[mou-net] MOU-net guidelines reminder

2021-04-06 Thread Bob Dunlap
Hello MOU members and MOU-net subscribers,

As spring migration picks up and we anticipate more posts, just a
friendly (and necessary) reminder to refer to our listserve guidelines:
https://moumn.org/listservice.html. Specifically, please note what the
listserve *should not* be used for:

   - Advertising products or services, unless sponsored or endorsed by the
   MOU or its affiliates.
   - Birding trip reports outside of Minnesota.
   - Limited and personal debates between just a few individuals; these
   discussions should take place privately in personal emails.
   - Prolonged musings or monologues about personal experiences.
   - Photographs and attachments cannot be included in postings; however,
   links to where images can be viewed are permitted.
   - Consider that it's often better to respond to someone's posting with a
   private email to them rather than a public response on MOU-net. If in doubt
   about what is or is not appropriate on MOU-net, please contact Bob Dunlap (

Thanks all. Please continue to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic,
and to bird responsibly. Best wishes for successful birding this spring!

Bob Dunlap
MOU-net Moderator

Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net
Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

[mou-net] MOU-net guidelines

2013-07-22 Thread Kim R Eckert
Hi all - 

From time to time, it is a good idea to remind those who subscribe to this 
listservice of its guidelines, so everyone is aware of what types of postings 
are appropriate. These guidelines can be found at 
http://moumn.org/listservice.html, and I call your attention especially to the 
following section:

MOU-net is not the place for advertising products or services (unless 
sponsored or endorsed by the MOU or its affiliates), birding trip reports 
outside of Minnesota, limited debates between just a few individuals, personal 
musings and monologues, or surveys about personal experiences. 

Note especially that subscribers are asked to refrain from postings which 
include advertising products or services and surveys about personal 
experiences. As the guidelines go on to say: If these lists lose focus, then 
they also lose their value. There are other mailing lists available for people 
interested in other issues.

Thanks for your support and your continued participation in MOU-net, and please 
don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns about our policies.

- Kim Eckert, on behalf of the MOU Electronic Communications Committee (David 
Cahlander, chair)

Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net
Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] mou-net guidelines, apology

2012-08-23 Thread Pat DeWenter
In answer to Kim Eckert's post regarding the mou-net guidelines, I must
apologize to the members.  I know the rules and I accidentally sent my
reply to Mou-net rather than to Warren Woesnner directly.  I realized my
mistake shortly after hitting send.
Pat DeWenter

Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net
Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] mou-net guidelines clarification

2012-08-23 Thread Kim R Eckert
Hi all - 
There was no need for Pat to apologize for her earlier posting….
Bird jam is still in business.  I lost my I-pod nano with attached speaker
this past May in a car theft.  I replaced it with the Ipod touch which I
love.  The sound is so good one almost doesn't need attached speakers.  My
insurance helped pay for it though.  They don't make the Nano anymore I
guess, at least Bird Jam didn't offer it.  They downloaded my songs again
but didn't charge me for the CDs since I had purchased them from them in
the past and they had a record of it.
This does not constitute advertising since she is not selling her iPod or Bird 
Jam and is not a dealer for these products. MOU-net has no problem with a 
discussion about birding references or equipment (e.g., optics, field guides, 
CDs, apps, etc) as long as the person has no financial interest in the items.

Hope this helps to clarify mou-net's guidelines, and please don't hesitate to 
ask if there are any other questions. 

