[mou-net] Becker Co. Summer Tanager

2020-09-05 Thread Steve Midthune
Turns out that the first year Summer Tanager was actually a first year
Scarlet Tanager. Who knew a first year Scarlet could have orange patches
like a Summer. So much to learn!

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During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
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[mou-net] Summer Tanager

2020-09-04 Thread Steve Midthune
A Summer Tanager is coming to a feeder at 37912 HWY 34 about 10 miles east
of Detroit Lakes. The owner asks that people call and let her know you are
coming before showing up. The # is 218-841-6513.

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During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
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[mou-net] Tamarac CBC

2019-12-16 Thread Steve Midthune
The Tamarac CBC will be held this Wednesday December 18. Meet at Refuge HQ
at 8am.  Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Prothonotary Warbler

2019-05-19 Thread Steve Midthune
As many already know through ebird, a Prothonotary Warbler was found at
Agassiz NWR. A group of birders from the Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds
were walking the trails around the Visitor's Center. They discovered the
bird where the trail meets the marsh north of the Center. 

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[mou-net] Tamarac CBC

2019-01-03 Thread Steve Midthune
Sorry I failed to say in my last post that the crossbills in the Tamarac CBC
were all Red Crossbills.  Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] 2018 CBC at Tamarac NWR

2019-01-03 Thread Steve Midthune
The Tamarac NWR Christmas Bird Count took place on December 19th. We had 10
volunteers who broke into 4 driving teams plus 9 feeder watchers. We had a
total of 34 species which is above our 10 year average of 29.5. Most notable
was the large number of Crossbills at 36.  Steve Midthune. 

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[mou-net] Black-bellied Plovers

2018-05-17 Thread Steve Midthune
For those of you coming up for the Detroit Lakes Festival of birds, you
might want to check out the plovers on Height of Land Lake which is just
east of Tamarac NWR.  The birds (I counted 7) were on the west side of the
lake close to the outlet to the Ottertail River. They were on a sandbar
about fifty yards off shore with a group of Dowitchers.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] Becker Co. Ibis

2018-05-15 Thread Steve Midthune
There is a White-faced Ibis at Bisson Lake, Hamden Slough NWR. Was seen on
south side of Co. Rd 14 on mudflat just left of Bisson Lake sign.  Migration
has been slow here because of cold spring but appears to be heating up just
in time for the 21st annual Festival of Birds May 17-19.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN


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[mou-net] Becker Co. Snowys

2017-12-20 Thread Steve Midthune
Two Snowy Owls were seen yesterday around noon a few miles north of Bisson
Lake. I was able to see one late yesterday afternoon at the corner of 340th
St and 190th Ave.  

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] CBC at Tamarac NWR

2017-12-11 Thread Steve Midthune
The count this year will occur on Jan. 3rd. Be at the Visitor's Center
between 7:30 and 8:00. We will break up into teams and head out from there. 

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[mou-net] Red Crossbills at Tamarac

2017-08-15 Thread Steve Midthune
This morning I observed a juvenile red crossbill visiting the feeders at the
Visitor Center at Tamarac NWR. Red crossbills had been reported there over
the weekend. Later in the day Nancy Henke refound the juvenile bird and a
couple of adult red crossbills as well. 

Steve Midthune

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] Sibley in Clay Co.

2017-05-22 Thread Steve Midthune
There is a newly developed wetland called the "Ulen Project" a mile west of
Hwy 32 on 200 AVE. N. about two miles north of Ulen MN. During the Detroit
Lakes Festival of Birds an impressive list of shorebirds and waterfowl were
found including Avocets, Hudsonian Godwits, Dulins and Dowitchers. Yesterday
on his way to the airport, David Sibley visited the site and also found a
Ruddy Turnstone and a flock of Prairie Chickens on the road next to the
wetland. It appears that a pair of Avocets may be nesting there. 

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] Short-eared owl, BEcker Co.

