagle, 1 Osprey

Passerines in my yard over lunch: Indigo Bunting, Nashville Warbler, Blue-gray 
Gnatcatcher, Orange-crowned Warbler, Ovenbird, Yellow-rumped Warbler, 
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, White-throated Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow, White-crowned 

Butterflies in my yard over lunch (for those who can't help expanding their 
interests): Orange Sulphur, Clouded Sulphur, Red Admiral, Painted Lady, 
Mourning Cloak, Question Mark, Monarch, Cabbage White.

Happy birding!

Chad Heins

But ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they 
will tell you; Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has 
done this? --Job 12:7, 9

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[mou-net] Shorebirds in Blue Earth County

2012-05-02 Thread Williams, Bob
Gilfillan Lake just west Madison Lake on CR 26 at CR 188 had hundreds of 
shorebirds this afternoon including:
Black-bellied, American Golden and Semipalmated Plovers
Hudsonian Godwits
Dowitcher species
Wilson's Phalaropes

Morning would be best, but viewing is good from a pull off at the NE corner 
even into the sun. 
Bob Williams

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[mou-net] Rose breasted grosbeak...

2012-05-02 Thread Thomas P. Malone
...was present today at Springbrook Nature Center in Fridley. A gorgeous male 
warming up the pipes...

Thomas P. Malone
Attorney at Law
Barna Guzy  Steffen
Minneapolis Minnesota
(Via BlackBerry)

[mou-net] FOY barn sawllow and swift wright co.

2012-05-02 Thread Tony Lau
On 4/30/12 I saw my resident barn swallow flying amongst the hordes of
martins and just now I heard my 1st chimney swift of the year. I also heard
the house wren yesterday so all the nesting birds from last year in my yard
are back.

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[mou-net] Am. Bittern NO

2012-05-02 Thread Manley Olson
The Falcon Heights park bittern was apparently a one day event. It was 
seen by several last evening. This morning at least 20 people looked for 
it and another four this evening but I have not heard that anyone saw it 

Manley Olson

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[mou-net] Lake Byllesby today

2012-05-02 Thread Gerald Hoekstra
Most of the birds I listed yesterday were still there today, except for the
Hudsonian Godwits.

At the west end:
Greater  Lesser Yellowlegs
Dowitchers (I think Long-billed)
Pectoral Sandpipers
Semipalmated Sandpiper (thanks to Scott M. for ID)
Least Sandpipers
Dunlins (a few)
Semipalmated Plovers (forgot to mention them yesterday)
Wilson's Phalaropes
Also the usual Am. Coots, No. Shovelers, Blue-winged  Green-winged Teals,
Lesser Scaups, Mallards

From the Lakeside Cemetery:
- flock of about 40 terns on a mud flat (I assume Forster's)
- one Caspian Tern

Gerry Hoekstra

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[mou-net] Am. Bittern -Silverwood Park

2012-05-02 Thread Joe Conley
American Bittern at Silverwood Park, my second in two days. Never saw one 
last year. First one thanks to Manley Olson.
In first small pond as you enter park off C.R.- E,  just west of Silver Lake Rd.
Three River Park Naturalist said bird has been here 3 or 4 days. 
Also got an  deluxe owl show there. Saw Mom  Dad, and three young owls.
Two were branchers, and what people there called the Runt still at nest site.
Saw male make a kill, some kind of blackbird, and feed one of the branchers.
He then went towards nest tree and was mobbed by crows. Saw one crow
slam into his back, but he held onto dinner. After crows left, he hooted a 
little. One brancher was in top of nest tree and other was about 100 yards 
south up on hill, up in tree.
The nest tree is right next to tar walk path, in woods, north of building. The 
nest was in broke off limb of large oak tree. Great Horned Owls.
Silverwood Park, St. Anthony,  C.R.- E  Silver Lake Road. 
This is 4 traffic lights south of 694 on Silver Lake Rd.
Joe Conley

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[mou-net] iron in beaks not involved in navigation-- from Science News

2012-05-02 Thread G Andersson



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