[mou-net] Langton Lake Park - Roseville

2012-05-06 Thread Dan & Mike
Hit the par pretty close to sunset so, with the cloud cover, sights weren't
as good as they could be.

Along with the regulars. lots of Canadian geese with goslings and mallards
with ducklings.  Saw wood duck adults but no chicks yet.

Heard a red-bellied woodpecker.

Saw FYO Baltimore oriole and barn swallows



NE Mpls

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[mou-net] Long-tailed Duck female, Moose Lake Sewage Lagoons, Carlton Co, MN

2012-05-06 Thread Alex Cruz
At 5:30 pm on Sun, May 6, Scott Meyer and I found this female Long-tailed Duck. 
Seen with Lesser Scaup on medium-sized sewage lagoon. Have 1 lousy digiscope. 
Female transitioniing into breeding plumage with white around eye and cheek on 
dark brown head continuing to back. Sides were whitish but hard to see 
sometimes since it had low profile in water--this low profile very apparent 
compared to Lesser Scaup. 

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Ramsey Co, Mn

Sent from Alex's iPhone.

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[mou-net] White-faced Ibis, 180th Street marsh., Dakota Cty

2012-05-06 Thread Laura Coble
My brother and I saw the White-faced Ibis at 180th St. marsh at about 4 p.m. 
today.  It was on the grass, resting on the NW corner of the NE pond, and we 
had close looks with my scope, viewing it from the road.  It  later preened and 
fed in the grass and mud;  then went back to sleep.  

We also saw several Yellow-headed Blackbirds, both males.  Dennis and Barb 
Martin arrived a little later, and Dennis took some photos of the Ibis.  Soras 
are still calling, and we saw several, but I didn't hear the Virginia Rail 

Thank you, Bruce Fall, for your post!

Laura Coble
Cannon Falls

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[mou-net] Red Headed Woodpecker - Columbus/Forest Lake

2012-05-06 Thread Cheryl Boyes
There has been a Red-Headed Woodpecker coming to our feeders for 
the past 2 days.

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[mou-net] Migration is a wonderful thing

2012-05-06 Thread Julian Sellers
As I walked through the Tangletown neighborhood of St. Paul near Macalester 
College this morning, a Golden-winged Warbler and a Wood Thrush were among the 
birds singing.

St. Paul

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[mou-net] Possible Lazuli Jackson County

2012-05-06 Thread Carl Greiner
Don and Bonnie Vrchota of Lakefield report a Lazuli Bunting coming to their
feeders. It was there at 10, about noon, and then again a half hour ago.
They have had Indigo's there today also. They ask that you please call
before visiting. Their address is:


48154 790th St
Lakefield, MN 56150
(507) 847-2638






Carl Greiner 


1616 Hill St. S.W.

Chatfield, MN. 55923




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[mou-net] White-faced Ibis, Dakota Co.

2012-05-06 Thread Bruce Fall
Adult, 180th St. Marsh, east pool, 2:30 pm.

Bruce Fall, Minneapolis

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[mou-net] Bloomington Cattle Egret not refound; early Bell's Vireo at Black Dog

2012-05-06 Thread Matt Dufort

Hi all,

I and several other birders were at Marsh Lake Park behind the 
Bloomington Ice Gardens this morning.  As far as I know, no one saw a 
Cattle Egret.  The place was full of birds, though, with some highlights 
including calling American Bittern, Philadelphia Vireo, 13 warblers 
including Wilson's and Parula, Sedge Wren, and several Lincoln's Sparrows.

I also stopped by the Cliff Fen Park access to the Black Dog unit of 
Minnesota Valley NWR.  Biggest surprise was an early Bell's Vireo, 
actively singing and apparently on territory.  Plenty of migrants there, 
too, including a nice flock of White-throated, White-crowned, and 
Harris's Sparrows.

Good birding,

Matt Dufort

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[mou-net] Carver County post-storm birds at Rapids Lake(16 warbler species)

2012-05-06 Thread John Cyrus
Beginning a bit past 6 this morning just as the rain ended, I managed 75 
species in 4.5 hours at Rapids Lake MVNWR .  I covered about 4.25 miles of 
unique trails and covered an additional 1.75 miles(of the 4.25) twice doubling 
back along the river.  The only count done doubling back was double checking 
most of the Yellow Warbler count and turning up a Black-crowned Night-Heron.   
All areas including hunting and non-hunting areas were very active.  I also 
went off trail when birds necessitated.  All trails were muddy and at places 
flooded over.

Rapids Lake count

Canada Goose
Wood Duck 
Ring-necked Pheasant 1
Wild Turkey 1
Great Blue Heron 3
Green Heron 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1
Turkey Vulture 1
Killdeer 1
Caspian Tern 4
Mourning Dove
Black-billed Cuckoo 1 heard only
Great Horned Owl 1 heard only
Barred Owl 1 heard only
Belted Kingfisher 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker 1
Least Flycatcher 4
Eastern Phoebe 1
Great Crested Flycatcher 5
Yellow-throated Vireo 4
Warbling Vireo 3
Blue Jay
American Crow
Barn Swallow
Tree Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
White-breasted Nuthatch
House Wren 8
Sedge Wren 1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3
Eastern Bluebird 2
Gray-cheeked Thrush 1
American Robin
Gray Catbird 12
Ovenbird 3
Northern Waterthrush 14
Blue-winged Warbler 3
Golden-winged Warbler 1 male
Black and White Warbler 4
Tennessee Warbler 25
Nashville Warbler 4
Common Yellowthroat 5
American Redstart 7
Cape May Warbler 2 male
Northern Parula 3 (2 seen, 1 additional heard only)
Magnolia Warbler 3 male
Yellow Warbler 28
Palm Warbler 11
Yellow-rumped Warbler 32
Black-throated Green Warbler 1 male
Chipping Sparrow 1
Field Sparrow 4
Vesper Sparrow 1
Lark Sparrow 1
Savannah Sparrow 3 (likely an additional 4 that I startled before getting a 
look at them)
Grasshopper Sparrow 3
Henslow's Sparrow 1
Song Sparrow 
Swamp Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow ~20
Harris's Sparrow 2
White-crowned Sparrow 8
Scarlet Tanager 1
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 17 (male and female)
Indigo Bunting 1
Red-winged Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark 2
Brown-headed Cowbird
Baltimore Oriole 10 (male and female)
American Goldfinch


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[mou-net] Red-headed Woodpecker sighting

2012-05-06 Thread linda whyte
Feeder-sighting from this morning (Sunday, 5/6) from a friend at 7886 Alden
Way NE, Fridley. (It was a lifer for her, so she took pains to confirm the
ID.) Her property is on the Mississippi, so this is likely a migrant. I'll
post again if it stays, or if she sees others.

Linda Whyte

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[mou-net] Birding about the Metro

2012-05-06 Thread Steve Weston
I am finding duck broods showing up.  A couple of days ago it was a Canada
Goose family with five.  I have always figured that the earliest hatchlings
are probably younger pairs that lay less eggs.   Today I saw a Hooded
Merganser brood sitting by the Cattle Egret in Bloomington.   Today in the
yard, I had another Tennesee Warbler singing, a Common Yellowthroat, and a
Great Crested Flychatcher.

My showy orchis is blooming in all its glory.  The spiderwort is ready to
bloom.  The front lawn is rich with dandelions.  My wife thinks the lawn
looks horrible.  I doubt the weather will cooperate sufficiently and the
forces of the cosmos will align properly to propel me into the garage to
drag out the lawn mower.  My neighbor has been gathering morels and oyster
mushrooms.  Tonight I feasted on morels, which I sauted with onions.
Thankyou Dave and Jeff.

I was already to head south to Frontenac to run my frog and toad survey.
My lake has been boisterous with treefrogs and even toads the last few
days.  That's the right mix for my second survey run.  But, I was slow out
the door and dusk was deep over the lake.  I opened the door to hear the
chorus and was greeted with silence.  So, I went back in.  Checking a half
hour later, I heard the deep snore of the Leopard Frog.  They are common in
the yard, but I rarely hear them, probably because they sing early in the
season on colder nights when I am less apt to be at an open door.  Well,
the survey will have to wait for a warmer evening when the right frogs will
be randy.
Steve Weston
on Quigley Lake in Eagan

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