2017-04-29 Thread Steve Midthune
There was a Short-eared owl this evening hunting the grasslands on both
sides of CR 13 about .8 miles north of the intersection with CR 12. This is
in Hamden Slough NWR north of Audubon.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2017-03-20 Thread Steve Midthune
14 Prairie Chickens on lek in Hamden Slough NWR, corner of CR 13 and 106.
Migration heating up:  Western Meadowlarks and Sandhill cranes in area. Just
a reminder, Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds is May 18 to May 21. This is the
20th Annual Festival. Keynote this year is David Sibley. For more
information and to register go to www.visitdetroitlakes.com. 


Steve Midthune 

Lake Park, MN 

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[mou-net] Becker co. shorebirds

2016-08-06 Thread Steve Midthune
In a flooded bean field 2.5 miles west of Lake Park on north side of US 10,
there was a nice assortment of shorebirds and other water birds. Includes:
Pectoral Sandpiper, Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, Baird's
Sandpiper, and Killdeer. Other birds: Trumpeter Swan, Canada Geese,
Mallards, Blue-winged Teal and Green Heron. 

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] DL Festival of Birds

2016-05-21 Thread Steve Midthune
After two days of field trips the combined bird list contains 155 species.
Although there were no rarities, there was a busy lek of Prairie Chickens at
Hamden Slough, Chestnut-sided Longspurs at Felton Prairie, and 19 species of
warblers at Tamarac NWR. One more field trip tomorrow to Kelly's Slough NWR
in northeast North Dakota to find Nelson's and Le Conte's sparrows and a
variety of shorebirds.  



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[mou-net] Migration in Becker Co.

2016-05-03 Thread Steve Midthune
Warmer weather has speeded things a bit. Several species of warblers at
Tamarac: Yellow-rumped, Black-and-White, Palm, Orange-crowned and an early
Nashville. Prairie Chickens dancing on the lek at Hamden Slough. The Detroit
Lakes Festival of Birds is only 16 days away. Doug Buri doing a shorebird
I.D. workshop, Dr. Josh Stafford talking about radar studies of waterfowl
migration. Scott Weidensaul giving a presentation on owls including new
research on the winter ecology of Snowy Owls, and Carrol Henderson
presenting the story of the reintroduction of the Trumpeter Swan. For more
information go to: www.visitdetroitlakes.com/events/festival-of-birds 

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] migration in Becker Co.

2016-04-18 Thread Steve Midthune
Shorebirds have finally made it this far north. Greater yellowlegs and
Pectoral sandpipers at Lake Park sewage ponds. Horned grebes and Wilson
snipe on LaBelle Lake north of Lake Park.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] location of Golden Eagle

2016-03-14 Thread Steve Midthune
The bird was seen on  310 St between CR 101 and 150 Av. 

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[mou-net] Golden Eagle in Becker Co.

2016-03-14 Thread Steve Midthune
Adult Golden Eagle seen by myself and Nancy Henke this morning north of Lake
Park. Bird was sitting on a branch facing away from us.  The golden brown on
its head and neck was obvious. As we were watching, a mob of crows appeared
and harassed the bird until it flew off to the southwest. Maybe a bird
migrating from Southeast MN or a western bird a bit out of its range.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] Becker County

2016-03-07 Thread Steve Midthune
Things still pretty frozen but thawing fast. Roughed-legged Hawks still at
Hamden Slough but have been joined by Northern Harriers. Trumpeter Swans and
Canada Geese streaming north but so far mostly standing on ice. Spring is

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] Tamarac CBC

2015-11-19 Thread Steve Midthune
The Christmas Bird Count will take place on Dec. 14.  Meet at refuge HQ at

Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Becker Co. Long-tailed Duck

2015-11-09 Thread Steve Midthune
The duck (a beautiful adult male) was still in the same slough as reported
by Josh Wallestad yesterday. Take CR 5 south from Lake Park about 3.8 miles.
Turn right on Stakke Lake Rd and drive past the lake. At the southern end of
the lake the road turns downhill to the right. At the bottom of the hill the
slough will be on your left. The bird was swimming with a group of

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] Snowy in Becker Co.

2015-11-06 Thread Steve Midthune
There was a Snowy Owl reported yesterday south of Audubon. It was located
just south of the intersection of CR 15 and CR 6. I looked for it yesterday
afternoon but was unable to relocate.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] DL Festival of Birds update

2015-05-17 Thread Steve Midthune
The Felton Prairie fieldtrip had over 100 species this morning even though
they were birding in heavy rain much of the time. They found all four target
birds: Chestnut-collared Longspur, Grasshopper Sparrow, Upland Sandpiper,
and Marbled Godwit. Three more species of warblers was found bring the total
for the festival to 28.

