Re: Numeric character references

2001-03-08 Thread Didier OREL

Garth Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message :
986uv6$kr2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "Didier OREL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 985vuq$c2k$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:985vuq$c2k$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Hi,
> >
> > I try in my HTML code to use hexadecimal references character, just like
> W3C
> > suggest to do :
> >
> > å
> > å
> > 水
> Where does the HTML4 spec say this? On the page
> about character entities (
> I only see definitions for decimal entities.

Try, §5.3.1

How to extract the HTML parser, Expat and the widget only, really need help.

2001-03-08 Thread Kannan RN


I compiled Mozilla in window 2000 successfully. Also I downloaded expat
parser and compiled it successfully.

First i need to try HTML parser and the UI to do the very basic
functionalities. Where should i start. I will appreciate if some one can

Kannan R N

Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: Netscape 6 & DDE Support

2001-03-08 Thread Gervase Markham

> Please choose one newsgroup to  have this discussion and keep it there. From
> now on, this will continue in netscape.public.mozilla.general!

If you wish to achieve this, you need to set follow-ups :-)


Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: Netscape 6 & DDE Support

2001-03-08 Thread Gervase Markham

> Please choose one newsgroup to  have this discussion and keep it there. From
> now on, this will continue in netscape.public.mozilla.general!

If you wish to achieve this, you need to set follow-ups :-)


How to extract the HTML parser, Expat and the widget only, really need help.

2001-03-08 Thread Kannan RN


I compiled Mozilla in window 2000 successfully. Also I downloaded expat
parser and compiled it successfully.

First i need to try HTML parser and the UI to do the very basic
functionalities. Where should i start. I will appreciate if some one can

Kannan R N

iframe and document size and system resource usage

2001-03-08 Thread rvj

1. Can anyone advise if there is a relationship between an iframe height and
width and the use of system resources?

I was thinking in terms of possible screen memory usage.

ie is there a difference between

Re: [Suggestion] One significant, good difference - Web Security

2001-03-08 Thread Eric Gorr

Charles Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Removing the warning would be a disservice to the user. Outside of
> corporate use, most secure web-browsing is done in order to secure the
> user's transfer of private information to some server, so what the
> _user_ thinks of the level of security is far more important than what
> the webmaster thinks.

One more comment. This is not the kind of security I'm interested in.
The kind of security I would be interested in, would give no indication
to the user that data is being encripted during transfer. It would
merely be something the site designer could make us of to provide some
level of security without making any promises that any existed.

The self-signed certificates would most like be defeated by IE (at least
IE 5.0 on the Mac seems to do this) or some other brower that would not
recognize them as valid and simply refuse to encript anything.

I think something like this is worthwhile. It would be a happy medium
between scary warnings and no security at all.

== Eric Gorr = = ICQ:9293199 ===
"Therefore the considerations of the intelligent always include both 
benefit and harm." - Sun Tzu
== Insults, like violence, are the last refuge of the incompetent... ===

netscape/mozilla skins

2001-03-08 Thread _[:|]

total newbies here.
could anyone recommend a newsgroup concerned with the design of
netscape skins.

thanks in advance

RE: Can I Get the Files Napster Censors? <--- YES! Here's How!

2001-03-08 Thread owkyvt

Napster won't let you download that "special" file?  
Well, cry no more!  Everything you want is available 
RIGHT NOW at #MP3_DEPOT on IRC; the server is  

We have Jazz, Blues, Country, Bluegrass, Rock, Classical, 
as well as every new popular group you can think of.  Need 
some Metallica? Then come to us! We got it!  New Deftones, 
Eminem, Staind, Tool, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, 
Whitney Houston and m0re! Thousands of videos.  Direct 
instant downloads, cable speeds, no hassles!

If you are new to IRC, you are in for a real treat.  
There are none of the hassles you have with 
Napster.  You don't get half a file then never see 
the user again.  And, unlike Napster, we don't have 
a million users, each with the same 3 files!  Just 
download a database list, select your file and 
download it.  You can choose from over 50 MP3 
databases.  Our MP3 databases range from 100 
gigabytes to a terabyte… that's right, a Terrabyte 
of MP3's in ONE PLACE!  

