[mou-net] Brown Pelican post

2023-09-03 Thread linda whyte
The recent Brown Pelican post is confusing. The coordinates show no
immediate water bodies, but the post references a dock. Presumably this was
a river sighting
. Clarification might be appreciated by anyone wishing to see the bird.
Linda Whyte

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican

2014-05-11 Thread Anthony Hertzel
Bill George reported a Brown Pelican today from the north end of the highway 61 
bridge in Hastings, Washington County. It was headed down river toward Red Wing 
at 1:00 PM.

Anthony Hertzel

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[mou-net] Brown pelican

2012-04-09 Thread jerry pruett
Brown Pelican still present this morning where it was reported yesterday.

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican - Dakota County!

2012-04-09 Thread David Cahlander
Brown Pelican seen flying North near Coates, MN.  West side of Hwy 52 at Dakota 
CR 46 at about 10:30am.  I assume this is the Red Wing bird.  Lost sight of the 
bird North of CR 46.

Marj and I were going down to Red Wing to try to see the Brown Pelican.  Marj 
pointed out a farmer in the field just to the West of Hwy 52.  When I looked at 
the farmer, I also saw a large bird flying North.  It looked like a Brown 
Pelican.  We turned around and refound the bird in flight still going North.  
Marj pulled onto CR 46 and I jumped out with my camera.  The bird flew right 
over the car and continued going North.  I got one (poor) picture of the bird 
as it went away.  We tried to follow, but we lost the bird.

Who knows where it will be next.
David Cahlander da...@cahlander.com Burnsville, MN 952-894-5910

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican

2012-04-09 Thread james otto
Just a side note on the Brown Pelican.  Mark Jungens came down to pick me up to 
go to Red Wing to look for the Pelican. Because of traffic we left my house at 
9:20 rather than 9:00. Being late in this case was good fortune, it put us at 
Dakota County 46 and Highway 52 at the same time as the Brown Pelican. Don 
Mattsson also was there at that time as well.  Lady Luck was with us today.

  Jim Otto



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[mou-net] Brown Pelican Update

2012-04-09 Thread Anthony Hertzel
A Brown Pelican was seen by Julian Sellers about 2:30 this afternoon in Chisago 
County. He was driving north on I-35 about a mile south of the Stacy exit when 
he saw the bird flying to the northwest. This is just north of the Carlos Avery 
Refuge. Lakes in the general direction where the bird was headed include 
Martin, Fawn, Ryan, Mud, Typo, Hoffman, Tamarack, and Long lakes.

Anthony Hertzel

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican relocated, Goodhue County

2012-04-08 Thread Dedrick Benz
John Hockema just called.  He and Chris have relocated the Brown Pelican in Red 
Wing.  From the St James Hotel, drive to the river.  Make a left and head to 
the first large grain elevator on the right.  The bird was sitting on some 
pipes (?) on the river, then was flying around low towards Baypoint Park.  It 
seemed to be staying in the area.  Perhaps the photo on the link Terry Brashear 
posted was taken at the marina at Baypoint Park.
Dedrick BenzWinona, MN

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Re: [mou-net] Brown Pelican relocated, Goodhue County

2012-04-08 Thread Terence Brashear
The bird is present at 2:30pm from the bay point park now!

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican

2012-04-08 Thread Thomas P. Malone
I'm driving to red wing in the morning and would very much appreciate any 
updates on the bird's location, either over this site or by back channel. 

Thank you. 


Thomas P. Malone
Attorney at Law
Barna Guzy  Steffen
Minneapolis Minnesota
(Via BlackBerry)

[mou-net] Brown Pelican images from Sunday, 4/8/2012

2012-04-08 Thread Terence Brashear
I was very surprised to run into just Craig Mandel this afternoon at Redwing, 
MN.  We easily found and were entertained by the Brown Pelican:











Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN
birdnird AT yahoo.com

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican

2012-04-08 Thread Cindy Krienke
Vern and I watched the Brown Pelican at Bay Point Park, Red Wing from 4:45 to 
5:10 pm today.  It was resting on a dock by a pilon where the floating boat 
sheds are.  Near the point of the park.  I think that's north.  Preened, stood 
up and stretched and sat back down.  Was still there when we left.

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican

2009-07-04 Thread Dennis and Barbara Martin
Spent the morning looking for the Brown Pelican with no success.  Also did 
check some of the lakes further south but like Jefferson and German, there many 
areas that cannot be seen from the shore.

Dennis Martin
Shorewood, MN

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[mou-net] brown pelican seen earlier

2009-07-03 Thread Hoeger/Lerdal
The Brown Pelican WAS present yesterday morning, July 2, when we arrived about 
9:15-9:30, exactly as advertised on its rock and seen easily from the Jason 
Adams Court spot. I had 5 printed emails with me describing precisely how to 
get there--thanks to you all for the posts!) 
The Pelican was preening itself and was still there when we left after 15 min..
I was doing my BBS route in LeSeuer County yesterday, July 2, which happened to 
take me right around German Lake---how lucky was that!

Pete Hoeger, Hutchinson

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican - Street Name

2009-07-01 Thread judith sparrow
Hi All,

Just thought I would contribute the name of the gravel cul-de-sac road that you 
turn onto from County Rd. 13 at the south-west corner of German Lake in La Seur 
County:  it is Jason Adam Ct.  When you turn onto this road you will notice 
that there are house fire numbers posted on blue signs atop fence posts where 
each new home can be built in the future.  If you park between fire numbers 
47261 and 47233 on the right side of the road as you begin your drive down the 
cul-de-sac, then look to the right (east?), you will see the small cat-tail 
surrounded bay with the two white rocks on which the pelican has been seen--you 
will also see the two red buoys mentioned in previous postings.  A scope is 
pretty much a requirement for a decent view!