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[mou-net] Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds

2015-05-17 Thread Steve Midthune
Through the first two days 155 species have been seen. Hopefully the Felton
Prairie trip today will add to that total. There have been 25 species of
warblers recorded including a Blue-winged found by Bob Janssen. This bird is
rare for our part of the state. Twelve species of shorebirds was a bit
disappointing. We had 2.5 inches of rain just before the festival which
covered up most of the mud flats in the area. Other notable birds were a
Red-headed Woodpecker that flew in front of the bus in Hamden Slough NWR and
a Least Bittern found on the Callaway/Ogama Springs trip. Despite some rain
and strong winds a lot of nice birds were seen.

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2015-05-04 Thread Steve Midthune
Good assortment of shorebirds at Hamden Slough including Wilson's Phalarope.
A flock of White-fronted Geese also at Bisson Lake (north end of refuge).
Because of drought, less water and more mud flats in local wetlands. Good
for shorebirds but not farmers. Besides Bisson Lake check out South Wetlands
across from old refuge HQ. Shorebird viewing should be good next week at DL

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2015-04-18 Thread Steve Midthune
Warm weather has speeded migration through the county. FOY birds the last
few days: yellow- headed blackbird, pectoral sandpipers, greater and lesser
yellowlegs, and sora. Dry weather has increased available mud flats which
should be good for shorebird viewing.  Don't forget, The DL Festival of
Birds is May 14 to 17. For information go to www.VisitDetroitLakes.com. 

Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2015-03-12 Thread Steve Midthune
Several days of warm weather is bringing welcome changes. We now have some
unfrozen ponds with Canada Geese, Trumpeter Swans, Mallards, Gadwalls and
Pintails. This morning at Hamden Slough there was a beautiful male Northern
Harrier hunting and 14 Greater Prairie chickens in field where Fish &
Wildlife's blind is set up (corner of CR 13 and 106). Happy birding.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park 

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[mou-net] Merlin in Becker co.

2015-01-26 Thread Steve Midthune
This afternoon there was a Merlin chasing birds about a block from my house
in Lake Park. They are fun to watch.

Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Becker Co. Varied Thrush

2014-12-23 Thread Steve Midthune
A male Varied Thrush was seen this morning at 13114 Merry Meadow Lane in
Detroit Lakes. There was an earlier report of a female Varied Thrush also in
DL but was not seen today.

Steve Midthune 

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker County Snowy

2014-12-01 Thread Steve Midthune
Just learned that a snowy owl was seen on Saturday along Hwy 59 just south
of Callaway.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker County

2014-11-20 Thread Steve Midthune
Conspicuously absent are rough-legged hawks who were here 10 days ago but
must have kept going with our strong north wind and cold temperatures.
Small flocks of Lapland longspurs, common redpolls, and snow buntings are
around. Flock of 35+ prairie chickens seen at north end of Hamden slough.
Small flock of blackbirds included late red-winged and rustys.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co. Magpie

2014-10-23 Thread Steve Midthune
Have not seen black-billed magpies in Becker Co. for a while but two were
feeding on a deer carcass on CR12 .3 miles west of CR 13.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.


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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2014-07-25 Thread Steve Midthune
Shorebird migration in full swing. This morning at Bisson Lake: Yellowlegs
(Lesser and Greater), Short-billed Dowitchers,  Least Sandpipers, Baird's
Sandpipers, Wilson's snipe, Pectoral Sandpipers, and Wilson's Phalaropes.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2014-05-10 Thread Steve Midthune
Spent the day at Tamarac NWR. Warbler migration just beginning but able to
find 11 species. Leaves not out yet so warbler viewing should be great for
the next week  or two. Things coming together for the Festival.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2014-05-08 Thread Steve Midthune
Loggerhead Shrike plus 8 species of sparrows at Hamden Slough NWR today.

Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Becker Co. migration

2014-05-06 Thread Steve Midthune
Forgot to mention that last night I scoped one of the drawn down pools and
there were 75+ lesser and greater yellowlegs, a few pectoral sandpiper, two
Wilson's phalaropes and an assortment of ducks.

Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Becker Co. migration

2014-05-06 Thread Steve Midthune
For those traveling close to Detroit Lakes or coming up for the Festival of
Birds next week be aware that there has been some drawdowns by the F&W
Service exposing some great shorebird habitat. The Service has drawn down
three ponds on waterfowl production area immediately east of Hamden Slough
NWR. The ponds are along the east side of CR 104 just past Hesby Lake. One
will need to walk in a few hundred yards to get to most of the newly created
mud flats.Still time to sign up for the festival:

Steve Midthune

Lake Park


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[mou-net] Becker Co. migration

2014-04-24 Thread Steve Midthune
Lesser yellowlegs and yellow-headed blackbirds have arrived at Hamden

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co. migration

2014-04-02 Thread Steve Midthune
Western Meadowlark on Co. Rd 13 north of Audubon, MN. It was only 11 degrees
here this morning! 

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co migration

2014-03-30 Thread Steve Midthune
Still pretty frozen up here but some moving water is open. Canada Geese and
Trumpeter Swan numbers are increasing and Kestrels, Red-tailed Hawks and
Northern Harriers showed up last week. This morning I saw my first
Red-winged Blackbird. The number of Rough-legged Hawks has decreased but
there are still a few migrating through.  Since another snow storm and
colder temps are forecast for this week, migration will remain slow.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park







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[mou-net] Becker Co. hawks

2014-03-17 Thread Steve Midthune
Just drove through north end of Hamden Slough. There was an unbelievable 17
Rough-legged Hawks along CR 13 and 12. 

Steve Midthune

Lake Park 

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2014-03-15 Thread Steve Midthune
While driving through Hamden Slough this morning I watched 5 Rough-legged
Hawks kite and hunt. These hawks normally winter here but I have not seen
any since the super cold weather of January. They evidently went further
south and are now on their way back north.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2014-02-04 Thread Steve Midthune
Snowy owls still around. Two in Hamden Slough NWR along CR 13, and one two
miles north of Refuge on CR 159. Also had flock of 100+ snow buntings and 35
prairie chickens roosting in a grove of trees.

Steve Midthune 

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co. Snowy

2014-01-17 Thread Steve Midthune
The snowy owls are still hanging around Hamden Slough north of Audubon.
There were two owls a half mile apart sitting on power poles along CR 13
just south of the intersection of CR 13 and CR 14.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co. Snowy

2013-12-14 Thread Steve Midthune
Another snowy owl was found in Hamden Slough during the Detroit Lakes
Christmas Bird Count. This bird was on a power pole along Co. Rd 12 about a
half mile east of the intersection of Co. Rd 13 and Co. Rd 12.   

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] Becker Co. Snowy

2013-12-12 Thread Steve Midthune
There was an immature snowy owl sitting on a power pole along co. road 13 in
Hamden Slough NWR. The bird was on the second power pole north of the
intersection of Co. Rd 13 and 280th St.  

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, MN

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2013-12-06 Thread Steve Midthune
A drive through of Hamden Slough this morning (-10) revealed a mixed flock
of snow buntings and Lapland longspurs and three rough- legged hawks. One of
the hawks was dark-morph.


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[mou-net] Lewis's Woodpecker

2013-11-11 Thread Steve Midthune
Does anyone know if the bird is still in Roosevelt?  

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2013-07-21 Thread Steve Midthune
South Pond at Hamden Slough continues to have dozens of shorebirds. This
morning: Least, Baird's, and White-rumped sandpipers; Wilson's Snipe,
Wilson's Phalarope, Dowitcher (short-billed?), Greater yellowlegs, and
Pectoral Sandpiper.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] Becker Co. shorebirds

2013-07-18 Thread Steve Midthune
South pond at Hamden Slough (across road from old HQ) has been drawn down to
aid shorebird migration. Birds seen yesterday: Greater Yellowlegs. Least
Sandpipers, and Solitary Sandpiper.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.