Action_IRC is a small network, owned and operated 
By the users.  We are a friendly bunch but we 
unquestionably have the largest music library on the 
Internet.  We have 10 servers worldwide and 300 
channels.  Our selection is absolutely incredible.  
Of course we have all the modern pop, rock, and rap.  
But then we also have jazz, blues, bluegrass, country, 
classical, 50's, and anything else you are looking for.

Need speed?  Well, most of our databases are cable 
or T-1.  The servers are all megaspeed - all are on a 
fiber channel. You won't be disappointed.  And we 
have servers in the U.S., Canada, Europe, even 
Australia.  Wherever you are, there is a server close 
enough to give you top speed! 

But music is not all we have.  Action_IRC also has the 
largest binary library on the net.  Want movies?  Then 
visit #Movietime or #Movieland for them.  Is videos 
your thing?  Then you will want to check out 
#Musicvideos.  And don't forget to stop by #Warez4u, 
#Hotwarez, #Crackhouse, or #Gametime.

Everything you need and want, in one convenient place 
and, as a bonus, REAL NICE PPL!  Friendly chat, and 
OPS who are actually users, not pricks.  You have a real 
opportunity to pitch in and help your fellow internet 
junkies, and maybe earn OP or even IRCOP status.

So stop by and see us.  We will be waiting for you!


If you have never used IRC before, IRC is really 
easy to use.  Any of the following links will directly 
download MIRC, the program you need:

NOTE TO TECHIES: ONLY use MIRC, 5.71 or above.  
That's because you will need to load SpR, a MIRC 
script to access the databases.  It works only on 
MIRC 5.71 or higher.
Install MIRC, then look for this server:

If you can't find it, or are using an earlier version of 
MIRC (or another client) then either add this server:

or just type 


When you connect to, a window will 
pop up with lots of channels.  Select them all 
and delete them.  
Then add this channel
You need the #.  Join that channel.  If you 
can't figure out how to add a channel, once 
you have logged into a server and get the 
welcome message, close the menu box and at 
the bottom of the page just type this:
/join #MP3_Depot
No space or other character before the /
That will bring you to our channel  From there 
just ask any question you have and someone will 
answer it.


Re: Netscape 6 rendering of tables & forms

2001-03-08 Thread ValerieGSharp

Henri Sivonen wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There may be something in the specs to explain this 
> > behaviour, but  I haven't found it.
> Links to the spec can be found at

Thanks, but I found the spec some time ago... ;-)

However, in your document you seem to refer only to inline non-replaced
elements containing inline replaced elements.

The point is, I don't see anything in the spec to explain the use of
'line-height' in the calculation of:

1. the height of an inline replaced element

   [Re 'height' - "This property specifies the content height of boxes
generated by block-level and replaced elements. This property does not
apply to non-replaced inline-level elements. The height of a
non-replaced inline element's boxes is given by the element's (possibly
inherited) 'line-height' value." -  10.5
   and - "If 'height' has a specified value of 'auto' and 'width' also
has a specified value of 'auto', the element's intrinsic height is the
computed value of 'height'." -  10.6.2]

2. the height of the inline box for an inline replaced element

   [Re 'line-height' - "If the property is set on an inline-level
element, it specifies the exact height of each box generated by the
element. (Except for inline replaced elements, where the height of the
box is given by the 'height' property.)"
and - "Note that replaced elements have a 'font-size' and a
'line-height' property, even if they are not used directly to determine
the height of the box" -  10.8.1]

3. the height of a line box containing only the inline box for an inline
replaced element

   ["The line box height is the distance between the uppermost box top
and the lowermost box bottom." -  10.8]

4. the height of a table cell containing only an inline replaced element

   ["In CSS2, the height of a cell box is the maximum of the table
cell's 'height' property and the minimum height required by the content
(MIN). A value of 'auto' for 'height' implies a computed value of MIN."
-  17.5.3]

5. the height of a table row containing a table cell containing only an
inline replaced element.

