[mou] Koochiching County Evening Grosbeaks

2007-11-20 Thread Tom Crumpton
I failed to post the return of the evening grosbeaks in August here on 
the Canadian border.  They are usually only gone from here for 2 months 
or so. I guess I considered it a normal feeder bird at this location.  
Both my platform feeders are full of them for a decent part of the day 
(50+ conservatively). I did have an opportunity to see my first cardinal 
here in 20+ years of feeding 2 1/2 weeks ago.  Eagle numbers are still 
good on the Rainy River but that may change with the weather.  If anyone 
is interested in the remote location they can contact me directly.
Tom Crumpton

[mou] Koochiching County Evening Grosbeaks

2006-07-14 Thread Tom Crumpton
I have had a pair of evening grosbeaks (male and female) at my feeder 
for a couple weeks now.  Just wonder where the rest of the gang are.
Feeding with or by:
rose breasted grosbeaks, purple finches, gold finches,  red wing black 
birds and 10+ hummingbirds
Also saw quite a few pelicans on July 3rd on Rainy River and soaring nearby.

While hiking river shoreline
Found a claw (large) and part of a spinal column (about 3/4 - 1" 
diameter) and feathers coming out of sheathes (large)?
What was interesting was that the claw remains had snake skin like 
remains attached to the claw tips. 
has anyone seen a claw like this before???

Have a great w/e
Tom Crumpton