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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2013-05-13 Thread Steve Midthune
A few days before the Festival of Birds there were pine, American redstart,
bay-breasted, chestnut-sided, palm and yellow-rumped warblers at Tamarac and
Wilson's phalaropes at the sewage ponds in Lake Park.  There is as yet
little  foliage on the trees so it should be easy viewing for the field
trips with the festival. We are hoping that the warm temps and south winds
will bring more birds to the area.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker County

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[mou-net] Tanagers

2013-05-02 Thread Steve Midthune
The feeders are not along the road but in the yards of several residents
along the road.  Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] western tanager

2013-05-02 Thread Steve Midthune
A western tanager has been seen and photographed on the south west shore of
Big Sugar Bush Lake in Becker Co. Seen in feeders along Sugar Creek Road.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park 

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] grebes in Becker Co.

2013-04-30 Thread Steve Midthune
I thought I sent this earlier but can not find evidence. There is both eared
and horned grebes in Hamden Slough.  In flooded fields on Co. Rd 12 just
east of  Co. Rd. 13.   Steve Midthune, Becker Co.

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[mou-net] Grebes in Becker

2013-04-30 Thread Steve Midthune
Both eared and horned grebes in flooded field on County 12 just east of
County 13.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker County

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[mou-net] More ibis's in Becker

2013-04-26 Thread Steve Midthune
Found 3 more white-faces ibis's in Becker County. They were on a mud flat
within a WPA .5 miles east of Hwy 59 on 330 st.  We seem to be having some
kind of eruption of them in MN.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] Becker shorebirds

2013-04-23 Thread Steve Midthune
Finally have lesser yellowlegs in flooded field north of Lake Park and two
confused looking marbled godwits standing on Co. Rd 12 wondering what all
this snow and ice is about. Warming up this weekend we are told.

Steve Midthune

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] white-faced ibis

2013-04-19 Thread Steve Midthune
There is a white- faced ibis in a flooded field north east of Lake Park.
Take Co. Hwy 9 north a few miles and turn right on Co. Rd 12. Go 1.4 miles
and the bird is feeding on the edge of water on the right.   

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.


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[mou-net] Becker co.

2013-04-17 Thread Steve Midthune
Larger numbers of waterfowl have finally made it this far north. In flooded
fields just north and east of Lake Park (CR 12 between 9 and 13) are: dozens
of tundra swans, common goldeneye, wood duck, redhead, northern shoveler,
Lesser scaup, and bufflehead. There was also 3 Wilson's snipe. 

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker co.

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[mou-net] DL Festival of Birds

2013-04-12 Thread Steve Midthune
This year the Detroit Lakes Festival (May 16-19) will include an overnight
field trip to Winnipeg Canada. Leaders for this trip include Carrol
Henderson, Sharon "birdchick" Stiteler and Erick Bruhnke. The route will
follow the new Pine to Prairie International Birding Trail. Stops include
the Agassiz Valley Impoundment in Warren MN, Oak Hammock Marsh WMA in
Manitoba, and the Narcisse WMA also in Manitoba. A passport is required.
Registration and payment must be received by April 18th 2013 to reserve
lodging. For details see:

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2013-04-10 Thread Steve Midthune
Still cold white and frozen up here, but some streams are opening up. A few
new migrants yesterday: western meadowlark and brewer's blackbird at Hamden
Slough; pied-billed grebe,  American coot, and hooded merganser in Richwood.
Winter birds still hanging around: snow buntings, rough-legged hawks, lots
of redpolls and of course juncos.  Still no sign in the forecasts of 50
degree temps.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2013-03-31 Thread Steve Midthune
Yesterday Beau Shroyer found killdeer and sandhill cranes in Detroit Lakes

Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Becker co.

2013-03-30 Thread Steve Midthune
Beautiful male northern harrier hunting along a gravel road, and kestrels
sitting on wires in Hamden Slough NWR. Still white and frozen around here.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker County

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2012-11-29 Thread Steve Midthune
I realize that sightings of pine grosbeaks are now pretty common in MN., but
this is the first time I've seen them in Lake Park and they were in the same
fruit trees I saw the bohemian waxwings in yesterday.  Love those trees!
Corner of 3rd St. and Hawley St.  

Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Bohemian waxwing, Becker Co.

2012-11-27 Thread Steve Midthune
This morning there were several bohemian waxwings feeding on fruit trees at
the corner of 3rd St. and Hawley St. in Lake Park.

Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Becker Co Snowy Owl

2012-11-20 Thread Steve Midthune
I found a snowy owl this morning on the north end of Hamden Slough NWR. The
bird was sitting on the top of a power line pole along Co. Hwy 13 about 2.3
miles south of Co. Hwy 14.  

Steve Midthune, Lake Park

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[mou-net] Becker Co. finches

2012-11-19 Thread Steve Midthune
Red crossbills on Blackbird Auto Tour at Tamarac NWR.  Several pine
grosbeaks at various locations on the refuge.

Steve Midthune,  Becker Co.

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[mou-net] Becker Co. birds

2012-11-01 Thread Steve Midthune
Rough-legged hawks and northern shrike at Hamden Slough NWR, common redpolls
at Tamarac NWR along with a lot of migrating green-winged teal.

Steve Midthune

Lake Park, Becker Co.

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[mou-net] Pine Siskins Becker Co.

2012-10-17 Thread Steve Midthune
Had numerous pine siskins below my feeders today. First I've seen this fall.
Lots of Harris's sparrows as well.  Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] Becker Co. migrants

2012-09-26 Thread Steve Midthune
Just north of Lake Park on 230 St. 

Golden- crowned kinglet

Ruby-crowned kinglet

Harris' sparrow

Lincoln sparrow 

White-crowned sparrow

Grey-cheeked Thrush

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[mou-net] Becker Co. shorebirds

2012-07-11 Thread Steve Midthune
The pond next to the HQ at Hamden Slough NWR was significantly drawn down
this year and this morning there were literally hundreds of shorebirds. I
was viewing from the road and the peeps (150+) were too far away to ID.
Larger birds included lesser and greater yellowlegs, dowitchers, pectoral
sandpipers, and a few willets. On the north end of Hamden, in Bisson Lake,
there were also a few shorebirds plus a non-breeding plumage bonapart's


Steve Midthune

Lake Park 

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2012-05-31 Thread Steve Midthune
Most shorebirds have moved through but still at Bisson Lake are: ruddy
turnstones, semipalmated plover, and willet.


Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] shorebirds Becker Co.

2012-05-25 Thread Steve Midthune
Nice variety of shorebirds at Bisson Lake, north end of Hamden Slough NWR,
including semipalmated plover and ruddy turnstone.



Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.  

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Re: [mou-net] Detroit Lakes/ NW MN Birds?

2012-05-21 Thread Steve Midthune
Never fear Betsy the 15th Festival of birds in Detroit Lakes was as good as
ever. There were over 200 birders, workshops on golden-winged warblers and
American woodcock, great talks by Carrol Henderson and John Marzluff, and
lots of birds including: redheaded woodpeckers at Balmoral Golf Course,
red-necked phalarope at Hamden Slough NWR, and 16 species of shore birds at
Agassiz NWR including a white-faced ibis.

-Original Message-
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Betsy
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 6:10 PM
Subject: [mou-net] Detroit Lakes/ NW MN Birds?

It seems to me there was some big birding event in Detroit Lakes this past
weekend, wasn't there?  The birding must have been really poor, since I
haven't seen a single post about what was found up there.  Too bad...I've
heard that at one time, it was a pretty cool area to be in during spring
migration, and that festival was not to be missed...
Betsy Beneke

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[mou-net] New arrivals, Becker Counry

2012-05-13 Thread Steve Midthune
Saturday at Hamden Slough: solitary sandpiper, black tern, long-billed
dowitcher, blackpoll warbler.

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[mou-net] Becker Co. new arrivals

2012-04-12 Thread Steve Midthune
Was at Tamarac NWR doing BBA work and saw: yellow-rumped warbler, purple
finch, yellow-bellied sapsucker, lots of hermit thrushes and fox sparrows.
There were lots of ruffed grouse drumming and on the road to Tamarac Lake I
came upon a pair of grouse with the male on the ground in full display and
the female in a tree about 5 feet above him. I drove within 20 feet of them
and stopped to watch. They stayed frozen in position for the 10 minutes I
watched and the male only moved slightly when I drove past. Also saw two
turkeys mating yesterday at Hamden Slough NWR. Love is in the air!  