   ["The height of a 'table-row' element's box is calculated once the
user agent has all the cells in the row available: it is the maximum of
the row's specified 'height' and the minimum height (MIN) required by
the cells. A 'height' value of 'auto' for a 'table-row' means the
computed row height is MIN. MIN depends on cell box heights and cell box
alignment (much like the calculation of a line box height). -  17.5.3]

6. in fact, the height of any block level non-replaced element
containing only an inline replaced element.

  ["If it only has inline-level children, the height is the distance
between the top of the topmost line box and the bottom of the bottommost
line box." -  10.6.3]

(References to sections in, including
Errata of 2001/01/22)

Any enlightenment would be most welcome.

Val Sharp - Edinburgh

Re: RealPlayer videos at CBS don't work

2001-03-08 Thread Greg Larson

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Benjamin Sher"

> Dear friends:
> [Using Linux-Mandrake 7.2)
> May I ask any of you if you could check to see if Mozilla .8 can play
> the videos on CBS at
> I have no problem playing RealPlayer regular sites AND plugins on other
> sites in Mozilla .8 (so far), but when I try to play the videos on CBS,
> I am told that Mozilla cannot identify the presence of RealPlayer and
> asks me if I would like to download it. I am using RealPlayer 7.0 (the
> rpm file).
> This doesn't make sense to me. Meanwhile, Netscape 4.76 plays these same
> videos.
> By the way, the instructions for configuring RealPlayer for Mozilla .8
> are at RealPlayer's home site (support, FAQ). 
> RealPlayer has a page with precise instructions on configuring
> RealPlayer 8 (or RealPlayer 7, as in my case). First, after installing
> RealPlayer, don't forget to go to Mime Type Plugin Install under Help in
> RealPlayer's menu. Then, follow the following instructions, which seem
> to be mean for Netscape 6 in both Windows and Linux. I, of course,
> applied them in Mozilla .8 and they work.
> The RealPlayer Help/Support URL is located at:
> Yours,
> Benjamin

The help URL that you refer to does not apply to the current 0.8 mozilla. 
There now seems to be no differance between plugins and other MIME entries
as there used to be in Netscape.  How did you get around this and get the
actual Plugin(i.e.  working [not  the MIME definition]?

Performance of Mozilla

2001-03-08 Thread Alan Zhu

Is Mozilla still trying to improve its performance?   It's much slower than
IE.  Try it's own stress test site:,  poor
Mozilla just 10 times slower than IE!!!


XPInstall problem on SUSE linux

2001-03-08 Thread Ed Burns

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to get the Webclient 1.0 distribution out the door, and I
have a customer who has run into problems trying to XPInstall the
Webclient bundle on SUSE linux.

If you visit this page using Netscape 6 or Mozilla M18: 

and click on the "Linux" button, on RedHat 6.2 it works, but on SUSE it

Can someone please point me to some other XPIable thingy so my customer
can test it to see if it's a problem in our XPI bundle, or some other



Idea: "Download History" log file/button

2001-03-08 Thread Fernando Cassia

On the netscape 6/mozilla code, there is code, somewhere, to show
"download complete" on the download status' window. Here's an idea:
right after that, add some code (I bet it could be done in less than 50
lines) to make Netscape 6, SAVE all that info (file name url, saved-to
folder) to an html log file, with the following info:

DATE-Time-Complete_file_url-File_Size-Saved_to_folder-DL speed

2001-03-01 23:49 1856kb
d:\incoming\utils-win32\- 2.3 kb/seg
2001-03-02 02:29 4kb
d:\incoming\mozilla\0.8\ - 3.5 kb/seg

Then, somewhere in Mozilla, and with a few lines of XUL code, there
would be an icon for the "download history".
(I'd like to see it on the lower-right corner). So when you click on it,
it would open a 3/4-screen sized window (a la "Edit bookmarks" window in

communicator) showing the contents of this html "log file" of all
previous downloads.

Why do this?.  I am  (and I guess a lot of people are too) a heavy
downloader, and 90% of the time, I need some file at a later date and
couldn't remember where I placed it, but I _DO_ remember WHEN and where
I got it from. (ie: "that big .zip file from a .de domain, last
week..."). Well, with this "download history" implemented, things would
be MUCH easier for me!.

¿What do you think about my idea? Anyone cares to suggest it for
upcoming Mozilla builds? What is the standard process to do so?
Maybe it could be implemented as a NS6-only feature? (there's some
advantage of using NS6.x over Mozilla daily builds  ;-).

