[mou-net] 2 nice specimens in my freezer

2013-09-15 Thread Williams, Bob
Thanks to my neighbor I have a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and a
Sharp-shinned Hawk in my freezer.  We assume that there was a chase that
resulted in both running into the sliding door to his deck.  I am open to
suggestions for a final resting place for these 2 beautiful birds.

Bob Williams, Bloomington

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[mou-net] Mpls. feral-cat ordinance

2013-09-15 Thread Stephen Greenfield
A Minneapolis City Council committee gave approval to an ordinance (see link
below*) allowing people to maintain communities of feral cats, with a vote
by the whole council (which is normally a formality) this Friday 9/20.  The
members were swayed by a dedicated minority who, among other things, claim
that allowing caretaking of these colonies -- including providing food and
shelter and catch-neuter-release programs -- would actually be beneficial
for wildlife.  That of course is in the face of the scientific consensus
that these are a disaster for birds and other native wildlife, in particular
the report earlier this year from the USFWS and the Smithsonian Research
Institute [

http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v4/n1/full/ncomms2380.html] estimating
annual deaths in the billions of birds and tens of billions of mammals.


It is important that council members hear from people who care about birds,
even those outside Minneapolis, as this will become a model for other
cities.  You can see their phone numbers and email addresses at this site:
http://www.mpls.dfl.org/elected-officials. This is an election year and they
need to realize that a small, vocal group of extremists does not represent
the whole electorate. (Let me know if you want addresses of their opponents
in the election also.) I'm hoping there is a chance to get them to at least
send the bill back to get wider input and to remove the most damaging


* Here is the full wording:


Stephen Greenfield





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[mou-net] New eBird Functionality

2013-09-15 Thread Bob Butson
I just stumbled upon a SUPER cool new eBird functionality - Hotspot
Explorer!  It makes it easy to find hotspots wherever you are.  Each
hotspot has its own page where all species are listed, a map, charts, and
more.  Even if you don't enter your data into eBird, you will probably find
this new tool useful.


Bob Butson
Golden Valley

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[mou-net] Warblers at Buffalo River State Park, Clay County

2013-09-15 Thread MARK OTNES
There were very good numbers and variety of birds at Buffalo River State
Park this morning.  There was a large warbler-vireo flock around the main
parking area in the swimming beach area.  The best bird was an adult male
Northern Parula.  I got first of the season Harris and White-crowned
Sparrows also.

Ovenbird - 1
Northern Waterthrush - 2
Black-and-White Warbler - 3
Tennessee Warbler - 6
Orange-crowned Warbler - 11
Nashville Warbler - 2
Common Yellowthroat - 1
American Restart - 4
Northern Parula - 1
Magnolia Warbler - 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 5
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1

Blue-headed Vireo - 2
Warbling Vireo - 1
Philadelphia Vireo - 1
Red-eyed Vireo - 9

Mark Otnes
Fargo ND

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[mou-net] Mower, Dodge, Steele & Freeborn counties - 9/11 - 14/2013

2013-09-15 Thread CRAIG MANDEL
9/11, 12, 13, 14, 2013
While leading a trip for the Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter, our group 
observed some of the following species during the trip.  A few of the species 
were observed by participants prior to and after the trip.  We spent time 
birding in Mower, Dodge, Steele and Freeborn counties.
Here are some of the species we observed:
Greater White-fronted Goose - Observed by Rick Specht- Freeborn county - 9/11 - 
CR 26, 1/4 mile South of CR 35.  We were unable to relocate this bird on the 
Wild Turkey - Mower county
Western Grebe - First observed by Rick Specht on 9/11 and also relocated by the 
group on 9/12 - Freeborn county - 6 birds were observed on the North end of 
Geneva Lake, along 800th Avenue.
Virginia Rail - Freeborn county
Sora - Freeborn county
Black-bellied Plover - Steele county - A single Black-bellied Plover was 
observed from the boat ramp at Rice Lake State Park on the morning of the 14th.
American Golden Plover - 9/11 & 9/12 - Freeborn county - These birds were 
observed at the previously posted location along CR 46, at the North East end 
of Albert Lea Lake.  We were also able to relocate the American Golden Plovers 
previously reported along NE 84th Avenue.  We observed about a dozen of them on 
the West side of the road, around 12:30 pm on the 13th.  Note that many were 
difficult to see as they were lying on the ground in the grass.
Semipalmated Plover - Freeborn county
Sanderling - 9/11 - Freeborn county - There was a single Sanderling observed by 
Rick Specht at the location along CR 26.
Other shorebirds observed at various locations, were Spotted, Solitary, 
Semipalmated, Least, Baird's, Pectoral and Stilt Sandpipers, Greater and Lesser 
Yellowlegs, Long-billed Dowitcher and American Woodcock.
Eurasian Collared-Dove - Mower & Dodge counties
Eastern Screech Owl - 9/13 - Mower county - Schwerin Creek WMA, Located in the 
Northwest corner of the intersection of 210th Street and 660th Avenue.
Great Horned Owl - Freeborn county - Observed at a campground West of Austin, 
by Floor Kooyman
Barred Owl - Freeborn county - Heard at the same campground as the Great Horned 
Owl, Mower county - Several were heard at the Hormel Nature center.
Common Nighthawk
Chimney Swift
Yellow-throated, Blue-headed, Philadelphia and Red-eyed Vireo - With at least 
10 Philadelphia Vireo's observed at various locations in Mower, Dodge and 
Steele counties.
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 9/12 - Mower county - Adams community park
Swainson's Thrush
Ovenbird, Black-and-white, Orange-crowned, Nashville, Common Yellowthroat, 
American Redstart, Northern Parula, Magnolia, Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, 
Blackpoll, Palm and Yellow-rumped.  These Warblers were observed in various 
locations throughout the 4 counties, with Black-and White, American Redstart, 
Northern Parula and Magnolia Warblers observed in the largest numbers.
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Scarlet Tanager
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Purple Finch - 9/13 - Dodge county - A single immature bird was observed in the 
NW corner of the intersection of CR G & CR1.
Craig Mandel
Minnetonka, Hennepin County

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