[mou] 23 warbler species at Duluth, 9/12/2008

2008-09-13 Thread rvje...@aol.com
Hello: ?Thought it would be of interest that yesterday, September 12th, we had 
so many warblers in our backyard here in Austin, Mn, we couldn't begin to count 
them all. ?There were around 20 in our pond stream bathing at once. ?They flew 
all over the wooded backyard, almost like in a frenzy. ?Were able to identify 
Nashville, Tennessee, Blackburnian, Am Redstart and a beautiful male 
Golden-Winged. ?Also several Red-Eyed Vireos. ?This was our third warbler wave 
this fall, one in August and the second one for September. This one was the 
largest. ?Its interesting that while Duluth is full of warblers, 240 miles to 
the south we are too. ?

?Robert and Valerie Jessen, ?Austin, MN

-Original Message-
From: Peder Svingen 
To: MOU List 
Sent: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 11:47 pm
Subject: [mou] 23 warbler species at Duluth, 9/12/2008

Friday (12 September) was my best warbler day so far this fall in  
Duluth. A total of 253 individuals of 23 species was counted (did not  
see Golden-winged, Black-throated Blue, or Connecticut warblers).  
Except for an Orange-crowned Warbler at Indian Point, and a Northern  
Waterthrush and Mourning Warbler at 40th Ave West, all of the warbler  
species were found on Park Point between the bus turnaround and the  
Beach House at the Recreation Area. Also seen were 5 species of vireo  
and dozens of Chipping and White-throated sparrows.

33  Tennessee Warbler
1   Orange-crown
ed Warbler
22  Nashville Warbler
2   Northern Parula
1   Yellow Warbler
12  Chestnut-sided Warbler
20  Magnolia Warbler
2   Cape May Warbler
14  Yellow-rumped Warbler
3   Black-throated Green Warbler
1   Blackburnian Warbler
1   Pine Warbler
44  Palm Warbler
6   Bay-breasted Warbler
11  Blackpoll Warbler
15  Black-and-white Warbler
45  American Redstart
5   Ovenbird
1   Northern Waterthrush
1   Mourning Warbler
8   Common Yellowthroat
4   Wilson's Warbler
1   Canada Warbler

Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN

This mailing list is sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.  Mailing 
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[mou] Fwd: Yellow-Breasted Chat in Austin

2008-05-17 Thread rvje...@aol.com

-Original Message-
From: rvje...@aol.com
To: mou-net at biosci.cbs.umn.edu; mnbird at lists.mnbird.net
Sent: Sat, 17 May 2008 12:52 pm
Subject: Yellow-Breasted Chat in Austin

Hello: ?This morning, May 17th, around 9:00 I observed a Yellow-Breasted Chat 
in our backyard along Turtle Creek in Austin. ?I had walked into the back to do 
gardening, carrying binoculars. ?Never know what one will see!! ?A bird flew up 
from some bushes and stopped in an evergreen. ?It then flew on to the ground 
and I got great looks from about 40 feet. ?I yelled for my wife and she 
observed it from our upstairs window. ?We observed it for another 30 seconds 
and then it flew off to the west along other backyards along the creek. ?The 
area is heavy in trees and brush. ? We have not observed it since. ?If it does 
reappear I will post it on the birdlist with directions. ?Our first Chat on our 
Minnesota list was the one by Black Dog Fen? last year just east of I-35 by 
Burnsville. ?Thanks, ?Bob Jessen, ?Austin, ?Mower County

Plan your next roadtrip with MapQuest.com: America's #1 Mapping Site. 


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[mou] Fwd: [ia-bird] Frigatebird

2007-09-02 Thread rvje...@aol.com


-Original Message-
From: Lee Schoenewe 
Sent: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 8:27 am
Subject: [ia-bird] Frigatebird

I just received a call from Jay Gilliam.? He and Steve Dinsmore are at the 
north shore of Spirit Lake in Dickinson county and have sighted a Frigatebird.? 
Gotta go!!