Steve Midthune

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2012-04-09 Thread Steve Midthune
First marble godwit at Bisson Lake, Hamden Slough NWR. Fox sparrow and
hermit thrush at Tamarac NWR.



Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] new arrivals Becker Co.

2012-03-30 Thread Steve Midthune
Checked Bisson Lake this moorning. New shorebirds were about a dozen
pectoral sandpipers and one spotted sandpiper.  


Steve Midthune

Lake Park

Becker Co.

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[mou-net] new arrivals, Becker Co.

2012-03-21 Thread Steve Midthune
This morning at Bisson Lake: common snipe, blue-winged teal, eastern phoebe
and American wigeon.  


Steve Midthune

Becker County

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[mou-net] Yellowlegs Becker co.

2012-03-20 Thread Steve Midthune
I was in southern MN over the weekend and when I returned on Monday things
had changed. Most of the ice is off the lakes and some leaves are starting
to bud. At Bisson lake (north end of Hamden Slough) there were three lesser
yellowlegs along with a large number of green-winged teal. I also heard
sandhill cranes in the tall grass but could not see them. At the southern
end of Hamden Slough were bufflehead ducks and a pair of common mergansers.

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2012-03-16 Thread Steve Midthune
Went to Hamden Slough this morning. Red tails have replaced Rough-legged
hawks, ring-necked ducks, and a song sparrow.  Lots of geese and trumpeter

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Re: [mou-net] Books on Birds, Birding

2012-03-11 Thread Steve Midthune
Last summer I read "The Reluctant Twitcher: a (Quite) Truthful Account of My
Big Birding Year" by Canadian birder Richard Pope. It is hilarious! 

-Original Message-
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Holly
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 1:48 PM
Subject: [mou-net] Books on Birds, Birding

With Spring on the way, excitement about migration is here, so I'm going to
do the "Question" thing, and ask, what is your favorite book about birds?
Here are my top few...

Of course I have not read all the bird books...


My all time favorite, "Last of the Curlews," by Fred Bodsworth. The writing
is sublime, the story is a page-turner; leaves one with hope...

The latest I've read and couldn't put down, "Feathers," by Thor Hanson.
Absolutely fascinating from first to last word. I want more!

"Wild America," by R.T. Peterson and James Fisher.  A journal of an American
and British birders' trip around No. America in the 50's. Wild! I re-read it
every so often. Great for beginning birders and just about everyone else.
The newer "Return to Wild America," by Scott Weidensaul is just as hard to
put down.'

About song and other fascinating topics: Donald Kroodsma's, "The Singing
Life of Birds."

A very cool series, also older, is Edwin Way Teale's "Seasons" 4-book cycle,
beginning with "North with the Spring." Just phen-omenal (get it?

A page-turner on I.D., Peter Dunne's "Field Guide Companion."

Another about migration, a favorite topic: "Songbird Journeys," by Miyoko

2-book set (they come separately but if you travel in the U.S. at all you
need both): Olin Sewall Petingill, Jr's A Guide to Birdfinding East and
West. Highly researched info is by state and then habitat, including bird
lists for each type of habitat in the area. Almost as old as Peterson's and
Teale's but the birding locations mentioned have hardly changed so the bird
lists should still be good unless climate change has taken hold of the

Another by Olin Sewall Petingill, Jr.: "The Bird Watcher's America," a
greater introduction to birding is still not to be found, in my opinion.
Compilation of introductions by great birders and naturalists from around
No. America, speaking about their favorite habitat. A bit large in size for
a backpack but... has been squirreled away on MANY vacations, trips to BWCA,
etc. Open it to any page and feel the love.

Best about saving birds and nature in general, "101 Ways to Help Birds," by
Laura Erickson, Duluth birder extraordinaire.

For anyone who is writing about/researching birds, John K. Terres'
"Encyclopedia of North American Birds."


There are quite a few on my shelf that I have not finished so I can't review
them, yet...


Holly Peirson

Columbus, SE Anoka Co.