Anyway... if anyone is interested in implementing this idea, hurry up,
because I'm sure there are M$ munchkins regularly monitoring this
newsgroup. I'd hate to see this implemented in M$ IE v99.x and hyped as
the "biggest invention since sliced bread".


Buenos Aires, Argentina

question on mozilla's default style sheet...

2001-03-08 Thread Code Junkee

I noticed the html.css file (which I assume is the default style sheet
mozilla renders with) has a couple style sheet attributes i'm not too
familiar with. If anyone can provide some insight as to what they mean or
direct me to some documentation (aside from w3c since it doesnt seems to be
any sort of css standard)...

Specifically, this is what i'm referring to:

body > *:first-node, td > *:first-node {
  margin-top: 0;

what does the "> *:first-node" mean? i know css2 has a ":first-child"
property but couldnt find anything on "first-node" or the syntax of this


Re: Idea: "Download History" log file/button

2001-03-08 Thread Nicholas Riley

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Fernando Cassia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyway... if anyone is interested in implementing this idea, hurry up,
> because I'm sure there are M$ munchkins regularly monitoring this
> newsgroup. I'd hate to see this implemented in M$ IE v99.x and hyped as
> the "biggest invention since sliced bread".

There has been a Download Manager in the Mac version of IE since version 
4.0, or maybe even earlier.  Other browsers I've used with a "download 
history"/"download manager" include iCab and Opera.  Take a look at the 
existing implementations, and see what you like and don't like...

If you don't have access to any of these, the following may give you an 

Nicholas Riley 

Re: question on mozilla's default style sheet...

2001-03-08 Thread Ian Hickson

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Code Junkee wrote:
> I noticed the html.css file (which I assume is the default style sheet
> mozilla renders with) has a couple style sheet attributes i'm not too
> familiar with. If anyone can provide some insight as to what they mean or
> direct me to some documentation (aside from w3c since it doesnt seems to be
> any sort of css standard)...
> Specifically, this is what i'm referring to:
> body > *:first-node, td > *:first-node {
>   margin-top: 0;
> }
> what does the "> *:first-node" mean? i know css2 has a ":first-child"
> property but couldnt find anything on "first-node" or the syntax of this
> context.

:first-node is a mozilla extension that escaped the "-moz-" prefixing. It
matches the first child of an element (like :first-child) but only if
there is no non-white-space textual content before it.

For example, it matches the  elements below but not the  ones:


Ian Hickson )\ _. - ._.)   fL
Netscape, Standards Compliance QA  /. `- '  (  `--'
+1 650 937 6593`- , ) -  > ) \ _  (.' \) (.' -' __

Profile - Help!

2001-03-08 Thread Ralph Freshour

Every time I start up my ver 4 of NS, I get a profile dialog box
asking me to choose between Ralph and Default - I don't care to have a
profile but what I'd *really* like is to prevent that stupid dialog
box from displaying - what's the best way to do this; remove one of
the profiles? and if so, how do I do that?



Bugzilla will be down Friday PM for an upgrade.

2001-03-08 Thread Dawn Endico

Bugzilla will be down Friday, March 8 for an upgrade beginning at
6:30PM and probably lasting between 1-3 hours.

A key feature in this upgrade is the long awaited addition
of user preferences for notification mail (spam controls bug 17464).
If you want, you'll be able to tell bugzilla not to mail you every
time keywords, or the cc list changes.

Other interesting changes include:,30823,6682,59515,37684,27669,25693,22041,21583,49306,69688,17464,29820,31081,47726

Re: Bugzilla will be down Friday PM for an upgrade.

2001-03-08 Thread Dawn Endico

UGH! I meant, March 9.

Dawn Endico wrote:

> Bugzilla will be down Friday, March 8 for an upgrade beginning at
> 6:30PM and probably lasting between 1-3 hours.
> A key feature in this upgrade is the long awaited addition
> of user preferences for notification mail (spam controls bug 17464).
> If you want, you'll be able to tell bugzilla not to mail you every
> time keywords, or the cc list changes.
> Other interesting changes include: