Re: [mou-net] Kinnickinnic River Bald Eagle Stoop and Fish Capture

2013-08-18 Thread Keith Carlson
I know it's Wisconsin but just had to report the great eagle drama I saw
while kayaking the Kinnickinnic River below River Falls, Wisconsin.  
An immature bald eagle dove into the river in front of me at
considerable speed, produced a sizeable splash, and emerged with its
neck and head just above the surface of the water.  It then raised its
wings above the surface, struggled to flap them in a seemingly futile
effort to take flight, and then, almost impossibly did take off with a
sizeable fish in it talons.  The eagle struggled to gain altitude and
make headway with its wiggling catch but then, with the speed and height
it finally gained, flew off out of sight down river.  This all occurred
in matter of 25 to 35 seconds. 
Kingfishers, goldfinches, ospreys and cedar waxwings were the other
birds I saw without the binoculars I left behind not knowing how
challenging the rapids were going to be.   
Keith Carlson
Roseville, MN

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[mou-net] Stevens-Big Stone-Traverse Co's and vicinity

2013-08-18 Thread Kim R Eckert
There was a Minn Birding Weekend (MBW) on August 16-17-18 based in Morris which 
covered parts of Stevens, Big Stone, and Traverse Co's, plus a bit into Grant 
and Lac Qui Parle Co's. Nothing particularly unusual was found, and most 
passerines and other land birds were quite conspicuous by their absence, but 
there were some highlights worth noting:

- Leucistic Canada Goose (Lac Qui Parle CR 7): most of its plumage uniformly 
creamy white with a washed-out trace of its face pattern.

- Western Grebes (Thielke Lake, Big Stone Co); a few dozen present, but no sign 
of any Clark's.

- Only 1 Swainson's Hawk (Stevens Co).

- 17 shorebird species, including 2 Black-belllied Plovers (North Ottawa 
impoundment in Grant Co; Salt Lake in Lac Qui Parle Co), 1 Upland Sandpiper 
(near Wheaton sewage ponds, Traverse Co), and both Wilson's and Red-necked 
phalaropes (several locations). This variety was despite high water levels in 
almost all the wetlands; the best locations were N Ottawa impoundment (14 
species), jct of Big Stone CRs 25 and 10, and Lac Qui Parle CR 7 near Rosen.

- Bonaparte's Gull (Hancock sewage ponds, Stevens Co).

- Caspian Tern (Big Stone Lake in Ortonville).

- Peregrine Falcon (adult chasing shorebirds and gulls at Hancock sewage ponds).

- Only 1 Western Kingbird (Lac Qui Parle Co).

- Mourning Warbler (Morris municipal campground, Stevens Co); this was our only 
land bird migrant (i.e., not breeding in this part of Minn).

- Le Conte's Sparrow (adjacent to Miller Prairie West, Traverse Co): in a 

- Dickcissel (Traverse Co wheat field).

- Only 1 Orchard Oriole sighting (family group of 5 at a Stevens Co feeder).

Besides our decent list of shorebirds, probably the most interesting aspect of 
this MBW was the generally and somewhat alarming scarcity of land birds. Some 
examples of our totals after 3 days of birding: 2 Downy Woodpeckers, 3 N 
Flickers, 2 Am Kestrels, 5 flycatcher individuals (besides E Kingbirds), 1 
vireo individual (Warbling), 4-5 Blue Jays, <10 each of Black-capped Chickadees 
and White-breasted Nuthatches, 1 House Wren, 1 E Bluebird, <20 Am Robins, <5 
Com Yellowthroats, 1 Am Redstart, 4-5 Yellow Warblers, 0 Vesper Sparrows, 2 
Savannah Sparrows, <10 Song Sparrows, and 5-6 House Finches.

Kim Eckert

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[mou-net] State Fair MOU booth

2013-08-18 Thread kkelnberger
Still time to snap up remaining shifts at the MOU booth and get a free 
pass to the fair.

Shifts with one volunteer:
Thu 8/22 5-9
Fri 8/24 9-1
Fri 8/24 1-5
Fri 8/24 5-9
Wed 8/28 1-5
Fri 8/30 1-5
Sun 9/1  5-9
Open shifts
Fri 8/23 5-9
Mon 8/26 5-9
Tue 8/27 5-9
Wed 8/28 5-9
Fri 8/30 9-1
Reply to this email with your choice of shift(s) and I will sign you 

Kate Kelnberger

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[mou-net] Virginia rail

2013-08-18 Thread Rick Gibson
The Virginia Rail is still hanging around the North Woods Nature Center in 
Richfield. He came out, briefly, several times last night, between 7 and 8pm. 
Look along the nearest edge of the cattail mat on the western end of the main 
boardwalk, on the away side from the office/classroom bldg. Patience is helpful.

-rick, mpls
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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