- Kim Eckert, on behalf of the MOU Electronic Communications Committee, Dave 
Cahlander chairman (da...@cahlander.com)

On Aug 23, 2012, at 10:10 AM, Pat DeWenter wrote:

 In answer to Kim Eckert's post regarding the mou-net guidelines, I must
 apologize to the members.  I know the rules and I accidentally sent my
 reply to Mou-net rather than to Warren Woesnner directly.  I realized my
 mistake shortly after hitting send.
 Pat DeWenter
 Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net
 Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net
Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] mou-net guidelines

2011-08-17 Thread Kim R Eckert

To mou-net subscribers:

The guidelines for the benefit of those contributing to this  
listservice have long been present on the MOU website (http://moumn.org/listservice.html 
), but it would also be useful to occasionally post them here on mou- 
net where they would be more accessible to subscribers:

mou-net is a place where birders can share their sightings -- notable  
or otherwise -- with other interested people. We particularly invite  
posts of observations that contribute to the understanding of the  
birds in the state. This includes sightings of birds that are unusual,  
in an unusual location or out of season, or present in significantly  
higher numbers than normally expected.

mou-net is also a place where you can ask questions or make  
observations regarding the identification, behavior, and natural  
history of birds in Minnesota. Finally, it is available for conducting  
or reporting on the business of the MOU and its affiliated clubs.  
These postings might include announcements of planned activities (such  
as a field trip) or simply be notices of upcoming meetings.

Please limit your posts to the areas described above. If this list  
loses its focus, then it also loses its value. There are other mailing  
lists available for people interested in other issues. Of course,  
different people have different views as to what constitutes a  
notable sighting. Ultimately, you are the only person who can judge  
what is important to you, and your decision to post a sighting or  
question here will be respected.

This is an open mailing list. Unless noted otherwise, messages are  
posted here by individuals, not by the MOU as an organization. No  
effort is made to review messages prior to their dissemination to  
subscribers. There is no guarantee of the accuracy of any message.

Messages must be courteous and respectful of others. People who  
flagrantly or repeatedly abuse this expectation could see their  
posting privileges revoked, either temporarily or permanently.  
Presumably this action will never be required.

No private addresses are to be broadcast on mou-net without prior  
permission from the homeowner/landowner. If you include such an  
address, include the name of the person who received permission for  
such an announcement. If you know permission has been granted, but  
do not know who received this permission, do not post the address. If  
permission has been granted with conditions (e.g., only from 9 AM - 4  
PM, only at most 5 people in the yard at one time, check in with  
homeowner before entering yard, etc.), include such conditions in your  
message. If you are the one to procure permission through direct  
conversation with the homeowners, be explicit with them as to what  
they can expect and ask them what conditions they would like to impose  
on birders. You might even volunteer some conditions, such as not  
before 9 AM. It may not occur to them that someone might be in their  
yard at 5 AM looking for a bird. Do not assume that permission for  
birders to visit is the same as permission to post it to mou-net.

- - - - -

Following are a few additional comments which will hopefully assist  
mou-net subscribers to contribute useful and appropriate postings:

- As it states above, there are postings other than bird sightings  
which are suitable for mou-net. In addition to those mentioned,  
postings regarding birding sites and birding references are welcome,  
and it has been acceptable to request help from subscribers in  
locating lost field guides and optics, or when searching for contact  
information on birders.

- On the other hand, mou-net is not the place to advertise products or  
services (unless sponsored or endorsed by MOU or its affiliates). Nor  
is it the forum for non-Minnesota birding trip reports, debates  
between individuals, personal musings and monologues, or surveys about  
personal experiences. As it aptly says in the guidelines: If this  
list loses its focus, it also loses its value. There are other mailing  
lists available for people interested in other issues. Always keep in  
mind as well that some responses to postings are best handled by  
private e-mails rather than by public postings on mou-net.

- Finally, it is worth reiterating another statement in the  
guidelines: There is no guarantee of the accuracy of any message.  
This includes reports of rarities, some of which are unfortunately  
never confirmed or documented. Of course, the vast majority of birds  
reported on mou-net are accurately identified, but a few are not, and  
accordingly subscribers should be aware that the occurrence or status  
of species cannot always be determined from a posting on mou-net.

Again, for more complete information on mou-net (and mou-rba), see http://moumn.org/listservice.html 
. Please be sure to contact any of us on this committee if you have  
any questions or suggestions, and thanks for your continued