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[mou-net] black-billed magpie, Becker Co.

2012-02-03 Thread Steve Midthune
A lone magpie was spotted this morning 3 miles north of Lake Park on CR9.

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[mou-net] Snowy Owl/Otter Tail Co.

2012-01-05 Thread Steve Midthune
The owl posted by the Thimgans was still present at 3:oo this afternoon. Was
on top of power pole just so. of intersection of 78 and 54, east side of 78.
Steve Midthune

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[mou-net] hovering shrike

2011-12-01 Thread Steve Midthune
I've been  all over Becker County looking for a snowy owl but no luck. Did
see a northern shrike north of Lake Park hovering over a frozen marsh -
didn't know they did that. Steve

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[mou-net] Varied Thrush, Tamarac

2011-11-22 Thread Steve Midthune
The Varied Thrush was again this morning at the feeders of the headquarters
of Tamarac NWF east of Detroit Lakes in Becker County.

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[mou-net] Varied Thrush, Tamarac NWF, Becker Co.

2011-11-21 Thread Steve Midthune
Kelly Blackledge, biologist at Tamarac, saw a Varied Thrush at their feeder
at the HQ. It was still there later in the afternoon.

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[mou-net] Becker Co. Hamden Slough

2011-10-31 Thread Steve Midthune
Nice morning on the prairie. 8-10 Prairie Chickens flying from plowed field
to tall grass in Refuge, Northern Shrike, a few Harris's sparrows left,
Rough-legged Hawk hovering, Greater yellow-legged sandpipers, a verity of
ducks, geese and swans.

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[mou-net] Hamden Slough sparrows

2011-09-25 Thread Steve Midthune
This morning I had White-crowned, White-throated, Lincoln's, Harris's,
Clay-colored and Savannah sparrows.  There was also an Olive-sided
flycatcher in the grove of trees behind the old headquarters.

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[mou-net] migration in Becker Co.

2011-08-22 Thread Steve Midthune
It has been slow so far but had a Wilson's Warbler at Dunton Locks Park in
Detroit Lakes and a few yellowlegs at Hamden Slough. Water levels at Bisson
Lake have not yet been lowered so there is not much mud.

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[mou-net] olive-sided flycatcher Douglas co.

2011-08-19 Thread Steve Midthune
 Olive-sided flycatcher was flycatching from the top of tall dead tree
on road to the picnic/swimming area at Lake Carlos State Park. 


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[mou-net] Becker co, Magpies

2011-05-26 Thread Steve Midthune
A pair of magpies flew over Co. 9 2 miles north of Lake Park. Could this be
the pair nesting north of Hamden Slough (first record of nesting in Becker)?
That nest must be at least 6 miles away.  At Hamden: both marbled and
hudsonian godwits at Bisson Lake, sedge wren, short billed dowitchers.

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[mou-net] Tamarac NWR, Becker co.

2011-05-11 Thread Steve Midthune
Warblers at Tamarac this morning:



Black & white




American redstart





Common yellow-throat

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[mou-net] Tamarac NWR, Becker Co.

2011-05-05 Thread Steve Midthune
Sunny and warmer morning. Seen or heard: ovenbird, white-throated sparrow,
pine warbler, green heron.

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[mou-net] Becker Co.

2011-04-26 Thread Steve Midthune
   Swamp and vesper sparrows at Hamden slough. Yellow-headed blackbird at
LaBelle Lake north of Lake Park.  250 to 300 white pelicans on Duck Lake
(north edge of Lake Park)

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[mou-net] Becker Co. birds

2011-04-23 Thread Steve Midthune
Ruby crowned kinglet, numerous horned grebes, red-necked grebe, canvasback
and several redheaded ducks all at Dunton Locks in DL.

White pelicans have replaced common mergansers on Duck Lake (north end of
Lake Park)

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[mou-net] yellow-rumped warblers in Becker Co.

2011-04-22 Thread Steve Midthune
Several seen in Lake Park but why they want to be here in this weather is
still a mystery!

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[mou-net] Becker Co. Hamden slough

2011-04-20 Thread Steve Midthune
 Lots of ring-necked ducks, buffleheads, and field sparrows.

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