Lee A. Schoenewe

Please contribute your sightings to our list; it is only as good as members 
make it!
Birding channel recommendation for FRS/GMRS radio use:
Primary selection; channel 5/0 , alternate selection; channel 6/0
This mailing list is sponsored by the Iowa Ornithologists' Union. Membership 
available on-line at http://www.iowabirds.org/iou/membership.asp.
You are currently subscribed to ia-bird as: rvjesse at AOL.COM
To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ia-bird-7869H at lists.iowabirds.org 

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! - 
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[mou] RedBreasted Nuthatch, Mower County

2004-07-01 Thread rvje...@aol.com
Hello:  Today, July 1st, I heard and saw a Red Breasted Nuthatch at the Austin 
Country Club next to the Hormel Nature Center in Mower county.  The golf course 
has close to 2000 assorted pine trees and attracts many of this species in the 
fall on peak invasion years.  This sighting goes with hearing the nuthatch a 
couple of times the last two weeks.  Will keep my eye out for a pair of them.
 Also somewhat unusual was a Ruddy Duck on one of the ponds today.  
   Bob Jessen, Austin

[mou] Carolina Wren, Tufted Titmouse, Mower County, Austin

2003-11-25 Thread rvje...@aol.com
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Hello:  This bird feeding season seem to start out strong and has stayed that 
way.  Last week we had at our feeder a Carolina Wren on the 19th, plus a Fox 
Sparrow, White-Throat Sparrow and Purple Finch.  I have reported the Carolina 
Wren before as it seems there is at least one in the "neighborhood."  Have not 
seen it at the feeder since.  This fall has also seen very many Juncoes and 
American Goldfinch.  Today though was super.  This morning a Tufted Titmouse 
showed up at our feeders and was seen three different times.  This is a first 
for us on our  Mower County list.   We have seen them before in Fillmore 
at the feeders at Eagle Ridge Environment Center?  Then this afternoon a 
Harris's Sparrow showed up, with the White-Throat there at the same time. 
 Thanks, Robert Jessen, Austin 

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Hello:  This bird feeding season seem to start ou=
t strong and has stayed that way.  Last week we had at our feeder a Car=
olina Wren on the 19th, plus a Fox Sparrow, White-Throat Sparrow and Purple=20=
Finch.  I have reported the Carolina Wren before as it seems there is a=
t least one in the "neighborhood."  Have not seen it at the feeder sinc=
e.  This fall has also seen very many Juncoes and American Goldfinch.&n=
bsp; Today though was super.  This morning a Tufted Titmouse showed up=20=
at our feeders and was seen three different times.  This is a first for=
 us on our  Mower County list.   We have seen them before in=20=
Fillmore County, at the feeders at Eagle Ridge Environment Center?  The=
n this afternoon a Harris's Sparrow showed up, with the White-Throat there a=
t the same time. 
     Thanks, Robert Jessen, Austin =


[mou] Mower County Sounds

2003-08-15 Thread rvje...@aol.com
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Hello:  Today,  August 15th, a Carolina wren was heard singing in our 
neighborhood of southwest Austin.  I heard one off and on last fall and spring 
not since.  
   Last saturday,  August 9th,  Valerie and I heard a Red-Breasted 
Nuthatch on the golf course just east of the Hormel Nature Center.  This course 
close to two thousand planted pine trees.  Two years ago in August we could 
hear them all over the course.  Heard one there August 11th also.  I see other 
people are reporting them from southern Minnesota.  Strangest was hearing a 
American Bittern while on the golf course at a point close to the nature 
It sounded like it was calling from the creek-floodplain area but can't be 
sure.  This was wednesday, August 6th.  This was the about the last bird I 
thought I would ever hear while golfing there, especially in August.
 Robert &Valerie Jessen, Austin