Judith Sparrow
Prescott, WI

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican still on the rock

2009-06-30 Thread Bob Ekblad
The Brown Pelican is still at the same location on German Lake with  
the view from the short road off of Cty 13.  It was resting on the  
rock by the two red buoys at 10am but wasn't there when I returned  
around 11am - but it soon flew back in and resumed it's post on the  

Sent from Bob Ekblad's iPhone
Byron, MN - Olmsted County

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican still there

2009-06-30 Thread ronald huber
The Brown Pelican was seen from 2:10PM until 2:30PM by the Huber brothers at 
the exact spot posted earlier by Chad Heins.  Someone had thoughtfully scraped 
a large arrow in the dirt road so we set up out 'scope there.  The pelican was 
asleep on the rock with the red and white buoy nearby.  We waited patiently 
until 2:25PM when the bird stood up, leisurely stretched both legs, raised both 
wings overhead (showing the pale longitudinal stripe along the underside of the 
wings), looked around, stuck his head back under his wing and went back to 
sleep.  Quite a show !  Thanks, Chad !
Ron Huber

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican update

2009-06-29 Thread Williams, Bob
Milt Blomberg just called from German Lake in Le Sueur County and the
Brown Pelican was back at the spot referred to in Chad Heins' posting
this morning.  Milt spotted the bird at 3:30 and it did not move from
the spot until at least 4 when he called me.
Bob Williams, Bloomington

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican Update

2009-06-29 Thread Bill Stjern
The Brown Pelican was still at German Lake in LeSeuer County as of 4:45 this 
afternoon (6/29). Believe it or not, it was roosting on the same rock as Chad 
Heim's post at 8:30 this morning.  Thank you for that post, Chad, and good 
birding to all.

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican still present on German Lake, Le Sueur County

2009-06-28 Thread Williams, Bob
I just got off the phone with Bob Dunlap who said that the Brown Pelican was 
still present this morning on German Lake in Le Sueur County.  It was hanging 
out around the island as previously stated.
Bob Williams, Bloomington

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican update, Le Sueur County

2009-06-28 Thread Bob Dunlap
This morning when I arrived the juvenile Brown Pelican was flying low  
over the eastern side of German Lake. In flight it was best viewed  
from the north boat access. I was only able to view it for a few  
seconds until it disappeared due to distance and heat waves. John  
Hockema showed up, and shortly after he arrived a local fisherman  
showed up with a pontoon and offered to take us out to see the bird,  
free of charge. We boated to the southern side of the lake behind the  
island, where we found the bird sitting on a buoy. If it is perched  
behind the island on the south side, there is no where to view it from  
land, and thus the only way to see it would be from a boat. There have  
been a lot of fisherman on the lake today, and so your bets of  
hitching a boat ride are probably pretty good, although I can't  
guarantee that it'll be free.

I have uploaded a photo of the bird to the Recently Seen webpage on  
the MOU website. This is either a second, third, or fourth state  
record, as there were two reports of Brown Pelicans several weeks ago  
near Alexandria.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican Update

2009-06-28 Thread Paul Budde
About a dozen birders spent the afternoon looking for the Brown Pelican in
Le Sueur County today, with only a brief sighting by some in distant flight.
German Lake was very quiet, and nothing was seen there.  However, aside from
the in flight observation today (which wasn't mine), this is the only place
the bird has been seen - once on the south side of the island which is only
visible by boat or from private property, and once on the north side of the
island.  There is public access to the lake on the north side, which is an
excellent place from which to scan the lake - except for the south side of
the island. 

We spent most of our time this afternoon scanning Lake Jefferson, just west
of German L., for the pelican.  The best place to look for the bird appeared
to be Swedes Bay.  The link below will show you where we saw 500+ American
White Pelicans in three separate flocks along shore and actively feeding on
the lake, and where the Brown Pelican appeared to land, though we could not
find it among the AWPEs.


Note that this area is much more accessible by boat than by car.

Good luck!

Paul Budde
Minneapolis, MN

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican

2009-06-27 Thread Anthony Hertzel
Wally Swanson and Vern  Cindy Krienke are reporting an immautre or  
sub-adult Brown Pelican on German Lake, Le Sueur County, near the  
lake's island. The bird has also apparently been seen on Lake Jefferson.

This is the third report of a Brown Pelican in Minnesota this year.

- - -

Anthony Hertzel -- axhert...@sihope.com

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican

2009-05-31 Thread Anthony Hertzel
I have little news to report on the Brown Pelican. I have been told  
that the place where the local birds tend to roost is private  
property and that a boat might be necessary. Lake LaHomme Dieu is on  
the chain of lakes just north of Alexandria. The pelican was first  
seen on Government Point, which projects out into the middle of the  
lake. It was there all day Friday but wasn't seen yesterday or today.

- - -

Anthony Hertzel -- axhert...@sihope.com

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[mou-net] Brown Pelican

2009-05-30 Thread Anthony Hertzel
I have an incomplete report of a Brown Pelican at Lake Lahomme Dieu  
in Douglas County, but nothing specific. I am trying to get  
additional information.

- - -

Anthony Hertzel -- axhert...@sihope.com

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