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Hello:  Today,  August 15th, a Carolina wren=
 was heard singing in our neighborhood of southwest Austin.  I heard on=
e off and on last fall and spring but not since.  
   Last saturday,  August 9th, =20=
Valerie and I heard a Red-Breasted Nuthatch on the golf course just east of=20=
the Hormel Nature Center.  This course has close to two thousand plante=
d pine trees.  Two years ago in August we could hear them all over the=20=
course.  Heard one there August 11th also.  I see other people are=
 reporting them from southern Minnesota.  Strangest was hearing a Ameri=
can Bittern while on the golf course at a point close to the nature center.&=
nbsp; It sounded like it was calling from the creek-floodplain area but can'=
t be sure.  This was wednesday, August 6th.  This was the about th=
e last bird I thought I would ever hear while golfing there, especially in A=
     Robert &Valerie Jessen, Austin


[mou] Mower County Yellow-Crown Night Heron

2003-04-26 Thread rvje...@aol.com
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Hello:  The bird was seen this morning at 9:00 a.m. by four observers at the 
previous described location.   To add to Carol directions if coming from the 
west to Austin take exit 179.  Turn right and then a quick left on 8th Ave. 
NE.  Drive east and the lake will be on your right.  Go to stop sign and turn 
right.  This is Oakland Ave and is a divided four lane road.  The lake will 
now be on your right or west side.  Look for Sinclair station and Lakeside 
mall as Carol posted.  Around a half mile.  The park is right across the 
street and really is a park/floodplain.  The heron was a little more north 
today over a road toward the lake but when seen flew back near the firepit 
area as previously described. 
Thanks, Robert Jessen, Austin

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Hello:  The bird was seen this morning at 9:00 a.=
m. by four observers at the previous described location.   To add=20=
to Carol directions if coming from the west to Austin take exit 179.  T=
urn right and then a quick left on 8th Ave. NE.  Drive east and the lak=
e will be on your right.  Go to stop sign and turn right.  This is=
 Oakland Ave and is a divided four lane road.  The lake will now be on=20=
your right or west side.  Look for Sinclair station and Lakeside mall a=
s Carol posted.  Around a half mile.  The park is right across the=
 street and really is a park/floodplain.  The heron was a little more n=
orth today over a road toward the lake but when seen flew back near the fire=
pit area as previously described. 
    Thanks, Robert Jessen, Austin


[mou] Mower County Junco

2003-04-08 Thread rvje...@aol.com
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Hello:  Are there any records of the population of Pink-Sided Junco in 
Minnesota?  We have one coming to the feeder that sure looks like one.  
Realize they are so variable but here are the field marks that I observed. 
Gray head, light gray throat, black lores, brownish back, entire flank and 
sides cinnamon pink or salmon in color with the belly this color too plus 
white.  When the junco is on the ground feeding no white is observed from the 
flanks, sides or belly area, only the pink, so it is quite extensive.  White 
is only observed when the junco is off the ground.  Any thoughts?  
Thanks, Robert Jessen Austin

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Hello:  Are there any records of the population o=
f Pink-Sided Junco in Minnesota?  We have one coming to the feeder that=
 sure looks like one.  Realize they are so variable but here are the fi=
eld marks that I observed. Gray head, light gray throat, black lores, browni=
sh back, entire flank and sides cinnamon pink or salmon in color with the be=
lly this color too plus white.  When the junco is on the ground feeding=
 no white is observed from the flanks, sides or belly area, only the pink, s=
o it is quite extensive.  White is only observed when the junco is off=20=
the ground.  Any thoughts?  
    Thanks, Robert Jessen   =
;  Austin


[mou] Mower County

2003-03-18 Thread rvje...@aol.com
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Hello:  Today at the Hormel Nature Center on the east side of Austin were 
five Turkey Vultures circling.  Also seen were three Ring-necked Ducks, two 
females and one male plus a Kingfisher.Thanks, Robert Jessen Austin

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Hello:  Today at the Hormel Nature Center on the=20=
east side of Austin were five Turkey Vultures circling.  Also seen were=
 three Ring-necked Ducks, two females and one male plus a Kingfisher. &=
nbsp;  Thanks, Robert Jessen Austin
